Chapter 3 Painful dreams
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I ran around looking for my mother my mind blank not even thinking about the blood covering me.

I don't get it I don't feel anything I don't remember being this emotionless I don't remember being so calm when I'm in danger this makes no sense why why.

I turn the corner to the exit on the other side of town and...

The same thing the death stench and the blood so much blood.

Please I think please be here please be alive please be like me please.

I pull the bodies away or try as much as an 8 year old can I see the old elf who gave my mom money for finding the book.

Looks like the book saved him from the first attack but not the other ones.

I look to the front and quickly turned my head back thats not her it has to be someone else just keep looking.

I spent what feels like hours looking in the back then the middle then The Front..

i was losing hope no i had already lost it i was just fooling myself.

I started walking to the body I saw earlier

My mind shut down I dropped to my knees my heart beating so fast it hurt I felt like I couldn't breath I couldn't think I...I...I don't know why.

I'm no chosen one no hero I'm just a forgotten orphan With no mother no power nothing why. what did I do why is this happening is this just how this world is.

i already know that about my old world but is this one same.

as i knelt there my knees started to get numb and I felt rain falling on me as it start putting the fire out. how long had I been here why don't I just get up and leave why am I stuck staring at this person there my mother she raised me.

Why wasn't I crying why was I just staring all I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears thumping.




I heard the sound of someone walking Is it the attacker's did they come back to make sure everyone was dead no theres only one maybe they just sent one or or sigh i just don't care anymore.

I readied myself for what ever they would do to me... but the burning shock of pain didn't come just a soft hand on my shoulder and a voice I can barely hear.

(It's OK your safe now you can sleep).

With that I felt really tired like I just took some melatonin or something. 

my eyes start to close the tears finally flowing with a sniff and a sob everything went blank.


As I approached the small child i tripped over my feet as i caught myself I saw the child's body tense up as if she was waiting for the attack.

I slowed my movement and knelt down next to her now that I was closer and got a better look my heart tinged with pain and anger at who would dare cause so much pain to someone so young.

I put my hand on her shoulder and said

(it's OK your safe now you can sleep)

i waved my hand and my ring started glowing as I focused on the thought of her mind calming and her brain releasing melatonin.

With that her body stopped tensing and her eyes started fluttering as her body fell down against my side she let out a sob before falling asleep.

After that I used some fabric to tie the elf girl to my back.

I spent the next few hours looking for more survivors but had no luck As a last ditch effort I used a form of Elamental magic called Vitakinesis.

trying to sense any form of life in the town stretching myself as far as I can.... but nothing no other life with that I stop dropping on my ass panting.

Sighing I slowly stood up trying to think on what to do with this elf child I don't know much other then magic and I'm not much of a parental figure.

I decided to think more about this after the elf is stronger and able to take care of themselves with that I started walking back to my tower.

It had been a few more hours since I left the village and the sun was setting so I untied the elf girl and placed her on the ground and started making camp.

Taking my wand from my belt I quickly made a fire and then used the orb to make a roof for the small elf and I.

It was at this point I noticed the ears of the elf they are smaller then a normal elf child's ears.

(That's odd I said)

I checked to see if there were any cuts or scars but there were none.

Was she a half elf no way the last recorded half elf was over 300 years ago if she is then she truly is the last know half elf.

I have to confirm this when I get back to the tower and she has regained some strength.


I awoke in a black void I felt as if I was floating were was I is this a dream.

I tried to look around but all I could see was black unending void.

After what felt like years but could only have been a few seconds a massive explosion happened in front of me and and just as quickly as it had occurred it ended.

It looked as if time was moving faster as the dust left from the explosion slowly formed spots of light then spots of dirt and.. wait this the big bang why am i seeing this.

This has to be a dream i thought but it was so Vivid.

I then heard a lord screeching sound and turned around to see two lights coming towards me.

I braced myself for the impact but nothing happend When i opened my eyes both my mothers were there looking at me anger on there faces.

my first mother screamed at me for dying in the first place

(You left me alone was I not good enough for you she screamed)

my second looked at me and yelled

(how dare you lie to me you not my kid you took my kid how dare you she screamed)

How dare you





The words started echoing as the as my vision was covered by a black mist and a young girl appeared.

It was me?

(Why did you kill me)

I said?

I...i didn't I had no choice I yelled

Liar the girl yelled back I'm dead because of you you took my body my mother you don't deserve to live why did my mom die and you lived...


Tears streamed down my face as I screamed


I don't know.

The scene slowly fade but this time a white mist covered my eyes as my second mother's face smiling at me came into view.

Oh luna thank you for being born she said.

As tears started flowing life might be hard but you can get through it even if mommys not there.

so please don't cry mommy's here she's right here..

She's right here


As I sat there finally having some time to think about all that happened I could feel anger build on my face as I thought on who could have done this.

the kingdom of 3 perhaps maybe but they are so far away it would take months and I would see refugees from other villages they destroyed.

And they wouldn't just attack a single village.

The dwarves have always been hostile towards the elves but they would never attack an innocent village they think about there honor to much to Sully it like that and they don't use horse's I clearly saw hoove prints.

As I struggled to think of who it could be I heard the elf crying.

I went over to investigate but they were still asleep

Poor kid must be having nightmares.

I placed my hand on her head and focused my Vitakinesis to cause her brain to release dopamine.

I hope you have a better dream now I said as I stood up to stretch.

The act of using Vitakinesis bringing back unpleasant memories to me.