Chapter 1 – I transmigrated
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I looked around as I smelt an unfamiliar stench in the air. The streets were dirty, beggars with tattered clothes lingered near the buildings and I could see people sleeping in the alley way.

“Haah…” I sighed, “Fuck…”


Bloodied and injured, barely managing to muster his strength, Kazu thrusted what remained of his sword through the heart of the demon king. A light exploded from its core as the red rain began to clear up. It was over, he had killed the demon king.

That was how my novel ended. It was a typical weak to strong novel, one you could find just about anywhere. A naïve MC who worked his way to becoming the hero. It wasn’t a good novel by any means, nor did it even have a title. I had never planned to release it.

I only had written it because I became tired of the constant cliffhangers, terrible endings and bland characters from other novels. So, I made my own.

Of course, since it was my first work, it wasn’t too in depth, it had a lot of flaws, but I focused on writing a story that ‘I’ would enjoy.

I thought it was pretty entertaining, I used some familiar cliches that I liked and overall enjoyed reading it.

Kazu, the main character was objectively a little annoying, but I liked him. The side cast actually mattered and had personality; the demon king wasn’t just like “Ah! I will rule the world just because I want to!” and people weren’t just dicks for no reason. I think my favorite part about how I written it was how the story didn’t only revolve around the MC.

If I had the chance to change some things, I’d had probably gone more in depth on the world around them and actually tried to make it a bit more realistic, or even making the combat a bit more realistic. But it was whatever, no one except me would’ve read it anyway.

It’s been a few days since I’ve finished writing that novel. I was going to re-read it in a few months when I’ve forgotten a lot of the minor details. But in the meantime, I had gone gung-ho on reading other novels.

They were my escape from reality.

A genre that I particularly liked were the transmigration stories. Ones where the MC transmigrated as a side character or even a villain. Though, I did hate one aspect about it, I hated how about 99% of those kinds of stories relied on following the main plotline to a T. They were always so worried about not changing the story and that always ended up ruining the immersion for me.

A few days later, something major had happened. Something I couldn’t even explain, the last thing I remembered was how I was reading a transmigration novel and cursing out the MC in my mind. Thinking about how I’d of done it differently.


I continued to look around, the dirty brick walls, the foul stench in the air, and the dim lamppost lighting up the streets had led me to a single conclusion,

“…This is the slums…Right?” I paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and sighing heavily, “Haah…”

There were only 2 thoughts that came to mind.

It was either a dream, or…

“I transmigrated…” I mumbled to myself before itching my arms.

Those were the 2 most likely scenarios, and one of those options weren’t looking to hopeful. I pinched myself, but I only felt pain, I wasn’t waking up from that if this was a dream. If I had really transmigrated though, I can’t say it’s all too terrible. Depending on what kind of world I was in would dictate my future, I was tired of my world anyway. A new life might just be what’s good for me. Though, if this world was the same world as ‘******’ I’d be screwed.

I took a deep breath before starting to walk around. I was looking to see if there were any notable features that could clue me on where I was.

There was nothing.

“Ugh…” I groaned, “Of course there’s nothing you idiot…You’re in another world, or just a really rural part of town. I don’t even know…Where the hell am I?”

I sat down with my back against the wall. I had looked around for a few hours, but I still couldn’t find anything. I had talked to some of the people who didn’t avoid my gaze and the only useful information I obtained was that it was ‘June 26th of the 30th rat year’. And that didn’t help me at all.

What the hell is a ‘rat year’? Just use normal years! And they really used ‘June’ instead of some other stupid word?! Am I in some idiot’s novel or something! If I am, which idiot’s novel am I even in! Is it ‘******’, I remember reading that one recently, maybe it’s ‘********’?

“Wait…” A sudden thought invaded my mind as I extended my hand towards the air in front of me, “Status…”

If I was really in some idiot’s novel, the most cliché thing would be a status screen. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier.

And just like that, just a moment later, a standard, run-of-the-mill, blue status screen appeared in front of me.


Leo Vondheart

Age - 18

Skills – Peace of Mind, Status 

Talents – Music 

Stats: F+ 

Strength: F 

Agility: F+ 

Dexterity: F+ 

Stamina: D- 

Mana: F- 


“Leo Vondheart…18?” I was taken aback by the first two things that appeared on the screen. That was my real name and age. Did I perhaps transport to another world instead of transmigrate? And what’s with the rest of it? Skills? Talents? Stats? That’s so cliché and stereotypical…

“I’m…fucking weak…” That was the immediate conclusion I came to after reading my stats, “Peace of Mind? Music? Are those really my skills and talents? I’m fucked…One monster appears, and I’m just screwed. What am I going to do? Sing the monster a song? Baby don’t hurt me! Haah….”

I tried to click on the ‘Peace of Mind’ skill and another blue window popped up and gave me information.


Peace of Mind (A Grade)

You are calm, it isn’t easy to disrupt your soul.


“…” I hesitated for a few moments after I finished reading the description, “Is…Is that it? Nothing else? Just a fucking open-ended statement? You piece of shit status…”

I swiped my hand and the blue window disappeared, I clicked on the ‘Music’ skill shortly after.



You are naturally gifted at music.


“…I don’t even care anymore…’


After confirming I was actually in another world, I remotivated myself and continued to walk around. I was looking for water, I felt dirty, and I hated it. The itching didn’t help either. After a while I came upon some gates, in front of them were guards with the symbol of a lion on their armor. I thought about talking to them, but they didn’t seem to happy, so I walked right on by.

Eventually, I had finally come across a stream of water. During my walk, I had all the time to think to myself. I originally thought I had transmigrated, but after seeing my name and age being accurate, I had thought I transported. Only after looking at my arm, I noticed I didn’t have the tattoo that I used to have and inevitably thought that I transmigrated again.

I dumped my head in the water before looking at my reflection. Brown eyes, messy black hair. Seeing my appearance had made me even more certain. I had transmigrated.
