He followed me inside before continuing to speak, “Do you know what this device is?” He asked.
I don’t recall ever giving it an actual name, so I’ll call it the status orb. It was the device that told people their skills and talents. It’s how most people would find out about their skills and talents, but luckily, I had a very handy skill that did that for me.
“The skill and talent device?” I asked.
“That’s right, once you put your hand on there, you’ll be given a piece of paper that tells you both, your skills, and your talents.”
“So, should I just touch it? I’m not going to get electrocuted or anything, right?”
“Before you do that, I do have some news to share with you.”
“Mm?” I tilted my head in curiosity.
“You’ve passed the applications, come back to the gates tomorrow when you’ve packed your bags.”
I looked at him with an empty mind for a moment before finally speaking, “Huh?”
I’ve passed the applications? The test? What? So many questions. They’re so many things I was confused about. I know I never specified how long the test was or the ‘right’ answers to anything. But how did I pass already?
Not to complain or anything, but I don’t think I showcased anything that would even make me a valuable student? Hell, I haven’t even showed them my skills yet.
“Could you…explain?” I asked.
“The test examiners have judged you to be fit to enter Heavensward.”
“Okay, I get that, but why? I literally just finished the ‘exam’, I answered 10 questions and walked around for a bit. I haven’t even showed you my skills yet. I was blatantly disrespectful in front of the examiners, and I haven’t showed you anything about me as a person. How did I pass?”
I know it was stupid to bring up my faults, to bring up valid reasons on why I should’ve failed. But I was curious, too curious for my own good.
“Leo Vondheart, the examiners have judged your character, what you think you’ve shown, is not what you’ve actually shown. We have eyes and ears everywhere, we can tell a lot of things. Students are not meant to be perfect. No one is, but especially not students. It is Heavensward job to help teach flawed students so they can learn. And we don’t accept or deny someone just based on their skills or talents, we accept them based on themselves.” He had a polite smile.
Eyes and ears everywhere…Huh. I understand now.
“Then-” I wanted to ask about Rio, as I started to speak, he cut me off.
“Rio has passed as well. He just has to finish testing. He’s still on the first phase right now though.” He smiled.
My body relaxed as I heard those words and I unknowingly smiled.
“Thank you.” I reached over and touched the orb. It emitted a bright white shine before going dark shortly after.
“Hm…Peace of Mind, Musical Memory, My Heart to You, Your Heart to Me, you have quite a lot of skills, Leo Vondheart.” When I looked over at him, he suddenly held a piece of paper in his hand, “The ‘Music’ talent too, impressive. 4 skills and 1 talent at that age.”
He doesn’t see ‘Status’?
“I suppose.” I replied as he handed me the paper. It really did only have the names on there, it didn’t have any descriptions.
“Do you perhaps know what these do? If not, Heavensward is going to be a great place to figure it out.” He smiled.
He has a creepy smile…Well, to be fair, it’s not creepy, but like just odd and unsettling…
“I do.” I replied.
“Interesting. Well, that would be everything for today. If you wish, we could send you the campus immediately, if not, come back to where we met tomorrow. I shall be taking my leave now.” He bowed.
“Before you go, I have two questions.”
“For one, I am quite curious about you, yourself. What is your name?”
“I am but a measly butler to the principle, my name is not important.”
“A butler, huh. Sure, if that’s what you call yourself.” I paused for a moment before continuing to speak, “Where would Rio be coming out of? I’d like to wait for him.” I asked.
“You’re better off coming back some hours later, the tests are usually longer depending on the person.” He said, but after looking at my eyes he continued, “If you wish to wait, exit through this door and wait nearby. He’ll be exiting the same door.”
“Alright, thanks. I’ll take my leave then.”
He bowed as I exited through the curtain. Suddenly the scenery around me changed, as I looked around, I could see trees, benches, and a lake. I was in a park of some sorts.
I’m still in the capital…Right?
The sun was still high up, so I assumed it hadn’t been that long since Rio and I began the test. I decided to sit on a nearby bench and count the clouds as I waited.
“Two hundred and seventy-three…” The clouds lessened and lessened until the sky darkened. It was now nighttime, quite a few hours since I passed my test.
There were some people who were walking their pet that came and talked to me, and even some parents who talked to me while their kids played. It seemed like I was in quite a popular park, I don’t know how Rio and I didn’t come here on one of our days off.
I yawned before a familiar person appeared as I opened my eyes.
I could see Rio appearing from thin air, looking around like a curious cat.
Oh-He’s finally finished. I wonder how long that first section was supposed to be then? If the second section is 10 questions, what was supposed to happen in the first? I kind of feel like I missed out now…
After a few moments, Rio spotted me, and his eyes lit up like a puppy. He quickly headed over and started to speak, “Leo!”
“Heya, how’d you do?” I asked as I stood up.
“They said I passed!” He jumped up and down like an excited kid.
“Nice. The others will be excited.” I ruffled his hair.
“How did you do?” He asked.
“I called the judge a dumbass.”
“H-huh?! W-w-what!?”
“Then I called her stupid.”
“And then I called her a bitch.”
“Huh!? Leo!?”
“That one was a lie, I passed.”
“Oh! Thank goodness-Yay! You passed! Wait-that one?”
“Alright, shall we head back home? I’m a little hungry, I hope Saul is up.” I replied as I started to walk.
“W-wait what do you mean ‘that one’!?”
We arrived back at the inn after a few dozen minutes, it was a farther walk than it needed to be because we got a little lost.
“You think they’re asleep?” I asked.
“Probably, right? It is late.” Rio replied.
When I opened the door, the inn was still packed as if it was afternoon. As Rio and I walked in, it got as quiet as a slug. Everyone was staring at us, it looked like they were anticipating something.
“Welcome back, boys, how’d y’all do?” Rachel asked as she stepped up in front of us.
“We uh…” As I was about to speak, Rio suddenly shouted with joy, “We passed!”
Not even a second later, the inn filled with cheers that could be heard from 5 buildings down.
“Pup and Leo did it!”
“Let’s go! We knew you could do it!”
“Puppy and Leo are going to Heavensward!”
“Woo! Rio! Woo! Leo!”
The patrons cheered with joy as if they were proud of us. It was an odd feeling, and a sight that I hadn’t ever seen before. Strangers being this happy for you.
“Beers on me tonight!” I could hear Halen shout.
“We’re going to bankrupt you! Ah-No beers for the pup or Leo though!”
“Let’s run Halen’s pockets dry!”
I looked towards Rio who looked at everyone with tears in his eyes.
“Rio, are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m really happy right now, Leo…”
“Yeah, so am I.” I ruffled his hair.
We ended up staying up until around 3 in the morning. Usually, the inn would of closed at 10, but Jennette extended the hours. It was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had, Rio seemed to enjoy himself too.
I ended up sleeping in until around 10 in the morning. I’d usually had been up at 6. Rio woke up shortly after me. I did my usual morning routine before starting to pack my belongings in a bag.
“Alright, are you ready?” I asked.
“Then, let’s go.” I replied while putting on my backpack.
Rio put on his backpack, and we headed downstairs.
waiting for the reveal of fem Rio
Thanks for the chapter!