Chapter 21 – Dorms
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We headed inside Class C’s building. Right when we walked through the entrance, we were met with a little open area with couches, tables, and even a bar, though there wasn’t any alcohol. Instead, the cabinets were filled with snacks and other beverages.

Looking around, I could see some signs. The sign to the left read, ‘Rooms 1-10, Gym’. While the sign on the right read, ‘Rooms 11-20, Kitchen, Dining’.

“Woah…” Rio looked around in awe. I don’t blame him, it really looked nice. The only thing I could relate it to was a 5 star hotel.

Are all the buildings like this? It seems pretty expensive.

“Let’s go see our rooms.” I commented.


We headed to the right before reaching the end of the hall. Rooms 19 and 20 were right next to each other.

They have our names on a little plaque, neat.

The building had all of the dorm rooms on one side of the wall. The kitchen and dining room was across from us, and I assumed that the gym was the same.

“Welp, are you ready?” I asked looking towards Rio who was visibly shaking.

“Y-yes! My own room…”

We don’t need a key or anything, right?

“Alright.” I replied before giving Rio a nod and opening my door.

On the other side, I could see pure white and a light that lit up the whole room. Heading inside, I closed the door behind me before slipping my shoes off. Right next to the front door to the right was another door that led to the bathroom. The most notable things in there were probably the full-body mirror and the lighting.

The bedroom included a huge bed, clock, a desk, and a dresser. It was quite bare-bones. I tossed my bag next to the bed before flopping onto it. It felt like heaven, even better than the bed at the inn. The blanket was comfortable, and the pillows were as soft as feathers.

But as much as I wanted to just pass out, I forced myself back up before closing the curtains and looking around a bit more.

“Mm… I might move some stuff around. Later though. This should be the wall to Rio’s room, right?” I knocked on the wall.

“Welp, might as well test this out.” I took a deep breath before starting to shout, “Rio! Can you hear me?” I wanted to determine if the rooms were sound-proof.

I didn’t hear a reply.

“Guess that answers that.”

I looked through the drawers of the dresser, but they were empty.

“I don’t even get a nightstand?”

As good as the beds were, and as big as the space was. The room felt a little lackluster. I know I didn’t describe it too much when I was writing it originally, but I’d expect more from this place…

“Mm?” Something caught my eye. A piece of paper on the desk. Upon a closer look, I could read, ‘Room Request Form’ at the top of the paper.

“Ah-Okay, I see how it is now. Just the bare-basic at the start and you can ask for more to get it how you like. That’s actually pretty sweet.”

I took a seat and jotted some things down.

 “That should be enough for now. Haah.” I yawned and stretched my arms. “Now, what do I do? Do I turn this into someone or something? Leave it at my door? I’ve no clue. I’ll figure it out later.”

I headed towards Rio’s room shortly after and knocked on his door.

A few seconds later, an excited, jittery Rio opened the door, “Leo! Look! It’s my own room!”

“That’s right. It’s yours. Could I come in?”

“Yeah! Please do!”

Inside, his room looked the exact same as mine but mirrored. Though, I could see that he already started decorating his room with the pictures we had took.

“Oh! Wait, hold on, I’ll be right back.” I suddenly remembered something I needed to do.


“Just one sec, I’ll be back.”

“Oh, okay.”

I headed back to my room before grabbing the bag I tossed next to my bed. Taking out a vase and the flower Rio had got me. I filled up the vase with water before putting it with the flower in it on my windowsill.

“There we go, can’t forget that.” I mumbled to myself before heading back out and knocking on Rio’s door.

“You don’t need to knock, just come in any time!” Rio commented as I headed inside.

“Alright, same for you.”

I took a seat on his bed, falling into the mattress.

“Do you already know what you’re going to request?” I asked.

“Request? Oh! For my room? I’m still thinking about it! How about you?”

“I writ some stuff down. Nothing major. But I don’t know what we’re supposed to do with the paper, are we supposed to give it to our teacher or something?”

Mm…? Speaking of teacher, who even is Class C’s teacher? I can’t remember… Who’s even in Class C? I don’t think I even wrote anything about it, considering the MC is in Class D. Ah-well, I can’t remember, oh well. I’ll figure it out as I go.

“I think we put it in the mailbox.” Rio replied.


“That’s what it says on the back.”

“Do we even have a mailbox?”

“I saw one near the building’s entrance!”

“Oh, I must’ve missed it then. Alright, well, when you’re done writing, come get me. I’ve got something to check out.”

“Okay! Where are you going to be? Your room?”

“Yeah. See you in a bit.”

“See you!”

As I headed out of Rio’s room, I could see another student entering their room, a girl with light-blue hair. It was the room directly next to mine.

Mm… So the sides aren’t separated by gender. I figured that the left side would be for the girls and right would be for boys, but I guess not.

I headed back into my room before taking everything out of my bag and getting situated.

Around 20 minutes later, I could hear a voice as my door opened, “Leo! I’m coming in!”

“You’ve finished writing?”

“Yeah! Could you look over it? I don’t know if I spelt everything right.”

“Mhm.” He gave me his paper and I started to read it over. Since he didn’t fully know how to read or write yet, there were a few mistakes, but it looked fine. “Mm? A small piano?” I asked.

“Oh-Yeah, haha. I was hoping you could teach me, I got a little interested after the birthday party.”

“Okay, for sure.” I replied.

But…I don’t exactly know how to teach someone how to play an instrument. I guess I can just show him what sounds nice.

“Shall we turn these in then?” I asked.

“Yup! Follow me!”

I grabbed my paper and followed him to the common area. And just as he said, there was a mailbox near the door.

We put our papers in there before heading to the kitchen and dining area. We were getting a bit hungry.

I looked through the fridge and cabinets, inside them were a lot of basic ingredients and foods to cook.

“Wow, it’s all stocked up. I bet Saul would cook the dish of a lifetime with these.” I commented.

“I miss Mr. Saul’s cooking already, haha.”

“Mhm. Did he teach you how to cook at all or anything?”

“Um, he didn’t.”

Well damn…I’m not exactly a chef either. I mean, I know how to cook some of the basics, but I don’t really want to waste any of these ingredients.

“Let’s see…Alright, Rio. I think we have like 2 options.”

Rio tilted his head.

“I can cook us something, it’ll be basic, but it’ll fill our stomachs, or-” I stopped speaking as I saw someone enter the kitchen, he wore thin glasses and had a foul look on his face. He had scruffy, curly blonde-hair.

“Let me see your hands.” He immediately spoke before coming up to me and grabbing my hands, inspecting them.

What the hell…?


Jack Rowe – 17 

Skills – Calculation 

Talents – Carpentry, Cooking

Stats: D 

Strength: D- 

Agility: F 

Dexterity: D+ 

Stamina: D 

Mana: F 


Jack Rowe? Is this guy also apart of Class C? Cooking talent? I think Saul had that too.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“What’re you doing in the kitchen? It doesn’t seem like you cook.”

“I’m hungry? You’re right, I don’t know much, but I can at least cook some eggs or something.”

“You too?” Jack looked towards Rio who nodded his head, “Haah, alright, go sit down. I’ll cook you two a meal.”

“Uh…Could we get your name at least?” I asked.

“Jack Rowe.”

“Alright, sure. But no fish, Jack, I’ll die.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

Shortly after, Rio and I headed towards the table and Jack started to cook.

“Um…Is it fine if he cooks for us?” Rio asked.


“I thought he just sounded a bit mean…Can we even trust him?”

“I think he’s a classmate, might as well accept his offer. I don’t really know how to cook, you don’t know how to cook, it sounded like he does.”

“A classmate? Are you sure?”

“I mean, I doubt anyone who’s not a classmate would be in this building.”

“Oh! That makes sense! If he’s a classmate, then I hope we’ll get along with him!”

“Yeah, especially if he can cook.”

Suddenly, I could start to smell a delectable scent in the air.

“Woah…Leo, do you smell that?”

“I do.”

“It smells so good!”

I don’t exactly know what he was cooking, but a sweet smell lingered.

A few minutes later, Jack came to the table with two plates in his hands. He set them in front of us before taking a step back and crossing his arms.

It looked and smelt absolutely wonderful. I didn’t know what it was, but it was some kind of meat dish with rice.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Jack!”

He didn’t reply.

“Well-uh…Let’s eat.” I said to Rio who nodded his head.

Taking it slow with the first bite, the food melted in my mouth. Bringing a whole new sensation of flavor.

Jack’s cooking was on the same level as Saul’s.

I quickly devoured the rest of the meal, longing for more even with a full stomach.

“That was amazing, Mr. Jack! I want to eat your cooking every day!” Rio smiled towards Jack.

When Rio looked away, for a split moment, I saw Jack’s face change to a slight smile before going back to his unhappy look.

Huh? Tsundere alert?

“Thank you for the meal, Jack. It was delicious.”

“No problem. I’ll be cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for whoever’s interested every day.”

“Oh, that relieves my worries then. Any specific times?”

“6 A.M for breakfast, 6 P.M for dinner. Any time between that for lunch.”

“Sweet. What’s your room number by the way?”


“Nice, Rio and I are 19 and 20. Oh-yeah, this is Rio Vondheart, and I am Leo Vondheart. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you!” Rio said.

“Let’s get along well.” Jack replied.