Chapter 23 – Class C (2)
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Grant Mispholfo, the Ghost-walker. He was a individual no one wanted as an enemy. A former mercenary who secretly invaded enemy camps and assassinated their leader. After killing the leader, he’d be out like a ghost as if he was never there at all. That was the man in front of us right now.

“Leo, are you okay?” Rio tugged on my shoulder and asked.

“I’m fine.” I replied before looking around at the others, it didn’t seem like they had any idea who he was.

Grant looked at his wrist as if he was checking the time.

I looked around at the other students to see if I knew any of them. I had no idea who a lot of them were, but there were a few names I recognized, Erin Stallone, a future knight. Issac Doran, a blacksmith who can hear a weapon’s persona, he’d also forge a valuable weapon for the original MC later in the story. But most importantly, there were two people that stuck out in particular, Taku Frostborne and Ayaka Frostborne.

They were apart of the duke’s family. But that wasn’t what made those two so notable. Their strength in the future was. Taku Frostborne, one of the strongest swordsman who uses ice magic, a spellsword of sorts. He’d eradicate dozens of monsters in a flash. Ayaka Frostborne, was even scarier, the Witch Frozen in Time was her title. She’d have enough power to freeze over an entire city…

I didn’t know these two were in Class C. I’m pretty sure they didn’t even meet the original MC until a few years from now.

“Leo, it looks like he’s about to speak.” Rio whispered in my ear.

I looked over towards Grant Mispholfo and he was clearing his throat. It seems like all of the students had woken up and was here.

15…16…17? There’s only 17 of us? Aren’t we missing 3 people?

“Eh-em, good morning students. I’d like to welcome you to Heavensward.” He had a stern but monotone voice, to be honest he sounded sleepy as hell. “For the first day, I’ll be leading you all to the classroom as I don’t believe most of you even looked around the place.”

I wonder if that’s a shot at me or if barely anyone actually cared to look around on the first day…

“This will be a one-time thing. After today, it’ll be up to you to get to class on time, 7:30 on the dot. Nothing later. Now, follow me, there will be no questions at this time.”

We all started to walk, following his footsteps.

When we exited the dorm, we immediately took a right, straying away from the stone path.

Huh? There’s no path this way though? Where are we going?

We walked onto the grass and eventually into the forest, a few minutes later we came to an opening where a big building stood. It was a building a bit smaller than the dorms.

The inside of the building looked like a regular hallway. He immediately took us to the closest door on the left and started to speak, “This is Class C.”

Inside was a regular, albeit huge classroom. It seemed like there was 2 people per desk.

“Take your seats.” Grant said bluntly.

So, this room is Class C. It’s pretty impressive, but I kind of expected a little more than just a regular classroom.

Rio and I took seats next to each other.

After everyone situated and settled, Clay raised his hand. “Yes, Mr. Addis?” Grant asked.

“So, if this room is Class C, what’re the other rooms?” He asked.

Good question. I’d think they’d be staff rooms, bathrooms, or other classrooms though.

“This room? That is incorrect. This building is Class C.”

Huh? Oh. Okay then…

“Huh!? Hot dilly damn! Really?!” Clay sounded shocked.

You know, it kind of makes sense. Considering there is a Class C dorm, why wouldn’t there be a Class C building?

“Correct. There is also a bathroom, cafeteria, training room, gymnasium, locker room, showers, and common room in this building.”

 So, this place literally has everything you need, huh… I wonder how much this all cost, considering there’s a bunch of other buildings just like this one for the other students. It has to be in the millions-eh…Probably billions at most, but definitely a lot.

“Any other questions?” Grant asked.

A girl raised her hand. “Yes, Ms. Appleyard?” Grant asked.

“What is your name, teacher?”

“My name is Grant Mispholfo, but I will be going over that more in depth in a few minutes. Any other questions?”

No one raised their hand.

“Then I will start. I will be going over what we will be learning about, how long you will be here, the facilities available to you, and more. Before then, I do wish for everyone to get along well and know each other, you will be together for at least the next 5 years after all. So, let’s get started with introductions, one table at a time, Mr. Rowe, we will start with you.”

Jack stood up before starting to speak, “My name is Jack Rowe, I am 17 years old, and I like to cook. Alongside growing stronger, I wish to also get better at cooking while I am here. If anyone wishes, I will cook them breakfast and dinner everyday. The breakfast will be started at 6:00 and on the table by 6:30, I only wish you let me know before hand so I know how much I need to cook.”

“Mr. Addis?” Grant looked towards Jack’s seat buddy.

Clay stood up and started to speak, “Hey y’all! My name is Clay Addis, I’m 19 and I grew up in the break-neck back of the woods! I’m pretty good with plants and farming. I hope we can all be pals!”

“Ms. Askew?” Grant looked behind them, towards the next table.

She stood up, “My name is Alessa Askew, I’m 19 years old. I come from a family of baron’s but please do not let that dis-sway you from talking to me. I hope to get along with everyone here.” She had a polite smile that reminded me of Jennette’s.

“Ms. Appleyard?”

“Good morning! My name is Evelyn Appleyard, I come from a family of hunters and I’m am pretty good with a bow! You said your name was Jack? Well, I’d gladly accept your offer! I can’t resist some good food, haha. I’m 19 by the way!”

“Ms. Pankhurst?”

“Good morning.” She bowed, “My name is Elena Pankhurst. While I am at this school, I wish to gain more medical knowledge. I’m 16, and hope to get along with you all.”

“Mr. Caird?”

“Alton Caird, 17.”

“Ms. Callow?”

“Hello everyone! Rosaria Callow, at your service. I’m 19 and I love to climb and do all kinds of gymnastics! I hope we can all get along well!”

“Ms. Nobbs?”

“Good morning.” She bowed, “I am Sophie Nobbs, I’m not very good at much but I wish to get along with you all well. I am 17 years old.”

“Mr. Hyde?”

“Mr. Hyde?”

“Ugh. Shut it, old barf.” He stood up aggressively, “Clyde Hyde. A warning, none of you better mess with me.” He immediately flopped back down to his seat, crossing his arms.

“Ms. Crosby?”

“Oh! U-um, I’m Katie Crosby, I’m 20 and I love animals. I hope we can get along well!”

Just ignoring Clyde’s disrespect? I feel kind of bad for Katie, being Clyde’s seat partner, it sounds like he’s a ticking time bomb.

“Ms. Mulvaney?”

“Hi-Hi! My name’s Paige Mulvaney, you can just call me Paige, or P, I’m 17 years old and to be honest, I’m very nervous. I don’t even know how I was accepted into Heavensward in the first place, haha. I hope to get along with everyone!”

It was finally my row’s time.

“Ms. Frostborne?”

“Ayaka Frostborne, 17. Don’t bother me, don’t talk to me.”

“Mr. Frostborne?”

“Hello! I’m sorry for my dear sisters attitude. My name is Taku Frostborne, the first son of Duke Frostborne. I am 19 years old this year and I’m an aspiring swordsman. I wish to grow stronger alongside you all.” He bowed. He had a gentle, but noble air surrounding him.

“Mr. Vondheart?”

“My name is Leo Vondheart. I’m 18 years old. I enjoy reading a good book.”

I took a seat shortly after, I didn’t really know if I should have said more.

“Mr. Vondheart?”

“Oh! Um-Um… My name is Rio Vondheart! I am 16 years old and I like hearing my brother sing! Um…Sorry, I’m a little nervous, um… I really want to make friends with everyone here. T-thank you for having me.” He bowed before taking a seat.

“Mr. Doran?”

“The names Issac Doran, an aspiring blacksmith. Nice to meet y’all, I’m 20 years old. If ya need any weapons looked at, I’d be happy to repair them. Just don’t ask me to create one for you, if you don’t deserve it, the answers going to be ‘no’.”

“Ms. Stallone?”

“Hello! My name is Erin Stallone, I’m 18 years old. I come from a family of knights and look up to my brother. I aspire to be a knight one day! Let’s get along well!”

“Thank you all for introducing yourselves, I will be introducing myself now. My name is Grant Mispholfo, also known at the ‘Ghost-walker’.” There was a small burst of gasps between the students but Grant continued to talk, “I will be teaching you all for the remainder of your time here. If you have any personal questions please come up to me during either break time, before class, or after class, I will try my best to answer your question.”


While most of the other students were discussing the teacher, I noticed Taku Frostborne looking at me.