Adventurer log – 4
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It's been one whole day now since I’ve left my hometown of Efanor but honestly it feels like its been much longer..., I’m missing my family more than I thought I would, especially my sister…Although I don’t want to admit it I did cry a bit as I was going to sleep last night… Okay that was a lie, I cried like a baby going to sleep but what can you expect from me, I mean this is my first time away from home and I probably won't be heading back home any time soon with what I plan to do, I want to climb to the very top of the adventuring guild (maybe one day become the guild master, how cool would that be!)

The journey to the capital so far has been relatively calm, although we have encountered a few monsters, they were quickly dispatched by the adventurers who are protecting this carriage (They were so cool while fighting them!)I talked to one of the adventures he’s apparently the leader of the group escorting us. His name is Rimmel. 

Rimmel is too put it mildly an interesting person, he’s kind and all but also he’s a white cat Beastfolk and they’re known for being eccentric and very very very battle hungry (The last battle was a good example of that…the amount of blood that covered Rimmel was utterly terrifying, I thought he was dying!) 

White cat Beastfolk are known for being very kind beings but they always want a good battle, even if that means angering the wrong people… The other members of his party are all eccentric in their own right as well!

We have Malabo who’s a spirit casting human (I’m still not so sure what spirit casting is but apparently they make contracts with spirits but I don’t know.) Then there’s Balgour who’s an orc! Although orcs are considered as part of the demi human races most of them are wild and battle hungry (just like Rimmel but far less nice) but Balgour is rather tame compared to the other two, or at least as tame as an orc can be Also he can cast some really awesome magic! (That’s so cool!).

When we encountered the goblins earlier I got a chance to fight one (there was only two of them), although it was restrained by Balgour I was still scared, it is my first monster encounter... still I got my first real taste of fighting and it was exciting, I want to fight even more now, this is nothing like the street fights I used to get in! I used the shortsword my dad gave me to stab directly into the goblin’s heart!, my shortsword was stuck for a while though and I had to ask Balgour to get it out for me that was embarrassing though he did give me some useful pointers on how to pull it out.

Rimmel taught me how to see my own status, he explained how experience points were gathered from killing both monsters and people, it's why army generals were so high levelled, he did explain some of the stats in the status but most of it went over my head.

When we set up camp for the night we had made some good progress on our way to the capital, I am so excited to finally see it in person (I hope it will live up too my expectations), Balgour showed me some of his magic while we were sitting at the campfire and I have too say it has made me super curious about magic, maybe I can learn some! He showed me one of the lower fire spells, ignite, a small flame came out of his finger when he used it! (I want to learn magic so badly now!)

Anyways, that's it for today’s adventurer log (I think), thanks for reading, I hope that in the future I will read back on this one day and have fond memories.