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Renix    just grinned sheepishly. "Hi."

They continued chatting while they went out to the street. It took them a few more minutes to reach his apartment.

After Jihoon had unlocked the door, he invited him inside. Junhui didn't hesitate to follow him in.

"Can I get you anything?" asked Jihoon.

"Sure." Junhui sat down on the couch. "What do you have?"

Jihoon thought it would be rude not to answer that, so he grabbed two glasses and some beer and poured them into it. He also added some ice. While he was doing so, Junhui said quietly: "Thanks."

"Why don't you sit down?" suggested Jihoon. "We can talk for a bit."

"You don't need to ask." Junhui shook his head, then said: "Actually, I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Oh," replied Jihoon. "Well, it's fine now."

Junhui nodded.

Once they had each finished their drinks, Jihoon brought his computer chair closer to the coffee table and motioned for Junhui to sit on it. Then, they switched seats.

They spent nearly an hour talking like this, laughing occasionally and talking about different things in between. Afterward, Junhui took the laptop back and opened it to browse the internet while Jihoon cleaned up the mess in his living room. When everything was clean, he offered Junhui something to eat.

Renix  declined politely, telling Jihoon that it was okay, he was just hungry after staying up late, so the younger boy left him alone in the living room and returned to his bedroom where he fell asleep the minute he lay down.

In the next morning, he woke up at 8 AM. When he glanced at the wall clock, however, he realized that he'd slept through the entire day. Groaning, he got up, pulled on his clothes and headed for the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and taking a shower, he headed straight for the kitchenette to make breakfast. After preparing his meal and eating it at the counter, he decided to go to bed. He didn't have any plans today.

He fell asleep almost instantly after lying down. This time, however, he couldn't fall asleep. Instead, he kept having dreams that consisted mainly of dancing. His body felt sore and tired. Every time he tried to close his eyes, he imagined dancing.

Eventually, he forced himself to open his eyes. It was already dark, but that didn't really affect him anymore. He sat up in bed, ran a hand through his hair and then reached for the book he had left on the nightstand earlier.

As he was opening the book to read, a sudden noise outside caused him to turn his head and look toward the window.

There was nothing there. A breeze blew through the small window. But he couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was there… Someone standing on his balcony outside.

At first, he didn't pay attention to it.