Front 1.5; Fire, Ice and Rock? – Part 2/2 (Originally labelled as ‘Front 3.5’)
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1.5 - Fire, Ice and Rock? Part 2

Still standing beside her, Sabban shook his head lightly, "Every time" he murmured.
 Una once more gave him a searching look to which, finally the young man relented an answer;
 "They do this every opportunity they get, especially after we've trained as a group".

"Umm but why?" Una asked reluctantly, her own eyes now firmly fixed on the scene in front of her.
 The two pilots by now going at it full throttle with Scarlet throwing her arms up in the air to match her own sarcastic assaults, while Hoki stood maintaining her calm composure, arms crossed but firing back just as many biting insults.

"Hmmm? isn't that much obvious?" Sabban said at last looking down over at Una.
 Seeing the confusion still present on her face he sighed and continued on, "You had Miss.Hoki as a special instructor for a bit, ya?"

'Confirmation that he does remember me!'

"I mean every new IAFS pilot has--"

'...or maybe not....'

"-- Well if you forgot, she's from that big family back on Bhaile, a whole lineage of soldiering history? And on the side of the Union in the First War. Well Rookie or not I bet I don't need to tell you about 'The Scourge's' history ya? Rumoured Abhailien test pilot for the first Vijaiks ever made, than spent most of a decade tearing up TSU supply lines in peacetime. They even say she was involved in the Remembrance Incident as a commander a few years back. Do I need to spell it out any further?"
 He finished half yawning lazily.

Una felt a little put-out by the patronising tone of the explanation, "Of course I know all that...Sir, but they're lots of X-Abhailien and Remembrance people here, they aren't all fighting like this all the time, are they?".

Sabban seemed to give that question considerable thought;
 "I suppose that much is true but it's not exactly easy going. Most ships in the fleet are made up of one creed, two at most, but the Fluchtig and Tradech are different - Round here you got Commander Nate and Kolme who're both old hands from traditional TSU before they joined IAFS - Then you got the engineering team who mostly came from Remembrance - As I said Scarlet's a true Abhailien and a pirate in her spare time. Finally there is those of us who came from the moon or other off-planet independent space-settlements.
 There's even a few from the TSU speic-, ahem, anyway I guess you're right that generally it's only the odd disagreement that breaks out. Those two are a speical case..."
 He grinned a little at that last comment, well grin was a strong word - More like a faint curving of the lips.

"--How do you expect me to hit the enemy when you are darting around like some hyperactive vagrant?!"
 The lady Hoki decreed haughtily.

"Snipers are meant to support the front line you spoiled dolt, S-U-P-P-O-R-T. Not just sit on their ass in one place waiting for the right shot!"
 Scarlet shouted back with an expressive hand gesture and vigour.

"The thing is" Sabban said, his gaze now firmly back on the rapidly escalating confrontation ahead; "It's maybe less to do with their respective creeds, than it is their personalities."
 He scratched absentmindedly at the back of his head, clearly trying to think on how best to explain; "Miss.Hoki is the strict type ya know? Always gives everything her all - Even simulations, but Scarlet... well you saw how easily she knocked the two of us around. Let's just say if she actually tried, got serious in that mock battle - She would of easily won in a four against one match."

Una stared blankly at Sabban, trying to decipher if he had really meant what he'd just said;
'4 on 1? Not even trying? He can't be serious, no one's that good especially in a Vijaik are they?!'
 But Sabban didn't seem intent on providing any further answers.

"You do this on purpose don't you, you want to make me look the fool by lowering my rank?"

"Your rank! Who gives a flying crap about ranks on some silly computer game. That ain't real combat princess, that's a bleedin' toy for children. You think you would survive five minutes on the battlefield with that attitude?!".

Una felt as though she were watching some abstract sport, her head swaying from one woman to the next as the two continued their argument.
    "Well atleast they'll be no more matches today." Sabban mused aloud.

Una felt her feet nearly give way from under her, "M-more matches?"

"Hmmm? Well ya, of course. Not much good in doing just the one scenario but I doubt there'll be more today, not all five of us together anyway."

Una swallowed hard, the thought of getting back in the machine, of facing off against the glint of the riflemen or that lone red eye again - Hadn't even factored in her mind, to do so once more seemed inconceivably, suicidal even - 'Just A Simulation.'

"I think you are forgetting who was in charge of our team 'Warrant Officer Grimizan'" Hoki sneered.

Scarlet visibly bristled at the statement;
 "I've made it clear before that isn't my damn name, and who cares about that kind of rank neither! What goods being an Ensign when you are that incompetent at reading the battlefield! Shove your 'study' title!"
 She shot back vehemently.

"Ho-ho and what would the mastermind behind 'The Skirmish of the 4th', or should I say 'The Massacre on the 4th', know about leadership eh? Is that how they taught you to fight back on Abhaile?"


A sullen silence fell over the underhanger, up until that point there had been the ambient sounds of engineers seeing to various duties, porters moving supplies and so on. All politely trying not to see the disagreement of opinions unfolding around them - But now all went silent, every trolley halted, every hand-tool held silently in the air, everyone held their breath - Even Una didn't need to ask what that meant.

Scarlet's history was a mystery, a 100 different rumours had circulated over the years, even back in Una's academy days, cadets would jokingly theorise about what her real name was or how she'd fair in battle against the likes of other ace pilots that had found their spots in the history books.
 But everyone in IAFS knew what had happened on the 4th day of that very year - Just three days after the war between them and The-States-Union had begun, there was no rumours to dilute the truth there - IAFS had been completely crushed in a battle Scarlet had commanded, a battle only Scarlet had survived.

Scarlet held quiet too, her jaw partially agape in genuine shock. Hoki now glancing around the room at the sudden lack of noise, showed clear signs of realising the veritable verbal mistake she had just made, of seeing the line she had so carelessly crossed.
     After a few excruciation moments of everyone readying themselves for the mother of all shouting matches if not for fists to fly - Scarlet finally responded in a low, despondent tone of voice;
 "....if that's how you feel then, then why'd you help with the names back then? Why even ask me to join this team if--"

Before she could go any further and with a couple dozen or more unrelated people in the room all on tender hooks - Out appeared a dithering figure whom clumsily landed on the ground squarely in the place between the two quarrelling pilots, half tripping before just about recovering the landing.
 Said man straightened up - A hand on the small of his back indicative of possible strain or craps - Before looking from one pilot to the other; "Hmm I think that's enough for one day a'right? That or I'll have to start selling tickets!"
    And with that the crumpled figure gave a half-hearted guffaw of laughter.

As though a signal had been given, Una was fascinated to see the building crowd now disperse. The workmen going back to their duties and the whole room returning to something near normalcy.
 "Better go join in I suppose." Sabban said dejectedly, having already started walking in the direction their squad-mates, Una close behind.

She recognised the man as their 'mighty' leader (well technically second-in-command) - 1st Lieutenant Kolme Nilas, 'The man with the plan.'
 Una was still yet to settle on an appropriate age for the man, he seemed to be a little older than Scarlet and easily twice the age of Hoki or Sabban - Aided by a sparse and grey head of hair. similarly grey sideburns and a constantly crooked posture - All lead one to think him a down right decrypted pensioner but that, she had to acknowledge, seemed to be a somewhat exaggerated front.
 Indeed that morning when the transport vessel had come in, he had been the first to help with the unloading, showing no signs of struggle against physical labour. Further during the mock battle he had been quick witted and considerate.
    Overall Una felt he must surely be somewhere around 50 - Although that seemed to matter little as she now approached.
    While the crowd had dispersed and the argument been tempered, it was very much so still on-going, except now it seemed to be between Nilas and a newly reinvigorated Scarlet;
 "Shut your trap old man, no one asked you to come loafing in, or can't the Princess back up her bark?"
Scarlet scowled across at Hoki as she said the words - Who in turn seemed to of completely backed down due to the harsh nature of her last remark.

"No need for that is there lass? The both of 'ya are at fault, no point practisin' if ye won't take it proper."
     Kolme snapped back, keeping his tone level but nearing what for him might of been seen as 'stern'.
He waved around a long ream of print-out that reached down as far as the floor, pointing animatedly at seemingly random numbers on it - Una recognised it as being a physical copy of the simulation result but had to wonder why the man had felt the need to print such a thing, rather than just use the handheld display strapped to his wrist.

"Now look 'ere, look how many missed opportunities there were. The two of ye are better than this - Oh that reminds me Sabban run through the digital cack for me later 'k?"
 Sabban nodded while averting his gaze from Scarlet's expression.

"Can't you even focus on one thing for half a second man!" The red-haired warrior demanded. Taking a step forward to point a finger at Kolme's face she added;
 "Only one here who's more at fault than the girly is you, you old dolt. What'd you have to go teaming me up with her for again?!"

Before Kolme could compose a retort, Hoki at last came back in;
 "That's a superior you are addressing Warrant Officer, can't you show any respect?"

Scarlet's glower found its way back to Hoki, "Oh learn to stay quiet woman! You know what, I'd of been better off paired up with that new girl - And with her skill she couldn't hit the broadside of a battleship, not that you did much better!".
 Hoki opened her mouth to go on and it very much so looked to Una that the conversation had gone in something of a loop - To the point that she now had to wonder when exactly they'd all be allowed to politely walk away - But instead Kolme bit back once more, an actual firmness in his voice this time almost befitting of a leader, almost;
"Alrigth, aright. By the Sun let me live another day, you two could argue for the whole blasted solar system!"

This abonishment delivered Scarlet and Hoki both seemed to recede a little.
     "Quite the first impression we're given the Rookie 'ear ain't it?".

Una had to admit this wasn't exactly what she had expected of today, all told it had been quite the exhilarating 24 hours. First there had been her somewhat botched arrival, then the excitement of her new machine, abruptly followed by a different form of excitement from the simulator, only to be topped off by watching her new home amongst a group of supposedly 'top-pilots' (whom it seemed spent most of their time squabbling with one another) erupt into the present situation.

Every new pilot knew what it meant to be aboard the 'Am Fluchtig' - One of only three in its class.
 The most famous of which of course being the already legendary 'Tradech' - Also known by those of a romantic inclination as: 'The Ever Moving Battlefront Unto Itself'
 They were aboard a class of ship that could go toe to toe with even TSU's capital ships - A battleship line made to lead fleets, the pride of the IAFS organisation.

Of course in reality the Fluchtig had been privy to something of a staff change and its current roster of pilots only added in the last couple of weeks, hence her own posting to it - But still she had expected a group of wizened Aces and veterans. Silent types, who probably didn't talk much and always addressed each other by rank and who spent every moment of the day training.
 This was certainly something a bit different to that.

"What's wrong with giving her a proper look at what she's in for Nilas?" Scarlet added dryly.

Kolme sighed deeply before going on, this time his face took on a new, lighter expression;
   "Look I know all of you have different reasons for being 'ere and different opinions on how things are being run.
 I know for you lass's it was this or maybe never see proper action again to put it lightly.
As for me and Sabban, staying aboard the Tradech any longer might just of sent us insane, if we didn't get killed off first.
 And I know as well as any of you what this is, we ain't the best of da' best - Heck we ain't even the second best. A prodigy pilot with zero real flying hours, an ace charged with a collusion count, two kids barely out of training and an old fart like me - None of that to mention that this ship has enough room for more then twice the current complement of mecha.
 The face of it is I don't think even the 'igher ups know what's gonna happen next. 6 months of this 'ere war now, and there's a stalemate. TSU are chasing ghosts while our side hasn't the power to actually assault the enemy strongholds that would end this conflict - But there's still need for pilots right?"

The older man paused a moment, scratching his chin before rambling on; "Well except for the fact they keep dieing off, IAFS has one of the worst recorded turnover rates in 'istory, Neo pilots droping like there's no tommorow.
 But still, jobs need doin' before the next big moves are made by the lads that get payed the real money. That means us, people who aren't good enough to pilot real w'pons but who always seem to come back alive when used as cannon fodder.
 They haven't got enough commander Ceathairs or Magi wiz-kids like Davrim to go around. So they've got to make do with us. A ship as morde'n as the Fluchtig needs decent pilots, but those are all really busy - So they send for the problem children.
 For us ya see and...umm..ahem..."

Despite having been speaking at some length Kolme's speech had waned its way down before it rather abruptly stopped - He glanced briefly at Sabban but the young man remained stone faced as ever.
 He then proceeded to lay a hand on the back of his head, eyes closed in what seemed to be pained contemplation. Una could of sworn that when he did start talking again, Scarlet had been a bare millisecond away from interjecting;

"Right, yes. Right.
 We migth not 'ave Casnels and we migth not all get along - But the fact is I think we can make the best of this yet. Commander Nate is... Well he's... he's a good man, that's what and I think and you'll all agree the custom Neos aren't 'alf-bad.
 So look you don't 'ave to like me or each other or this ship or your job for all I care... But we've got a chance here. This ship's an errand boy for small jobs and propaganda right now, who knows how long that'll last, but while it does let's make the best of it. Prove to finance that it's worth investing a few extra quid to give pilots a fighting chance at survival - Make them see that having less mechs but one's with better gear is worth the cost and make 'em see that we ain't so expendable eh?!
 So ummm, to conclude--"

Before Kolme could stumble out of his speech again, Scarlet finally broke her temporary silence.
 "Fine, fine whatever you want Boss, as long as it ends this dreadful lecturing!"
     And with that parting volley she began to stride away towards the door at the back end of the room, offering a bare wave of her hand in place of a salute.

The argument and the speech following it had been... Well it had been the sort of thing 'The Rookie' expected from the image she was quickly building of who the man before her was and her new squad in general.
 She glanced around herself at the remaining members of the group. With Scarlet's departure it did feel somewhat as though a tension was lifted from the shoulders of those still present.

"Well I think that went well." Kolme remarked sincerely with a satisfied smile on his face, "My best speech yet I rec'on".
 For his part Sabban simply rose a palm to his face, while Una did her best to look inconspicuous - Despite this Kolme still came to fix his gaze on her next, "Not 'alf bad out there Rookie, we'll make a pilot out of you yet!" He proclaimed beaming.

To his side Hoki still stood, her posture was different now, far more reserved;
 "Sir, I am incredibly sorry, my conduct has been unforgi--".

"Ah-h forget about it lass, you two just need more time to get used to each other and talk stuff out, I'm sure you'll make a great pair in no time!"

"Be that as it may sir, I really was out of line, surely I ne--"
 Kolme frowned at Hoki's prolonged apologies, a far-cry from her earlier snideness, something near guilt now plastered to her face.

"Alrigth then, alright - Your punishment is to take command of th' Rookie here for the rest of the week.
 Show her around the rest of this boat and make sure there's no after-effects from her first go on the simulator. Is that understood Ensign?"
 He said raising his voice to somewhat poorly imitating a more traditional officer.

Hoki in turn frowned back and looked about to argue about the merits of such a task as a 'punishment', but seemed to realise Kolme was set on his course and relented to the easier road, "Right sir, understood."

"Good, that's everything sorted then, I think it's well overdue lunch, don't you Sab-lad?"
 With his 'orders' relayed, the wiry older man turned on his heel and began to make for the elevator, only stopping when Sabban deliberately coughed aloud into his fist.
 Kolme turned, saluted abruptly, sputtered the words "erm right, Dismissed!" - And just as quickly restarted his journey away, his step notably a little quicker now.

Sabban sighed ruefully before waving a hand loosely in the air at the two remaining in front of him with a curt grunt of acknowledgment, before making his own way after their 'great leader'.
 Una admittedly found herself at a loss for words. She felt overwhelmed with information, the flamboyant personalities of her new-found teammates now foremost of all, their long winded arguing, her potential place among them, weird speeches and all the rest.
 She felt more tired and anxious from the whole affair than she had in years.

To her side Miss.Hoki glanced across, smiling kindly at the younger pilot. It was a smile Una remembered well from her days of training:
 A kind and warm smile that seemed to reassure any student that they could in-fact solve some mind-bogglingly complex mathematical equation or pass their make up exam. 'Believe in the me, that believes in you', was what one of her fellow cadets had once sarcastically labelled it.
    Of course in Una's case the smile hadn't really helped much with her studies, but she had always appreciated the thought and found it both comforting but also somewhat weird or even bizarre to now have her former instructor standing besides her - With that same old expression.
 Further for it to have been that very instructor who had been the centre of proceedings in an intense row until just a few moments prior.

'It really is turning into a very long day.'

"Shall we go Miss.Conchabhair?" Hoki asked through that same bright smile and so her first real day aboard the Am Fluchtig, came to welcome end.