Chapter 09: Another Proposition {Edited Ending}
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After getting breakfast in a luxurious dining hall, every meal was made custom to order. Lakara and Archer made way to answer the summons of Dean Harcacia Magtel, and Erenelle Maxi, the Matriarch of the Maxi Familia.

Lakara led him into an open garden surrounded by tall glass walls and ceilings. It was filled with lush foliage, several rare plants, and a few fountains and waterfalls that served as decoration.

Upon arrival at a grand golden metal gate, intricate engravings adorned every centimeter of the bars, forming a mesmerizing and everlasting mural. As they further approached the gate, Archer noticed an intricate Spherinder, at the center holding the letter M at its core. The mural appeared to him as though it was endlessly enfolding outwards from the Spherinder across the golden gates' bars.

He paused looking up at the gate, tilting his head as he studied the intricate details. He smiled and glanced back at Lakara, flashing the number four with his fingers.

"Hitherto, the basis of my Infinity theorems are still proving to be valid, even within systems of lower orders. She's employing a Lesser Infinity Aspect in the M via inscriptions to function as a quantum Wave Function. She's then using it as a point of relativity to draw order and log the interaction of every occurring change in real-time. I can only assume she's using advanced Soul Arts to transpose these inscriptions from the personification of the Aspects into the artwork decorating the mural." Archer giddily ran to a part of the gate further along. "Hmm, maybe it's more of a hieroglyphic type of deal." He mumbled, glancing at the story unfolding across a particular section.

"I can't tell you what she was doing, but this here seems to indicate some major conflict between two opposing aspects. The man in red without legs is slashing down on the blue nymph composed of liquid. If you move down here you see both didn't make it through the battle. Nonetheless, the runes and inscription lines that make up their forms, along with every other depicted detail, appear to hold a functional meaning that eludes me." He pondered aloud.

"Archer. We're meeting with the same person whose work you're ogling, remember? Reserve your flattery for the craftsmen, not the doorway to their laboratory." Lakara called to him with a dull chuckle, shaking her head.

"Fuck, you're right! You said she's a fellow shut-in researcher, right? The gate won't tell me how or why it functions, but she can!" Archer walked towards the gate with a wide smile plastered across his face, while swinging his arms in excessively embellished strides.

Lakara mentally facepalmed, "You know I mea—" Archer cut her off.

"I know, I know, just being a smart ass, I have to deal with your tense atmosphere somehow." He winked at her. She sighed in slight exasperation, giving him a light punch on the arm.

"Smart ass, indeed. Come on, let's get this over with. Hopefully you didn't make plans. The Matriarch has a tendency to be very... Well, let's say long-winded." Lakara informed him as they walked through the garden.

"By the way, who the hell says hitherto? Do you really just enjoy sounding like the pretentious narrator in a boring novel? Wait, why do I feel those are." Lakara looked to Archer and chided him as a way to get back at him a little.

Regrettably, as Archer was attempting to construct a clever comeback, he got caught up in his own mirthful amusement over his nonsensical quips, causing him to lose focus due to a different disturbance. As they approached, the gate automatically swung open, and after they passed through, it closed behind them. The sound it made after it was shut resembled the gentle ring of a bell on a shop door, though it ended with the trailing note rising to a fairly high pitch.

"I see our guest of honor has joined us. Do forgive me for not greeting you here yesterday. A certain person kept me... Tied up as she provided herself as the unsolicited advance payment for your room and board in the foreseeable future. Though I can say I regret it, ever doubting her remarks. I became a bit too absorbed in explaining why my research should not be interrupted by such things, and you have shown me that I was the ignorant one in that regard. In the future, I will make sure to address this issue. You will never witness such a lack of respect from the Maxi Familia again, I assure you of that."

Archer heard the unfamiliar woman's voice; he took note that each syllable was uttered calmly and with an incredibly precise enunciation. The unknown voice resonated throughout the massive room, yet despite the echo one would expect from such a massive room, it carried a perfect pitch.

Archer gazed in the direction of the voices and spotted an exceptionally elegant lady. She had beautifully pale blonde hair with stylish bangs cut perfectly in relation to her eyes. Enchanting crimson roses adorned the foundation of her two elegant black horns, delicately resting on their graceful arches, accentuating the stunning scarlet tips flawlessly. The horns on her head curved gracefully, straight upward and mirroring the contour of her face, creating a stunning resemblance to an arcane black tiara adorned with a garland of roses.

Her soft rose-red eyes reflected a sharp intellect behind them matching her voice and disposition. With her long ears and wise smile, she radiated an aura of wisdom that was immediately apparent to Archer's keenly observant eyes. He could discern elements of himself reflected in her demeanor and way of speaking, revealing a remarkable connection.

Although she may have seemed highly intellectual based on this alone, her expertise extended beyond just her mind. She wore a shoulder-less robe that hugged her skin tightly, providing a perfect view of her figure.

His eyes wandered across her broad chest, her robe leaving only the finest details to the imagination. Her body was like that of a curvaceous runway model, that yet possessed a rather sophisticated aspect. However, despite her voluptuous figure, she possessed a delicately sculpted physique that exuded a powerful energy and vibrancy, contradicting her previous attributes and resulting in a truly memorable appearance.


Erenelle Portrait Art - 1 - Succubus Goddess's Genius Disciple

Erenelle Portrait Art - 2 - Succubus Goddess's Genius Disciple


She stood in the room center next to Dean Harcacia who appeared rather winded and remained silent, giving the two a slight nod.

"Welcome to my humble abode, I've been eagerly awaiting our meeting. I'm Erenelle Maxi, Maxi Familia Matriarch and Head of the Botanical and Fauna Academy Research district. You've already encountered Harcacia, our untrustworthy and dangerous Dean who shamelessly leaves me to handle all the important matters on her behalf, despite being my only friend. So without further ado let's get to business." The Dean flinched at the Matriarch Erenelle's last remarking form of face for her though she said nothing.

Erenelle turned to Lakara with a gentle smile. "Lakara, you have my many thanks for escorting this back to Kira-Magtel. I will ensure your reward will be quite generous. Your attitude in dealing with this situation has left me deeply impressed. I'm honored to have you in my Familia and hope you've changed your mind about leaving us. I understand this place holds bad memories to you, but I hope you'll find brighter ones to come."

Archer looked to Lakara questioningly at the Matriarchs words. Although, before he could get an answer, she turned to address him directly, recapturing his attention.

"How does someone who has never practiced a single profound discipline comprehend my greatest accomplishment? When it took this one twenty years to grasp the concept you cracked in a glance." Erenelle pointed towards Harcacia with a downtrodden look.

"How do you manage to create such impeccable mathematics without relying on a quantum wave formula, or the principles underlying Euclidean geometry or N-dimensional calculus? Do y'all just feel it out by throwing shit at a board and hoping it sticks?" Archer answered with a question and a smirk.

"Touché." Erenelle's eyes had given off an air of impartiality, despite her body language, tone, and apparent interest in him. Taking into account his own personal experience, it appeared that she was merely going through the motions of the conversation, her mind occupied by something else. Though after Archer's reply a vigorous fire filled her eyes, he could tell he finally had her full attention.

Archer reached into the overcoats' internal pocket and pulled out a stack of once folded paper extending it towards the two standing across from him.

Erenelle suddenly appeared before him, startling Archer as she gently took the pages from his hands. Her red eyes flashed as she scanned over their contents.

When she finished she looked to Archer with a seriously grave stare right into his eyes, handing Harcacia the documents without looking away from him. Harcacia's eyes widened as she did the same.

A long pause rained while Harcacia flipped through the pages. Erenelle patiently waited for her to conclude before resuming the conversation. "Most of the knowledge in the Memory Soul Pearl Harcacia gave you was taught or derived from a person who was a dear and very old friend of ours. It was this person who first introduced us to the fascinating concept of the Infinity Aspect. Her Core Aspect was a Lesser Infinity merger between a Phoenix Flame type Aspect and a purifying type Lighting Aspect. Her work is what made the fundamental concepts behind Harcacia, and I's forging techniques, possible. However, we sadly lost her during an expedition many decades ago. The occurrence signified the start of a chain of events that earned Harcacia a notorious reputation, a nickname that resonates throughout numerous Dimensional Realms - the Siren of The Ten Red Seas. We tracked her path through ten different dimensions. We uncovered that she was being pursued in a meticulously crafted scheme orchestrated by individuals across ten different Realms who sought to harness her as a cultivation asset in order to train new disciples possessing her exceptional Lesser Infinity Aspect. Finally, we found her motionless body in the center among a vast sea of three million corpses. We experienced constant delays on our way, and it was heartbreaking to see her in that condition. However, her end was much more merciful than it would have been if they had succeeded. The fallen experts were highly skilled, with even the least skilled among them surpassing the Early First Order, level we refer to experts who have crossed the threshold of the one-hundredth Divine Tier."

"When we arrived, we found a message for both of us gripped tightly between both hands, along with the key to her laboratory. The message revealed the journey she had been undertaking was to search for certain artifacts and materials in these Dimensional Realms for a revolutionary project. We moved her lab here, and promised ourselves to complete what would have been her magnum opus had she gotten the opportunity to finish it."

"So, we assembled a large battalion of over five hundred Succubi eager to seek revenge for their fallen friends. In our state of wraith we moved with a scorched earth approach to acquire the missing materials she would have, had she not been pursued. The implementation of the concepts contained with her lab exponentially increased Harcacia's strength in particular, causing her to acquire numerous divine traits throughout the entire ordeal. Given her Goddesses' inclination towards war, she underwent a profound metamorphosis through every bloody battlefield we entered. We eventually collected the last pieces in the Dimensional Realm where the last of the 'Ten Red Seas' now dwell, gaining her former mentioned title."

"Our friend was working on a catalytic energy gathering formation that could power the entire Magtel province four times over without any fuel or maintenance costs. We have encountered a significant challenge in trying to use the different formulas detailed in her work, which has hindered our progress continually. We actually were planning to reach out to you for assistance with this matter today when we called you here. While we are familiar with advanced mathematics. At this level, it is usually more beneficial to rely on our spiritual connection with the Divine arts. By enabling us to establish direct communication with the composing Concepts and Dao Laws of an Aspect, the necessity for advanced mathematical reasoning like this usually becomes a significantly less practical approach. I've been briefed on your unusual origins and status as Abala's disciple, yet I wasn't exactly expecting anything quite like this here. So, I have an unreasonable request to make of you, that for which I shall offer a corresponding degree of collateral to compensate." Matriarch Erenelle paused, she was carefully choosing her next words. Standing beside Harcacia felt a growing panic, her friends silence capturing everyone's breath. She couldn't help but worry about what radical ideas her friend might be contemplating.

"I would like to form a soul channel with you Archer, allowing me to directly observe your last life in its entirety. As a gesture of gratitude, I would like to offer you complete ownership of the laboratory I formerly mentioned. It will become your personal property, with all the accompanying rights. Moreover, I am solemnly prepared to enter into a contractual agreement signed before the esteemed Goddess Abala and my own pantheon as witnesses, assuring you that I will never disclose any privileged information regarding your life unless expressly authorized to do so by you. If you agree to support us until the project is finished, I will reward you with the entire Maxi Familia as your vassal, granting you the opportunity to establish your own Familia. I don't make this request lightly, and I am laying all my cards on the table out of sincerity." Harcacia looked towards Erenelle with dumbstruck eyes, never would she have expected for her to offer a deal with such implication.

Harcacia thought to herself, 'Eren must be seeing something about him, that I'm not, I know she wouldn't give her entire Familia away for anything even this doesn't... Wait, wait, wait does sh—' Not able to believe the possible conclusion she was reaching to, Harcacia forcibly stopped her thoughts in their tracks. She just continued watching the smile on her friend's face and the twinkle in her eyes, it was one she had not seen for a very long time.

It took a little for Archer to process the load of thought-provoking information without being distracted by their myriad of implications beyond the relevant topic. Not sure how to answer her, Archer asked a question instead, "Why would I wish to form, or what do I gain In developing my own Familia?" Choosing to start small and provide himself with some more time to think predicating her coming lecture of an answer.

"The Familia's crest is visible in the tattoo positioned above the Succubi's lower abdomen. This emblem represents the fusion of the Succubi's own Core Aspect's Dao Law Rune and that of their Familia. Members of the Familia gain the ability to convert their Core Energy between Aspects. Our tattoo is divided into three sections: the upper part represents our Familia, the lower part symbolizes our Core aspect, and the middle part embodies the Dao Laws that make up our current Divine Seed. It is in this central area where the Core Aspect streams, released during sexual arousal, are purified to further awaken the Divine Seed. The energy released as a product for which the Seed has no need is then captured and refined by the outer two layers." She conjured a 3D projection of the process similar to an animation for a medical procedure.

When absorbed by the Familia's crest, these radiated streams of energy serve two purposes. Firstly, they accumulated within an ethereal storage bank for gathering Core Aspect energy both for the individual and the rest of the Familia's use. The more refined the Core Aspect energy is, the greater the balance to use for withdrawal becomes. The more refined Core Aspects one channels into their Familia crest, the stronger their own Aspect's mark becomes in the crest. This feature enables members to convert their Core Energies' Aspect into someone else's, bypassing the need to use their Familia Aspect Bank's balance. A modest tax is imposed on the familial crest, leading to a slight boost in their withdrawal balance and amplifying their own distinctive presence within the Familia Crest. Dissipating the projection, she ended her explanation.

Unlike the rest of us, Harcacia noticed in your 'fitness test' that you have opposite polarity Aspects Dao Law Rune in either of your testicles. unfortunately among the sub-races of Succubi, there are no Incubi present. Many thought experiments have pondered the differences in anatomy if an incubus were to exist; however, no record or book we have here has ever explored the anatomical implications of a Pure Infinity Aspect as a Core Aspect would have.

Nonetheless, we find ourselves contemplating this very notion now in the present. So, I can only speculate how the first Patriarch led Familia will function, but just like your reported Heat skill, we can assume it should embody the core principles with fundamental variations that will have significant effects on our people, same as your own existence is already doing now."

"I see..." Archer hesitated, taking some time to carefully consider her request before responding. He was beginning to see his unique nature amongst Succubus to extend beyond being just a catalyst in their cultivation.