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It was my fourth year of life in this world. In case you were wondering my birthday was in September. My sister’s birthday was in august and my brother’s was as well.

          This life was going well so far but Francia was doing some sussy (yes I said that) things in their country. Like mass drafting of counties and the blockade of northern Scotland wasn’t helping. We might have to go to war soon. At the first sight of this Graiger and his dad moved away to the capital of New Londonia. Our country seemed to be gearing up to.

          Tax collectors were taking extra money, as well as the pay dock that was inflicted upon my father. There was strangers in the woods were I and my sister and brother played.

          Dad said that no one was gonna attack this city. But the thing is this place we live is like Ireland and in this world, Ireland is full of mithril. A mineral they used to make bullet proof plate armor. Very important, and if they raided this city and used it as a military outpost they could eventually take the mines to the south.

          So I took precautions. I asked that old man spirit teach me berserker spirit magic. It was a form of spirit magic that took the spirit into you and let it strengthen your body in unnatural ways. But this came with a drawback, the body took on mutations. These mutations could be harmful, and if you took them in you for to long they became permanent. Though, since I was a spirit beastkin I was guaranteed not to get harmful ones. I tried it a couple of times and it worked great.

          The next year came and I kept training. I wanted to learn more, and more magic but I only had so much mana.

Later that May, my brother got sick and we didn’t have the money to get the medicine to heal him. I asked old man spirit if he could heal him.

          “no, I cannot heal him for I am a spirit that bonded to you and I do not know healing magic”

          “can you really not heal him at all?” I asked.


          He died, from the fucking flu!!! that’s what got him. That’s what killed him, dead! What the absolute fuck, does that mean that if my sister gets sick she’ll die too? REALLY!?!, that’s how it works?

Later that day I decided not to let myself get weak. Not to let myself or my family die from anything! I went out to the woods and hunted all the monsters in the woods. No danger no death. I came back to the house said I was going to sell some pelts and left.

          The market often was scary. Though my mind did not care. All that was going through it was that I needed weapons, tools, and other things like money and medicine. The blockade made things to expensive during my brothers sickness so this wouldn’t have worked anyway, but the navy had sent them packing.

          That’s when I noticed some fools had started to trail me through the streets. Finally, I reached an ally were some homeless people sat. one was a old man that seemed to notice the fools following me.

          “Now little one we have been paid handsomely for you, so nothing personal,” said one of the five thugs that pulled through the ally.

          “Oh, so you have money on you, do you?” I asked.

          Before they could answer I darted out and took out my self-defense weapon, my sickle. Gutting the first man, then moving onto the next, I took his kneecaps. The men were shocked. The homeless man was not though, but I had seen him in the woods and given him food that I made before.

          The last three men tried to grab me, but I rolled through there legs and took out the first 2’s groins. They screamed in pain, but I couldn’t help it. I was ecstatic. The smell of their blood made me thrilled. I then cut the last man’s throat. The homeless man simply said

          “Can I have the last man’s boots?”

          I simply nodded and took their money from their pockets. The money in this world was just starting to get modern. There were paper bills, and coins. The coins were more trusted than the bills. These goons only had gold coins; the gold coins were the highest form of payment. Equal to a one-hundred-dollar bill USD.