It talks
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          When I next awoke, I was floating on the surface of a white lake. The smell of salt was overpowering and when I opened my eyes, I saw the roof of a cave. I flipped onto my stomach and doggy paddled to the shore of this underground lake. My body was wrinkly and pale. I looked at myself and realized the attack I had taken destroyed my cloths.

          now that I was on dry land, I looked for a spot to rest my head and dry off. The entire shore was coated in glittering crystals. They powered into sand as I walked on them, and I looked down. This was so I didn’t step on any sharp ones. The sound was so gentle it seemed like ASMR, but I had to stay awake till I found a place to find my bearings.

          The cave I found myself in was wide and spacious. The walls glittered green, blue, and white, with some spots of oddly human shaped red spots. I didn’t let that get me down though as I went deeper into the room and sat down. I found a soft spot of sand.

          When I next awoke, I sat up and assessed the situation finally. I was stuck in a cave with no food or drinkable water. I couldn’t, or really, hadn’t found an exit yet. I inspected the room closer and found a black diamond set in the wall. Its black light sucked in all the sounding light and refracted green off of its edges.

          That didn’t seem to really follow a couple of the laws of the world. I noticed there were slight discolorations in the green and it seemed like the diamond was crying, or it seemed to me as if the diamond was crying. The blue discolorations ran down the edges and faded at the tip, then it started at the top again. I touched the crystal out of curiosity.

          When my finger made contact with the rock all my nerves activated. It felt like a burning searing pain, and I fainted from the sensation. (I know she would probably die from something like that but give me some slack, this story line is far from what a wanted to write.)

          When I woke up next, I heard someone talking to me. The voice came from no one I recognized. When I opened my eyes, I looked all around as the scenery had changed. I was in a medium sized room that looked to be made up of crystallized bodies, each one seemed to be made up of green, blue, black, and red. Or they were carved from multiple-colored gems.

          “Hey, kid look up at the sword,” said the voice.

          It came from a small leaf-shaped sword a deeper color of black than the void with a vein of emerald-green through the center. I just stared in shock.