Book 6: Chapter 6 – City of Gol
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It wasn’t long before several familiar figures took to the skies appearing before Ace with warm and cheerful smiles.

Seeing Arianna and each of her disciples, an expression of sincere gratitude and appreciation appeared on Ace’s face.

“Thank you, all of you,” Ace said earnestly as he cupped his fist and bowed his head respectfully.

After 15 years in this new world, Ace had long since learnt the customs of the people here, it was just that as the free spirit he was, it was rare that he personally used them, but after everything they did for he and his mother, he couldn’t think of a more fitting time to start.

“I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you take a bow,” Lauriella teased.

“Me too,” Lazerim added, stroking his beard and pretending to curiously study the dark-haired teen.

“Maybe he hit his head before he went into the coma,” Kimika guessed, looking at Ace as though he were an alien.

“I’m not sure I like this ‘new and improved’ Ace,” Mathias sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t think it suits him.”

“What are you lot talking about?” Wukong exclaimed. “It’s about time this brat shows this king his respect!”

Ace’s brows couldn’t help but twitch at their nonsense. It was rare that he went out of his way to show thanks and appreciation, and this is how they act when he does.

“Respect? Who could respect you, you shitty ape!” Ace snorted.

“There he is!” Mathias smiled.

“It was fun whilst it lasted,” Lauriella sighed, feigning helplessness.

“You old farts were the ones who used to complain about my not showing manners,” Ace rolled his eyes. “Make up your minds already!”

“I think what my disciples were trying to say,” Arianna said softly before the group could continue bickering. “Was that we were worried about you and that we’re glad you’re okay.”

“This king wasn’t!” Wukong snorted. “This king said what he meant and meant what he said!”

“Thank you,” Ace nodded respectfully, completely disregarding the ape-like young man’s attempts at riling him up before looking around with a hint of confusion. “Where’s the old man, by the way? I can’t sense him anywhere.”

“Your master recently felt a slight opening in his bottleneck,” Arianna explained. “He’s gone into isolation to prepare for a breakthrough.”

Ace was fully aware of the condition preventing Aiden from becoming a saint; he also understood that his master’s only way of increasing his strength was by increasing the power of his soul using [Imposing Devourment].

Aiden’s soul had long since surpassed anything a saint should be capable of; if he was preparing to attempt a breakthrough, it was so that his soul could reach the deity level.

This was Aiden’s self-created technique, so he knew the risks better than anyone.

Still, having used the technique once already and understanding how fragile the soul was compared to the body, Ace couldn’t help but worry.

The fact that Aiden hadn’t actively attempted to make a breakthrough in the last century spoke volumes about how challenging a task this was. Especially when remembering he was still suffering the pain of his last ‘successful breakthrough’.

“Is he sure?” Ace asked with concern.

“Your master’s path is unchartered territory; as such, there can be no guarantees,” Arianna explained helplessly. “But your master is anything but stupid; he wouldn’t be attempting this now without some sort of assurance.”

Ace was still worried, but he knew Arianna was right. At this point, all he could do was believe in his Master.

“What about Kil and the others?” Ace asked. “Where have they all gone?”

Aside from those before him and the youngsters staring up at him with glistening stars in their eyes from the peak of Yin-Yang Mountain, there was no one else around.

“Ooh, they went to the City of Gol to support Lance and Cirulus with the upcoming beast tide,” Mathias explained casually.

“City of Gol?” Ace asked weirdly.

“It’s the new name of the city that subordinate of yours took over on your behalf whilst you were taking your extended beauty nap,” Wukong explained teasingly.

“Is this what you were talking about before?” Ace asked as he turned his attention back to Amira.

“Why are you asking me?” Amira poked her tongue out adorably. “Won’t you know when you ask him yourself?”

“Whatever,” Ace shook his head helplessly, knowing how stubborn Amira could be. “What’s this about a beast tide anyway?”

“The city he and Lance took over was one of the ones bordering on the Forest of Darkness,” Lauriella explained. “As such, it has to face a beast tide once every few years.”

“Like Silverlight City!” Ace exclaimed as he remembered the scenes from that shocking battle from almost eight years ago.

“Exactly,” Kimika nodded. “Speaking of, my husband wanted me to pass on his best wishes to you and thank you again for everything you did back then.”

“I almost forgot you and Venerin were married,” Ace replied. “How is he and Silverlight City?”

“They’re good,” Kimika nodded appreciatively. “When you get some time, you should take that disciple of mine and pay them a visit. I’m sure everyone would love to see you.”

“I will,” Ace nodded. “But before that, I think I’ll go to this City of Gol and stretch my legs a bit.”

“Who’re you trying to kid?” Lauriella rolled her eyes. “We all know you’re just looking for some excitement with the beast tide.”

Ace didn’t reply, but the grin of anticipation plastered on his face said it all. Still, no one said anything to dissuade him. With Ace’s current strength, unless a magical beast at the middle stages of the saint realm, like Yasha – the black dragon from last time – were to make an appearance, there would be nothing capable of posing a threat to him.

“This king will come too,” Wukong added. “It’s about time this king got some fresh air.”

“Why do I feel like the two of you going out unsupervised is a bad idea?” Lazerim sighed whilst scratching the side of his head.

“Don’t worry,” Amira said proudly. “I’ll be there to keep them from doing anything foolish.”

“For some reason, that does nothing to put my mind at ease,” Mathias added.

“Ace,” Arianna called out. “Take your mother with you – I know how much she’s been dying to reunite with Lance.”

“That’s perfect!” Lauriella nodded. “With sixth sister there, none of you barbarians will dare to go overboard.”

Ace could only smile wryly at that. Judging by the cautious expression on Wukong’s face, it appeared he wasn’t the only one intimidated by his mother’s new aura.

“What about you, Fatty?” Ace asked, quickly changing the subject. “You wanna come with us?”

“I can’t,” Julius shook his round and oversized face whilst sitting on Leo’s back. “After breaking through to the eighth rank, I’ve officially gone from a disciple to a deacon here at the pavilion. It’s my job to support Elder Lazerim during the kid’s mage lessons.”

“Deacon? Elder?” Ace asked, not recognising the terms.

“Ah, right; with the pavilion officially opening its doors, I decided it was finally time to create a strict structure that future disciples can understand,” Mathias explained. “No changes were made to the structure of the disciples, but after reaching the eighth rank, students can either become a serving deacon like Julius or if they want to pursue a life outside the Pavilion, they can become an apostle.

Should you choose to remain an active part of the Pavilion, you would become a deacon at the eighth rank; then, when you break through to the saint realm, you would become an elder.

As for the paths of apostles, like I told you when you first joined, the pavilion will never restrict your freedom. If you choose to become an apostle, you will really only ever be tied to the pavilion in name only.

All I’d ask is that you not forget your alma mater, and if one day the pavilion needs your help, you do everything in your power to assist us.”

Ace didn’t need to say anything; everyone already knew that as soon as he reached the eighth rank, he would unhesitantly choose the path of an apostle. He values his freedom too much to be bound by the pavilion.

But at the same time, everyone also knew that with Ace being who he was, there was absolutely no chance that Ace could sit by and watch as a tragedy befell his alma mater.

Mathias could already see it – should such a day come, he had no doubts that Ace would be the one to protect them.

“Alright, that’s enough of that,” Mathias announced. “Julius, you have a class to finish teaching.”

Looking down, Ace could only smile helplessly at the looks of adoration and near veneration he was receiving.

They may not have been able to recognise him, but there wasn’t a child on the continent who hadn’t heard of the legendary child of heaven – Gol D. Ace!

The moment they heard Julius’ excited shout, each of the kids silently looked up at the young man who had been dubbed the leader of his generation.

“As for you four,” Mathias sighed when he looked at Ace, Mira, Leo, and Wukong. “Don’t cause too much trouble whilst you’re out! We won’t be able to take such an active role in helping you if things go sideways in the future.”

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Currently, 142 chapters ahead!

Book 12: Part 7 – Ace Humiliates the Augusta Clan