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Following your mission, a divine endeavor. To climb and reach for greater heights. Even if the whole mission, nay, the whole world was just a game to the two beings that summoned us. I found it vexing, yet exhilerating. A different purpose that could satisfy me more didn't come to mind. 

More than once I asked myself if I was put under a spell, just a marionette tied up by strings. The only strings I find myself tied in are the strings of fate, for they were too uncaring to exert power over me. It did not calm down my paranoia, a sure companion on my divine quest. 

The other four that went with us, may their blood pierce the future, they are not as interested in the mission. They are more adamant on exploring things for themselves. It reminded me of myself in the past, where I still was bloody and also self-minded. My blood may be gone, and my purpose changed, but that makes things all the better. 

I set out for the highest mountain, only to find out there were only hills. We were in the flatlands, the cave ceiling inching on us. Some days I wonder if a huge cave-in was going to happen and we would all be caught up in the tides. 

Then, I heard from a passing Klein, before his durasteel made good work of the crystals in this timeline and I had to jump back, of a gaping hole in the ceiling, very close to where we were originally summoned. The mission was clear, to conquer the ceiling above. What lay beyond the ceiling? First I had to find a way to fly. 

My first solution was with feathers. Our avian summoned could surely carry me up, provided I bribed it with enough carrots. I went to visit, but it turned me away with one wave of its wings. 

So, I considered alternate options. 

This mission, it had to be fulfilled. I could not already fail at the planning stage. I had many considerations, but none of them seemed to lead to the solution.

In the end, my avian friend seemed to finish its rest, or whatever it did when it tucked in its head. Sometimes I get the feeling it never actually rested, but was observing, observing a small universe inside the corner of its wings. 

It agreed to take me flying, in exchange for a total of a bucket of carrots. I set out to farm carrots en-masse, glad to have my farming skills come in handy. The inhabitants seemed to never eat anything else beyond moss and insects. Carrots were likely indigestible to them, and procuring the land for my operation was another story in itself. 

Finally, carrots in hand and bucket, it took me flying. Higher and higher.

Ascend. May the games grind and rust in the blood it spills, fueled by the Ancient still, until every last drop is spilled and we die not knowing our own.