Chapter 18 : Reunion
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“Sigh….” I sighed looking at the pile of papers on my personal office desk.

My house is not too far from Kuoh Academy. I decided to walk while enjoying the atmosphere in the morning. Because the school year had not yet started, the school still looked empty and only the teachers and employees on duty could be seen.

When I arrived there, I went straight to my office and this is where I saw a pile of papers that had information about the students who would attend school in the next school year. I couldn't help but exhale from seeing all that work.

"Okay, fine, let's start sorting nya~" I said while encouraging myself.


As I sorted through all the papers, I saw some familiar photos and also people I really wanted to meet now. I feel a little confused because it seems like the storyline in this AU world is very deviated from the original story which causes my sister and the others to go to school sooner than I expected.

Of course I feel happy that I can finally meet my beloved sister again, but I feel scared because you could say I'm not the same Kuroka as before, but at the same time I can also be sure that I am Kuroka.

This thought made me afraid that she thought I was no longer the big sister she knew and started to hate me for killing her .

"Hahhhh... it's better to think about it later after we meet in person, as the saying goes 'Whatever will happen, will happen' and I have to prepare for the worst possibility" I said while hoping that my sister didn't hate me .

"Finally finished nya~" I said while stretching my body from sitting for too long. If anyone saw my current condition, you can be sure that that person would faint seeing my voluptuous body combined with my beautiful figure

After a while, I finally finished my work. Looking outside the window, the sun seems to be setting soon which shows that I have worked almost all day in my office.

'Before I go home, let's make a quick stop at the minimarket to buy groceries and cakes for my little daugther~' I thought.

walking casually towards the minimarket while thinking about my daughter, suddenly I felt a certain signal which made me freeze in place then suddenly there was a huge aura that destroyed the surrounding area around me.

'Milady, are you okay?! Where are you now?!' Grayfia's voice was very worried in my head.

Immediately I started taking breaths and exhaling to try to calm myself down so as not to destroy the surrounding area, luckily I was still in a fairly quiet area therefore not too many people were affected by my aura.

Maybe my quite special relationship with Grayfia allowed her to sense something was wrong with me so she immediately called me using one of her magics to communicate with me.
'Fia?? I'm fine Nya~, I'm sorry I worried you, it's just that some bugs might be seeking death by bothering one of my wives' I replied.

Hearing her mistress' answer, Grayfia started to feel angry too because someone dared to disturb one of her younger sisters but she could still control her anger because she didn't want to make the Kunou who was nearby feel afraid.

'What's your order, Milady?' asked Grayfia.

'I might be late for dinner nya~' I answered calmly, but if someone saw my expression directly, maybe someone, even though my smile was very seductive, maybe other people who saw it would feel a fear that they didn't know where it came from.

'fine, I'll follow y-' before grayfia could finish what she wanted to say I cut her off straight away.

'No, I'll just go away for a while and finish it quickly and come back Nya~ and I want you to protect Kunou because I'm afraid that they will find out that Yasaka has the daughter and use her as a hostage Nya~' I answered firmly.

'But…. Haa, okay, Milady,' replied Grayfia, who still insisted on following me but gave up her intention and chose to obey her mistress' orders.

After giving orders to Grayfia, I immediately teleported to where Yasaka was using the ring I gave Yasaka as a signal for her location.


In the depths of many dense forests, there is a lot of damage seen to the surrounding environment which can be concluded that there has been quite a big battle but it is now over because.

“Stop rebelling and surrender quickly so that I don't waste my precious time in this place” said a handsome man with black hair and blue eyes. He also wore a mix of Japanese school uniforms and old Chinese clothes. On his right side there is a silver-white spear.

In front of him there was a woman who was trapped in a seal, the woman's figure was actually very attractive with a combination of loose kimono and yellow hair as well as a fox tail and ears, but currently this beauty was covered in dirt and blood around her body.

In fact, so far Yasaka has succeeded in eradicating all the insects in her faction and wants to return home to meet her little daughter and her wife, but at the moment she wants to leave.

Suddenly she fell into a trap set by a group consisting of humans called the hero faction, at first Yasaka thought they were just ordinary humans but after seeing that their leader had the sacred gear True Longinus, Yasaka started to take it seriously and had difficulty dealing with them.

At first she wanted to use all her power but she was in her territory where many ordinary local citizens might be killed in the process. Hence here she was trapped in this seal and regretted that she didn't call Kuroka earlier.

Seeing that Yasaka did not answer, the leader of the hero faction named Cao Cao ordered his subordinate George to begin the process of destroying the Kyoto leyline.

"Georg, start performing the ritual," Cao Cao ordered.

"Okay," Georg answered briefly.

Georg immediately approached Yasaka and wanted to use his power, but when he wanted to channel his power, the ring on Yasaka's left hand began to glow and created a shield around her which made Georg quite surprised because of how strong the shield was.

Seeing this, Yasaka, who had previously been sitting limp with her eyes almost empty, but after seeing the shield, life began to appear in her eyes and immediately burst into tears while imagining the figure of the woman who had saved her and also given her a new reason to live. With that, even though she still couldn't move, Yasaka now looked enthusiastic and prepared for whatever she might face and didn't want to give up like before.

Seeing the physical changes that occurred in Yasaka, Cao Cao felt something was wrong and made him cold. Sure enough after a while he felt the greatest fear he had ever experienced in his life. Not only Cao Cao but all members of the hero faction felt that his death was near.

Suddenly a voluptuous figure who had quite a seductive buttocks and also had large but firm breasts almost rivaling Yasaka's size with long black hair, several white strands at the ends of her hair and a black tail and cat ears appeared in front of Yasaka's seal as if as if protecting her.

“K-Kuroka…?” Yasaka called while unconsciously tears started to threaten to come out of the corners of her eyes.

“Yo Yasaka, how are you Nya~? Who made you cry?” I asked gently at first but after that you could hear that my tone started to become threatening because I was very angry to see the condition of my beloved wife who was in the seal.

Seeing the situation I immediately flicked my finger and the seal immediately burned with my black flames which had been enhanced with my origin power.

Yasaka was still dazed and doubtful at first as if she was dreaming right now, but after seeing the person she missed the most come in front of her and release her from the seal she was finally able to believe that this was not a dream but reality. without thinking, she immediately ran towards Kuroka and hugged her and kissed her directly.

I who saw Yasaka's arrival, without thinking opened my arms to catch her and receive a kiss from her because for what reason would she reject it? and I enjoyed the kiss for several minutes without caring about the presence of the humans from the hero faction who were still as still as statues without being able to move at all.

Actually, the moment I arrived, I had already released my original aura as the god of all the multiverse and focused only on them without making Yasaka realize it. I will never care about the effects or consequences that may occur in the future as long as my family is in danger.

Several minutes have passed and I finally decided to end our kissing session and said "We can continue it again at home with the others Nya~ but I have to get rid of the trash that has made you like this first" I said as I started to re-dress her and heal her. the wounds covering her voluptuous body. After enjoying my little reunion session with my spoiled wife.

"Please wait here for a moment Nya~" I said with a teasing grin like a husband going to the office.

"Fufu~ Be careful, Anata~" answered Yasaka, who followed my roleplay like a wife taking her husband to work.

After that I started to turn around, immediately changing my aura and expression, which was initially gentle and full of affection, now became the anger of a multiverse god and I went straight to the location of the humans who had hurt my wife.

"So who planned all this?" I asked so angry that I forgot to add the ending 'Nya~' to my words.

Immediately everyone without thinking immediately pointed at the leader. The group was originally a very loyal group and each member had a good relationship with each other but seeing the enemy they were facing this time, they subconsciously followed his words and immediately pointed. to his leader without hesitation.


Hello everyone ShirooYuki here~, I want to let you know that my Patreon is still the same as before and is still active. Therefore, feel free to support me on my Patreon!!!.


