2: New Oppurtunity
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It took some time to fully realize, but it has become evident to me. What first was so alien and bizarre is now a fact, I have been born for the second time in my life from a second mother. Part of me is excited, exactly due to the thought I made when the glowing child made me the offer. I get to be better this life, I thought. I get to be the best me, unlike all other, I get the opportunity to plan my life from the beginning and build myself up to whom I want to be.

It's not all sunshine and roses though. It is evident to me that there are more than a few problems in my way. First off, the location I have been reborn in. I have not yet seen the outside world, but is apparent that this is some third-world country. The walls are made of bare stone stuck together with some sort of mortar, framed by wood. The floor appear to be merely packed dirt. There are no windows, only wooden planks that are either open or closed. I have tried to look outside but they are too high and all I can fathom from my vantage points have been a blue sky. There are no electrical appliances in sight and night is completely dark. It is not too much of an issue though. If I can truly show world-class "talent" in this second life of mine, I should easily be able to receive the help I need. There are always organisations looking to bolster their nations reputation through these international event.

Secondly the language is unintelligible to me. I would have been able to manipulate my sorroundings to better achieve my goals, but the language is neither English nor the Spanish I had a cursory understanding of from high school. It is going to be annoying to learn an entire new language, precious time that could have been spent building up a better foundation from running.

Thirdly, and perhaps the biggest obstacle, is that I am a baby. One of the first things that happened upon my birth was a nipple was shoved into my mouth, and despite feeling grossed out and wanting to escape I found myself instinctually sucking on the teat. In addition, one of the first efforts I made was to try and have a look around, but my head wouldn't follow my neck and it hurt so much I was seriously afraid I had caused some permanent damage. I also instinctually cry when I get hungry. I shit and pee myself constantly and it is incredible embarrassing having my second mother or the old lady (my grandmother?) wipe me as I am incapable of doing so myself. I can't even move my legs and arms the way I want to or make my mouth make sounds I want to make. I constantly fall asleep even if I try to stay awake, making it impossible for me to keep track of time. It is truly a humbling experience and I can't wait to have some agency over my bodily functions.

Speaking of my mother, there is a total of 5 other people in the house. My mother is quite plump, but the way she nuzzles me and what I assume to be my older brothers with a delighted expression in my face makes me confident in saying she is full of love and care. She seems to be somewhere between late twenties and early thirties. She was bedridden some time after I came to be in this place, but she was soon up and doing all manner of stuff. She seems to make and mend clothes, cook food, clean, and carry firewood. Often with me in a sling around her torso. It is both warm, comfortable and slightly unnerving, with all the movement I feel.

The person I spent the next-most time with is the old lady. I presume she may be my grandmother. She is rather thin and looks stern when working or resting, but often makes a wonderful smile when she handles me. She mostly just rocks me asleep or changes my diaper cloth and hands me back to my mother or the crib, but she also talks to me and is the one to do so the most. She also often seems to be sewing or knitting something.

Then there is what I presume is my two older brothers. I have a hard time pinpointing their age, but somewhere around 4 and 6. They don't pay much attention to me and seem to be off playing most of the day and returning for lunch and in the evening.

Lastly, there is my father, whom I barely see. He seems to leave early morning and return in the evening. He must be a hunter, since the few time I have observed his return, it is with a burlap sack, revealed to have meat inside. He has only ever held me twice. He seems to have a permanent stubble, is quite broad of stature but not muscular and feels a decade or so older than my mom. He does have incredible strength though, as I have seen him rather easily handle what looks like quite heavy furniture.

All are fair-skinned. My brothers and mother both have blue eyes and blond hair, while my father sports a short red tuft and green eyes.

Now, let's focus on getting grandmother to speak to me so I can learn the language!