93: Three Dozen
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I am sitting in the main hall, chatting with Derby. He wants me to get better weapons, but I don’t really have the cash for it. That leads him to say I should ask Ahorn about it, but I don’t really want to. That’s when the door opens and people start flooding into the room one after another.

A man leads the onslaught, he is quite tall, bearded and looks overall tough. Not just as in personality, it looked like one would have difficulty chewing him, like his skin was leather or something. He looks to be around Derby’s age.

He approaches us, probably as we are the only one here right now. It is an off-day and I was planning to go with Yorgar to visit Amina and his wife, but he has not risen yet. I don’t know where the others are, but Ahorn is often missing for the entire day off.

“Houh, fresh faces? Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Parsion.” He introduces himself with an amicable smile, which we answer in kind and introduce ourselves.

“I am Yos, and this is Derby. We got recruited by Yorgar.”

“Splendid! Can you tell me where one can find Ahorn?”

“He will probably be back by tomorrow” The smile fades from his lips, and a few murmurs start up in the now crowded main hall.

“Again?! I told him to stop being so capricious! Listen, I told him so many times to make sure we know where he is, and he just up and vanishes constantly!” He proceeds to fill our ears full of how irresponsible Ahorn is. It is really weird, his position. I can’t properly evaluate whether he is immensely influential or just another guy.

We get introduced to a few of the guys who came in, but I feel kind of overloaded. There must be three dozen of them and I find trouble committing anyone to memory. Names and faces overlap and mix in my mind. Luckily Yorgar comes down. After a brief exchange, I try to leave with him, but “Ah, no, I should probably help with getting the new guys settled, you go ahead” or so he says.

And so I find myself visiting Amina and Yorgar’s wife, whom I have learnt is called Vasha. As I knock on and then open the door, the rusty old voice greets me.

“Welcome, Yos. Are you alone today?”

“Ah, yes. Yorgar couldn’t come since some business popped up. Where is Amina?”

“The girl is currently out shopping for me. It has been a great help to have her around the house, now that my old bones are failing.” So she is alone… It makes me want to ask…

“Vasha, if you don’t mind, could you give me some advice regarding Amina?” I want to grow closer to her. We lived together for 2 years, and though she hasn’t shown much of a personality, I just feel close to her. That and the few times she has gotten physically close to me has made me feel so comfortable. So many times have I tried to shorten that distance but fail.

Vasha’s face scrunches up, even more than the wrinkles already made it appear to be. “I will watch my words, since I don’t wish to betray her trust, but aren’t you ignoring her wishes by relentlessly pursuing her like that?”

“I don’t think so?” After all, the few physical contacts that we have had were initiated by her.

“Listen, Yos, if it was the deicision of her parents, that would be one thing, but” The door behind me opens and Amina enters. Damn, what bad timing.

“Welcome home” Vasha is the first to greet her, with me shortly after. I rush to help her with the bag she is carrying, looks a little heavy. There is a slice of meat rolled in some plants, a small sack of salt, a few fruits and vegetables in there.

“Hey Amina, we are probably going to start challenging the dungeon for real soon, so I was wondering… Before I get busy, would you like to take a walk around town with me tonight?” I try to invite her to do something together.

“Sorry sir, but I can’t bring myself to leave poor Vasha all alone for the night” She rejects it.

It is something that has happened quite often. I don’t know why she is like this. It frustrates me. Certain thoughts always pop up in my head at this point. Didn’t I kind of save her from an unwanted life? Didn’t I support her for two years? Wasn’t I there to comfort her and give her warmth whenever she needed it? Don’t I deserve something in return? I turn to Vasha.

“I am sure Vasha will be all right if it is just for one night” I say and make a pleading face at the old lady.

“Ooh, these old bones can easily fall into trouble, and I would much prefer having the young lady around to help me in case something happens” She chose to cover for her… Shit. Fuck, why does it feel so unfair.

I feel a rage welling up inside of me, but I don’t want to take it out on these two. I don’t think Vasha did nothing wrong and I don’t want to hurt my chances with Amina, so I storm out of the room. Shit.

I end up cooling off by wandering around town all the way until the next morning, upon which I return to the clan manor.