106: Entertainment
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It’s really refreshing, walking around White Flats, the city. I thought all materials came from the dungeon, but the stone of the buildings here is white. A white stone wall with a white stone guardhouse surrounding white stone houses. The houses are also different in that there’s chimneys. Some with smoke coming out of them.

At the same time, the temperature being different is something new. It’s not freezing by any stretch of the word, but... around 40°F? I am actually starting to feel a little cold. As I look around I see people wearing cloaks and sweaters and jackets. All other places I have been before, people were mostly wearing a single layer of thin clothing and that obviously isn’t cutting it here. I wonder how the climate functions, since I have never felt wind that didn’t come from running, never seen any cloud and thus no rain or snow.

I think I am going to stay here for a little while. So I think, as I find the local guild. It is not only a place to earn money, but also one where you can easily get information about the town.

It is around midday at the time of my arrival, which is good, since most hunters use the guild in the morning and another, smaller rush over the afternoon to evening. As I step in, I feel heat seep into me from the feature I have seen at no other guild, a large fireplace takes up a significant portion of one of the walls.

There a few people, whom I think are employees, having lunch around a table, and one behind the counter. The scene of three people eating lunch around the table remind of the first time I walked in to the guild in Brahms.

I inquire the man behind the counter about all manner of stuff. Where is the dungeon, where is an inn, where can I get some warm clothes, where one can find entertainment? I also think about asking the requests, but I don’t think I plan on doing any today. I should seriously learn to read already, but the few time I have tried, which I have done partially with Amina, partially through just observing, I get fed up about it.

The written language is not one, where each letter corresponds to a sound, but rather a series of symbols, each responding to a different meaning. In addition, in case there is no symbol for the thing you are trying to write, it seems they just invent one, the add smaller symbols above it, that sound out the word. I can speak the language fine, so if only it had been so easy as to sound out consonants and vowels, I would have gotten by easily.

No matter, I run the errands I have set forth by acquiring some suitable clothes, I go for the sweater option, and getting a room with the local in. I was about to pay for lodging only and no food, since I don’t need it, but the cold air makes me want to eat something hot, so I end up paying anyway.

I quickly contemplate diving deep into the dungeon, in order to see God again, but decide against it. I don’t know if the previous one was easy or hard, and it took me almost two years. If this one ends up being even harder, I could be stuck down there for God knows how long, and I would like to inform Ahorn about it, before he dies of old age… Wait, how long is Ahorn supposed to live, anyway? He clearly isn’t human, so he could have a weirdly long or weirdly short lifespan.

I wonder if any of the heroes came from the same world I did. Might be fun if that ends up happening, getting a rundown on what happened to the world over the span of 800 or how many years it is I have been alive here anyway.

I make it to my final destination planned for today, the entertainment. I tried to subtly hint that it should be with women to the man behind the counter, which he seemed to catch, judging by his own knowing gestures, but something feels a little off.

The building I am approaching has two girls standing outside in… very little clothes. They must be very cold, standing here in the cold.

As I approach I am addressed in a suggestive tone.

“The fine gentleman over here, come in an enjoy the warmth of young women!”

I merely nod and move my feet inside. Something is wrong again. This appears to be more or less a living room, with plenty of furniture and people on it.

An older lady stands by the entrance, gaudily dressed up, who directs me to the over side of the room, where various couches and sofa chair are, a lot of women sitting on them in weird ways. One is laying alongside a couch and doing weird stretches with her legs, another is upside down on a sofa chair, with her legs over the backrest, playfully smiling as my eyes course over her.

The old lady approaches me “The young man seeing anything he likes, all here are available to service you” She says, gesturing over the eight women or so, using furniture in ways not intended. I guess they let you choose your server, let’s see.

I end up choosing a short, busty brunette, who was standing behind an empty sofa chair, pressing her breast down on the backrest. She smiles.

“That’ll be 100 asti as down payment” The old lady asks of me. Expensive! The place in Berliso was only 12 asti! But I have been looking forward to this for too long, so I reluctantly pay her.

Upon the old lady receiving payment, she nods to the brunette, who cheerfully grabs me by the hand and leads me up the stairs. She doesn’t bring any alcohol, as she leads me through a hallway with a dozen doors or so. I think it strange that I can’t hear anybody else, but I guess it is early in the day.

I am led into one of the rooms, and it keeps getting stranger. There is no table of comfortable sitting place, only a bed in here.