Chapter 9 ~ A bad day in the village
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"What a crazy you are! she's only sixteen.."

Unlike the mother, her daughter didn't change her features and didn't shed a single tear. Even when that pirate put his hand on her breasts, she didn't do anything or even look at him. This made that pirate feel a little curious.

He brought his face very close to hers and looked straight into her eyes, but she wasn't looking at him, her field of vision was limited to her crying mother on the floor.

That man put his mouth very close to her ear, removed his hand from her breast, then put the fingers of that hand on her chin and whispered in her ear, saying;

"You can pretend to be strong now, but I will make you cry tonight."

That girl said in a quiet voice, as if everything that happened was normal for her;

"You are defective"

Immediately after her words, a fat man came running and shouting from behind saying;

"Damn the pirates!"

That fat man was carrying an ax he used for firewood, it seemed that he was hiding in some house, because the people in the crowd had no weapons. He targeted the neck of that pirate who was talking to that girl.

"You're too slow, old man."

That pirate pushed that girl until she fell to the ground so that the ax wouldn't touch her and he lowered his head down quickly to avoid the ax. At that moment when he was bending down, he took his sword from the ground and planted it in the stomach of that fat man until the blood spurted from his stomach.



That man who holding the ax was panting hard, and his blood was dripping on the ground. His strength failed and his ax fell to the ground.

Then he said while he was barely breathing;

"Damn this! this is not the end... someone will come to make you bastards suffer!"

That pirate answered him in a calm and arrogant tone;

"Well, well, I get it, you're right. There will come a day when I will regret for this. Can't you change those words a little? Every weak person who dies at my hands says the same thing. I enjoy my life, I steal, I kill, I do what I want. I can always have women, and I can always have gold and everything I want. And weak people like you keep spouting that nonsense about 'Fate's Justice!'... Oh! Speaking of Justice!"

The pirate stopped speaking for a moment, then slowly pulled his sword out of that man's stomach, and the fat man fell to the ground, barely able to hear what was around him.



The blood of that man in the sword was falling drop by drop onto the ground. The pirate looked at his sword that had turned red because of that man's blood, then he sighed and flicked his sword quickly in the air, drops of blood splattered on the faces of the villagers seated in the crowd. Some of them became afraid. Some of them started crying. Some of them went crazy and tried to resist!

"That's enough! I can't stand this!"

A twenty-year-old man lost his mind from fear after that blood touched his face. He shouted and then started running away from the crowd. but...


That young man's head flew into the air, the pirate crew had killed him because he was trying to escape. As a result of his killing, one of the children in the crowd urinated his pants out of fear. Some of them put their hands in their mouths so they won't scream out of fear, and so that they won't be executed, as what just happened.

Those pirates were gathering all the villagers and putting them in that crowd. They search the houses one by one, so that no one can hide or run away. They also take everything of value from those homes. The beautiful women are led to the ship without harming them, and as for the men, they are killed if they try to resist or even if they disobey the orders of the pirates. Many men who didn't want to lose their wives or daughters died at the hands of the pirates. Thus, they will control the western side of the village, and the same thing happens in the other three sides.

The pirate who spoke to that girl and killed that fat man threw his sword on the ground again, then raised his hands high and looked towards the frightened crowd of villagers and said to them;

"What was I talking about? Oh that's right. I was about to say something wonderful as always. We were talking about justice. Do you know why you guys are dying so easily now? The answer is simple, because you depend on the Navy. You trust the Marine so much. You thought they would be able to protect you. But they don't protect you seriously. There were only three soldiers when we got here. And they were so weak. Do you know why the navy didn't protect you seriously? Haha! Of course you don't know, you are just a bunch of idiots hiding inside this snowy land, just a snow worms! There is nothing of value on this island. That's why the Navy won't help you. Because you don't give them any compensation. No money, nothing useful. This world is an exchange of things, you give me money, and I give you this or that. It's simple. We will also take your wives and a little of your money. In return, we will give you your life. If you refuse, you will lose your life, and we will simply kill you, and then we will take the women. In any case, the result is the same. Any fool who wants to pretend to be a hero will die."

Those were the pirate's words. and he's not just a person talking in vain, he's Makiho and he's the third most powerful person on the ship. He is the second vice-captain.

Trust me, it's a tragic arc, not a tragic story.