I Finally Found Civilization, But Wait? Someone is Posing As Me?
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It's been so long since I seen the other students from my class. The only thing I remember was sleeping on the bus and waking up to all of this... a whole new world. It was crazy right? I should be in a dream right now, this feels to unreal.

Besides my feelings right now, safety was one thing I needed to focus on. Who knew what came out when during the dark of this new world? 

I carried Sakura on my back, not struggling whatsoever to hold her weight up. She wasn't heavy at all, but I was naturally weak and scrawny, so I would have trouble carrying her, but not this time. Why? Simply cause of my Copy System.

"...Ahhhh thank god I copied Garmr's strength! This is so helpful." 

I released an sigh of relief. This was gonna be an easy life, I could just feel it. Anyways, as I walked through the empty vast lands of the grassy field, Garmr next to me would have her ears wiggle.

"Master, we are nearing a kingdom!"


Well that was a surprise. The sun in the sky was slowly going down over the mountains in the vast distance, so this was perfect timing to find a kingdom before nightfall.

Me and Garmr walked up the hill in front of us until we finally reached the top.


Once we made it to the top, I didn't know what to say. The sight before me was... beautiful!

"...Where are we?"

Garmr wiggled her tail side to side happily, however she was still naked... she needed clothes.

"We are in the Kingdom of Leegran!"

"...The kingdom of Leegran? I swear I heard of that name before." 

Garmr nodded her head as she gotten closer to me, pushing her breasts up onto my shoulder.

"Yes master... the Giant known as Abigail Leegran built this kingdom. She is the ruler of this place, and protector as well!"

"...Abigail Leegran huh?"

I looked down on my shoulder to see her breasts rubbing against me, causing me to blush...

"Seriously, you need to find some clothes!!!"

Garmr's ears would slowly go down as an saddened expression shown upon her face.

"What's the matter, Master Habiki? Is my appearance not to your liking?"

Wait, no! I didn't mean that at all. Garmr looked so sad, her ears even fell down... it made me feel bad.

"No! Your appearance is wonderful Garmr, it's just uh... uhhh... well, you know... you're naked!"

Garmr looked down at her naked appearance and played with her chest.

"Isn't it normal to be like this?"


I stepped ahead from panicking and suddenly fell forward.


I was about to fall down the hill, but luckily I managed to turn around and push Sakura off of me just in time.

"I'm gonna fall—!"

I hit my back against the hill before bouncing up, and doing the same again. I looked like a bouncy ball constantly bouncing up and down, until I balled myself up to protect myself.

"Garmr help!!!"

I called for Garmr but my voice was drowned out from the sound of my loud obnoxious grunting. 

"What did you say Master Habiki?"


I yelled it again but she still couldn't hear me.

My body eventually reached the bottom of the hill and I stood back up dizzy, unable to walk straight anymore.

"...Yep... I'm not dreaming after all...."

Walking over to some large rock next to me, I leaned against it before holding my head in pain.

"Even with my strength as an Ancient Wolf... that freaking hurts!"

I looked next to me, seeing Garmr right beside me holding Sakura on her shoulder.

"Master, why didn't you stop yourself from rolling down the hill?"

"I asked you to save me!"

Was she serious right now?

"I couldn't hear you... I apologize master Habiki."

Wait a minute, where did she get those clothes from?

"...Hold on a second Garmr, where you get those clothes from?"

Right now she was wearing a fur coat, fur boots, and gauntlets as well. Her lower body was exposed, she wore no trousers or anything except panties underneath. 

"I decided to take some clothing from the kingdom."



"My skill master. I have an skill known [Quick Step], it allows me to move at instantaneous speeds to anywhere I please, so I decided to make my way to the kingdom and grab a few clothes. Sadly I couldn't find anything for trousers to match outfit."

Quick step...? That skill sounded overpowered! Way too overpowered! Wait a minute...

I decided to use my information scanner again, pulling up Garmr's info in front of me.

"There it is, [Quick Step]."

I click on her skill [Quick Step], and a description box shows up.

[Quick Step Description: Quick Step is a skill that can only be used once a day, allowing the user to move at instantaneous speeds to anywhere they please, however it isn't combat applicable.]

"...That sounds useful. Sadly it's once a day though."

Garmr nodded her head as her tail behind her wagged back and forth.

"Thank you master Habiki! I'm glad my skill can be some use to you! Thank you so much!"

She sounded genuinely happy as she walked closer to me, holding my hands with a big smile on her face.

"...Yeah... of course Garmr. Everything you gave me up until now has been very useful, I'm glad to have you on my side."

I smiled back at her and nodded my head.

"Now then. If you don't mind, I'm gonna use that skill of yours. I just gotta copy it-"

I pull up my World Hologram to see my skill list, and to my surprise I had it?

"What the? How did I get this?"

Garmr looked at my World Hologram as well, raising her eyebrows.

"It's simple master. Whatever animal you bonded with, and named, you get their skills in return. It's only natural that the master gets the skills of his subordinates, no?"

"...Is this system some literal rip off from that slime anime?"

A nervous sweat trailed down my face.


"Nothing Garmr... let's just get a move on into Leegran Kingdom."

The kingdom was beautiful. It had hot air balloons in the sky and a aesthetic design inside the walls. I bet it was full of other creatures I've never seen before. I was excited... I never been this excited in years!

"Alright, hold onto me Garmr."

Garmr walked behind me and hugged my waist with Sakura still on her shoulder.

"I'm ready master."

"Okay, [Quick Step]!"

All the sudden my speed was enhanced drastically. Everything was slowed down as if time had paused... but it was just me moving at instant speeds. To someone else's point of view it would look like teleportation.

I ran towards Leegran Kingdom at high speeds, managing to sneak past the gates, bypassing some large bulky guards in their knight armor.

"We're in!"

I would be in the middle of the kingdom, looking around me. Time was now back to normal.

"...Just as I expected."

It was amazing here. There were new creatures and races I've never seen before in my life. Walking werewolves with clothing, cat girls, and other people who were human just like me.

"What's with all the cat girls walking around?"

I noticed how many there were... weird.

"They're evolved animals just like me master Habiki. However it seems that they all belong to one master..."

"Huh? How do you know?"

I turned to face Garmr.

"I naturally can read information of others. All evolved animals can do so. Check your Information Scanner, master."

"Oh.. okay."

I pull up my information scanner and read the cat girls info, and to my surprise... they belonged to someone I know.

"Ehhhhh? Mr. Hidachi?"


Garmr asked me with an confused expression.

"M-My History teacher from my school! They all belong to him! What the hell is going on here right now?"

Did Mr. Hidachi love cat girls? I was right! He was a pervert. No wonder why he looked at Anna that way.

"The fact he owns over dozens of cat girls already is concerning. I gotta get to the bottom of this quickly..."


[Meanwhile inside the Royal Castle of Leegran Kingdom]

Girls were heard giggling and laughing inside a bedroom. Servants were holding platters as they had vegetables and fruits on each one. 

There was a bed in the middle of the room, with multiple cat girls huddled up against one man.

"...Ahhhh yes yes, yes! This is the life."

It was Hidachi, the history teacher of Ragyo academy.

"Heheheh...~! I can't believe we're sitting right next to the Wielder of the Copy System! We're so lucky."

One of the cat girls exclaimed, licking against Hidachi's cheek.

"Yes my ladies. You are all lucky! I saved my students from those monsters out in the wild with my Copy System and brought them all back. No one can defeat me! Bwahaha!"

Hidachi looked to the side with an evil smirk.

{"These fools. They don't know a thing! Copy System? Hah! Like hell I have one! My skill is known as concealment. I can hide any information about me and even hide myself if I wanted too!"}

Concealment was an skill that prevents Hidachi's foes from noticing his presence unless he wills it. Even then, if he wishes to remain hidden, no one, and not even those who use their World Hologram, will be able to acknowledge his presence. 

{"The Queen of this kingdom just loves me. She's said she's been waiting for the arrival of the Copy System wielder... and she fell for it! She believed I was really him! Bwahahaha! This life is gonna be an easy one."}