Chapter 33 Sometimes Death is a Mercy.
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Few months later.

November 7, 1913

Near Verdun, France

Now named No Man's Land due to no vegetation, Trees, nor animals. And with the ground scarred from fire and ash, bodies, and the smell of the dead lingering.

[A Young Soldier's POV named Paul]

[September 10th, 1913 The day the letter was written]

"How are you? I'm sorry if I didn't write soon since our Kommandant forbade us and funny enough, I've met many friends and considered them comrades. You should've seen their faces when I pranked them! Oh the joy…

Dad…I'm fighting for our fatherland, I hope you're proud of me, same as mom and my brother and sister…it's lonely here, but with high command allowing us to write letters, it alleviated some of the loneliness as I'm excited to get your letters. 

And don't worry, I'm fine. I'll send some souvenirs though, preferably french food if you so liked and desire."

With love and care, 

Paul Günther 

XXVII Corps 

[September 23rd, 1913] 

Dear Paul

"We are so proud of you, my son. But I wish you would've just said goodbye as when we woke up, you were gone. Your father was ready to throw a fit and discipline you, you know. But nevertheless, we wish you were here and not there…your father and I know the brutality, the harshness of war and hope that you wouldn't join.

But we can't just contain your adventurous and patriotic spirit can't we? Take care my son. We will send you food and necessities if you so need.

With much love,

Your Family.

PS. French Corn would be nice for a souvenir 

[September 27th, 1913]

"I hope my souvenirs are of use to you and hope you enjoy them, as for me I'm still alive and well. I lost 2 of my friends through artillery bombardment and all I could do was watch. I felt utterly useless as my comrades pulled me back as I wanted to reach their bodies, but couldn't since our enemy would kill me the moment I stepped above the trenches.

Speaking of trenches, it is starting to look like hell here. Mutilated bodies from shells, the smell, and even the trench we are sitting on is giving us hell on earth.

Many of our comrades including me have dubbed this part of the land as 'No Man's Land' as it is becoming utterly devoid of life.

Splintered and dead trees littered around, barbed wires and complicated trenches from our side and to our enemies. We only advanced to about 15 km but stopped halfway to the city called Verdun.

Our task there was to take Verdun in order to flank the French, but so far, all our assaults are on hold for now as we lack information as one of our commanders said.

Nevertheless, I hope you guys are well, especially your sister. Get good grades, and graduate top of your class. I'll be waiting for your results when I get a leave."

With much love,

Paul Günther


[October 10th, 1913]

"Its getting cold here as winter is slowly setting in, which doesn't bode well for us. Luckily, we had winter clothes thanks to Duchess Erika who is now advancing towards Russian lands, which I wish her good luck.

Since the rumors I've picked up that we were pushing the Russians back at least, although I don't know how long we can push the Russians back since I've heard winter is brutal. From what I've read about Napoleon, that's where he lost and didn't conquer Russia. Ironic right? I hope we don't face the same fate as them.

It gets pretty lonely here at times, but with my comrades in tow, that loneliness is alleviated somewhat. Although your letters help, don't worry. Take care of yourselves. And the money I've sent to you guys will help a ton as I managed to sell some of the french guns I've acquired to a reputable seller. "

With love and care,

Paul Günther


[October 27th, 1913]

"How are you all? Hope you're doing ok since I've heard that the Kaiser has ordered the first round of conscription, which worries me greatly as we are advancing albeit at snail's pace as we are still stuck here halfway to Verdun.

The French are a pain in the ass, but nothing we can't handle. Although we lost our kommandant due to artillery. And our new kommandant is a bit of a pain in the neck as he seems to have glory and achievements rather than helping us survive.

I miss your cooking mom…I just wish I was able to visit at least once. I'll try to request someone from the post office or ask if they allow special deliveries to be made."

With all the Love and take care,

Paul Günther


November 7th, 1913

Halfway to Verdun, France

8:24 AM

[Paul Günther POV]

I find it very odd yet at home when sitting down and eating one of the canned foods that our cook had given us as we were sheltering from the early British Bombardment. And just a few months in, I just got used to the trenches and navigating and memorizing every pathway and knowing which ones are ours and the enemies.

What I still can't get used to is the mud, and the smell since some bodies that have been left behind during the continuous assault, were rotting and the smell at times, even during the night, was unbearable and high command just told us to stomach it and get used to it. Which wasn't easy, but we didn't have a choice as our orders were to advance and take Verdun.

As I sat down and reached out to the fire that was made within the deep trenches that we just built, I sighed in contentment as the nights here we're really getting cold as winter was slowly setting in, which wasn't good for us since we didn't had winter clothes yet and our kommandant said it will be delivered relatively soon.

As I was about to think about deeper problems, Fred showed up beside me and sat down to warm himself up too.

We were quiet for a moment. Only hearing the faint crackle of the bonfire we made, the constant artillery exchange going on as the ground shakes, and some of the old soldiers just looked dazed or lost. Some even Shaked from the artillery shaking the ground.

What got me was the new ones that arrived. They still haven't experienced what hell is and they're excited looks made us pity them as all of us didn't berate nor tell them how bad it will be here. We just told ourselves that they will receive baptism by fire or baptism by war for some of us.

"It's different isn't it?" Fred quietly spoke to me as 4 others were looking at Fred and at me as I answered.

"Yeah…it's different. I feel this war will pass Christmas since the fucking Brits are supporting French." I said, as I slowly drank my hot coffee as most of the guns within the bonfire nodded at my answer.

"Heh, at least we get to enjoy this moment. Even though we could die at any moment via artillery." One of the men spoke albeit jokingly while eating his biscuit.

"Our shift is gonna be in a couple of hours. So grab a shut eye and try to survive this hell hole. And once we do, I'll treat you all to a beer." Fred said, trying to cheer up the men, including me.

"Providing if we even get even a few hours of sleep." Some of the men muttered to which I responded albeit jokingly.

"Well, look on the bright side. Our enemy isn't getting any sleep either. So it's even for them and for us." We all laughed at that notion as we all tried to get some shut eye. As for me, all I could think about was home and my family. 

I fear this war has changed me a lot. I'm desensitized to people dying all around me. My comrades, civilians, and even children. For God sakes children. I don't want my children to experience this hellhole for as long as I live. Ever. 

With that promise, I let myself get some sleep as the echoing sound of artillery and gunfire sound through the night. I know my sleep will be cut short, but it's better than nothing. I hope the high command knows what they're doing…

Belgrade, Serbia

November 10th, 1913

1:18 PM

[Dragutin Gavrilović's POV]

How did it come to this…

I thought, as I looked at the beautiful city of Belgrade, half ruined. Since my orders were to hold my ground and defend Belgrade at all costs.

I have already lost around 4,000 of my men over the course of a few months. We've held the best that we could, delayed the enemy, and given them everything we have. But I know defeat when I see one. 

Yet, my government doesn't see it. They want to fight to the death, which in my mind, is necessary. But futile as this loss of life is useless if our future is compromised.

"Major Dragutin, we need to move. The Austrians are moving to secure the bridgehead."

"How many able bodied men are able to defend?" I inquired with my adjutant who hesitantly responded after a few seconds.

"Around 15,000 Major. Including volunteers who seek to defend Belgrade."

"And how many are invading us as of now?"

My adjutant went silent as he didn't answer, for he knew the answer would be too many as we couldn't handle such a large army.

We did all we could to delay them as best as possible, but we can't hold the city for long.

It's already a miracle that we held it for almost a month with only 4,000 casualties. 

"Gather every able bodied men and women who are willing to defend the city. We will hold the city one last time, and if the bridgehead is breached, fall back to the inner city and you have my permission to surrender if you deem fit."

Hearing my order, my adjutant along with other officers were shocked and surprised, but ultimately followed through it as they had no other choice. They were losing soldiers quickly and they needed to do something to keep the enemy at bay in order for the unarmed civilians to flee south at least.

"If I die, order the surrender."

"Yes, Major…'' My adjutant was upset since the Serbian government literally abandoned us and the only one who truly defended Serbia was us and the civilians. Truly a sight to behold as one would say.

After my announcement, we held for almost 2 weeks before ultimately surrendering when we ran out of ammunition, food, and we couldn't handle the siege. Additionally, my death also solidified the defeat of our great kingdom as all I could think about was my family and hope they had a brighter future and for our great Serbian country

Dragutin Gavrilović Died defending the people and sovereignty of the Serbian people and its great history. 

Metz, France [Occupied by the germans]

German HQ [Hotel turned into a HQ]

November 13th, 1913 7:39 AM

[3rd Person POV]

"Goddamn Brits and their interference. If they hadn't interfered, the French would have surrendered by now." Erich Ludendorff grumbled as he was lighting his cigar and exhaled albeit frustratingly at this conundrum. He glanced down at the large table, and the tactical battlefield on top of it and grimaced at the situation at hand.

"How bad is the supply issue?" Erich asked Rerugen for more information and status of said supply.

Erich von Rerugen replied whilst looking at the clipboard he was holding.

"We are managing for now, but the French resistance along with winter coming along will delay new railroad lines. 2 months at most is the quickest we can resupply the Frontline with fresh soldiers and equipment."

"And how are the french fairing?"

"So far with the uninterrupted aid from the British and their colonies, assuming America doesn't outright aid the French, is still excellent."

Paul Von Hindenburg frowned at that notion as he tapped his fingers before speaking.

"The navy isn't that ready yet since they are only targeting merchant ships that's supplying our enemy. Another issue is, we are severely outnumbered shipwise. So the navy won't do anything drastic except doing convoy raids to slow them down. It's not good, but it's better than nothing. They also have notified me that they're latest engagement has brought unsatisfactorily results as the Kaiser was even upset about it. We even lost 3 Destroyers and 2 Cruisers in exchange for 4 Destroyers of the French and 1 cruiser of the British. It isn't exactly a good ratio if you think about it."

Hearing such numbers, it brought a depressing atmosphere in the meeting room as they all thought that the war would end this month. But their calculations was wrong and some even suggest to prepare more military factories and ramp up the production. 

"We need to push pass Verdun in order for the war to end and reach Paris by December." An officer said, clearly frustrated at the predicament their in at the moment." Rudersdorf said, smoking his cigar and countinued.

"And how do you suppose we do that? We did advance yes, but it's at a snail's pace and reports from the front that the British are committing to this war along with their colonies. And there's a rumor that the United States will join the war thanks to the russo-japanese war that's been going on in the east. What shocks me is that the French are gonna pull the Nordic states into this war and it will open a new front, which will being new problems and will strain our logistics." Erich Ludendorff Said with a bitter expression since the casualties are already high even though they're advancing at a snail's pace.

"That is indeed a problem…We need to prepare for winter, unfortunately we will have to halt our advance for now and build defenses throughout the Rhine Front. However, we need to ensure that our morale is high and our soldiers happy enough so I'm proposing a plan to keep the morale high by giving soldiers on the Frontline the ability to write their letters anytime, anywhere and send it to the post office along with any souvenir they have and their family would receive the said letters as soon as possible. Same goes for their family since it's only a few months into the war after all." 

Erich von Rerugen suggested and proposed, which was met with positive responses as Rerugens plan was approved and would be formally laid out as a long term plan after the war is over.

"Well then gentlemen, let's prepare our defenses and prepare for winter, and hopefully we push hard enough that we will get to the outskirts of Verdun." Paul Von Hindenburg said, as he stood up to prepare himself as he promised his soldiers that he would visit the Frontlines.

They all nodded at each other and ended the talks there as they all left the meeting room.

Meanwhile near Verdun, France

Just 15 KM to the fortresses that were built to counter the Germans after the franco-prussian war.

November 10th, 1913

3:10 PM

[3rd Person POV]

"Marshal Pétain, we cannot hold the Belgium front any longer. The Germans have successfully pushed past the acceptable line." One of the officers started after 2 months of grueling war within Belgium and the Netherlands.

Pétain sighed as he spoke "order the retreat. We will set up a new defensive line from Ameins to Reims along with Verdun."

"But marshal…the Frontline is already hard enough to manage with one and a half million soldiers. Should we consider conscripting more?"

"Sadly, yes. We need more manpower to stall the German advance, additionally, our efforts in bringing the United States into this war have borne fruit at least. They promised us to send supplies."

Maurice Gustave Gamelin grunted as he looked at the condition of the war as of now and sighed.

"We need a miracle to stop the German advance."

Robert Nivelle suggested something that might work.

"Why not rotate old and worn out troops in the frontlines with fresh ones? In addition, we can use our secret weapon against the Germans since I bet they haven't mastered the behemoth tanks yet and we could use them to punch through the German lines."

"It is not a bad idea, but from what I've heard, the Germans are planning to establish new defensive positions to prepare for winter. Hence the aggressive attacks as of late. They want to advance and take land as much as possible before winter arrives. Which is a problem since our logistical capabilities are being strained, with our medics getting hit the hardest."

"Gentlemen, don't worry, the Germans would be bled dry if they want to advance further into France. General Henry Horne said with a stoic look in his face as he glanced at the map.

"We already have confirmation that the King will send a million soldiers to defend France along with sending munitions and additional support. Sadly, we will have to abandon Belgium since they have already lost almost all of their land, and their government is effectively in exile in London." General Henry Horne from the British side said, interrupting the meeting as he also continued 

"Additionally, we will show the Germans the might of the British empire and the strength of the alliance. It is a shame that the Russians will not be a part of it."

"What do you mean?" Pétain inquired.

"Russia will soon outlive their usefulness and will lose the war. Hence, we will need to commit more Russian volunteers to further give the Germans hell. We will offer the Russian people money and many other things that they will need in exchange that they will give the Germans a logistical hell, or join us and bolster our numbers."

This is such a dumb idea… Rober Nivelle thought but kept quiet as everyone was silent and let the idea sink in before it was approved since everyday, the war between the triple alliance, and them was worsening.

Combining that of winter is coming, casualties would rise within weeks.

"Hypothetically, your idea works, and we win the war. What's stopping the Russians from attacking us?" Nivelle said, attacking Horne's idea of recruiting Russian refugees into their ranks and using them as cannon fodders or tools in a way.

"Because their economy is tied to ours, and they know it." Horne said, confident that Russia will forget the problems that might happen in the future.

Pétain also saw the idea somewhat unrealistic, but he kept his mouth shut as France was relying on British aid as of now and he can't say anything that might undermine the British army.

He turned to Nivelle and changed the topic by saying.

"Robert, are you absolutely sure that the German army will falter if we push hard enough as you said?"

"Yes, because as of now, they're dug in, which is a perfect time to attack while they're vulnerable. Of course, after they exhaust their all out offensive and switch to defensive measures. We will have a narrow timeframe, but I think we can pull it off." Nivelle said, confident that his plan to keep the Germans at bay or at least preoccupied will overall help the war effort by conscripting more soldiers onto the Frontline.

"I hope that is true, because you've been granted overall command of defending the City of Reimz. I'll be busy preparing the defenses of Verdun and fortifying it with every time we have left before they come knocking on Verdun. Goodluck Nivelle." Pétain said, standing up, saluting as he left the meeting room to fully prepare Verdun of the inevitable onslaught and massacre that's about to unfold.

Meanwhile, Robert Nivelle is preparing for the biggest failed offensive in the history of the great war, since the plans for this offensive were leaked by someone inside the french command.

Meanwhile somewhere in Sweden

November 9th, 1913

5:37 AM

Between the border of Norway-Sweden.

[Spy Codename 'Olaf's POV]

High Command must be high if they're that desperate to blame this on the Germans…then again, I can't disobey the order. God help me for what I'm about to do.

I thought, as I was wearing a typical German uniform that was stolen along with 10 of my comrades that will disguise themselves as German raiders that will attack both Norwegian and Swedish border patrols and kill them and put the blame onto the Germans by bringing bodies of real Germans that we acquired from the western front and dump it onto the border, making it look like a the border patrols had killed real Germans.

Of course, some of my men would die also, but such is the price of our profession and we all knew it.

"Men, prepare yourselves. What we are about to do is high treason, and highly illegal. But it comes from the top that we have to do this in order to lessen the burden on the western front. Do you understand?"

They all nodded, as I smiled a bit since they've been with me through thick and thin and now in this moment in history, we are about to make history as we all prepared ourselves and walked to the border patrol and began the most controversial attack during the great war.

After the attack, Sweden and Norway would demand the Germans to answer for this unprovoked attack to which, I hope the Germans will fall for it.

As we successfully fulfill our mission and was about to ride the boats and head to the docked submarine not far away, I spotted someone on the shoreline, a British officer along with 5 others holding their rifles, pointing at us as I shouted.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

The said officer just smiled and said "what do you mean filthy German. You're about to die. And we thank you for your service for the British empire. Your deaths will not be in vain."

And that's when I realized we've been set up as I shouted at my comrades who has been with me for years to run as the officer shouted fire.

After the short exchange, the said officer walked in front of me as I was dying and looked around before stating.

"A shame really, you're quite decorated and known. But sadly, your mission was a one way trip. And we can't let this incident be traced back to us. Don't worry, all of your families will be compensated by the crown. Any last words?"

I just laughed as I coughed blood as I said my final words.

"Yeah, Fuck you and Fuck the Crown."

The said officer just laughed as he also said "yes…fuck the crown" before killing me.

[Officers PoV]

"Loot the bodies of anything that might trace us." I said

"Yes Captain"

I stood up as I looked at the deadmen and onto the vast ocean in front of me as I muttered

"Fuck the Crown huh…hah"

I stubbed out my cigarette on the shore and finally boarded the boats as my men arranged the bodies in a manner that they died due to infighting.

"Captain. High Command wants a debrief in 6 hours about the mission."

I nodded as I sat down on the boat and stared into the vast ocean in front of me and thought about my future.


After this incident, a few months later in February of 1914, the Swedish King argued that the attack on the border was a setup and should be investigated further, but the Norwegian king wasn't having it and demanded that the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

More talks ensured and breakdown of relations leading up to the February Attacks of 1914 which Norway joined the entente and declared Sweden an accomplice to the German cause and effectively declared war.

Sweden, betrayed by its Nordic neighbor, had no choice but to join the triple alliance and also declared war on Norway and effectively the Entente alliance. Leaving Sweden fighting a very large Frontline from the Russians all the way to the Norwegian borders.

Denmark, also shocked by this, joined the triple alliance, effectively renaming it to the Reichspakt by Kaiser Wilhelm himself as Denmark granted access for the Germans to cross the strait along with using their ports for docking purposes.

Total Deaths so far (Counting Civilians)

1,729,812 Million

6 Months into the war.

(Red Lines symbolizes the current Frontlines. Again apologies for the quality.)

Hello you're friendly author here once again. Sorry the late update as I was busy with life and school.

But here you go! I hope you guys like it, as the next chapter will depend with you guys as I'm debating if I should do the next chapter for the eastern front or countinue on the western front. Or do the new northern front. But if you want a new perspective, I can do the ottoman front with Egypt as it's main battleground.

I'm open to suggestions, advice, and recommendations in the comments!

And for the update schedule...Ill update when I can. No promises though since I truly want to update as many as possible but factors in my life hinder it such as my school, mood, and writers block. So any help is appreciated!

This is Erika now signing Off!