3. Animals aren’t enough, let’s add humans too
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Kiryin's heart raced as he tried to process the fact that he had just taken the life of a fearsome creature and discovered his own latent powers. When he had unleashed his abilities, it had been an instinctual response, bypassing conscious thought.

It was as if his mind had screamed at him to tap into the powers that seemed to reside within him. The experience felt both exhilarating and novel, serving as a stark reminder that whatever he possessed was undeniably real, and so was this strange world he found himself in.

Lost in these thoughts, Kiryin continued navigating through the dense forest. Though he lacked the knowledge of a seasoned biologist, he could easily discern that the plants and trees surrounding him were not native to his own world, or even his planet.  He had a very vague conjecture that this place was not a place that was somewhere deep into the Amazon or some remote areas on Earth.

This was an entirely different realm. His mind shuddered at the implications of this realization as he pressed forward, choosing a specific direction. After half an hour of traversing the vibrant forest, where peculiar but captivating flowers and bushes thrived, Kiryin's eyes widened in joy as he caught sight of a clearing up ahead.

The clearing was not expansive but elongated, stretching out before him. What truly caught his attention was a long road branching out on either side. It wasn't a well-constructed road like the ones he was accustomed to, but rather a narrow pathway adorned with weathered gravel. Its surface bore the marks of countless journeys, its texture rough beneath Kiryin's feet as he stepped upon it. Still, he couldn't help but feel relieved at the sight of this dilapidated road.

The presence of a road meant the presence of civilization. Grasping a sturdy stick in his hand, Kiryin proceeded to walk along the road. Hunger and thirst gnawed at his stomach, but he remained determined to discover if there was an end to this enigmatic pathway.

He continued his journey for what felt like an eternity, nearly an hour passing by, when suddenly he caught the faint sounds of movement. Given that the road was still nestled within the forested area, he quickly veered off and sought refuge behind one of the massive trees nearby. After his encounter with the peculiar rabbit-like creature, he was not eager to face yet another unusual animal.

Crouched behind the towering tree, which easily concealed his small frame, Kiryin soon realized that the source of the sound was not another bizarre creature, but a group of people. Yes, people. For the first time since arriving in this realm, Kiryin laid his eyes upon fellow human beings.

His eyes widened, and he strained to discern any marked differences between himself and the approaching group. As the caravan drew nearer, Kiryin's excitement grew, finally allowing him to catch a glimpse of their faces. Suffice it to say, he was taken aback.

Surprised for several reasons, Kiryin observed a diverse assembly of humans.  Firstly, the humans looked like the humans he had always known but there was a mixture of all races and colors among them. Though mostly were white but there were some who were black and even saw two asian looking men.

Secondly, he saw some men wearing armors in the form of cuirass, gauntlets and greaves, like the ones mediaeval men used to wear. Their armor glinting in the dappled sunlight, rode on horseback at the forefront, their steely gazes vigilant and looking around. And then he saw men wearing robes which had small but noticeable intricate symbols walking alongside the horses.

Behind the knights and robed figures, Kiryin's attention was drawn to a collection of three wagons, one in particular appearing sturdily built and exquisitely crafted. Equally matched in number, knights and robed individuals walked alongside the wagons.

Confusion washed over Kiryin, yet he instinctively understood that this caravan held significant importance.  It was a different world and and also thankful that he had hidden himself before thanks to his cautious nature.

"Who goes there?... REVEAL YOURSELF!" Suddenly, a commanding voice erupted from one of the robed men at the front. Startled, Kiryin, who had been absorbed in admiring the beauty of the wagon, stiffened. He had taken great care to position himself behind the tree, believing there was no way he could be detected.

Fear gripped him, and he lacked the courage to turn his head and face the direction from which the shout had originated. Instead, he hoped and prayed that the person calling out hadn't actually noticed him.

"You... Behind the stone tree... I can see you... Come out... or I will reduce the entire tree to ashes, with you in it," the man bellowed once more. This time, Kiryin summoned the bravery to slowly shift his gaze towards the source of the voice, peering through the foliage.

And to his horror, his worst nightmare became reality. The man was indeed staring directly at him! Moreover, Kiryin could see a small flame hovering a few inches above the man's outstretched palm, an actual manifestation of fire. He could tell that it was not some kind of illusion but actual fire.

"First, it was the supernatural creature, and now humans too," Kiryin lamented, having an exceptionally dreadful day. A supernatural creature and now a person with control over fire? What on Earth was happening?

Realizing that there was no point in hiding any longer, Kiryin raised his hands in a sign of surrender and slowly emerged from his hiding spot. With all eyes fixed upon him, both the robed figures and the knights, he cautiously approached the caravan.

"I am just an innocent boy. Please, spare my life," Kiryin pleaded, his voice laced with a mixture of apprehension and hope. He didn't know the laws and regulations of this world and if it was anything like the mediaeval period of his world, then it would be a miracle if he was left alive.