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Chapter 11


As though he had read Cevin’s mind, Carl was there in the morning with a bucket of water, “It’s time to get up. You have to scrub the rails before breakfast, Kevin. Unfortunately, I could not get the Captain to put Aspen on the list… I’ll find something else for him to do, later.” 

Cevin growled, gently pushing Aspen further onto the bed. They had shifted a fair bit. She hopped off the bunk, shoving Carl back so she could slam the door. “I'm ready to murder that man.” She grumbled, doing up her bandages and changing out of her wet clothes.

“I’m not done eating yet…” Aspen mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

“You're not eating right now.” Cevin returned, running a hand through her wet hair, “You can go back to sleep for a while longer. I'll get you when breakfast is ready. But maybe change first? I'll see you later.”

Carl was waiting just outside with the now empty bucket and a cloth, “You’re in charge of washing the rails.” He smiled, shoving the supplies at her with unnecessary force, “No breakfast until you’re done, so you’d better not slack off.”

“Like I care…” Cevin muttered, taking the supplies.

“Better hurry,” Carl teased in a sing-song tone of voice as he walked away, “We wouldn’t want to leave your clumsy friend unattended for too long, now, would we? It’s so easy for things to go wrong on a ship.” 

Cevin glared at Carl. “You better be careful, I heard that there is not much here that the Captain doesn't know about.” 

Carl scoffed, but his face was uneasy, “I’m not too worried. Hurry, now. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

Cevin ignored him, keeping up her quick pace, making sure to be thorough as he left. She got a lot done in ten minutes, but still had plenty left to do. She adjusted her binding, taking in a breath.



Carl came around several times before she was finished, always with a new threat. Eventually, he grudgingly admitted he could find no flaws in her work and let her go.

Cevin let a smile come over her face at the admittance and headed back to her cabin to wake Aspen for breakfast, only to find her already awake and pacing.

“I lost them. My bandages.”

“Did you check all over the cabin? Where were you before you came back last night?” Cevin asked, checking a few places just to make sure.

Aspen’s eyes widened, “I left them in Max’s cabin!”

“Max's- The Captains' quarters?! How the heck did you manage to leave them there? Why'd you even take them off there?!” 

“I- It was- After what happened yesterday, I… I was crying and… I just ended up there? Max let me in until I calmed down. He wouldn’t let me talk until I took them off so I could breathe properly. He knows, Cevin. He knew this whole time…” Aspen trailed off, “I forgot to grab them when I left because I was in such a hurry to go apologize, and then I forgot to tell you.”

“So he does know! Thank the heavens! Now I don't have to be so paranoid all the time-  Wait, that means I'm going to have to go to the Captain's cabin to get them, doesn't it?” 

“I’m sorry.” Aspen ducked her head, waiting for a rebuke.

“No! It's okay, really. It's no problem. I'll retrieve them and then all will be well.” Cevin assured, internally panicking about the fact that she may have to talk to the Captain or Russ, if he had returned there for whatever reason.

“Are you sure? You’ll have to talk to-”

“Yes! I am positive and more than capable of speaking to the Captain if necessary.” Cevin scrunched up her face, annoyed at how her speech was already turning more formal. “Do not worry, I will return shortly with the bandages in hand.” 

“Okay…” Aspen sat on the edge of her bed, “I’ll wait here, I guess.”

Cevin nodded, fixing her cap and heading out the door. When she had made it to the Captain’s cabin she took in a deep breath before knocking.

There was no answer. 

Cevin waited for another minute before trying again just to make sure. Maybe she wouldn't actually have to talk to anyone. How nice would that be?

“Lurking around the Captain’s quarters now, thief?” Carl grabbed her arm, “I don’t see your friend here. Does that mean he’s alone? Maybe I should go check on him for you.” He whispered the last part close to her ear before releasing his grip and walking away.

Cevin jumped at the sudden noise. Her face scrunched up in disgust, watching as Carl disappeared down the hall. Cevin opened the door and went in to try and find her friend’s bandages, cursing when they weren’t anywhere in sight. She started searching around the Captain's bed, scrambling through his stuff. They had to be here somewhere and she didn't have much time. She found them in a drawer, letting out a sigh. Now all she had to do was get these back to Aspen.

The door opened, Max entering with a few other people behind him. He silently tilted his head for her to go, murmuring, “Did you find them?” As she passed on the way out the door.

“Yes, Sir.” She nodded. As soon as she was far enough from the door, she took off in a sprint, hiding the bandages under her shirt and holding her sides. She prayed Carl hadn't actually decided to pay Aspen a visit. 

“You’re back! Were they there?” 

Cevin handed them over, leaning back against the wall to catch her breath. “I hope you weren't waiting too long.”

Aspen shook her head, taking the bandages and doing them up, “Is breakfast ready?”

“Should be.” Cevin wiped at her forehead to get most of the sweat, fixing her cap to cover up the movement.

“Do I really have to pretend to hate you?” Aspen stopped in front of the door, “I have to go to the medical bay after breakfast anyway, but… Does that mean we can’t eat together?”

“Well, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't believe you if you did, since I'm fairly certain he saw the two of us sleeping on the top bunk together when he came to dump water on us, again.” Cevin sighed.

“Good,” Aspen opened the door, “I don’t think I could have played it convincingly, anyway.”

“Yeah, your acting skills need work.” Cevin teased, following her friend out.

Aspen nodded, grabbing one of the bowls of rice porridge and turning to their usual table, “He took our table? That jerk.”

Cevin turned after grabbing some porridge for herself. Her grip on the bowl tightened. “It's just a table,” She murmured, trying to calm herself. And my whole morning… She moved towards a different table, motioning for Aspen to follow.

“This is weird,” Aspen mumbled, “I’ve never had to sit anywhere else… Doesn’t this seem pretty tame, though? I thought he was going to hurt us, but unless there’s something you aren’t telling me, it seems like he’s just aiming for mildly uncomfortable.”

“Nothing too bad so far.” Cevin glanced over to the rails, “I just hope he's not planning on stepping up his game…”

Aspen finished before her, waving goodbye before going to the dreaded medical bay and its emotional rollercoaster of rage and boredom.



“Ready? I’m steering again today, so there isn’t much to do. I might send you off on a few errands, though.” Russ smiled.

“Of course.” Cevin answered, distracted by her thoughts.

Russ led the way to the helm, motioning for her to sit in the other chair again, “Hopefully, there won’t be a hurricane this time.”

Cevin sat, laughing awkwardly and rubbing at her arm. “Yeah…”

They sat in silence for a while, Russ occasionally checking his compass and making small corrections to the ship’s course. He cleared his throat, “I couldn’t help noticing that fight yesterday. Is everything alright between you two? You’re usually so close, it had me a little worried.”

“Yeah, we talked last night. Everything's okay between Aspen and I again.” Cevin responded, feeling guilty she had let the situation get that bad in the first place.

“It was surprising. What could you possibly have to fight about?” He quickly shook his head, “You don’t have to answer that. It’s none of my business.”

“Its okay. We weren't exactly, um, communicating well for a while and so it blew up in our faces. My fault, really…”

“That’s on both of you.” Russ corrected, “It can’t just be your fault. I doubt Aspen was having one-sided conversations while you ignored him. If he was also holding back, he shares part of the blame. You don’t have to be so hard on yourself.” He sighed, “A lot of friendships get broken on ships. Living in such close quarters and never getting a break can be straining for even the closest relationships. I hope that doesn’t happen with you guys.” Realizing how depressing the topic had gotten, Russ chuckled, “I’m sure you’ll be fine. You two are like brothers. It’s a good thing to be close enough to have something to fight about.”

“I guess…” Cevin turned to watch the water, her stomach twisting uncomfortably as she thought of the things she was already hiding from Aspen. 



Carl had stolen the table again. 

Cevin shook her head, not at all fazed. All she wanted was to eat lunch and then get some rest. She grabbed some food and took the table where she and Aspen had eaten breakfast.

Theo sat down across from her without invitation, devouring two sandwiches before talking, “Long time no see.”

“Yeah, it's been a while.” Cevin didn't bother looking up, too focused on finishing her food.

“That’s always a good thing. I see you way too often in the medical bay.” He chuckled.

"Yeah, good." Cevin agreed distantly.

“Something bothering you?”

Cevin shook her head, "Just tired."

“Alright. If you see Aspen, send him back,” Theo stood to leave, “He left in the middle of a card game.”

Cevin's brows furrowed and then she remembered that one guy that Aspen had mentioned. She probably just wanted to get away from him for a bit, right? “Will do.”

Theo nodded and walked away.

Carl had finished his food already but stayed at the table, staring openly at Cevin now that no one else was around. He smiled coldly as Cevin glared, finishing her food.

She stood, making sure to be careful with her ribs as she headed back to her cabin, knowing any hope of avoiding Carl would be pointless if he wanted to talk down at her some more.

Carl let her pass without a word.

Cevin sighed when she was far enough away and entered her room, glancing at the bed for Aspen. She moved over to the miracle goo. Maybe Aspen had headed back to the medical bay on her own already.

The doorknob twisted slowly and Cevin put the tin down, holding her breath.

“Hey, Kevin. I was wondering if you’d be willing to join me on-” Russ stopped, noticing her expression, “Did I startle you?”

"I just wasn't expecting any company. I'm alright. Sorry. What did you want to know?"

“Patrol. Do you want to help?” Russ pointed back at the door.

"I…" Cevin looked over at the empty bed. "Maybe tomorrow."

“Ah. This was a bad time?” Russ nodded. “I’ll let you get back to… Yeah.”

"Thanks." Cevin picked the goo back up when the door was closed. She sighed, putting the tin down again. Where was Aspen? Why'd she skip lunch? She walked over to the door, opening it so she could head out to look, and found Carl at the same table with a satisfied expression on his face.

"What did you do with Aspen?" Cevin glared.

Carl raised an eyebrow, “Did somebody misplace their friend? I hope he can take a little water damage.”

Cevin growled, staring straight into his cold dark eyes without fear. “Where. Is. He?" 


Cevin’s eyes grew wide as she rushed to the side of the ship, holding her sides and scouring the ocean with her eyes. 

Aspen was coughing and sputtering, barely keeping her head above the cold waves as she treaded water. “Cev-Cevin,” She called, panicking, “I'm not a g-great s-swimmer.”

Cevin turned her head back to the deck to see if anyone else was around and spotted a newbie not too far away. She got his attention, pointing to Aspen. “Get help.” And dived in.

“Cevin, no!” Aspen shouted a second too late, “There’s no way back up.”

“Help’s on the way.” Cevin assured, moving her friend’s arm over her shoulder to help keep her afloat, fighting the pain she was in and how cold the water was. “In the meantime I couldn't let you have all the fun.” 

“You should have c-come earlier, then,” Aspen clung to her friend with the desperation of a drowning cat, “I’ve b-been here for a l-long time.”

“He's so dead when I get back up there!” Cevin growled, her breathing more labored with her efforts to keep Aspen and herself above the water. Her arms and legs were burning. Why was it taking so long to get help?

“I'm s-sorry, I t-tried to be c-careful,” Aspen grimaced, “He told me something h-happened to you but when I w-walked over th-there, he j-just p-picked me up and t-t-tossed me over, like I w-w-weighed n-nothing.” 

“He’s stronger than he looks…” Cevin muttered, thinking back to when she had tried to escape and how he hadn't even seemed to be affected by her kick.

“I g-got in a well-placed hit, th-though.” Aspen winked.

Cevin laughed. “Good, he deserves it.”

“Gin is gonna throw down a rope!” The newbie from before informed, leaned over the railing. 

Cevin rolled her eyes, watching as the rope was thrown down and quickly tying it around Aspen. “Finally. You first.”

“That’s n-not a proper b-bowline.” Aspen shook her head, feigning disappointment as she was pulled up. 

“You never taught me the bowline.” Cevin murmured, grabbing onto the rope as it was tossed down again. She held on as she was pulled up and as soon as she was safe on the boat, let herself collapse on the floor.

Aspen panted on her hands and knees, a puddle growing on the deck from her dripping clothes, “Cevin…” She gestured at her chest, "No stretch. T-Too wet.” Aspen coughed, spitting out a mouthful of seawater, her teeth chattering from the extended stay in the cold water. She rolled onto her back, staring up at the clouds overhead, “Y-You good?”

“Yeah, I wasn't in the water as long as you were. What about you?” Cevin lied, her ribs on fire.

“I think I s-swallowed too much s-saltwater,” Aspen muttered, “If you’re o-okay, then I’m… just gonna…” She passed out right there on the deck.

Cevin sighed, getting up. “Now how am I going to get you back to the cabin?” She glanced up at Gin with pleading eyes. “Do you think you could maybe help me?”

Gin easily picked Aspen up, “Not to your cabin. You both need to be checked in at the medical bay.” He nodded to one of the other crew members, who picked Cevin up, too, “Don’t resist. It’ll be faster.”

“I was only there for five minutes at best. I'm fine!” Cevin let out a cough, quickly covering her mouth. “Just swallowed a bit of water, that's all…”

“That’s not for you to determine.” Gin replied, not swayed in the slightest.

“Fine…” Cevin muttered, trying not to fall asleep herself. She had to stay up for Aspen.

They were set down on the usually empty beds, which the medical staff quickly piled extra blankets onto. Theo sighed, standing beside Cevin’s, “I told you before we left that I didn’t want to see you here so often.” He tutted, pressing the back of his hand to her forehead, “If you wanted to see me that badly, you just had to ask.”

“Aspen fell in before me, you should really check on-” Cevin was cut off by her own coughing. 

“Take a deep breath,” Theo instructed, ignoring her.

“I'm fine, Theo.” Cevin tried to get up.

Theo easily pushed her back down, “Take a deep breath so I can listen to your lungs.”

“I was only swimming for a few minutes, my head never went under other than when I first dived in!” Cevin argued, trying again to get up.

“The sooner we get your examination over with, the sooner we can put our full focus on Aspen,” Theo patiently pushed her down yet again, “Take a deep breath.”

Cevin begrudgingly took in as deep a breath as she could, which was hard with the weight of the soaked bandages clinging to her chest. “Happy?”

“Yes. Was that so difficult?” Theo raised an eyebrow at Cevin, “You’re running a temperature. How long ago did you start experiencing fever symptoms?”

“I don't know...” Cevin replied, reluctantly going over her day and the day before.

“Were you feeling sick before you jumped overboard? Experiencing muddled thoughts?” Theo rephrased, adding, “You must have been. Why else would you jump in instead of grabbing a rope yourself?”

“Because Aspen was struggling to keep he-himself above water.” Cevin burst into another coughing fit.

“You should have come to see me right away when you started feeling sick,” Theo chastised. He held out his hand and one of the staff placed an apple in it, which he took a large bite out of before speaking, “Now stay here for a minute while I check on your friend. He’s not going anywhere.”

Cevin frowned, turning onto her side away from the others. How could she fall asleep when her worry for her friend outweighed how tired she was?

Theo sighed, leaving his staff to take care of Aspen while he searched through the well-organized cupboards. He opened a small package and dissolved its contents into a cup of water, bringing it to Cevin, “Drink.”

Cevin drank the water, handing back the cup when she was finished. “Can Aspen and I go back to our cabin now?” 

“No. He’s unconscious and you’re about to fall asleep any second now, thanks to that medicine you just drank.” Theo took the cup back to its spot, “I’ll let you go after you wake up.”

“I can't fall asleep yet.” Cevin responded drowsily, trying to get up. “Aspen…”

“If you get up now, you’ll only hurt yourself,” Theo chided, gently pressing her down into the bed, “Aspen will be fine.”

“No, Aspen's ba-” Cevin coughed weakly, her eyes drifting shut.