You won’t get away with this…
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Cassidy POV

Trigger Warnings: Blood and injury, kinda graphic depictions of violence?, Murderers, Death, Major Character death/s


“Hi Kids! Do you want some birthday cake? I have some right over here!” The smiling bunny man said, gesturing to a room across the hallway. “Yeah!” several children


including herself said excitedly.

The bunny man began walking with several children tailing him while chatting with each other enthusiastically. When they got to the door, the bunny man stopped and gestured for them to go first.

They rushed into the room without so much as a second thought, expecting to see a cake or one of the tables with the cloth that they had grown used to seeing in the dining area.

Instead, they were met with a small dark room, with only a bookshelf on the opposite side of them. It was eerie, and it looked like the walls were made of metal or something.

Cassidy and the others turned back around questioningly, only to see that the bunny man had closed the door and was now locking it with a key from their belt.

“Um.. there’s no cake in here, are you sure this is the right room?” one of the kids asked hesitantly.

“Oh, no this is definitely the correct room,” the bunny man said, smiling visibly even with his mask on. He slowly reached into his pocket and brought something out of it, but Cassidy was only able to see the glint of something metallic before he brought it behind his back. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her face as she stood still, nervous for reasons she could not understand. She began to back away slowly, flinching as the bunny man also took a step forward.

“C-Can we g-go back to the other room again? This one is scary…” a girl with blond hair said.

“Don’t worry, it’ll only hurt for a second…” He said, and he lunged for the girl who had just spoken. She had no time to react before a knife was plunged into her forehead, and she let out a piercing scream. The little girl collapsed in agony before going eerily still. The other children began backing away and pressing themselves against the walls, and Cassidy ran to the door and started pounding on it, shouting for help although she suspected this room was sound-proof. ‘Like it was built specifically for this.’ She thought darkly.“Oh come on, don’t make this difficult, it’ll only take a second!” She heard the bunny man sing. She turned around and saw that he’d cornered one of the other boys, and was raising his knife, about to stab him. ‘DO SOMETHING!’ she yelled internally at herself, but it was no use, she was completely paralyzed with fear. The boy tried to dodge away, but he wasn’t fast enough, and she saw the blade go straight into his left eye. He shrieked in pain and his screams echoed across the room as he slowly began bleeding out.

“See, this is what happens when you struggle, it will only hurt more!” the bunny


man said cheerfully, as if they were talking about something light and carefree, as if he wasn’t murdering them as he was speaking.

Cassidy wasn’t even sure she was breathing anymore, but she couldn’t move, she was too afraid of what might happen if she did.

Cassidy tried her best to look away and save what was left of her sanity, but she couldn’t move, so she watched, as one by one, they were all murdered.

After the boy who was stabbed in the eye, there was another boy, with a Freddy shirt and brown hair. Then there was another boy with a bonnie shirt and dark blue dyed hair.

Until it was just her left. Just her and the bunny man.

She started backing up until she hit the wall, and she pressed herself against it forcefully. The man started slowly stalking towards her, and every minute felt like years, but she couldn’t do anything as he came closer and closer, until he was right in front of her. “You’re a monster!” Cassidy shouted with tears streaming down her face. He ignored her.

“Y’know, it won’t do you any good, but do you want to know the name of the one who’s about to kill you?” He asked, but it was a rhetorical question, so he didn’t expect an answer.

My name,” He began.

“Is William Afton.”

He plunged the knife into her chest, and the world went dark...