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The sound of nature filled the forest, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, the gentle hum of water in motion.

As the gentle streams of water signify the change from a winter snowscape to the season of new beginnings.


In the center of a clearing a deer can be seen feeding on knee high grass. It remains blissfully unaware of a creature’s slight movement just 5 meters away from it.

Its ears perk up when the creature was 4 meters away as it felt an instinctual fear.

But sadly it was too late, and the creature used [Parasitic Invasion] and leaped inside of the deer.


The eyes of the deer change from panic to obedience as the deer becomes fully under the control of its invader.

[Consume Host] the deer is violently ripped apart and consumed by the creature for its biomass.


The creature moved through the undergrowth to find somewhere safe.

After reaching an empty cave the creature used [Grow] and entered a cocoon to grow to the next stage of its evolution…




This is just an initial bit to help me think about what to write.