Amazon! + Haitus is nearly over!
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Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! It's been a long *5 months* but I've finally started to get my whole life back together. And the first step in doing that? Amazon! Here we go:

Book 1

The first covers Chapters 1-55 and a special Chapter 0 Prologue. Edited to remove any pesky errors and now available this thanksgiving. I'm glad to be writing again and I can not say how much it would mean to me if you guys were to buy my book OR to read it on Kindle Unlimited. Both will show me whether to continue or if I only make like $5, well, if I'm doomed in this area lol.

And speaking of continuing my life as an author! My hiatus has been long and it has been horrible, especially for me lol. Life hit, life hurt, and at the end of it I had to scramble to make sure I didn't go broke. But now? Now, I am proud to say that I'm getting back into it! After 11/30 I will regularly start releasing chapters, both here and on patreon. We're gonna be slow at first, ease back into things. Just a chapter a week, posted on friday around noon ish. (So the 1st of December.)

And speaking of that I haven't been fully idle with my patreon. You can now get up to 20 chapters ahead of the main story. And don't worry, I'll be doing a little 'update' to rehash all the general events before the hiatus so everyone can have a bit of a memory jog. Expect that to come around the same time as the first chapter is unleashed. And hopefully, I can start to release more frequently than 1 chapter a week, but I'd rather go slow than burn out. And of course, A shoutout to all the discord people that supported me the whole time my life was amusingly enough, going to hell lol.

