3, part 1
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Chapter 3


It was frustrating. Trying to convince Haffele that I was not interested in having children and he was technically not the heir. Also, Jerille was trying to find a wife, which was Nice. It had been six years since I had gotten the magic breaker and now I was a pro at it. It had a battery just like any other electrical equipment. But this only stored magic. This magical energy was then used to power the two modes it used. I'd gotten proficient with both.

I didn't know who Jerille’s wife would be, but hopefully I didn't know her. Because then I would make a new friend. Hopefully I could treat her like a sister, not some weird third party. I wasn't even interested in Jerille. But she might see that. I didn't know why that was going through my head. But that was the thing going through my head as I was seeing the list of women he could marry sprawled out on the desk before me. I don't know why he asked me for some advice. I was 16 now, but I hadn't the faintest idea on how to romance. And he was 22 now. Why hadn't he gotten married before that? That was just confusing to me. But he did ask me for some advice, and I did have to tell him.

“Jerille just look for a Goodman with good traits. And not Goodman. I mean, woman, I just mis-spoke,” I said.

“Of course, you mean woman,” he said, “But I need your advice. I don't know how to talk to women.”

“Jerille just talk to the woman. Like you talk to me, except not as familiar,” I said, “it would be weird if you talk to them like they were your sister. Unless of course they're into that. But hopefully not.”

“I know what you mean, “he said, “But it's just strange trying to pick and choose. Why not go out there and meet them?”

“Because that is not what nobles do, apparently. And besides, I don't think they want to meet you face to face. I think they just want your money most of the time.”

“Now why would they just want my money?” He spoke, “It's not like they're all evil. The only women I sincerely talk to are, the maids, and you.”

“Well, yeah, I know that, but some aren't evil, and some are evil. It's just like everybody else. Everybody has upsides and downsides, including me. I don't know how to do romance,” I said.

“Oh yeah, I know that, but you and Haffele just seem to not click that well, even though you've both been living together for basically your entire lives,” he said.

“OK, so just look for women with good traits like high Intelligence. There are many of the traits that a person can have that are desirable to have children with. You also must look at the political aspect of it,” I said, “Like, look at me and Haffele. We don't blend it all. But I don't blame him for not being able to blend with me simply because I have no interest in romance. Sure, I'll give him an heir, but only when I'm ready.”

“Why do you just reject him and you doing it to get an heir?”

“It might be fun. But I don't think we're getting ready to do it yet. Maybe in a year or two,” I said, “Also, he's not the heir to this Dukes, darn. Keep forgetting your father's name, even though it's like most memorable name ever. I am forgetting it. I don't know why.”

Jerille looked down at the paper. “How about this one?” he said.

I looked down at the paper he was holding. It showed an unfamiliar face. I didn't know the person who was on the paper. The person had Elvin ears and jet black hair along with green eyes. These elven ears looked to be about half as long as Calek’s, My uncle. Although it didn't seem like they're related. This woman had a different last name than him. They would have different noses from my uncle. Her age was 18. She was apparently very ladylike and intelligent. Which was a strange combo.

“I think this is one,” I said.

“What makes you say that?” He said.

“Well, in her description it lists their different likes and dislikes. And many of them are like yours,” I said.

“That is true,” he said, “but one thing bothers me, never mind. I'm sure it'll sort itself out once all the deals are put through.” he seemed content with this choice.

Months passed and the deal was put through. Jerille and his father, the Duke. Did all the paperwork. well, I simply stood there confused on how they could do paper work so well. I wasn't very good at it. eventually there was just a carriage at the front door and out stepped 2 retainers.

A Butler with graying hair and a bald spot on the back of his head. He didn't wear any glasses like a normal Butler. All the other butlers in the manner wore glasses and this was a bit strange. I don't know why it was so strange for me.

The other retainer was a maid herself, had pointed ears and Violet eyes. I don't know where I recognized her, but she was from somewhere. Now I knew where she was from. It was an uncanny resemblance to the little baby that sat beside me in that crib.

It was Callie. I don't know how she became the retainer for this girl, but she was a retainer. A maid, in fact. I thought she had it been on the top of their list when it came to heirs, but apparently father had had a son. That was a bit strange to think about.

But that was the least of my worries. The woman that stepped out, now that that was a woman. I don't know how to say, but she looked like the most. Stereotypical noblewoman I've ever seen, despite her being only 18 years of age. I was a bit disappointed. Jerille, of course, wasn't disappointed. In fact, he had stars in his eyes by the way he looked at her.

“Hey buddy,” I asked him, “What's that looking at your eye? You're looking at it like she's. Most beautiful one on the planet when in fact I think she isn't. But that's just me.”

“Oh shush Zilleff, You don't know anything about beauty,” he says, “you wear boys clothes with a normal sized skirt, it actually looks quite attractive, but other than that? What's womanly about you? Nothing.”

“OK, I get the point Jerille, but never mind. I'm not even gonna ask why. I'm pretty sure that's my sister as a maid by her side. I'm not going to ask about that.” I responded. “OK, First off, about the clothes. These are not men's clothes. This is just the woman clothes without all the dumb fluffy stuff for over it,” I responded