Chapter 16 – Appetite
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Lotef forced the toast down, no amount of syrup made it any more palatable. It had only been three bland breakfasts since Midnight had been taken from her. Breakfast being the most tolerable of the meals she had to force down. Of course, that genie had to spoil her taste buds as well.

"At least you get to eat well." Lotef said, brushing the back of her hand against Collar's cheek. Convictions, was three days' worth of lousy meals really all she needed to turn her opinion on the genie that hard? "Shall we get going?" She asked, Collar responded by nesting himself in her bangle.

Lotef's day continued the same as every other day had. She babysat the jinn ensuring they kept from frying themselves. She strolled past each of her assigned jinnerators, making sure the hibitors were intact and wiping down the inside of the capsule shells. It all had become rote that the battle was keeping from going on autopilot. Lotef made certain the jinn were bound properly before even going anywhere near such creatures of course.

When it came to lunch Lotef loosened the chains of their pillory to grant them a bit more wiggle room. It allowed the jinn to hold their own meals, the first week she was here Lotef refused to use it fearing one would grab her when her attention had waned. Nowadays Lotef offered them a bit more freedom—well most of them—if it got her out of a bit of work. She made certain not to turn her back on them when they were loosened.

Orphan and G398 hung loosely out of their chambers, both looking like puppets suspended by strings. At this setting, they had more freedom of movement, their hands no longer hooked so tightly to their pillory. Even if freedom might have been a tad too strong a word.

"T-thank you..." Orphan said, taking the feed Lotef handed to her, a round sphere filled with an awful porridge-like paste. Lotef had tasted the feed once, at Martha's, her Academ roommate, suggestion. It took her longer than she'd like to admit to ignoring Martha's 'you know what would be funny' ideas. Orphan seemed to have no problem with the substance, she sucked against the sphere's surface, content with her meal, she was always content as long as she was served first. The last time Lotef a genie before her, Orphan broke into a fit, whining and crying about not being loved. It took a minor lashing and half an hour to get her to calm down. Even then the genie refused to eat and had to be fed through her bough, the branch-like spine of every mature genie's back.

G398 was fed next, all he needed was to have his feed handed to him and he would drink from the fruit-looking sphere with little fuss. Honestly, Lotef was relieved to have been assigned at least one normal one, maybe she could assign him a handle... She began privately referring to him as Gargoyle. Maybe she could petition that name for him? Although she had been liking the sound of Balance recently. But that one might be a little too on the nose probably.

"Have I displeased you, Mistress?" He asked when he noticed she was staring at him, though she would argue staring was too strong a word.

"No, carry on with your meal." Lotef said, Ok maybe she was staring a bit, but could anyone honestly blame her? When her other two options were the weeping child or the other one?

A hiss escaped the last of her charges, Lotef rolled her eyes, how could she forget Chef? If only she could forget about Chef. She made her way towards his capsule tapping the keynotes at the side. The flower-like shell opened up just slightly, allowing him to air out a bit. As much as someone could air out within this temperance-forsaken oven.

The ungrateful genie had the nerve to rattle in his chamber. No way she was giving that freak any more freedom. She still fumed remembering how introduced himself, absentmindedly brushing her hand against her cheek. He was lucky all he had to endure was a single galloping. She was within her right to have him go on another five gallops for what he did.

It was the reason he was kept in a gag, he would stay that way if she had any say in it. Instead, he was exclusively fed through his bough. A segment on the jinnerator's capsule held the feed and slowly began funneling it into the bough.

Chef let out a defeated groan as he was denied even the lackluster sensation of the gruel. Not that he would eat it anyway, apparently the slop was unfitting to his insufferable palate. He was lucky he wasn't hung on the spot for what he did before becoming a jinnerator.

After lunch Lotef endured another wave of jinn-induced heat, coaxing what energy she could from them, periodically washing each down with a cloth. She had long gotten used to the heat, it was a new hurdle that began to eat at her... The boredom.

She sat and let the time chip away, apparently, this was something she should relish. Overseer Agatha promised she would be worked like a hound when she was assigned more wagons to tend. /Matron please let that day come sooner than later./ Nothing could be worse than the wait. She'd even begun talking with Meloketh in an attempt to make the time go by.

But all of that was pleasant compared to moving the canisters... Being the new Enjinseer she found herself having to deal with not just her own, but the other enjinseer canisters as well. Making her way to each wagon she not only had to unlock said canister. She also had to replace them with a new fresh one. Luckily she didn't have to take them to the bottom of the wagon, each wagon had a slot that would move the canister to the foot of the wagon.

"They got you on can duty mouse?" G783 said, she flashed Lotef a grin making certain to bare her teeth.

"Don't antagonize her Gory!" G662 said he was one of the newer additions offered to Overseer Agatha a few towns back when she provided them with three months worth of grain and a lott to help with the upcoming harvest. He still had that startled look, like an animal ready to bite at the nearest provocation. He looked like he was trying to lunge at her through his restraints, "Didn't you hear what she did to Chef?"

"Big whoop, she send him on a walk, least I'd get a break from your rambling."

Lotef paid their ramblings little mind as she input the keynotes, freeing the canister's grip. "A little warning would be nice!" G783 said. It probably would have been, each capsule would tighten its grasp on its held jinnerator as the canister was replaced. An overwrite keynote was available, but pulling that required a good reason otherwise there would be hell to pay.

A click signal Lotef had placed the new canister in properly, followed by a relieved sigh from G783 as her restraints laxed.

"I don't hear G662 complaining." He winced, and the genie actually winced at her calling his name, she tried to hide her irritation.

["Have prudence, they all will come to fear you one day."] The nerve of Her using Lotef's conviction!

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me m-mistress." He said, looking away trying to turn his capsule with him. She must have been scowling, she really needed to stop letting Her get the best of her at critical moments.

Lotef made her way closer to G662 until she was within arm's length. "You're fine," Lotef said, brushing a hand against his cheek, she saw him struggle against his instinct to keep still in her hand. Lotef had to admit he was pretty cute.

G783 made a clicking sound with her teeth, "If I was a lesser girl, I'd be insulted."

Lotef still paid G783 no mind, as she left the wagon. She had no idea how to handle her and was still a little afraid of her. She was a little too similar to Her. Unfortunately, that was the last canister to unload... meaning she now had to move them.

["This is beneath you."She said, arms crossed reminding her of her mother.

She hated moving them the most, they were deceptively heavier than they looked. A round cylinder nearly as big as her. She regularly found herself dragging them against the ground, leaving a noticeable groove. Once again the canister slipped out of her grip, wiping the sweat-free from her forehead.

["Why do you intend to wriggle like a maggot? If you keep this up, you could get yourself hurt."]

Her arms were so numb, she was panting like crazy, and she was nowhere near the drop-off point. How did Midnight make moving these things look so easy? Looking around the camp, she opted to take a break. Unfortunately, the lott had already finished their workout today, so she'd have to do without a show. The last few stragglers made their way towards the mess hall. Why couldn't she get the chanters? They would be more than happy to help her.

["The morons would probably throw it around."] Both Lotef and Her cringed at that thought. It was weird agreeing with her, again...

Ever since putting Eluketh in his place, She had been less hostile to her. Nowhere near friendly, but it was much more preferable to what she had acted ever since that first wish. She still had no idea if she should be relieved or bothered by this current development.

["You made the right choice."] She threw away everything she believed in that night and for some reason reaped a bounty, she nowhere near deserved. People had been punished for less than she had done, where was fairness in any of that? ["More guilt?"] She said with a prolonged sigh and a roll of her alien eyes. ["Would rescinding your wish make you feel any better?"]

"No!" Lotef wanted to vomit at the thought of losing anymore. She had paid her due, she had, abort it! ["That's right, you had given up so much..."] She would not tolerate any more slipping from her fingertips. ["This world has always been unfair... Giving up your fortune won't make it any fairer."She said placing her thumb on Lotef's open palm, which stopped her from running her thumb on her fingers. Lotef was certain She was well aware of that fact as well.

["What if they come and take what little you have?"She whispered softly in Lotef's ear, hands tenderly on Lotef's shoulders. ["You say you never want to lose anymore, if that was true wouldn't going further be a small price to pay? A single word could easily sure up that, all you need is to go beyond those meager wishes."] She ran Her hand down Lotef's left arm, ["Just say the words..."]

She just needed to say the words... It would be so easy, she could do it, if not for herself then for Eva. Lotef opened her mouth, was she strong enough to go through with this? For everyone, she cared for?

"...Please report to your assigned stations, I'd hurry if I was you, your lionesses do not seem to be in the time-wasting mood." Beacon Neza said over the intercom. Lotef stood alone mouth hanging open, thankfully her rebreather hid that from any outside observer.

Was she really that close to throwing away all her hard work? Abandon everyone in an ironic attempt to keep them close to her? She could have laughed if it wasn't so sad. With a shaky hand, she placed the last of the incense she had on hand. Lotef took a moment and breathed, in and out. For a good minute, there was no lott, no apostates, no failure, no fear, and most importantly... no Philistine.

It was so unfair that Enjinseer Eija and Koket were handed her as a Beacon. Meanwhile, she was stuck with Meloketh... /Deep breaths, Just breathe.../

"You going to stand there all day?" Great... She did not have the mood to deal with him right now. "What are you even doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question lottman." Lotef said, pressing her hands on her hips.

"Disciplinary action, from that incident at the bar." He said, bending to take another rock and turning it around. Lotef had heard of this one, meaningless labor to put the offending errant in his place.

"I still haven't gotten a thank you."

"You can keep waiting for it, it was your fault this mess happened."

"My fault?" She had to hear this. Was this something she was going to have to get used to? Getting lip from people she put her neck out for?

["You told a guy to stop, not really the most heroic."]

"If you and your kind kept a firmer reign on your pets that would have never happened, or better yet. Get rid of them."

"If the jinn is such a big problem, you should have joined the Ashen Wake."

"Believe me Luminous, If only it was so easy."

What did that mean? A lottman could easily request a transfer, it would only then be a matter of time for everything to go through. They just need to-, "Oh." Lotef said with a cheshire-like grin. "It's no need to be upset lottmen. A lioness turns you down, it happens, the Wake has a whole sea of them looking for men with that nail-through-the-foot appeal."

That got a laugh from the Lottman, "I'd find it hard to believe you'd ever let your feet touch the ground, Luminous."

Lotef clenched her fingers together, the nerve of this man! "You know what, you are right lottman." The bewildered look on his face was more than worth saying those words. "Now come with me."

"I'm a bit busy at the moment Luminous, some of us have work to do."

"Got to make sure those rocks get their sunlight?" He let out something between a groan and grunt, but Lotef carried on. "Now get up, your rocks will be there when I'm done with you."

"Last I checked I wasn't wearing a collar. You want someone for labor how about you get that shadow of yours to do it."

Lotef tried to not let that get to her, there would be oblivion to pay if even a single hair was misplaced... "She's occupied, so I must contend myself with you."

"I still missed the part where you explain how you're the boss of me."

"You're right again lottman."

"I am?" He said Lotef assumed the shock was from how easily she was apparently relenting.

"Yes, I can't wave my lantern and make you do anything. So I'll do what I should have at the beginning, ask." Before he could say whatever stupid retort he had ready for her, she continued. "I will have to ask Lioness Bridget why her lottman intends to be so difficult? What pleasure does he get from getting in the way of my work? I'm certain she would love to hear you made certain each rock got the right amount of sun."

"What do you want." The pause between his "Luminous." Was sharp enough to slit her throat. If she wasn't careful, she was certain Lucent Bridget would if she learned Lotef had taken one of her boys without her permission.

"Take that canister, and pace yourself, we're going to the armory." She said, she couldn't help but grin a little, this was about to get so much easier.

With a single hand he lifted the canister and pressed it against his back, Lotef cringed at the thought of that pressed against skin. Her disgust turned to jealousy when she realized how easily he was holding what she had been dragging for a while.

"So, how'd you get stuck in the lott?"

"I chose it."

"Really?" Who joins the lott? It was an avenue for men the facilitators couldn't find a use for. Errant Roland might have been rude, unpleasant, and abrasive. But begrudgingly she'd admit he was coordinated. On the practice yard, he kept his men in order and focused. Not that she went to see him for herself after all. /Rutabaga you owe me big time./ She just happened to notice him when she was... Appraising the lott.

"Yes, really. This is where I want to be."

"Oh-, Is my most begrudging lottman becoming someone's gentleman?" It better be Rutabaga,

That got a scornful laugh from the lottman. "Seeing the women here, I'd rather be shot."

"I'm certain most of them feel the same about you," Lotef said, crossing her arms.

"They'd probably save me the trouble and put a lump between my eyes themselves." He said with a quick chuckle.

Lotef couldn't even consider becoming a Lioness. Let alone a lottman was so horrid she couldn't even fathom. Just as much risk with less pay and more demeaning work. /Not like dragging canisters./ No that was obviously different.

There had to be a reason he joined. "You know, it's really unlikely."

"And I plan to keep outside the coterie's notice and keep it that way."

"No! I mean knighthood."

"What?" He said, nearly dropping her canister, matron help him if he manages to break it somehow.

"The Animus, they are notoriously picky when it comes to choosing their knights." They only had two Animus with them so far anyway, from what she heard they weren't going to get many more to join them, though she didn't have the heart to tell the lottman that. How many people, men and women attach themselves to a lott or exodus in the hopes of attracting the gaze of the animus in their care? "And being honest with you, you're far from a charmer."

"Believe it or not," He said, placing the next canister on the wheel barrel she had been using to gather them. "Some of us like serving without needing to climb some meaningless ladder."

Climbing some ladder? The nerve of that man! "Good, we need more gallant men within our lott." She let his implication pass, she would take Overseer Agatha's example. No one was around to see them, meaning she would let it slide, this once.

He was obviously lying anyway, no one joins the lott except the useless or desperate. "You have a better chance of winning the lottery." She felt regret the moment the words left her mouth, Prudence's mercy she felt horrible. "How much do you need?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" The oaf asked, taking two canisters this time, two, and strolled like it was nothing.

"No, how much do you need from the lottery?"

"I don't need anything from the lottery."

"Save the bravado lottman, I'm not making fun of you. It's admirable to join the lott for the good of your family." He was less than gentle placing the next two canisters, "Hey! Be careful! You do not want those things to break!"

"I don't have family Luminous."

"I'm sorry." ["What if they come and take what little you have?"], Her taunting voice continued to ring through her head. "I didn't mean to pry."

"If you didn't you would have stopped when I told you my reason."

"'I joined' Is not a reason lottman!" The nerve, it's not like she knew his family was dead before she asked! "And excuse me for being cordial."

"You're excused."

Lotef didn't know what to say, she was beginning to regret making him do her work. "I'll probably regret asking this-"

"Then don't."

"But why did you really join?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

Lotef shrugged, but more importantly she was hoping to find something that could help Gentry Rutabaga. "I wanted to know if you had an excuse for being such a pain."

"None whatsoever."

"You're unbearable!"

He shrugged, "I've been told."

Lotef sighed, "Fine, whatever." She said, sitting on a rock as he made another round to retrieve another two canisters. "Lottman, only one at a time!"

"What!? Why?"

"Oh, a lot of complicated logistical nonsense that would fly over your head. All you need to know is it's dangerous to carry too at once."

"That would explain why you were only moving one," Did he actually believe her? "And what did the dragging accomplish?" Aborted Lottman.

"Just get back to work!"

"Why don't you get chanters to do this?"

"Oh, now you want to talk? I don't see why I should answer your question, considering how rudely you denied me earlier."

"Nevermind then." He said, after placing another canister on the wheelbarrow. Why did she ever choose to waste her time with this man!

"Are you looking for a partisan?"

"I don't recall ever saying I didn't have a partisan."

"You have the look." Lotef had to be careful, she couldn't let him catch on that she was trying to sell him on Gentry Rutabaga. "The look of someone who chases all relationships away."

"You got me there." He said that was surprising, Lotef was expecting another smart-aleck remark, and now she was beginning to feel kind of bad, maybe she went a bit too far. "I guess we are alike there."

["He's got you're number."She said, sitting on top of the canisters like they were a throne.

"I'm likable!"

"Do you have a partisan?"

Biting her bottom lip, she pushed forward. "Things would probably be easier if you had the right partisan, she—or—he, could be very practical."

"I've seen how Rutabaga treats Leaf," He said her name so casually, there was no accounting to taste when it came to the heart, hopefully, Lotef's would be a lot much more sensible when it chose for her. "I'll pass." Lotef took his response like a slap to the face.

["Looks like you've got your work cut out for you."]

"She can't be that bad, I mean she seems very energetic."

"Firecrackers are energetic, you still want them out of your hands as soon as possible."

"She also makes a mean stack of pancakes." Technically they were Gil's but she asked him to make them so there's that. Maybe she could convince her to convince him to make her another plate...again.

"Yeah, Leaf's alright when it comes to cooking," Aborted lottmen, why weren't they ever this intuitive when she was explaining how their aborted gear worked? "You know she's using you."


"Rutabaga only sold you that lie so you'd make yourself more regular around our barrack." That couldn't be possible, if that were true that would mean...

["Did ignorance really help soften the blow?"]

"For what reason!?"

"She's trying to play matchmaker between you and Leaf."

"Her partisan!?! The nerve of her! Herding me like I'm some... Some... Broodmare!"

"Yeah, the nerve of some people," Roland said sardonically, Lotef looked away, abortion she was acting no better.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm not saying it again."

"No, I mean-, I just-, Listen I've been working with lioness for over ten years and I've never seen any of them apologize. Let alone a warden." He said, taking another canister.

"Good to remember I'm an enjinseer, floratech doesn't care how much you claim you're right."

"Lucky it."



"Lottman. You can take two at a time."

"What about the myriad of reasons I shouldn't be able to hold two of them."

"First of all, don't use words like 'myriad', it doesn't fit your aesthetic."

"My... aesthetic? What would-"

"Second," She pressed a finger on his chest, he was like a statue... "Quit questioning when fortune favors you."

"Whatever you say Luminous Fortune."


"How much longer." The lottman asked, another in his endless stream of bellyaching, honestly, it was kind of embarrassing. He should be thanking her, this work had to have been a breeze compared to what Lucent Bridget probably put him through.

"We're here," Lotef said, pointing towards the gathering of wealds that made up the workshop. "Just be on your best behavior."

"Yes, Luminous." Lotef couldn't place it, but she was certain he was still undermining her.

"Luminous Lotef!" A pixcee said, shuffling from atop the roof, "This is the last of the shipment?"


"Wilma! Get these tanks unloaded and in position."

Why did Lotef feel like she was watching a ghost when Gentle Wilma made her way into view? Her punishment couldn't have been anywhere as bad as what Midnight was probably going through, the overseer could have actually put the foolish gentle through much worse. Her jacket looked a little worse for wear and her hair was a mess. She had a unfocused gaze and appeared like she hadn't slept in a while. "Yes gentry." She spoke more like a genie than an enjinseer... Leafseer.

"Gentle Wilma, a word before you go." Gentle Wilma cringed, she looked like she was ready to take off any moment.

"Go easy on her." The foreman said with a satisfied grin before making off to attend to another group.

"Y-you have words Luminous?"

"I just want to know if you're ok?"

Gentle Wilma looked at her with a fawn-like hesitation, "I-I am perfectly fine, Luminous."

"I know Overseer Agatha can be a little harsh at times, but I'm glad you made it out in one piece." Once again she winced. "If you ever have anything you want to talk about-"

"No need for that Luminous. Overseer Agatha's punishment was fair for my negligence! Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to work." Before Lotef could say anything Gentle Wilma was already halfway to the chanters she had under control.

"What's that all about?" Lotef said, to herself.

"Yeah, the nerve." Errant Roland said, "Not wanting her feelings of the overseer getting back to the overseer."

"Overseer Agatha is not like that! Why would I do such a thing?"

"You revealed Lioness-, Numen Ellen's secret."

"That was different! A numina is far too important to waste indulging a lioness' selfish whims."

"Easy to say when you're not the one making the sacrifice." The nerve of that man!

"I'd not hesitate to bare any sacrifice for the good of our community. And let the matron claim luminary who thinks otherwise." She paid no mind to the woman wearing her face in the corner of her eye.

"You honestly believe that?"

["Do you really believe that?"She echoed, her smile deepening into an anticipatory rictus.

"Of course I do! I strive to embody that standard every day. I haven't faltered to badly yet... matron willing I never will."

["You will."She said, in unison with Errant Roland.

"And I bet you're just eagerly awaiting for that day, aren't you?" Was he able to hear Her? No, If he could she would already be placed in chains.

"Far from it. If you falter a lot of good men and women will fall with you. When it happens, and it will happen. Make certain you don't run away from it."

["Speaking from experience?"She said, and to Lotef's surprise only She said it. Usually she would snatch Lotef's body, temporarily hijacking her for a moment causing mischief, and slinking back to wherever she hid within Lotef's soul.

"Th-thank you." Came out of Lotef's mouth instead, He seemed as surprised at her kindness as She was. Each expecting some aggressive remark no doubt. How little he knew how close She was to slipping out. But this time, she was only an impulse, one Lotef was going to ignore.

Lotef expected more but he seemed a bit preoccupied staring off at the chanters at work.

"Never considered you fond of chanters lottman."

"I'm not." He sounded insulted at the mere implication.

"Figures." Lottmen usually wasn't fond of them, not that Lotef could blame any of them. "I can assure you they are harmless... enough."

"Then why don't you have any with you?"

"I-, They're a little too painful a reminder."

["What are you doing!?! Are you trying to get us killed!"She hissed, afraid are we? Lotef looked her in the eye, daring Her to push her with a glance, and to her surprise she faded away. Maybe that would get Her to ease off.

"Oh. Sorry." A sorry? Maybe the lottman had some decency after all. "Brother?" Lotef had to stifle a laugh, the thought of Hector doing anything to incite replacement* was too much coming out of nowhere.

"Mother actually."


"You're not the one that needs to apologize. Besides, why do I need a snarling chanter when I have a perfectly adequate lottman right here?" She patted him on the shoulder. "Let's get to work, we've put off long enough."

With a nod Errant Roland arranged the canisters, placing them under Lotef's direction. Each canister was set in front of multiple large cannons the lott would use for holding defensive positions. Each one lay inert, it was the lott's responsibility to run regular maintenance ensuring they ran properly, that would be tomorrow. Today Lotef would ensure they were fueled, groomed, and oiled.

"What's in here anyway?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Manure." She answered curtly, enjoying the pale look on his face, /That will teach you to indulge in curiosity./ Lotef thought. "They facilitate the growth of your machines." She said with a smile, before letting him drop the tank next to the location. "You still believe the floratech lucky?"

Licking her lips, Lotef began intoning the borrowed tongue. Her song resonated and stirred a tendril next to each cannon to life.

Lotef enjoyed the bewildered look on Errant Roland's face the awe that accompanied watching a floratech rouse. As the cannon sprung to life, looking more like an animated flower than a weapon of war. Even his attempt to put up his usual indifference began to wane giving her a glimpse of the wonder her muse have been feeling. These moments were one of the perks of her job.

Another part of her found a twisted amusement in its evolution as the process continued. That awe turned to disgust the moment it seized the canister. He watched the tendril greedily guzzle at the placed fuel source, Lotef couldn't help but let a few chuckles escape. She had long grown desensitized to what was currently occurring. Watching the whole scene with the attention Overseer Agatha would the aftermath of a battlefield.

The opposite side of the canister opened lathering the ground with the fertilizer.

Lotef remembered the time Overseer Agatha brought her to her first battle. She had not been a part of the actual conflict and only accompanied the overseer to get a taste of the aftermath. 'To learn the necessity of your contribution.' The overseer had told her. Even then it was overwhelming. The smell of cooked flesh being cremated warred with the sour rot of splayed corpses. Even following Overseer Agatha's advice, she couldn't even recall what it was now, which didn't help keep Lotef from adding her own bile to the field.

It took a month for Eva to quit picking at her over that one. She hoped Eva was ok, /Don't get yourself killed, you stupid brute./

When the soil was finally matted and set, did Lotef act. Taking her jacket off Lotef tossed it to Errant Roland. In his current state coat rack would probably be his only use right now. She approached, making certain her hair was tied up.

On her knees she Pulled a vial containing a paste-like substance, she poured it across the field making certain a good amount was lathered across the soil. Next, she sculpted the entire floor, using her gloved hands and shovel to smear the contents evenly across the field.

While the manure acted as a source of nutrients and enriched the cannon. The paste from her vial acted as a balancing agent. Allowing it to fight pests and blight, while also guarding against drastic changes in weather. It also acted as a repellant for the nightmares that followed the nightwaves.

She lost herself in the tempo of the garden, the buzzing of insects who had made this area their home. She paid them no mind, more concerned with completing her work. After all, she was intruding on their sanctuary. All in all, it was remarkably peaceful, one of the few times Lotef didn't need to worry about anything.

"That must be a... Powerful filter."

"Not really." It filtered a heavy amount of odor, but it's not like she still wasn't smelling manure. "What?" Lotef said when she glanced up at Errant Roland. What was once a probably practiced disinterest had become horror-, no that word was too potent, disgust.

/Aborted man./ Lotef thought, feeling a tad self-conscious, thankfully she was able to keep herself from running her fingers through her hair, she could not stop her thumb from jumping between index and ring.

"Just never figured you to be someone to be so happy to route around like a pig."

"Why else would I invite you, Errant? Just be a good coat rack and let me work."

"You speak with many coat racks?" Aborted man.

Lotef spent a good amount of time working the field, enjoying the discomfort on the lottman. As much as he was a pain it clearly bothered him that she was doing all the work. "You could join me if you want lottman."


"Fine, just make certain to not get my coat dirty."

"Afraid it would match you too well then?"

Another silence as Lotef worked the fields until she was interrupted by another, "I hope your day is going well enjinseer."

"Good Morning Mercy," Lotef said, sitting up to keep herself above the muck, the smell was something she could tolerate, getting that muck anywhere it didn't need to be would be unbearable. "You're looking as radiant as ever."

"Would you like a cup?" Mercy said, holding a tray towards Roland. Roland pulled away like she was offering poison.

"Shouldn't you be with your master? Genie." He said with the usual elegance Lotef expected from him.

"Unfortunately my enjinseer has little need for me at this time, he thought it would be a good idea for me to offer my services in what little way I can. Would you like a cup?" She said holding the cup of water towards Roland. "It's probably tiresome beneath the sun."

"Keep away from me genie."

"Roland. Can you please be a bit hospitable?"

"It's no bother enjinseer, he is well within his right." Mercy said waving her hand, "Would you enjoy a cup?"

Lotef carefully held up her muck-covered hands to answer her question.

"I will be more than happy to hold it for you."

"I wouldn't want to get you dirty."

"Abortion, can you quit worrying about the genie and get yourself a drink." The lottman said, "I'm not pulling you out of that if you pass out."

Before she passed out! 'Get yourself a drink.' Like she was some child that needed to be looked after. The aborted lottman needed to remember his place.

"It would relieve me as well enjinseer if you took a drink, I would not want to disgrace Master Jamie by letting one of his colleagues fall to the heat."

"Fine." Lotef said, standing on her feet and making her way to the genie. She ignored Mercy's insistence to stay put and let her pour the water into her mouth. As much as she hated to admit it, it was the relief she needed.

"I'm sorry I could not make it more convenient." She said, a soft smile fixed on her face.

"You are fine." Lotef said, "Lottman can you please hand Mercy my jacket?" Lotef noticed the slight relief on the lottman. Poor child, he thought she was going to send him away. When her jacket hung on Mercy's shoulder, did Lotef continue. "Mercy, my lottman seems a little parched does he not?"

"Yes, Mistress." Mercy said with a smile.

"Would you be so kind as to cool him down?" Lotef said, ignoring the lottman's prattling on about how he wasn't 'her lottman.'

"Of course Mistress." With that, she took a cup and splashed it against the lottman.

"Abortion woman! What is wrong with you!" Roland said, pulling back, pressing his hand against the spot Mercy had hit.

"Don't be so melodramatic lottman," Honestly he acted like lottmen didn't just pour water on themselves all the time. "If I'm going to have to squelch my coddling a little, you're going to have to squelch your counterintuitive disdain for them. And admit it, it's refreshing."

"Mercy, please hand the lottman my jacket back." The look he shot her was-, ["Satisfying."] Expected. As Mercy handed the jacket to the lottman, who proceeded to use it as a towel as if that bothered her.

Mercy made her way offering relief to other hard-working people, the rest of the day was peaceful Lotef tended to the fields until she felt it was perfect. The lottman's irritation might have also encouraged her to ensure she was both proper and thorough.

By the time Lotef was finished, her pants and undershirt were covered in mud and filth, she tossed the gloves in a waste bin set up nearby.

"No, keep a hold of it!" The Lottman had the nerve to actually try and hand her jacket back to her, while she was covered in filth!

"I can't carry your coat for you all day, Luminous."

"Just a little longer lottman." She said, leading him to where Mercy had stationed herself, she stood with a genie, G538 by the look on her arm.

"Would you do us the honor of cleaning your enjinseer?"

"Yes." Lotef said, and the genie with Mercy went pale.

"Go on." Mercy said. "I'm sorry I can not facilitate you myself." Mercy said to Lotef.

G538 extended her arms and two halos appeared around her arms. Lotef braced herself as she felt the pressure of the genie's enchantments pressed against her. Slowly the mud and muck began to peel away, congealing into a ball before her.

The ball trembled, threatening to rupture, Errant Roland took a step back. Lotef stood unmoving panicking would no doubt make things worse. "Take a deep breath," Mercy said, taking a gentle grasp and one of her wrists. For a moment Lotef thought she was talking to her.

G538 followed Mercy's instructions and steadied her breathing, the quibbling ball of muck began to settle and stabilize again. It didn't take long for the muck to completely leave her and form a ball.

"Please dispose of this." Mercy said.

"Yes ma'am." G538 said with a nod, her hand extended, palm open the ball of muck hovering above her made her leave.

Lotef gave herself a once-over glance and ran her fingers against her arms, as smooth as a can be. "Thanks, Mercy." She said, taking her jacket and slipping it on. Pulling her bangle out of her pocket, she wasn't going to get Collar's home dirty.

"C'mon Lottman." Probably best to get him out of here, he stares any longer and he'll end up boring a hole through Mercy.

"You sure you're clean?" Errant Roland rudely asked.

"Of course, I've been cleaned, I'll have you know this style of bathing is far more thorough than soap and water."

"Mhm." He sounded unconvinced. "Escape."


"You asked why I joined the lott, I needed an escape."

"Yeah... Escape is nice." Lotef said, feeling that weight on her chest again.

"Anything else Luminous?"

Lotef forced a smile, "Next time I need to sling shit at our machines, I'll know who to call." She said playfully he wasted no time escaping her with a brisk jog. Allowing Lotef to get a glance of the moon he was smuggling beneath his pants.

"You enjoy your time with the Lott?" Overseer Agatha asked behind her, making the newly minted Enjinseer leap off her heels.

"Oh- Overseer, I didn't mean to-, he just offered, and I thought, why-, Why no-" Lotef brushed her hands against her thick blue hair, attempting to straighten her messy mane.

"No need to apologize." Overseer Agatha said with a smile, "Use what you can." She said, patting her on the back, guiding an exhausted Lotef to walk with her. "I'm pleased you're keeping your fauna with you."

"Yes, Overseer."

"I want you to get some rest for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow ma'am?"

"We have received no more than three messages from Belma, all of which request for assistance."

"What kind of assistance?"

"All you need know is that, and I think you are more than ready to do more than moving tanks and making certain jinn don't choke on their own power." She couldn't mean. "Tomorrow you will meet with Enjinseer Usha and have her teach you the proper care of our Nymhide."

"Oh thank you, Overseer! You will not regret this!" Lotef could barely keep her voice steady.

"I've heard you've been bereft of a proper meal for some time." Lotef was grateful her rebreather hid her blushing cheeks. "Let's see if we rectify that." With that, she leads Lotef to the mess hall.


Lotef sat at her table, she should have been going to bed, she had a big day ahead of her tomorrow. But she couldn't just ignore what happened today, she still had one matter to attend to. She looked at the hammock she had made for Collar, he was slumbering peacefully within from what she could tell.

"Reveal yourself." Lotef had put this off for long enough, she appeared between the blink of an eye. At the opposite side of the table, a complete reflection of Lotef, save the whites of her eyes being black, her pupils glowed red and amber.

"I never said it, I wanted to thank you for what you did when Princess rampaged. If you hadn't noticed that man-" Lotef was ashamed to admit she still didn't know his name. "If it wasn't for you, he would have died."

["I did nothing worth being thanked."She said with a sneer.

"Needless, thank you." Why did she have to be so insufferable? If Lotef could find a way to utilize that, she could end up helping so many people. "Then who are you?"

["I have already told you."]

"I'm not using that name!" Lotef took a deep breath, "What do you want?"

["What I want has not changed, I wish to see you reach your potential."] She said. "For you to cast away this meekness and embrace-"

"You will not." Lotef snapped, cutting Her off. "Make that offer again and I will bring you to She Who Mourns With Laughter again."

She let out a hiss more feral than any animal Lotef could comprehend, that calculated facade of decorum broken completely. Lotef kept forced herself to keep a firm grip on her resolve and her table. /She can't hurt you./ Lotef reminded herself.

Between another blinking of Lotef's eyes.She returned back to normal, sitting across from Lotef as if she hadn't just hissed like a feral beast. ["Perhaps a compromise... I will reframe from mentioning your potential if you promise you'll merely consider my offer."]

Lotef stopped herself from saying no on impulse, what was the point of this?She knew Lotef would never take the offer, what was there to consider?

"You know I'm not going to accept your bargain." If she agreed, would that be a lie? Would she even know?

["You've done enough, consider the compact fulfilled."She had an uncanny knack for answering... a tad too conveniently.

["No, I can not read your mind."] She said, with a rictus grin. ["That was merely intuition. The intuition a well-known sister."] This thing thought of her as a sister? Great...

"The intuition that made you aware of Rutabaga?"

["A fitting way to look at the situation."She said, shrugging her shoulders. When she refused to elaborate Lotef gave up. She had put it off for long enough.

"You are not," Lotef braced herself and mustered what courage she possessed.She was for all purposes intangible unable to touch or interact with anything. For the most part She was just a nuance, a voice in the back of her head. That was unless Lotef lied to her, when she was lied to, was when she was truly horrifying. Lotef still recoiled recalling what happened last time. "The Philistine.

She was not the Philistine, that was good at least. Logically there was no way She could be him.She was nothing against She Who Morns With Laughter. Who while strong in her own right was nothing compared to the elden within Cazmagar.

As much as she'd like to think the Philistine a weeping child unable to contend with even a younger elden. That would be nothing but wishful thinking that in the long run would accomplish little.

"You were right about Gentry Rutabaga, I'm sorry for not heeding your warning."

She sat unmoved, hands laced together, ["Are you saying you will begin to heed my council?"]

"I am saying I am willing to be a little more open to your advice from now on, provided it's sensible and you answer some questions."

"How did you know?"

["I already told you, I knew nothing you did not already know."] But she didn't know anything, she had no idea he was underneath rubble until she pointed it out. ["Do you truly wish to know how I found him?"] Lotef was speechless, she nodded she needed to know. ["I could tell you more at a later date perhaps..."]

"Later date? Just tell me now." Lotef demanded, she was on the verge of yelling, she could feel it at the back of her throat.

["And break my promise?"] Not Philistine batted her eyes playing the role of an innocent child, ["We can talk of that later. When you tire of playing with your jinn and wish to achieve something real-, I will be more than happy to lead you in the right direction."]

/Just put it out of your mind, it's not worth it./ "I figured you'd have more pity for them."

["Why is that?"] She said it so naively Lotef felt she was walking into some kind of trap.

"You know what a genie is don't you?"


"And you feel nothing for them?"

["Do you?"] What kind of question was that? ["Exactly."]

"I mean if they were human put through this situation, I would feel some kind of empathy*"

["Would you?"]

"Of course, I would! You're telling me you feel nothing for your own kin?"

["They are no kin of mine."] Lotef knew without explanation she meant kin in a sense of fondness. Was this the intuition Not Philistine was talking about? Why did this bond have to manifest between her of all people... creatures?

"Why do you want to help me? It seems awfully considerate of you."

Not Philistine looked at her confused, ["There is no altruism in my actions."] She said, ["You are more precious to me than you know, and I will stop at nothing to raise you from the squalor you continue chasing."]

"Why am I so important?"

["You aren't in the grand scheme if that makes you feel any better."]

"It doesn't."


"What are you?"

["A child abandoned by her mother."] Bitch.

Fine, if she doesn't want to answer Lotef will just move on.

["Out with it."]


["It's on your mind, if you wish to spare my feelings don't. It's never stopped you before, and I would find it insulting if you throttled our conversation for your... Etiquette."]

"How would I rid myself of you?" Lotef said she forced herself not to look away.

Not Philistine kept a steady look, far too even for someone who was just asked to get lost. ["Fingers."]

Fingers? She wasn't being serious, was she? Where would she even get them? Would that even be a wise option? Even if it did rid her of that creature.

When she pointed towards Lotef, her finger lowering towards the table, Lotef flushed when she noticed her thumb doing laps. Lotef pressed her hand flat against the table, "Just answer the question."

["You merely need to tire of my company."]

"Guess you can lie."

["No lie."] She said curtly, her tone as sharp as a knife. ["If you wish me gone, you merely need to not want me."]

"What kind of answer is that? I've wanted nothing but you out of my life!"

["Then why am I still around?"]

"How many times do I have to make it clear, I do not want you here! My life would be far better if I never see you again!" She had to be lying, otherwise, this would have been a lie, and if it was a lie she would-, She would not be so cordial.

["Are you finished?"] Not Philistine said, her thumb jumping on her fingers, matron's mercy she was angry.


["Good, Because I have a request about your Midnight."] Oh, this was going to be good. ["You do her a disservice with your actions and contempt."] Lotef blinked, where did this come from? Lotef didn't even know how to respond to that. Not that she got a chance, Not Philistine faded away distilling like she was a puff of smoke.

Lotef sat for five minutes still as speechless as she had been when the aborted creature chided her. This was the same creature that would constantly make suggestions on how to make the lives of the jinn under her jurisdiction miserable for her own amusement, now she was telling her to lighten up?

Not wanting to spend another moment on... This, she made her way to her bed and went to sleep.