Chapter 191: Keeping Quiet
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“Oh gods,” Eir moaned into her hand, desperately trying to keep her lewd exclamations quiet and not finding much success. “Oh, please!”

“Shush,” Kerr murmured from where she lay at an angle next to the priestess. She almost tenderly stroked her hair as she whispered in her pointed ears. “You’ve got to keep quiet or all those guards sleeping just a few yards away are going to hear and wake up. Then they’ll all know what a depraved slut you are, and we don’t want that, do we? Well, I guess an obscene little cock worshipper like you might actually enjoy letting everyone know exactly how much you love being tongue-fucked by a Nephilim.”

“Kerr,” Syd said, looking up from where she was nestled between Eir’s plush thighs. “Do you have to talk dirty right now?”

“What?” Kerr looked down at Syd as though she were the picture of innocence. “She likes it when you talk dirty to her. I’m just helping get her off faster.”

“I don’t think I need the help,” Syd rolled her eyes, but then dove back in as Eir’s other hand began insistently tugging her back down towards her soaked core.

“Everyone needs help from their friends from time to time,” Kerr continued her false innocent act. “Isn’t that right, my little perverted priestess?”

“Yes, oh, yes!” Eir let out a muffled cry, one that was barely stifled by her hand at all. Whether the exclamation was in response to Kerr’s words or Syd’s actions at just that moment was hard to say.

“Good girl,” Kerr applauded Eir in a mock imitation of Jadis’ favorite pet name for the priestess.

Then, prying Eir’s hand away from her mouth, Kerr captured the elf’s lips in a sideways kiss so that her lewd moans were muffled in different way.

 “Such a troublemaker…” Dys mumbled as she leaned back against one of the wagon wheels where she had put her blanket. “Even when she’s helpful she’s stirring things up.”

“Hush,” Aila said from where set sat in Dys’ lap. “We’re supposed to be keeping quiet and you keep talking. Find something more productive to do with your mouth.”

“Like that’ll be hard,” Dys grinned capturing Aila’s lips for her own satisfying kiss.

Their shelter inside the wagon’s awning was proving to be surprisingly comfortable. Not as nice as their room back at the guild, but leagues better than any of their previous nights in the wilderness. With one wooden wall and another three made from thick tarps, the body heat from seven people was enough to keep the contained area warm. They’d brought enough rough spun blankets to lay out across the ground so that the floor wasn’t too cold either. All in all, Jadis was pleased with how her idea had been transformed into reality. Not as happy as she was to be making out with Aila while licking Eir’s sweet core, but still. Pleased.

When her Jay self had left the warm comfort of the wagon tent to stand watch with Bridget, her other selves had also woken up so that they could perform their part in the rejuvenation of the persistent ritual effects. Thea had been right, waking up after only a couple of hours of sleep did suck, especially with how tired she’d been from the long day of pulling a huge wagon through the woods. But the reason she was awake more than made up for the inconvenience.

She was pretty sure her companions felt the same way.

“Oh, right there! Yes! Right th—mmph!”

Eir briefly broke away to make her impassioned plea to Syd before Kerr recaptured her mouth.

Taking the cue for the sign it was, Syd focused on Eir’s clit. Flattening out her tongue, she firmly pressed against the little nub, never breaking contact as she rubbed and stroked the little bud of pleasure. Eir’s hips jerked in time with Syd’s motions, grinding her pussy against her mouth and face as she neared her peak.

Looking to guide her over that edge, Syd slid a single long finger inside of her elven lover and hooked it against that one overly sensitive spot. Over the course of their many explorations of each other’s bodies, Jadis had discovered the delightful fact that humans and elves shared a common feature of their biology beyond what was external. She was happy to put that knowledge to use.

As Syd pressed and stroked with her finger while switching to a firm licking of her clit, Eir’s body tensed suddenly, turning into a rigid plank as her hips and ass rose off the ground. Eir’s familiar, not quite human taste flooded Syd’s tongue and down her chin as the elf climaxed. Muffled squeals of pleasure disappeared into Kerr’s mouth as she held onto Eir’s face with both hands, keeping her from pulling away.

Syd drew the orgasm out as long as possible, milking Eir’s ecstasy for a full minute before her body abruptly went limp. Pulling away from Eir’s quivering heat, Syd looked up to check on her. At the same time, Kerr pulled away from the elf to reveal her dazed, breathless expression.

“We’re going to have to work on your discretion,” Kerr tutted down at the nearly insensate priestess. “If I hadn’t been here to give you a tongue to suck on, you would have woken the whole camp.”

“Thank you… Kerr…” Eir gasped out, still recovering from her exhausting climax.

“You’re welcome,” she replied before sitting up and shimmying out of her pants. “But now it’s my turn.”

Quickly divesting herself of the clothing she still had left on, Kerr slid on top of Eir and presented Syd with her wet slit, her excited tail wagging above it.

“Really?” Syd stifled a laugh as she leaned back and out of the way as Kerr’s tail almost smacked her in the face.

“I’ve been patient enough,” Kerr growled. “Now get to licking, big stuff. And don’t hold back. I’ve got just the perfect thing to muffle myself with right here.”

With her desires made known, Kerr turned away from Syd and pressed her face into one of Eir’s large breasts. Wrapping her lips around a nipple, she started licking and sucking, drawing a different kind of gasp out of Eir whose hands immediately grabbed onto Kerr’s horns.

“Well, not like I’m complaining,” Syd grinned as she leaned close and gave Kerr’s slick core a long, slow lick.

As Syd attended to her demanding therion friend-with-benefits, Dys was busy feeling up her girlfriend.

With ever increasing need, her hands roamed across Aila’s body. Each indecent touch elicited quiet moans from the redhead as she squirmed in her lap. Their impassioned sounds were muffled as their tongues continued to duel, but every second that passed Jadis could tell they were drawing closer and closer to the point where their vocalizations would be too loud to go unnoticed. Not that she was in the mood to stop herself from crossing that line. So what if she woke the whole camp by making Aila scream her name while caught up in the throes of ecstasy? The soldiers would just have to deal with the envy of not having an amazing, sexy, drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend to fuck all night long.

Jadis’ lust addled thoughts were interrupted by a whispered conversation happening just to the right of where she sat.

“Are you, uh, going to join them? Because it looks like they’re having a lot of fun right now and even if it’s just two of her bodies it seems like Jadis can handle more than one person with each body at a time pretty well. Maybe that’s because she’s got a skill for multitasking? Or just some kind of natural ability with it? Either way, aren’t you going to get involved?”

“I—I, uh, I like to watch…”

“Oh. Oh! You’re a voyeur? That’s fine, I get it. Sorry if I’m interrupting you then, I’m sure you probably want to focus on what they’re doing to each other because, wow, having a tongue that long is super useful isn’t it? And it probably feels amazing, I really want to try it later, but I’m holding back for now since we’re testing the whole lewd class possibility thing. But do you think it would count if I started masturbating right now? It’s getting kind of hard just watching, you know? Or maybe you don’t, since you’re a voyeur, though maybe you do since I think voyeurs typically masturbate while they watch. Do you masturbate while you watch?”

“Ah, uh, I—I, auh…”

“It’s okay if you do, I’m not judging, I’m just not sure if you do or you don’t because I’ve never been in a situation like this before where I’m just sort of watching while other people have sex, like, right next to me, which is kind of making me nervous but also excited at the same time and I’m not really sure what to do with this energy and—"

“Sabina,” Dys spoke up as she interrupted her kiss with Aila. “Sabina? Look at me.”


“You’re going to make Thea have a nervous breakdown if you keep asking her questions like that while we do this. Try not to talk right now, okay? We are trying to be quiet.”

“Ah. Okay, got it,” Sabina nodded while looking chagrined. “Sorry, Thea.”

Thea nodded her acceptance of Sabina’s apology but still shrunk down and away, almost tucking into Dys’ side. Her body was almost completely covered by a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, turning her into an almost featureless lump on the ground. A sharp contrast to Sabina, who sat to the right of her on the edge of the wagon, her legs dangling over the side.

Sabina, despite her commitment to not having sex with Jadis before reaching level twenty, wasn’t shy about her interest in their lewd goings-on. Nor was she doing much to separate herself from them. The half elf smith was wearing a pair of what Jadis would call boy shorts, similar to the kind Aila liked to wear, and a tight-fitting undershirt that did little to conceal the shape of her chest. Just as Jadis had suspected, Sabina’s body was well toned, muscular even. She had a sixpack that rivaled Jadis’ own as well as the kind of back muscles that called out to be touched.

But Sabina wasn’t there to be touched. She was just an observer, for the moment. An avid, interested observer, but definitely not a participant. Thus, Jadis would have to hold back. A little, at least.

“Thank you, Sabina,” Jadis whispered before turning back to Aila. “Now, where were we?”

“We were about to start doing things that aren’t so quiet,” Aila murmured her reply with a gleam in her blue eyes. “So, as our leader, I think you should set a good example for everyone and follow your own rules for this little nighttime operation. We need to make sure we’re staying as silent as possible.”

“As silent as possible,” Dys repeated with a serious look on her face. “You make a good point. Stand up, would you?”

With one eyebrow raised, Aila got up from Dys’ lap and turned to face her, standing with her feet planted on either side Dys’ legs. She was still wearing most of her clothing, a loose shirt that was made for warmth and a long skirt, the same kind she’d been wearing for weeks now to hide her newest addition.

With one swift motion, Dys yanked Aila’s skirt off of her hips and down her legs to reveal her underclothes bulging out obscenely with the foot long cock she had stuffed in them.

“I miss your leather pants,” Dys said as she quickly got rid of Aila’s undergarments as well. “Though I’m not complaining about this big girl at all.”

Aila gasped as Dys took her member in hand pressed her face against it, letting the meaty shaft rest across her cheek and eye as she enjoyed feeling the warmth and lewd heft on her skin. Another gasp from the right echoed inside their enclosure.

“You have a penis too?” Sabina cried out, barely restraining her voice. “Are you a Nephilim? I mean, you are way taller than most humans and elves but you aren’t as tall as Jadis and—”

“No,” Aila interrupted Sabina with a stern glare, a feat made all the more impressive since her cock was still lying across Dys’ face. “I’m human. This is the result of a ritual spell. Now please let me enjoy this, Sabina?”

“Oh, um, of course,” Sabina said. Pulling her legs up, Sabina shifted so that she was lying on the edge of the wagon, her feet kicking in the air behind her as her chin rested on her folded arms almost directly above Dys’ head, affording her an intimate view of the two of them. “Please, go on. I’ll be quiet.”

“…Thank you,” Aila murmured, her face turning redder.

As frequently as their little team engaged in lewd group activities, it seemed Aila still wasn’t immune to the embarrassment of having someone closely watch her while she did so.

Two someones, Jadis reminded herself as her not-cock-covered-eye looked to see Thea staring intently at the two of them. Giving Thea a wink, Dys took hold of Aila’s cock and gave it a long, slow lick from base to tip.

Aila’s whole body shivered at the touch and Jadis could see her clench her teeth to keep from letting out a moan.

“Now, I’m pretty sure my mouth is going to be too full to make much noise,” Dys said between planting a few kisses on the side of Aila’s shaft. “So it’s going to fall to you, Blue. Remember to set a good example.”

Whatever Aila was going to say in response was cut off as Dys briefly sucked Aila’s cockhead into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. When her lips pulled away with a light pop, she grinned up at her frowning girlfriend who finally managed to get a few words out.

“Kerr’s not the only troublemaker around here…”