Chapter 215: A Different Kind of Training
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“You’re doing so well, just bear it for a little while longer.”

“Mmm—Ah! I’m trying, I’m trying, ah, I promise I’m trying to!”

“Y—you can d—do it. Just b—breathe.”

“Oh fuck!”

Dys paused in her motions, momentarily taken aback by the absurdity of the situation she was in. Was this really the place where her life had led her to? She had to admit, neither in her old life back on Earth or at any point in her new life on Oros did she ever think she’d be in the position she was in now.

How does one stumble into the situation where one has to train a half-elf to not cum so quickly when fucking them?

Sabina lay supine on her back on top of a platform of crates with blankets laid over it that had been set up to act as a makeshift bed, albeit an overly tall one. Even with the crates double-stacked, a pillow had to be put under the smith’s hips to angle her lower-half upward since Dys was still too tall to line up perfectly. Sabina had been stripped down, her enticingly fit body on full display. She wasn’t the only one, though.

Eir lay to Sabina’s left, the elf also completely nude. Her dark red skin shone in the lantern light, soft curves and plush breasts practically begging to be touched. She was on her side, one elbow propping up her head as she faced Sabina. Her other hand grasped hold of the half-elf’s hand, holding it as she whispered encouragements into her ear with a gentle smile.

Thea lay on the opposite side of Sabina, also on her side though she wasn’t fully naked. The brunette had left her underclothes on, her natural shyness no doubt the reason. Still, the small amount of cloth hiding her lovely assets did little to detract from the unassuming woman’s sexiness. If anything, they only stoked the desire to see more. Thea, too, held one of Sabina’s hands, also offering her support to the struggling smith, though her wide brown eyes spent far more time wandering south to see the lewd show than focused on the half-elf’s face.

The scene was, without doubt, bizarre. Not that Jadis was complaining. How could she? Not only were the three women beautiful and sexy beyond anything Jadis had seen outside of movies, but her thick cock was also still half-buried inside Sabina’s tight core, after all. She just had to exercise some restraint, was all. A different kind from what she was experiencing elsewhere in the warehouse with two other figurative succubi.

“I’m going to start moving again,” Dys told Sabina as she felt her pussy relax slightly around her. “Just a little, okay?”

“Okay, go ahead,” Sabina nodded, bracing herself.

With a slow and deliberate motion, Dys resumed thrusting her hips. Her cock was halfway inside Sabina, having not yet bottomed out. She held both of the half-elf’s legs upright against her chest, holding both of her ankles in one hand. The position increased the tightness, but also made it easier for her to control the pace of the encounter since Sabina couldn’t easily push back against her or wrap her legs around her waist to pull her in. This was a training exercise, of sorts. Sabina needed to learn to control herself otherwise there was no way she’d be able to participate in Lascivious Empowerment. So far, including the brief foreplay they’d engaged in after the three women had claimed Dys for themselves, Sabina had managed to last about five minutes without climaxing.

“Uhn, fuck, no! Fuck me! I mean—fuck! Don’t fuck me! Shit!”

Dys had resumed her frankly tame thrusting for all of fifteen seconds before Sabina shuddered again, her body squirming uncontrollably as she succumbed to the pleasure she was feeling. Her core quivered as hot liquid gushed around Dys’ cock, making a wet spot on the pillow under Sabina’s ass.

“That’s okay, you’re doing well,” Eir murmured as she placed little kisses on the side of Sabina’s face and head, reassuring the smith. “It’s a daunting challenge, I know. Jadis has such a wonderful cock and she’s so good at putting it to use. You cannot be blamed for not being able to control your desire when faced with a Nephilim. Yet, for her sake, you must keep trying. You will do better next time.”

Boost to her ego aside, Jadis at least agreed with Eir’s point that Sabina did need to do better. Having one more person added to the Lascivious Empowerment ritual would equal a large boost to not only Jadis’ power, but everyone else’s power as well, including Sabina’s. Practically speaking, Sabina’s inability to keep from coming too quickly was a roadblock that could hinder all of their progression, potentially even endanger their lives.

Not that those were the kinds of thoughts Jadis wanted to focus on while she was fucking her beautiful half-elf friend. Sabina’s hair trigger wasn’t her fault, nor had Jadis ever put any kind of condition on her that she had to participate in the empowerment ritual. If Sabina couldn’t do it, then she couldn’t do it and that was fine. Jadis certainly wouldn’t think any less of her, nor would she let anyone else treat her differently.

But by D, they were going to try and make this ritual work.

“Let’s try something different, okay?” Eir told Sabina as she came down from her shuddering climax. Wiping a bit of sweat from the smith’s forehead, Eir sat up so she was sitting with her legs under her. “Maybe what you need is something to focus on rather than yourself. A distraction, to keep your mind off of your own sensations. Would you be willing to try that?”

“Okay,” Sabina heaved breathlessly. “Sure. I mean, it’s not like anything bad will happen if it doesn’t work, since all that’s really happening when I mess up here is I get to cum which is really not a very good way to dissuade me from coming since I’m really enjoying this. Kind of counterproductive, I guess? Does that make sense?”

“I understand what you mean,” Eir said as she hid a laugh behind a smile. Turning her gaze to Thea, she addressed the distracted shieldsworn. “Dear Thea, would you be willing aid Sabina in her trial?”

“Um,” Thea looked up from where Dys’ dick met Sabina’s pussy. “Yes? How c—can I help?”

Jadis already had a strong suspicion as to where Eir was going with all this and wasn’t surprised by the lewd priestess’ next few words. Despite her innocence and inexperience, Eir had a creative flare for the obscene that matched her devilish outer appearance. At least when it came to anything sexual.

“Would you please sit right here?”

“Uh,” Thea’s face blanked out for a moment, looking at Eir’s finger. “Where?”

“Right here,” Eir said with an innocent smile that didn’t quite match the smoldering heat in her purple eyes. “Facing this way, please.

Eir’s finger tapped lightly against Sabina’s lips for emphasis, making the surprised smith’s eyebrow’s shoot up and her face darken with a blush. Despite the obvious shock on her face, Sabina spoke no word and made no move to object.

 Thea’s eyes went up to meet Dys’, almost like she was seeking either help or approval. With one side of her lips raised in a half-smile, Dys nodded towards Sabina, giving Thea a silent command.

Like the good soldier she was, Thea sat up and shuffled over, settling herself down so that she was hovering over Sabina’s face. Before she sat down, however, Eir reached over and put a hand on her waist.

 “This will be easier if you disrobe completely,” she advised seriously.

“Oh, um, r—right, of c—course,” Thea stuttered, before shimmying out of her underpants.

Once she was fully disrobed, Thea eased herself down on top of Sabina. Dys couldn’t see her expression nor could she see what was going on between the shy woman’s legs, but she could see the bright red flush running down her neck and across her shoulders. She still held Sabina’s hand in hers, albeit much more tightly now. Another thing she could see was Eir’s grin as she lay back down, positioning herself so that her chin was on Thea’s thigh.

“You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” came Sabina’s slightly muffled reply.

“Good. Then, from now on, I want you to focus on making Thea feel as good as possible. Make her feel just as good as you do when Jadis pleasures you. Nothing else matters in this moment more than Thea and how good she feels.”


Dys could tell when Sabina started as Thea’s back arched slightly, a slight shiver running through her. Her free hand went to her mouth as she bit down on a finger in an attempt to stifle her quiet moans and hiccupping sighs. Her hips twisted slightly, unconsciously grinding down as the soft sound of a tongue lapping at wet flesh became just barely audible.

“Good girl,” Eir encouraged. “Just like that. You’re making her feel so very good.”

As she spoke, Eir took Sabina’s other hand and placed it on Thea’s plump backside, guiding her into squeezing her lovely ass. Thea’s moans went up a notch as Sabina began firmly kneading her rear. Soon Sabina’s right hand let go of Thea’s and joined her left in its quest to fondle Thea’s perfect peach of an ass.

“I can see how wet you are making her,” Eir continued her whispered words that somehow straddled the line between encouraging and lewd. “You’re doing so well. She must taste wonderful, so sweet and delicate. See how her hips grind her core into your lips and tongue. Her hand is in your hair now, pulling you closer. You’re going to make her cum soon, I can tell. Keep going, Sabina! She’s almost there.”

As she spoke, Eir tilted her head and looked up at Dys, their eyes meeting. The priestess gave her a little nod as she continued her strange version of dirty talk.

With a start, Dys realized she’d just been standing there for the past few minutes, entranced by the titillating sight of what she couldn’t fully see combined with Eir’s lilting and lewd whispers. Sabina’s pussy still gripped tightly around the length of her cock, though she wasn’t trembling with need the way she had before she started to focus on Thea. Cautiously, Dys began to move again, gently thrusting a few inches deeper before pulling back.

A muffled groan of pleasure came from between Thea’s thighs, but the second it did Eir was there with further encouragements.

“Look up, Sabina, look at how far you’ve brought our dear Thea. Look at the way she trembles, the way her breath hitches and her stomach clenches with need. See the passion in her eyes that burns brightly because of you. Listen to the sounds of pleasure that come forth unbidden from her lips because of what you are doing to her right now. She’s almost there, Sabina. Won’t you please take her all the way?”

There was no verbal response, but from the way Sabina’s grip on Thea’s ass tightened and the increased groans from Thea, Dys could tell that the smith had doubled down on her efforts.

Keeping her pace slow and gentle, Dys thrust her cock into Sabina. The distraction seemed to work as the seconds passed. While Sabina’s hips would normally twist and writhe in barely suppressed lust, her reaction was now far more subdued. She still responded, but with her attention divided, Jadis could tell that Sabina wasn’t building up to her peak quite so quickly.

The odd foursome continued for some time as Dys fucked Sabina and Sabina in turn focused on Thea while Eir cheered the smith on in her efforts. As strange as the situation came across, it seemed to work. Even as Thea began to cry out her stuttering climax, her whole body twisting in the smith’s grasp, Sabina didn’t find her own release. Her wet heat tightened and fluttered around Dys’ cock, but she didn’t come. Her whole focus was on Thea, with no attention spared for herself.

“Oh, oh! It’s t—too much!” Thea finally cried out, her orgasm having ended and her body too sensitive to continue.

She pulled away from Sabina, collapsing off to the left as she struggled to find her breath. Doing so she revealed Sabina’s wet lips and unfocused, lust-addled eyes. Coming back to her senses, she seemed to only then realize that Dys was actively fucking her, a giant cock bowing out her stomach as she thrust gently but firmly into her depths.

“Hnn! Oh Gods!” Sabina abruptly shuddered, her whole body clenching up as she was wracked with a nearly instant climax.

“Fuck,” Dys shuddered as well, the sudden, nearly painful tightness of Sabina’s pussy gripping onto her cock sent her over her own peak as well. With everything going on with her other selves, there was no way she could hold back again the unexpected assault.

Dys’ cum filled Sabina in moments, seed spilling out around her cock as she pumped her load into her. Panting through her nose, Dys pulled out of her writhing smith to wetly slap her sodden cock onto Sabina’s stomach. She rapidly stroked her length, coating Sabina’s breasts, neck, and face with ropes of sticky cum as she finished her orgasm, delighting in the sight almost as much as the feeling.

As Sabina lay there, panting and gasping around the last moments of her own orgasm, Eir leaned in close and delicately licked up a string of cum from her flushed cheek.

“What a good girl you are, Sabina. You lasted so long that time! Let’s try that again. Only this time, I want you to focus on both Thea and me while our Jadis fucks you. Do you think you can do that for us?”

“Mmm—hnn, ya?” was Sabina’s unintelligible but eager response.