Chapter 27: Second Order Effects
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This is still a story of the Becoming Monsters Universe by Ai Loves, setting used with permission. All canonical and mechanical errors are my own. The yarrb is the creation of FelisRandomis, used with permission.



Chapter 27: Second Order Effects


Nibbles, rather understandably, was eventually found hiding under our bed. I found him there only after flying to the nearest open grocery and coming back with the largest package of chocolate they had easily available. The ladies had indicated in word and deed that it was an acceptable compromise for now, but better would be expected tomorrow.


Still. Lucy, Sarah, Emily, and Paige were back at 100%, effectively. Emily’s mana would be limited for a bit until she could release her self-imposed Shapeshifting. I also needed to make sure to steer WELL clear of certain bits of Paige if I wanted to keep certain bits of myself intact. She would even be able to go to her job, said when it glowed it drew attention, just no VIP room things available. I decided to not think about that too closely. One of us would need to bring her paperwork to the drug store to get more appropriate supplies in a hurry, though, only two days of grace there.


Amber… as soon as Emily had finished doing what she needed to, I took advantage of the fact that she had used up all the hot water. What came out of the faucet thirty seconds after the four-armed demoness awoke was approximately one degree above freezing. It was not pleasant. She did not enjoy it. It did, however, work. Lucy explained the specifics. Me doing so seemed both self-defeating and dangerous, after dunking her in a cold shower.


Whitney got herself semi-composed, as did Gloria. They’d be under the weather a day or two, but by the time Friday rolled around they’d both be fine. Which is good, because the Delve they were assisting went down then.


Speaking of, between the day we took off and Friday, the next three days would be long ones at the office. Whatever else was happening, we still needed a place to live. Once we got ourselves back to the table to finish the dinner that had gotten interrupted so thoroughly, I got to once again plan. “Well. Now we know what to plan for in the future. We need to plan for tomorrow. First up. Amber.”


She took a breath. “Now we know it’s coming, yeah. You have my standing permission to return me to sanity via hard dickings as needed.”


“You’re… okay, you’re actually adjacent to what I was about to say. You mentioned you’ve stopped changing. Tomorrow morning, before the hospital team leaves for work, I want to try to use Cursebreaker on you. See if we can clear what the Wish laid on you. Emily, you can report it as a job duty, I need you on standby in case it goes really wrong.”


Emily interjected. “I can do you one better. We badge into the Curse Annex and use one of the rooms, possibly under supervision of Dr. Amar if she is there. As long as we do it early, it will not interfere.”


“Good idea. Ladies, any mana you think you will be able to recover overnight? I need it in the batteries. Considering what laid it on Amber, this is going to be a nasty one. I’ll need it. Next day or two is going to have really tight timing, so I need everyone on top of things. Call for help if you need any. Sarah, do you think you can complete Nathan’s enchantment tomorrow?”


She nodded. “Definitely. Just need Amber to bring me the batons at work and I can wrap them up between calls.”


“Good. I think he’s going to need them before long.” Something was poking me that the kid was in more danger than I could see. “What do you have on them?”


“Um, kind of the opposite of what’s on yours. They’ll move easier in his hands, got some momentum dampening on the mast sections, too. Means he’ll hit harder and block better.”


“Perfect. Make sure you write instructions for him. Anyone else have any points before we go to bed?”


Lucy had one. “We need to know. What, exactly, did the screen from our full synchronization tell you?”


I thought hard for a second. A lot had happened in the four-ish hours since then. “Um. I got an ability called Jackpot. Bonuses intensified, that’s what made me warn all of you about the transformations. Acquired Slots locked, so I missed the one I’d normally get at 11. Hungers shared, which I’ve been watching. All of you equalize out just being near each other, now.”


Lucy frowned. “That doesn’t sound right, or at least it’s not everything. None of that says why we’re suddenly seeing each other’s class features when we level up. We need to pay attention to anything unusual that happens. Class, Race, anything. Write it down, send the group a text on the chat room I made.”


“Hold on, you made a group text?”


“Just us girls.”


“That is not at all reassuring.”


“I’ll make one with you in it.”


“Can you just add me to the other one?”


All seven of the ladies present, in unison, practically yelled “No!” Nibbles’s ears flattened a bit in my lap. I reluctantly accepted that I’d just have to live with the unsatisfied curiosity. This was not one I was going to win. Nothing else seemed to be important enough to delay sleep, and so that is what we did. 


Breakfast coordination was light and quick. We all knew what we needed to do. Amber and Sarah were going to have a busy one, but the rest of us shook out into our tasks. I made sure to shoot Nathan a text saying his equipment would be ready that afternoon, and to come meet us for it. His response was “Yes, sir!”


I’m pretty sure he heard me sigh from downtown.


There was one more thing I had to take care of before leaving the house in the morning. Specifically, Amber. More specifically, if she didn’t get a taste of my dick before we went out, she wouldn’t be able to focus on anything the rest of the day. She practically dragged me aside after we ate, got on her knees, and shoved my cock straight down her throat, shuddering with pleasure that it was there and swallowing hard. Incidentally, I figured out then that her good Health and Endurance scores meant she had very respectable lung capacity. And that she had apparently been getting tips from Lucy, since she had me firing my essence into her in three of those respectable breaths. The combination of her lower hands down her pants and the sensation of being Fed upon were enough to drive her over the edge right with me. It only took a moment to get cleaned up and presentable again to head out.


Emily and I badged into the Curse annex dark and early, with Amber in tow. Dr. Amar, sure enough, was curious enough to want to watch. “After all, it isn’t on the charts or schedule, and you say it’s going into your dissertation if it works.”


Amber laid down and tried to relax as the rest of us got ready. I felt a sense of deja vu as I pulled the orange jumper on again. No Scapegoat this time, not that I’d do this to them. “Is everyone ready?” At their assent, I pulled up Cursebreaker once more.


The target I saw was technically a valid one for me to attack. Technically. The curse image was no mere simplified icon. It looked like nine Celtic knots having a square dance, as depicted in an Escher woodcut. It was not attached to her by threads and cables, but rather seemed an extension of her body. It would be less like cutting out a malignant tumor and more akin to peeling the top layer of skin off of her entire body while it actively resisted the attempt.


I had to try. My power formed a scalpel, and I got to my attempt. It flapped upwards as I got one of her feet fully uncovered, and immediately began to stretch forward and try to reattach. I had to pause to block it before continuing onward. Inch by painful inch, I peeled it back. As I got myself to about her knee, I hit an unexpected problem. My mana ran out. Entirely. I briefly considered draining my Gold Battery to try to continue, but it was pointless. I would need to either figure out another approach, or otherwise have access to about fifteen times my current maximum MP in order to have a hope of actually banishing it.


That was if no further complications arose, too, which was very far from being a certainty.


I released Cursebreaker and snapped back to reality, leaving my shield gauntlet full. Dr. Amar looked both impressed and terrified. Emily and Amber were both disappointed with the news, but understanding. “I know it’s possible, or at least appears that way. I’m just not it’s equal yet.”


“Mr. Kithkin, what exactly was the source of this curse? I’ve never seen one like it.”


“I would have been surprised if you had. That was the result of a Glasya Wish, and has been on her for over three years.”


“I see.” She looked at the four-armed Glasya-Race woman on the table, and came to her own conclusions. They were probably about 40% correct, but I could explain more later. “How serious are you about getting rid of it? That is not life-threatening, so no promises or prioritization, but I can do some research. This is quite the case, and you have given me a lot to think about.”


“Very serious. This was only my first attempt, and while Amber has trusted me to not abuse my position I do not wish for anyone else to have the chance to take advantage of her.” I didn’t even mention my promise to her father, which I still took seriously. I would do everything in my power, and in the combined powers of everyone I could reach, to rid Amber of this.


“Alright. Nurse Johnson and I have patients to get to, but we will see if we can find or figure out anything. Get the equipment put away and the room prepared in case we have any unexpected guests today.”


It didn’t take long, and this time I could grab a mana potion from the closet that wasn’t about to decompose. And a second one that was, since being an employee officially and on the clock had its benefits. I drank the second one, with a feeling that the one with some time left on its shelf life may be needed. I stowed it in my Pocket, next to my enchanted baton and my pistol. Trouble was coming.


Work itself was frantically busy. Honestly, I was glad I was there. What I did there helped save lives, just as much as when I dropped out of the sky to slay monsters that were threatening people. Someone got medicine they needed to live because I could ensure the network was up. A doctor could promptly retrieve and search records for the same reason. 


Most heroes are invisible. That’s the fact. You have to go looking to realize they’re there. You don’t have to die to prove it, the point is rather the opposite. A dead hero saves no more lives. It’s a lesson I would need to remember a bit harder. I’d been playing jump rope with the line between life and death a bit too often recently.


I got a call to my desk phone from Sarah a bit before lunch. Amber had come through with the purchases, and Sarah had finished her enchantments on them. I was needed at the Thaumic lab to test them briefly. It was not a room I had ever been in before. They did not have computers inside, nor network ports, and heavily discouraged casual visitors.


The door to the lab resembled a vault more than anything, and my badge did not work to let me in. Someone inside apparently knew I was expected, though, and let me in after verifying me. My skin tingled as I stepped through the doorway, a field filtering and cleansing random magical energies. It was not a pleasant feel, but it thankfully passed quickly. They were taking no chances on contamination here.


The lab itself looked like it was an open bay, lined with workbenches and studded seemingly at random with lockers and desks. It was basically impossible to take three straight steps in any direction, and all of them had individual wards emplaced. It took a few moments to find Sarah. Mostly because I wasn’t used to everyone having a workbench that messy.


“Oh, good, you got in! Some Races have really bad reactions to the filter, glad you weren’t one of them.”


Um. That would have been something good to know before coming in. “You mentioned wanting to test the new theory?”


“Yeah, have your Kinetic baton on hand?” I pulled it out. “Knew it. You’re nervous, too. Anyway, let me swing that one, I want you to block with these.”


What she handed me were two extending batons that felt hardly larger than paperweights. I had to remember they were sized and enchanted for someone less than half my size, weight, and Strength. They flicked out to full length almost accidentally, smaller than the ones I was used to swinging around, but when Sarah swung at me they surprised me even more. 


The heavier weapon struck the side of the light batons, and just… didn’t do anything. I might as well have had my shield up instead of performing a weapon block. There was some applause from neighboring desks, I had forgotten that we were not at home. “Looks like it works, really well. Reminds me of what you have on my shield.”


“It kind of is that, though I obviously didn’t have anticrystals laying around for this one. Proof of concept successful, you can put them away.” 


I did so, all three going into my Pocket. Another technician at a neighboring station spoke up in a slightly nasal voice. “Weapons, Sarah? Those were cool, but weapons?”


She looked back with a bit of disdain. “Antishock enchantment for load-bearing pillars, John. Based on something I did for a shield he uses in combat. The stuff we have is terrible for lateral forces, so I’m trying to revise. Couldn’t go testing it on production, could I?”


I had to fake a cough to cover my laugh. “Your training is paying off, too, you swung way harder than last time.” Her smile was like the sun rising. I swear, she actually blushed at the compliment. Learn something new every day. “I’ll see you later, Sarah, have to get back where my cell will work.”


I was not blind to the stares of jealousy some of the other enchanters and tinkers there gave me. It was a good reminder. No matter the struggles that came with it, what I had managed to build was something worthwhile. Something amazing and worth fighting for. It might not look like what others expected, but that did not matter. It was ours.


Thing is… that’s when I noticed something. Sarah’s Aura was normally a placid and smooth thing at work. The people here were not resting wastefully, it was all being used to heal and the staff generally didn’t have lazy days. She didn’t have an excess to passively siphon for her Hunger, and was certainly not actively spoiling a coworker. We were also inside of a Thaumic cage, with an explicit filtration system to keep random energies out. Yet, somehow, I could see her Aura ripple. Like individual droplets falling into a pool. She was feeding, very slightly.


“Sarah. I need you to tell me one thing. What was your Hunger at this morning before work?”


“Um… 43%, why?”


“Look at it now.”


She did, eyes widening. “How…”


“We can discuss it later. Not here. I’ll send Lucy the data point.” There was a lot to chew on as I left. Thankfully, time for lunch, where I could chew on more literal things while chatting with Lucy. At the cafeteria, though, another shock. Lucy’s aura was also rippling as though gaining. Given that she was not presently having sex with anyone in the cafeteria, I knew something had to be up.


She confirmed it, too. It wasn’t much, but a percent is a percent when the expected gain was a couple of points negative. It made no sense, but there it was. Wait. Check that. It made exactly as much sense as the fact that she and Whitney saw Class features outside of their own when they leveled. It had to relate to Jackpot somehow. Thing is? When I tried to select the ability itself for use, it didn’t do anything. It was a passive enhancement. My musings were interrupted before I was halfway through my sandwich.


My phone buzzed angrily at me. It was not a chime of a message, nor a ping of a mistaken tone. No, this was the blare of an alert. An attack was taking place, close enough for us to respond to. Monster described as a skeletal beast, possibly a giant feline, only two blocks away.


Lucy and I were sprinting out the door almost instantly. I didn’t have my armor, and she didn’t have her staff, but we could manage. She had a wand ready, I had my heavy baton and shield. We both had plenty of mystic power in reserve.


Or… she did, anyway. I had less than a half tank thanks to my efforts that morning. Whitney and Emily caught up with us as we passed the Curse Annex, something which reassured me greatly. Four were infinitely more capable a force than two.


“Two blocks away” turned out to be right near the administrative building. Thankfully, the thing was not trying to hide. Er, things. The description had been off by one. Two enemies awaited when we got to the target location. They were larger than modern tigers, but skeletal. Literally. Skeletons of sabretooths. “No quarter!”


Lucy pulled up and immediately started pelting them with jets of flame. It certainly got their attention, they turned and roared at us before charging. Whitney and I met them, with two wildly different approaches. One clawed at me, I caught its strike on my shield and returned the favor with my baton. It still stood, if slightly fractured.


The other approached Whitney, and caught an attack with that ridiculous sword of hers that hit it so hard it struck the wall of the building between two of the third-story windows. That was a new trick, possibly the whole Conserve Potential ability? I watched her swing hard at the air, and suddenly stop. Yep, definitely the ability. She was preloading momentum into the giant weapon. Considering just exactly how much she could put into it? I did not envy the skeleton that was just now landing. On its feet, briefly, before collapsing to its side. It tried to get back on its feet. The hammer of force Lucy brought down on its head ended those ambitions.


The other was being a bit cagey with me, experimentally striking but finding no significant opening. “Emily! To the skies! Need to see if there’s anything else around here.” She didn’t respond verbally, but I heard the poof of her rapidly shifting forms and flutter of wings.


Now. The problem in front of me. The skeletal sabretooth suddenly swiped at me, missed, and decided it was done playing. As soon as I saw it tense up to spring at me, I dropped an Ice Trap and jumped backwards. The skeleton did not enjoy the experience, and appreciated being carved out by my wife’s fire even less. When its skull became the subject of the carving, it stopped struggling. Both of the skeletons dispersed into dust. Neither dropped any coinage or materials.


Whitney was a bit winded. “You two good?”


“You didn’t let them within ten feet of me. The run was more tiring.” Lucy was looking around, as if expecting more to come. She closed her eyes and began to tap into a nearby Ley Line to refuel.


“Alright, just waiting on Emily, then.” I was proven wrong seconds later. I heard the alarm before I saw the sparrow dive out of the sky. 


Emily didn’t even wait to land. “Two more blocks north! Bank is getting hit right now, this was a distraction.”


I knew it was too easy. Whitney scooped up Lucy and her wings thundered, I was beside them as Emily flew in hot pursuit. The distance melted before us as we chased the alarm, and we were there. The street looked familiar. The bank looked familiar. This was odd, because I could have sworn that I had never been to this particular one. I looked up and down the road as police set up a cordon. 


It was an odd feeling, that. They usually did that after we already took care of everything.


Lucy was the one to answer my curiosity. “I know this bank. We came here with Amber, it’s where her family does secure storage.”


“This is where the Appraiser Imp with a store full of magical stuff puts the stuff he doesn’t want out in the open you mean? Okay, makes sense.” I was striding forward to the Police Wizard, a man glowing with the power he was channeling to extend the physical barriers around the full cordon. A blue energy field reached between and above them to keep bystanders safe and attackers contained. Next to him was an unfamiliar officer wearing Sergeant stripes. “Sir, I’m Guild Leader Kithkin of Shield Against Shadows.” I made sure my badge was as clearly visible as his own. The fact that it was in a shield shape probably helped ease his mind more than it should have. “We just intercepted two skeletal beasts a couple of blocks from here, they were acting like minions. We have reason to believe this attack involves a necromancer who has been hitting other banks nearby, and that they were a diversion to keep my response team occupied.”


He gave me a glare like he did not have time for this. “You’re late on that. We have a hostage situation in there and are waiting for SWAT. At least three assailants, with at least a dozen held hostage.”


“Let me guess. An Imp and a Black Cat Beastfolk woman are among the attackers?”


Julia had apparently been busy. The Sergeant nodded at me, impressed. “Yeah. Had run-ins with this bunch before?”


Oh, you could say that. “If it’s who I think it is and not the craziest coincidence since the Change? Yes. It’s personal this time. Let my team through the barrier and we will make sure they aren’t a problem. The two I specified have attacked me and mine. This is a Guild issue.” Those last five words sent the police officer from sublime confidence to terror. It went from something he knew how to deal with to something WAY beyond his pay grade, instantly. I could feel it as his nerves went off the charts. I decided to press my luck a bit. “I can call Mashal Shapiro to confirm if you need me to.”


I mean, I technically could. I might even survive doing so. The Sergeant in front of me did not need to know that, and did not want to dare me to confirm. “Michaels, let them through. Guild Leader, you have about fifteen minutes before SWAT arrives. They will not care if this is a Guild issue. You need to be either done, out of the building, or hugging the floor when they get here. You catch a bullet because you look like one of the attackers, that’s on you. Understood?”


I nodded. “Understood, and thank you. Officer Michaels, you have a good barrier going. I appreciate that more than you know. Be wary of necromantic energy attacks and summoned minions. Particularly ones wearing Ice Armor. If the group is who I think it is, the Black Cat has a dark energy wave that nearly killed me when it landed undefended. Four to pass through the barrier.”


The robed policeman acknowledged the request, and a gap opened in the blue barrier before us. Without another word, I entered, followed by Lucy, Whitney, and Emily. What goes around comes around. Sometimes, you get to be what’s coming around. It was our turn to be in that position.