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It's that smell again.


A constant companion on my walk to the bus stop every night. The smell is not pungent, not fragrant, faint, but noticeable enough. It is everywhere though. On this dark road I usually too, public places, my office, in front of my room. The locals ignored it, so I did too. Though some didn’t get the memo.


There’s a man and someone some distance in front of me. Can’t see the other person. This road is long overdue to repair the street light. But the man must be new in town. He goes on and on speaking to the other person and never shut up, not that I bother to listen to his rambling. I Kept some distance till the bus stop.


Soon a bus can be seen in the distance. Never ride the first bus that arrives after midnight. As contemplating whether to help him or not is troublesome. So i wind up some dice roller on my phone. Will help if it is an even number.


A button pressed and a dice rolled.


My favorite number.


“You dropped something” I tap his shoulder just before he gets on the bus while the other gets on.


“Dropped what?” The man turns around. Definitely not local, and definitely new in town.


“Sorry, my mistake”


He cursed as he turned around again. Looking left and right for the bus while I sit down.

“Dude! Where’s the bus!?”


“What bus?”


“The one me and this chick supposed to get on”


“What chick?”


That makes him think. He starts cursing then I ignore him. Hopefully he catches on with the rules quickly.


Another bus arrived soon after. The clearly frustrated man jumps in first with me getting on soon after. I nod to the driver, who heaves a sigh of relief and wipes his sweat.