Maya: Let’s get Married!
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The armored suit descended from the sky with the clang of iron boots hitting the ground.

Maya and Miya walked gracefully, showing no signs of intimidation.

"Welcome to our humble resort. I didn't know that Owner-san would be flying here from Tokyo," Maya extended her arms in a welcoming gesture, a radiant smile gracing her features under the moon's gentle glow.

The mechanical suit's movements were audible as Haku walked a bit apart from them.

"I didn't expect the infamous Yotsuba Maya to personally greet me. Isn't it a bit much to casually smile like that after you tried to rob me?"

A voice, between feminine and masculine due to his mask, echoed through the speaker as Haku calmly approached.

"Oh, my~ Why so tense? Can't we join hands to pursue the greater good? I couldn't resist knocking on your front door directly," Maya playfully responded.

"Knock on my door? Those are quite bold words... How about I pay a visit to yours next time? And it's a bit off to call me stiff while a gentleman is glaring at your guest beyond that wall."

Haku's steps slowed as he turned to face Maya, Miya, and the elderly butler standing behind them.

He sensed hidden magicians on guard, concealed in the darkness.

"How impolite of him~ Perhaps it's because Owner-san took his adorable daughter away. Maybe he's still holding a grudge, Owner-san. But~ don't hesitate to knock next time. It might be a challenge to find Yotsuba Village since it's not on the map, so you'd need to give me a call."

Maya chimed in with a soft chuckle, showcasing a hint of pride.

Haku couldn't help but remark, "Well, what can I do? As you said, if she weren't cute, she might already be dead."

Maya and Miya were momentarily taken aback by the bold statement, the same shock evident among those who overheard.

Mentioning Ayako's death as a joke in front of the 'Untouchable' was taboo.

Had this person not been powerful enough to handle the majority of Yotsuba's forces, they would have likely met their end without a glimpse of the morning sun.

However, Maya's laughter burst forth, as if she didn't care about her image.

"Ahahaha~! That's a good one, Owner-san! It's expected from someone with a strong knight by your side. It's a bit regrettable that the Knight-san can't join us. How about you take a moment to rest? Flying directly from Tokyo must have been tiring. We can continue our conversation inside where it's warmer."

Maya suggested warmly.

A smile formed within Haku's helmet as he observed the little girl who once trembled in fear and faced disappointment, now exuding pride.

Her image overlapped with the one he remembered from when he destroyed Kunlunfang Lab in Dahan.

"Hm? A talk, you say?" Haku questioned.

"Of course! Since we're in Kyoto, you should try some local food. It's a bit lonely, though. You know my name, but we don't know who you are, Owner-san..." Maya added, her tone a touch sad as she tilted her head.

There was a moment of silence. Haku's gaze fixed on the red scarf he remembered giving her after obtaining it through a system, chuckling because it was older than him. He bought another scarf that shared a similar color to Maya's dark blue gown.

"As you say, let's go inside. The scarf I gave you might not be enough to keep you warm..."

He had crossed a line, eliciting thoughts that he had carelessly provoked the 'Demon King from the East'.

'What a fool...'

Miya, standing beside Maya with her impeccable lady-like manners, believed this person would not come out of this encounter alive, well aware of her twin sister's nature. Even the sight of the armored suit didn't pique Miya's interest now.

Maya's mouth slightly opened as she processed his words. Her welcoming body language turned hostile, and her face darkened.

"Seems like our pleasantries have taken too long. How about we end—"

Maya's voice went all chilling for a moment, but then she kind of eased up, her sharp look softening as she pulled back, feeling something totally unexpected wash over her.


Using his magic, Haku placed a new scarf on top of the red one.

Maya shivered because all of a sudden, something materialized out of nowhere, wrapping around her neck.

Memories of the masked girl irregularly placing the red scarf flooded her mind.

Her heart raced, her attention returning to the person before her.

Could the words spoken earlier... be more than just a joke?


Complex machinery whirred, and the advanced armor suit opened, revealing the person inside.

Long, gray hair danced slightly in the wind.

The same mask as the girl she had met 35 years ago covered the face.

The aura was even stronger, and yet, Maya remembered how it felt, the person now towering over her.

"My name is Yuki. A pleasure to meet you... Or should I say, it's been quite some time?"

Haku introduced himself calmly, his words causing Maya to take a surprising action.

She rushed towards him, lifting her long skirt to avoid tripping, and without hesitation, Maya hugged him tightly, ensuring he wouldn't escape as he had before.

"L-let's get married!" She finally uttered the words!


Chaos had descended upon the Yotsuba clan.

["Hero-sama" has been found. All family members must gather at Resort Kyoto within 30 minutes, no excuses.]

The head butler's message reached the Yotsuba members who were absent from Kyoto at the moment.

The trait or codename 'Hero-sama' was a big deal for the Yotsuba. This was the person who had saved Maya and the Hero who had humble the Untouchable, because not even a single bit of his hair had ever been found by the Yotsuba.

"Miyuki, no need to prepare; you can do that at the resort," Tatsuya said urgently, opening the door to Miyuki's room.

This was not a drill.

"I-I'm sorry, Onii-sama!" Miyuki stammered, her fear of her mother's wrath driving her need to prepare, no matter how briefly.

The doorbell rang again, and Tatsuya headed to answer it.

"Miyuki is almost ready," he stated seriously, concerned about the stress they were putting Miyuki through.

"It's not about that. We need your help, Tatsuya-san," the main house servant said, his troubled expression catching Tatsuya's attention.

What could be going on?

Meanwhile, Mei's thoughts lingered on one question: When would he return?

She munched on potato chips in Haku's living room until the doorbell interrupted her snacking. Holding a chip in her hand, she made her way to the door, anticipating Haku's return.

But why would he need to ring the bell?

"Mei-sama, I apologize for the intrusion, but Oku-sama is waiting for you in Kyoto. The family is preparing to welcome Hero-sama," the family servant conveyed with the utmost respect as Mei opened the door.

"I'm not interested," Mei replied dismissively, shutting the door without a second thought.

Her focus remained on Haku's imminent return.

"Oh... It's empty."

Mei went to the kitchen, intending to grab more potato chips.

Irritation set in as the doorbell rang again, despite her prior refusal.


Without a word, Mei opened the door, her red eyes glowing radiating readiness for her magic.


But instead of a servant, it was Miyuki who stood before her.

Despite their lack of closeness, Miyuki's serious expression demanded attention.

"Why are you here?"

Mei inquired sharply, questioning Miyuki's presence as she wasn't the owner of the place.

"I could ask you the same. Why did you answer the door? Where's Haku?"

"He went out."

"Then let's go. Write him a thank-you note for letting you stay here."

Miyuki held a deep trust in Haku as a good friend, leaving no room for further questioning.

She knew Mei hadn't returned to her apartment in the first place.

"Listen, Ice freak..." Mei's calm voice addressed Miyuki, unafraid to use the nickname only she could.

"Don't call me that, Succubus freak." Miyuki fired back.

Mei paid no mind and continued her words, "I couldn't care less about that 'hero.' If my hunch is right, that pervert will waste no time proposing to 'him'"

Miyuki's composed smile faltered at the mention of the pervert.

"My advice? Don't go there."

With that, Mei slammed the door shut, leaving Miyuki perplexed and deep in thought, wondering about the implications of Mei's words.


(Haku POV)

Little did I expect that she would approach me like that—marriage?

Sure, I'll admit she's undeniably a hot mature woman, but beneath that alluring exterior lies a dangerous devil!

Utterly twisted, that's what she is. Shit! I can't shake the feeling that she wanted something from me.

My instincts were on high alert; agreeing at that moment felt like walking into something perilous.

Thankfully, her older twin sister intervened, apologizing to me and pulling her away.

Yet, there was an unsettling aura behind the older sister's seemingly perfect smile.

Without even asking her, I could sense that Miyuki's smile mirrored hers a bit too closely.

Jealousy, I'd wager.

Whenever Miyuki grew envious, her smile would turn into a cold one.

Damn it all! I'm growing weary of this situation, though I must admit, I'm holding up pretty well.

Right now, I'm just taking a breather in the guest room, contemplating my next move, then a knock at the door interrupts my thoughts.

"Come in."

I call out while observing my reflection in the mirror.

"Pardon me, Yuki-sama... Oku-sama is waiting for you."

A young maid, clearly too experienced for her age, bows deeply in a seiza position with her hands respectfully placed before her.

"Very well."

I follow her lead, making my way to the tea room.

"Oku-sama... Yuki-sama is here."

The maid announces before opening the door for me.

Poor kid, forced into such a taxing role at such a tender age.

Just by looking at her, you can see her innocence, untarnished.

"Onee-chan, I'll escort you to your seat..."

"Apologies, I'm a man."

"Whaaa? Even better~"

Should I just toss away my masculinity to escape this? She's acting even crazier now.

Could you believe that the most fearsome clan leader in all of Japan is nonchalantly leading me to my seat, wrapping her arms around me with a radiant smile?

Hold on... where's that sinister, perverted smile of yours from earlier?

I settle onto the small chair.

Across from me sits Yotsuba Miya, while her twin occupies the spot beside me with an elated expression—how aggravating.

"As her elder sister, I am profoundly grateful for saving Maya," she says, bowing towards me.

"I beg your pardon on behalf of our family for not recognizing you sooner and not extending proper gratitude to our savior."

Honestly, I couldn't care less.

"At that time, I wasn't intentionally saving her. My intentions were rather indifferent."

My response carries no hint of rudeness; it's just a matter-of-fact statement. In reality, I was just testing out my magic back then.

"But it was significant nonetheless. Because of you Yuki-sama, she was spared from a gruesome fate."

"Very well, if you insist."

Miya lifts her head, a smile on her lips, yet I can sense an undercurrent of anger beneath her apparent happiness.

A clap on my side grabs my attention.

"Then, as the current head of the Yotsuba clan, I humbly apologize for last night's events. We hope Yuki-sama can forgive this transgression, as Yotsuba seeks to join forces with you in your endeavor. And if further compensation is required, I am prepared anything... to meet your demands."

Maya's smile radiates, her demeanor resembling that of a woman trying to enthrall me.

Now, that's what I wanted to hear.

"Concerning this matter, Yuki Enterprise accepts your apology. As for a partnership, I'll need to assess that once I've confirmed our alignment in vision. For the details, I'll delegate that to my men."

"Ahh~ How gracious of you~ Well then, let's entrust the particulars to the people below and celebrate~! Allow me to pour the tea for a toast."

Maya rises slightly, pouring tea into my cup.

She's standing too close, and her scent is overwhelming.

Crap, her move is just too slick.

Gotta admit, that's the dangerous allure of a mature woman.

Mei! I'm really sorry!


It's 2k words!

The next chapter is gonna wrap up the Reunion Arc, and then we're diving into the next one! Got any suggestions or ideas to help me out?

Please comment.