Chapter 5: A Strange Encounter
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Here are the votes from last monday. I hope you all are having a great week and Friday, looking forward to the weekend! The votes for this chapter will close on Sunday at 10 PM EST. Cheers and enjoy the chapter!


Silvas bent to pick up the new crystal from the ground. The feeling of leveling up was something both pleasant and uncomfortable all warped in one.

He could feel energy enter his body, and stretch his being. Both his mind and body felt as if they had been filled with something that put him to the brink of bursting open but somehow contained it, slowly consuming and assimilating the energy.

He took a swift breath of air, and then a long drawn exhale as he felt anew.

“This feels akin to the drugs they forced us to take in the academy…” he mused.

Silvas, ever wanting to stay ahead of the game, checked his new status.

Name: Silvas D. Galanas

Race: Human [E]

Level: 2

Class: Druid [Starter]


Vitality 20

Strength 15

Agility 11

Perception 12

Intelligence 16

Wisdom 10

Endurance 13

Resistance 11


Free Points: 2

Skill Points: 1

Skills: They are Watching Lvl 999, Nature’s Breath Lvl 1, Nature Shock Lvl 1.

Passive Traits: Poison Resistance Lvl 1, Nature Resistance Lvl 1.

Titles: First Class, Fledgling Climber

Possible Succession Classes: Nature Caller, Beastmaster, Pagan, Forest Guardian, Whisperer of the Forest


Silvas quickly noticed the increase in all of his stats, a new title, and a plethora of Classes populating his last row.

“These classes are different than the ones in the class description earlier.. Is it because of my actions? Curious,” he mumbled.

Silvas took a moment to move to a dead end, placing his back to a wall and inside a piece of the cave that jutted out, giving him some good cover, and only one direction to worry about being attacked from.

The tunnel was lit well enough that he could see anything that passed the turn or decided to turn into the tunnel.

Satisfied he began inspecting and debating on where to take his ‘stats’.

I would like to keep increasing what I will be getting passively. That would mean sticking with Vitality and Intelligence. But I’m a weapon specialist, the only problem is that I don’t have any of these ‘spells’ that increase my physical attacks. I’m at an impasse then… If only that bastard of a God had informed me of when I get to choose my skills. Silvas thought.

I can’t get hung up on that though. Complaining will do nothing to solve my problem. It looks like I can’t see which skills I will be getting… I will just hold the points for now in case I need them for something urgent later. From earlier I can kill up to a level 2 fairly easily with my skills so I would venture to say It will be the same for level 3 now that I am level 2 and have increased stats from the level up. The Imp didn’t fair in close combat either so they seem to be fairly unskilled regardless.

Now… can I..? Yes!

Silvas looked down at the list and found that he could look at the descriptions if only vaguely for the possible classes.


Nature Caller

  • Uses Nature based affinity spells to damage, snare, and corrode enemies.
  • Benefits most from Intelligence and Wisdom.



  • Uses the spirits of animals it has killed, or bonded with to increase their own strength, power and prowess.
  • Benefits most of Strength and Intelligence.



  • Uses Nature based curses and sacrifices to slowly kill and maim their enemies.
  • Benefits most from Vitality and Intelligence.


Forest Guardian

  • Uses Nature based buffs to increase their status to protect the forest from enemies.
  • Benefits from Vitality and Endurance.


Whisperer of the Forest

  • Uses Nature based stealth spells to help aid them in silently killing their enemies.
  • Benefits from Agility and Perception.


Well it doesn't give much, but it helps with the direction I need to go with later. The Beastmaster and Forest Guardian are both catching my eye… Silvas thought.

Finally Silvas took a glimpse at the new Title he had gotten, as well as taking a moment to look at his previous one he had not had a chance to.


First Class

  • You have had your first choice of class made by the Gods of the Realm.
  • Earned the right to gain experience, stats and skills. Also receive the basic statuses given to denizens of the Eternal Plains.


Fledgeling Climber

  • You have entered and killed a monster on the first floor of many.
  • +1 to all stats.
  • Don’t expect freebies like this often~ ‘The Boy God’


Silvas cringed at reading the latter’s description.

They can give titles? He thought looking upward, a chill running down his spine.

“I don’t like having my agency taken away by beings I can’t even see…” he mumbled.

But SIlvas wasn’t able to relax in his debate for long as three shining lights flashed in front of him, forcing him out of his cover.

Silvas pulled his dagger from its sheath and stood ready, his back against the wall.

In a moment the flashes winked out of existence, not giving Silvas even a second to think of a way out.

Replacing the bright flickers of light were two black shadows and a single Imp bouncing from foot to foot..

Shit what are the shadows?! Where did they come from? Silvas cursed.

Silvas acted without hesitation, pointing his staff to the shadow on the left, its inky visage eerie only to become horrifying as red eyes and white smile formed at its center, arms forming from its side.

Silvas shivered but fought through the shock as he casted. “Nature Shock!!” the bolt of green firing forward straight for the shadow.

As soon as the bolt fired, Silvas ran forward, aiming his staff at the other shadow, casting the same spell, “Nature Shock!”

The spell again shot forward. The first spell collided with the shadow as it jerked from the impact for a second, unable to move, its white smile turning to a frown. The second Nature Shock doing the same to the second shadow a moment later.

This gave Silvas enough time to reach the still oblivious Imp. Lunging forward Silvas shoved his dagger into the eye of the Imp, rolling forward with the monster as it burst into dust, a small patch of blood falling from his dagger onto his shirt.


[Dark Imp Level 1 Killed] [Experience Earned]


Silvas had pushed passed the shadows and ran forward not looking back, turning the corner as quickly as he could. When he turned he stood at the cross section, holding his dagger close as he pressed an eye close enough to see the dead end tunnel.

A moment later a shadow barreled down the cave tunnel, its arms up in the air as a high pitched screech filled the surroundings.

Silvas flinched from the scream but still pressed on, doing what he must to survive like he had so many times before.

The monster finally flew close enough to the turn, and Silvas curved his dagger sideways aiming straight for its chest.

But his eyes widened as his hand and the dagger passed harmlessly through the monster shadow.

He looked up bewildered only for a moment, but a moment was all it needed as its face shifted again into a smile, and it brought it’s hand down on Silvas’s forearm, leaving three dark lines.

Silvas grunted in pain, and jumped backwards turning, only to find the head of the second shadow pop out from the wall, its red eyes gazing back at him.


Silvas recalled that the spell had hit, and turned, casting his only spell as quickly as he could.

Nature Shock!”

The bolt of green energy fired quickly, hitting the shadow before it could dodge. Giving Silvas time to push through the shadow even though it was blocking the tunnel.

Passing harmlessly through the shadow he turned again, firing off two more Nature Shocks.

Both bolts struck the shadow in the back, but it still did not go down.

“What level are these blasted fuckign monsters!” Silvas shouted.

In that instance, the second shadow pushed through the first, its red eyes wide, and its white mouth open wide as a similar screech sounded in the tunnel.

Silvas had to make a decision and quickly. Glancing up he saw that he only lost 20% of his health from the shadows touch before, and he could only fire so many if he needed to cast his healing spell again.

This is going to suck. Silvas cursed.

Casting his healing spell, Silvas shot forward through the charging shade.

Nature’s Breath!”

But he didn’t stop there, he prayed that his gambit would pay off as the shadow threw both its hands at Silvas, striking him on the shoulder, and the side of the face.

His vision blurred in his left eye but he still had his right, as he trained his staff at the shadow that was not just coming out of the barrage of stuns the spells had put on it.

Chanting as fast as he could while running forward Silvas prayed.

Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock!” he shouted not even taking a breath as he ran as fast as he could at the shadow.

Each bolt hit its mark as the flew into the monster. The bolts hitting with a bang.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Then the bolt missed as the shadow dispersed, a crystal falling to the ground in place of it.


[Shade Level 4 Killed] [Experience Earned]

[Increased to Level 3 Druid]


Silvas suddenly felt the euphoric feeling of the level up pass through him.

He smiled and turned to the last monster in the tunnel, its face now a frown in the inky black of its silhouette.

Silvas pointed his staff, as the monster seemed to gasp with no noise, it turning its back.

“No you don't get to just run away you damned oversized shitrag!” Silvas roared, running after the monster, casting as he did.

Nature Shock!” he shouted, the first bolt missing, but Silvas still had an enormous pool of mana to call on now that he leveled.

He glanced back up at his status, and was pleased to see that they had gone back to full save for the bolt he had just casted.

Grinning, he continued to cast, eventually hitting the monster, stunning it for just long enough that he could continue to cast until it was dead.

Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock! Nature Shock!” he shouted almost laughing the words as the monster finally ceased to exist, flashing into a dust of smoke, leaving a crystal and a small piece of black cloth.


[Shade Level 3 Killed] [Experience Earned]


Silvas huffed trying to recover his breath as he slumped against the cold wall, gathering himself.

“Keep those things coming! You fucking assholes, You don’t know who the fuck your dealing with!”




Please don't forgor to vote. You are the life blood of this series. Sorry for calling you assholes. I mean sorry that Silvas called you assholes. I didn't do nothing....

What class should Silvas currently go towards
  • Pagan Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beastmaster Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Nature Caller Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whisperer of the Forest Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Forest Guardian Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hold off for more options. Votes: 1 25.0%
Total voters: 4 · This poll was closed on Feb 13, 2023 04:39 PM.