Chapter 3
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Because of my absence I wrote 2 chapters for you all

 They all talked about what they wanted to do going forward and decided to claim a Rift and home for themselves. It had been 2 months since they had started their World. They decided they were going to move out and form their own homes just like their families did before them.

One of the main Heavenly Laws of Uttarakhand is that the realm is ever growing. The land expands outward and the powers that be let those young adventurous souls go out and claim their own land. Any land you claim is yours and can’t be taken, only traded or bought. 

There are Rifts that form when a single god or Pantheon owns enough land. The requirement is that the god or Pantheon own 20 square miles of land. The rift forms at a low rank but can grow over time. More Rifts can spawn when they grow their territory. 

In order to secure the land as yours you have to defeat the first Rift. Geld and the girls were confident that they could beat the Rift because the anole that had taken residence at the lake had grown massively in the two months it had lived in their world.

The anole had taken the position as Alpha of the green anoles. It was 5 feet long and weighed 100 pounds. Its scales had hardened into emerald shields and its dewlap was a mesmerizing crimson red.  The two Betas were a long sickly green female anole that was 7 feet long and weighed 60 pounds and a small male that had developed a venomous bite from its food of choice, the honey bees. It had a bite that caused severe pain and swelling.

The World of Angtrorse had become a lush, albeit monocultured forest. The grass had grown to cover all the dirt and the trees had spread out to make the field into a forest with meadows around the lake and on the mountainside. 

Geld sat down with his family one last time before he would leave for his future and spoke, “I love you guys and I know this is going to be difficult but I need to go out and become my own man. Thank you for taking care of me for all these years.”

Gurthal gave his son a proud look and told him, “You don’t have to thank us for raising our son. We love you too and we couldn’t be prouder to have you as our son. Just make sure you come back and visit some times.”

“I will, I promise.”

Geld left his old house with a newfound pep in his step and pride in his eyes. He picked up all the girls and they went to the edge of town. There were two known locations that were up for grabs. The first bordered a small reptile-kin Pantheon and was a marshy, wet area. The other was a forest touching the marsh that bordered a Beornling Community that hadn’t managed to form a Rift.

Trith looked at the two and pondered, “Do you guys think we should take the marsh or the forest?”

“Why not both?” questioned Sarah in her excitement.

“We could, it would be twice as many Rifts all for the cost of having to be capable of dealing with twice as many Rift spawns,” spoke Ratha who had put in significant thought on the matter.

“If we get good drops from our first runs we could probably handle it,” Geld decided.

WIth their plan in mind they went to the boundaries of the two territories and began putting their unique aura script down to mark that they were claiming the area. After 2 hours they were finally done and where the 2 territories combined there were 2 swirling masses of energy. 

The first one was light green and gave off the feeling of deep untouched woods. The second was a dark foreboding green that gave off the feeling of something lurking unseen in the reeds.

They decided to run the Forest Rift first. When they entered the Rift it showed a coyote with rust colored fur. It was 6 feet long and had a vicious gleam in its eyes. Geld sent the 3 anoles to fight the coyote.

The Alpha charged at the coyote and was immediately bowled over for its bravery. The coyote was distracted however and the long Beta anole launched itself into the coyote’s back legs and left a bloody trail where its claws raked by. The Alpha had managed to right itself and flared its dewlap to disorient the coyote.

While the coyote was busy deciding if it wanted to get the Beta off its leg or fight the suddenly much larger Alpha it was bit in the shoulder by a relatively small anole that quickly scampered away. The coyote hardly noticed at first, however its breath was soon compressed as the shoulder was so inflamed that it was pressuring the lungs and it burned like acid.

The Alpha decided it was time to strike and dove onto the coyote’s neck. It ripped out the jugular and was bathed in blood. With the death of the coyote the Rift seemed to calm down and went into a dormant state. In the Rift’s place was a giant sequoia sapling.

They decided not to wait on the second Rift and immediately dove in. When they entered they saw a large pool of water with an enormous gar fish sitting dead still at the bottom. It must have been 12 feet long. Geld along with Ratha decided to get involved this time as they saw little chance for their creatures to kill it unscathed.

Ratha splashed into the water and waited just in reach of the gar. Sensing its moment it lunged forward only to be grabbed by Geld. Together Geld and Ratha drug the fish out of the water and let the anoles finish the job.

The Rift entered a dormant state like the other and left a gift in its absence. There was a baby alligator snapping turtle. It had a strange reddish coloration not usually found in turtles of its species.

Once the Rifts were secured and the loot transplanted to Angtrorse, they started building their house. It was a large log cabin with a small fence surrounding it. With their first set of territories claimed and their house started they were finally ready to double down on their World.