Chapter 67: Back Alleys of the Second Segment
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Chapter 67: Back Alleys of the Second Segment

When will these people bloody give up!?

(“ When they figure out whatever caused the disruption to their feeds, or after an hour passes, whatever comes first ”)

It wasn’t an actual question.

After my exit into an alley, my journey to a quiet spot wasn’t exactly peaceful. The area was quickly patrolled by standard offices that were looking for anything or anyone suspicious. 

The reasoning could be anything from or between them having actually spotted me, being extra precautions due to the auction, or this was just the standard practice for security. Now, I didn’t believe they had spotted me, so I made tactical use of [Disruptive Starlight] before I exited into places that could have cameras.

But the very act of monitoring devices malfunctioning was going to get some attention. I was fully aware of that fact, so I made calculated use of it only when necessary. However, I didn’t account for how quickly and intensely they would pounce on the problem. 

I just need to get out of sight.

(“ That should be easy, but you wouldn’t be having this issue if you took a ship ”)

Now you are just saying that to annoy me. 

The one truth that Espoiramissa was correct about was that it would be easy to escape. Because I could finally use [Star Mapping] again. 

I had greatly missed using it in the third segment. My inability to use it brought back memories of week-long journeys through cave systems. It was always an awful experience. But thanks to the fact that the second segment had a clear, visible view of space and the stars, I could rely on this skill again.

I used [Star Mapping] to avoid security and carefully make my way to my desired location.

After fifteen minutes, the quick pass of security offices started to dissolve. These people weren’t anything special, just ordinary employees in uniform scoping out the area, but I was still glad they were leaving. The less trouble I was in, the better.

Finally, I reached an area where I could be more relaxed. 

Cameras and security didn’t cover every aspect of the third or second segment. Maybe at one point in time, they did, but after hundreds of years of internal expansion, that had long not been the case. Realistically, all the public lanes should have surveillance technology in place–as it was standard for ships and stations–for security, tracking, and mechanical failures that may occur. 

However, the old issue of costing money. Not that Jelannax didn’t spend resources on its maintenance, it did, but like most large stations, it had its priorities. However, you could see a lot of people moving around to set up cameras on the third and second segments, probably in another attempt to boost security for the auction.

The tall ground-to-ceiling building design had returned. The area around the elevator and the basically mini town near it was open and flat, so it didn’t cause one to feel cramped. But not too far off from it was a residential complex, filled with its own tight corridors, shops, and issues.

The place wasn’t bad; everything looked clean, and utilities were properly maintained. It had shops and the like, but for the second segment, it was simply a neighbourhood on the outskirts. But it had what I needed, mostly just a lack of proper security, so I could use it as a base while I figured out a way to move up one more segment.

My new temporary home away from home. 

(“ You had better options ”)

Congratulations on having an opinion. I don’t care. 

I made my way through the corridors of the complex called Radial- Five. The shops were nothing special, mostly just for groceries, toys, utilities, and restaurants. I wasn’t bugged on the way by anyone. There were a lot of people here though, with a range of fashion choices, large extra accessories, varying hair styles, and a variety of patterns on their clothes.

This was probably where they felt comfortable being, but I did have to question the practicality of some of the clothing choices, as those corridors were tight.

However, looking over these people did make me realise something.

I should change my appearance; I can’t sneak around the second segment like this.

Unlike before, sneaking around in unidentified armour wasn’t an option. I would be stopped and questioned on sight. I wasn’t exactly sure how to change my look–maybe a jacket or jumper? It was something I needed to decide later on.

After going through a few more tight bends, I followed my [Star Mapping] to the perfect spot. It was a small corner between the buildings, but it had a small, clear view of the see-through ceiling above. I sat down, leaned back against the wall, and prepared myself for some stargazing. 

I needed to recover a bit of starlight, but I also wanted to relax for a moment. It would be a rush to find a method up to the first segment, so before I started that rush, it was time to recover.

As I finally relaxed for the moment, ready for some well deserved stargazing. A young adult boy raised his arm and pointed at me, “Hey, what are you doing in my spot?!” 

Sigh… Can I just sit down and watch the stars for a five-minute recharge?

(“ Apparently not, but you wouldn’t have this problem if you visited me ”)

No thanks; I’m good.

I hoped that the rest of the day would be easier.


Wow, I'm tired. I know I say that a lot, especially for the first chapter of the week, but I think I managed to reach a new level. It has been a long 72 hours. So yeah, short chapter.

Anyway! New chapter, finally on the second segment, now time to figure out how to get to the first before the auction begins.

Another titbit, I schedule this chapter at the wrong time... Well, I forgot to schedule it at all, which is why it was upload at different~ish time. Anyway, next chapter should be out at it's regular time, but there week is a three chapter week! (Two of those chapters may be side chapters, but should be some interesting ones).