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 Chapter 5



I held the trainer staff in tightly balled fists as I deflected the disc thrown at my face, the fabric-wrapped wooden chakram wouldn’t have cut, but it’d leave a bruise if it connected. Combat was not something I was especially good at. In truth, I didn’t know what I was good at. I suspected I was not the only one in this situation. 

Sparring day with other student witches in the class of thirty-six and of all the days I would be picked to spar I was of course paired against Briar. Because fate seemed to decide that my punishment for punching her in the face was to eternally deal with her at every turn.

Despite her being a second-year student, combat classes were the sole exception to any age-based separation among students. Having a mix of skill levels meant students were learning from each other as well as from the professor. 

To make things safer, our preferred casting tool had been traded for training equivalents. We’d still be hurt if we took a full slap to the face with any of them, but no permanent damage. At least, nothing that couldn’t be remedied by the school aid. For those witches and wizards with edged casting tools, edgeless versions were granted. For the rest of us, our trainer tools were more or less the same as our proper casting tools, with one major distinction: The training variants only allowed “utility spells,” encouraging improvisation. 

Briar closed the gap on me as I swung my staff. I channeled energy through my fingers into the gem at the end of the shaft and a collection of feathers exploded out from the head, forcing Briar’s run to slow to a stop as her vision and senses were disrupted.

In the mass of feathers, I saw a spark of something, an attempt at bypassing the restrictions on her training weapon. The weapon fizzled the spell, the arcane feedback causing a yelp of pain from Briar. 

With that opportunity I ran in and swung at her, only to find her blocking the hit on me. 

“Not good enough” she hissed at me as our weapons collided, the flat edge of her chakram friction-locked on the training staff. 

“Act faster!” Professor Teuenfraux yelled from the sideline.

I pulled back and swung down hard at Briar, grunting as she jumped backward. She’s more experienced in the padded armor, and she moved her chakram telekinetically. My mobility is hindered, the pads on the shoulders of my gambeson limiting the full arm range. 

I didn’t remember Hazel wearing armor. 

“You’re an amateur,” Briar said, jumping high and swinging down at me, slashing the disc and making contact with my shoulder plate. The impact changed the color of my shoulder pad to reflect the impact. The first major blow in the three-minute-long match we’d had. 

“I don't even know why you’re trying,” she jeered.  

I saw an opening, as I stabbed my staff into the padding on her side. 

Her offhand suddenly swung, colliding with my face in retaliation. 

I stumbled backward, head spinning, nose burning. 

The rest of my senses clicked back in at the sound of a whistle, Professor calling the sparring match to a close “You know the rules Briar, no direct blows to the face. I don't care how angry you get” 

The match ended as Briar was pulled to the side and one of Professor Teuenfraux’s aids rushed up to help me to the side. 

My face was gently nudged to one side then the other, A quick light spell illuminated the tip of their finger as they looked into my eyes to make sure the punch hadn’t messed with me. 

“I’m fine” I muttered to the aid. 

Professor Teuenfraux stood next to me “That was a good effort there, Vangrove.” 

Everything had settled in. My nose still burned,” I guess”  

“I have a word of advice; creative thinking will go a long way.”  The halfling man suddenly spun around “And Ms. Vanwinkle, over here. Now”

Briar had been halfway back towards a crowd of observing students, the callout freezing her mid-stride, her shoulders going slack with annoyance before she spun around and made her way over. Her annoyance was directed at Professor Teuenfraux. 

“A word of wisdom for you as well, brute force isn’t going to win you every battle you get into.” 

She feigned respect “Of course Mr. Teuenfraux” 

“Professor!” he pointed the tip of a can at her “Both of you have excellent potential, but you’re limited by the goop in your head.” he swung the cane as he pointed to the class, several pairs of students engaged in their own spars “Magical talent is one thing, and physical prowess is another. But the only skill when it comes to taking on problems when you are out in the real world fighting real enemies is your wits!” His voice elevated higher, sounding serious and passionate about what he was saying.

 “If there’s going to be any one lesson I teach you out of all the things I show you in this class, it’s going to be that. Be smart with your fighting, be crafty, be cunning. relying on one skill will end your career quicker than any curse or creature out there. Fight Smart. The first lesson I showed you was never to get into fights, but the second is this” he tapped his head with the handle of his cane “The Best Magic is in your head”  



It’s been one week since the start of my year at  Arons,  and everything was shockingly good, or at least felt that way. Briar getting the better of me magical combat training notwithstanding. 

I’d found out through the grapevine that Briar Vanwinkle was a ‘legacy’ a fourth-generation attendee to the school, her family having a long long history of being well-to-do  

This translated to her having more access to off-school tutoring from her family members and access to better resources than I had. 

I hated it. 

But..I was getting better, and I think for that she had it out for me. Her reputation, or I presumed it anyway, stood on being the best of the best. 

But letting that be the way that it was obviously wasn’t gonna work for the both of us, so I’d just have to get better and learn.

Professor Teuenfraux had said we were relying too much on physicality..maybe I’d need to try some spells next time I was lined up to spar little miss high and mighty. 

Ice spells? could just make her fall on her butt. while we fight.

Make her float up to the ceiling. Does that count as a win if they don't come back down? 

Could just open up a hole into a never-ending void as she falls forever..then I’d win and solve the problem of one of the school's bullies.  

That thought made me laugh, but as fun as it was displacement spells into pocket dimensions were third-year courses…and not permanent.

I suddenly bumped face-first into someone, stumbling backward and dropping my books. Hastily I apologised getting on one knee to pick everything up,“sorry about that I wasn’t paying-” 




Looking down at me with a mix of amusement and condescension was none other than Briar herself. 

“Lookie what I got here” 

“Hi..How can I help you, Briar?"

She held a hand to her chin “I don't know.” 

seeing an opening I made a move to pass her by "Then..I’ll just get out of your way then, got a whole other cla-”

“Hold on there.” she extended an arm “Actually..I want to talk to you.” 

The hallways were thinning out. at this point, I realized she was by herself, just Briar and myself standing in the hallway. 

Of course, it wasn’t going to be easy… “What do you want then?”

“What do you want at this school Roxanne?” 

“I’m just wanting to become a witch” 

“no no no..everyone here wants to be a witch...What do you want out of this school?” 

“I..just wanna not cause problems”

“pfft” she shoved me a second as I moved back “You caused that by being friends with the unmentionable” 

“That's a pretty garbage thing to call someone” 

“I’ll be blunt. leave her. and I’ll make it worth your while”

“I’m sorry?!” I stared at her incredulously

She leaned in “I want you to cut your ties with Calamity Fissure” 


She scowled “Why the hell not?” 

“She’s my friend and she…”I caught myself about to reveal I’d met her before coming to this school “Helped me..enroll and yeah”

“Oh yeah?”

“And besides why should I listen to you, when you were wailing on me in combat class anyway?!” I leaned forward 

She paused in silence “What do you owe her anyway?”


“Money. access to luxury goods. You name it, I can get it for you, you just gotta dump her.” She took a step forward, and I stepped back. “all the bullshit I’ll put you through and you just gotta switch sides.”

I suspect, if I had anyone else she wouldn’t be so honest. That if she knew I was the ‘boy’ who punched her in the face a week or so ago this offer wouldn’t even be on the table. 

I felt my face heat up, I don't know if it was anxiety or anger or something else but I felt the words “No, I’m not interested.” spit out of my mouth.

She let out a laugh, surprising me with what appeared to be resigned understanding  “I guess I’ll give it to you...You’re loyal. better than she ever was.”  She walked past me, giving me a slap on the back that stung like a hornet. “I’ll see you around, dipshit” 

I stepped to the side trying to figure out what that was all about, leaning onto a locker I just breathed in deeply. That all just sucked

What the heck did she even mean with what she said ‘More loyal than she ever was’




The rest of the day blurs. I find myself once again in the hallways. 

How is it that one person, regardless of whether or not you want them to, regardless of whether or not you allow it can have the power to alter your mood for the entire day? 

It’s bad enough I’m trying to keep a secret about being…me…but now knowing I’d resigned to dealing with briar even when she’d outlined I had a way to stop it. What do you do with that?

I was suddenly brought out of my personal reverie as I heard the honking of Lilith’s shoes as she hopped right beside me to get my attention. “Hello, Rox and Socks! how’s everything today?” 

after the initial shock, I smiled “It’s good Lilith, just kinda thinking about you-know-who..she trounced me in training today” among other things. 

“Aw..well, she’s a poor alchemist so maybe you could be a potion crafter.” 

“I don't know if that’s a thing I’m into, but maybe” 

“Maybes are always good” Lilith stuffed her hands in the pockets of her vest “You know Briars probably hates you, right?

I stopped in my tracks at the intersection of hallways“Oh, what gave that away, the unrelenting animosity or the fact she stares at me like she’d make my head explode if that was a spell they were allowed to teach?” 

“Well you’ve got what she can’t have” Lilith stated plainly 

“oh…” the hallways were thinning out now “You mean Calamity”

“Yep,” the bright red of Lilth’s lips came together in a knowing smile as she nodded sagely “Briars done this to everyone who’s been friends with Calamity. The only reason she doesn’t try anything with me is my parents are on the faculty” 

“Well it’s not like I knew their history..and besides, any jealousy Briar has towards me is entirely pointless because it’s not like me and Calamity are dating or anything.”

“For now~” I just barely made out Lilith’s teasing voice 

“I’m sorry what?!” 

“Bye!” she then slid away backward spinning and running away into an echo of honking sounds down the hallway. 

“I…guess that stuff to think about,” Cryptic implications about things between me and my best friend. Or maybe I don’t have to think about it and can just file that away under Lilith being weird.

I turn to start in the direction of the next class only to find a hummingbird hovering in the air in front of me, its well-manicured purple feathers catching my eye as it buzzes there, waiting expectantly. 

Messages from faculty to students are delivered by hummingbirds. Heavily trained, more than a little bit of magic is involved based on what Professor Icemane spoke about in Familiars and Fauna class. 

a note was looped into the hummingbird collar, I pulled it out gently, the slip of paper decompressing and unfolding in my hand, the note was written in a tidy script that was direct and to the point


Ms. Vangrove, 


please come to my office. 


Ms. Everheart. 




Ms. Everheart's office was strangely cozy, darker pastel colors in light blue and purple curtains and drapes that kept the warm sun out making the room colder than most of the building. though who could say how much of that was magically influenced? 

“Good afternoon, Ms. Everheart.” I greeted as best I could, this was the first time in any office of the faculty. The first time I’d really been alone with any adult since leaving home. an errant stray bit of anxiety was present. 

“Welcome Roxanne. I trust you’re doing well.” sitting in her chair Ms. Efverheart stood observing a game board; a multitude of pieces positioned as if in midgame. it looked like a two-person game. 

“I’m okay. uhm…what are you playing?” 

“oh..Emperor. by mail, me and a friend have had a game moving for two months.” 

“How do you play emperor?” I asked looking at the board. one of the white pieces was perched upon a singular red piece that was surrounded by multiple smaller ones. 

Ms. Everheart stood up “The rules aren’t complicated…it’ll have to wait for the moment.” She motioned for me to sit down “We have a couple things to discuss.”

I followed her motioned instructions, not wanting to cause any problems. The small bit of anxiety had formed a spike now. “Is something wrong?” 

“You tell me.” 

“I..not sure what you mean”

The air in the office became uncomfortably still as she finally got to the point of why I was there. “Roxanne. Who are you, really?” 

I let out an uncontrolled squeak “what?” 

“I need you to know something Ms. Vangrove. Despite being a weaving of enchantment into a mundane object a glamour is always giving off an emission of magical energy, it’s how it alters the perceptions of those who observe those who use them.” 

“I…don’t…” the pitch of my voice squeezed up in panic, feeling like someone running a bow along a violin string.

She kept talking despite the obvious signs of panic I was showing. “This school is of political importance…every member of the faculty is trained how to identify magical energy one gives off…And you have one..”

My stomach curled in on itself like folding bread dough as Ms. Everheart kept going 

“It’s not unheard of for students to need a glamour, but you didn’t include one in your registry…and more so. That.” She pointed at my staff. Keeping her voice and tone even, but not calm as much as strongly interrogating. “That isn’t yours” 

My hands reflexively tightened. not that it would take much to get it out of my grip for all the sweat that was pouring out of my palms 

“Hazel Goodwyn was my rival when I was your age.  when I attended this school. I’ve seen that particular cut of peridot stone before. I have each and every facet grilled into my memory for all the times I spent getting bested in competitive duels with her.” 

I could feel everything unfolding. One week…It lasted one week. I was shaking and trembling 

“So I’m going to be very…very direct with you Roxanne Vangrove.. whoever you are. There are grave consequences if you are not direct with who you are, so I ask again…Who. are. You.” 


The silence 


Without even realizing I’d done it I’d left a hideous bread trail just waiting for someone to find it. and Ms. Everheart had found me. At this moment what little of the positive feelings I’d had washed out of me. If I didn’t act wisely…I’d be sent home..

Is it any wonder that I broke down sobbing right then and there? 

I quivered and shook as harsh sobs broke out of me like a waterfall, my face red as the tears soaked down my cheeks “I’m sorry! I didn’t know!'' I gasped out, holding on to the staff like it was my one anchor. Which I suppose it was in that instance. 

“I just…I just needed to leave” the confession “it was in my village and I just..just took it I took it and I took it and I ran I’m sorry I didn't mean to cause trouble I just I just didnt’ wanna be a boy anymore and I don't wanna live theater and and I just-” I started bawling uncontrollably at that moment the entire lie I’d managed to hide in now obliterated in a single instance 

I wouldn't look her in the eyes. My eyes were barely open to start with. I just let out everything in that instance, a whole host of emotions I didn’t think I had been holding in, just crying before I felt something.

Ms. Everheart had moved and wrapped an arm around me. crouched down next to the chair. She didn’t say anything at the moment as I continued to just let out an unending chant of “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry” between rasping sobs.

There was a squeeze of assurance “I understand now.” She said. 

in a couple of seconds, I was handed a box of tissues. 

“I…I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t…” She interrupted before giving a sigh“It would seem I might have been taking my job so seriously I forgot to keep in mind..if you’d had an agenda you’d have been acting on it. it’s plain to see that you’re acting of your own accord…I’d assume you're having that staff was evidence of something having happened to Hazel as well, but it would seem the staff was simply placed elsewhere outside her possession.” 

I was wiping the tears with a tissue and unflatteringly noisily blowing my nose. 

a moment of silence. “what..what do you want me to do?” 

“I’ll change your application form to note your glamor..I assure you Ms. Vangrove. You are a student…you will be fine here” 

I nodded and shivered, sniffling a moment as I kept wiping away the evidence of my breakdown. 

“But..that brings me to the second reason I called you here…well this was assuming you weren’t acting maliciously.” 

I sniffed again “what?” 

“Right. It’s heavily encouraged that each student take an extracurricular activity. 

“I take…what?” 

“a club..a’t have much experience before this school did you?”

“no..this uh..first school I’ve ever been to

“Oh” She just stared a bit. “okay then, Well, I’ll be keeping an eye on you” There was a pause “I mean that to be as non-threatening as I can”


“Well, I suspect your friends will be able to make suggestions for what might fit you best until then..” she pulled out some paper and wrote hastily, “I won't have to go to your next class.” she proceeded to tie the note to a familiar hummingbird, patting it on the head as it zoomed off. 

I sat there a bit confused, not sure how to answer with how kind Ms. Everheart was being to me now. 

“How about we show you how to play Emperor?” 

In the following hour, I would develop an extreme love of board games. 



Hello all, sorry for the long wait, this chapter ended up taking more work than expected, and at one point it was going to be a much bigger chapter before I made the decision to split it into the chapter 5 you've just read, and the upcoming chapter 6

I hope you all enjoyed it, and have a great day. if you all want I also have a ko-fi and any donations would be appreciated.
