Chapter 3: Goal Setting
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Becoming Monsters is the creation and property of Ai Loves, setting used with permission.


Also used with permission are a number of short appearances. Oribel (by Azerious), Brixton (by Falcon0301), and Kala (by Bellesixa). Many thanks for answering the casting call, this won’t be all we see of them.



Chapter 3: Goal Setting


Todd’s eyes snapped open as his alarm went off at 7:00 sharp. He was confused, for a moment. The room was unfamiliar, not yet fully set up. The bag of reading materials was still full, which was unlike him. So was the fact that he’d fallen asleep in jeans. 


ESPECIALLY when he started to move and felt a certain soreness for the first time in his life. It does not matter how much supernatural support you have, an orgasm uses a lot of muscles, and these muscles were most certainly not ones that had been worked out much before.


Breakfast opened at eight. With Orientation at ten, and his planned area scouting having not occurred yesterday for some reason, he’d need to be there early in order to make sure he didn’t miss anything. That meant preparation time. Fresh clothes, towels, and toiletries in a bag, he made his way to the central showers on the floor. He found one such door, and it was not marked by gender. Another prayer, and he walked in. 


Thankfully, the place was empty. His thoughts of the building being made by someone more used to barracks were strongly reinforced, however. Whoever designed this place evidently had never heard of privacy. Other than a few toilet stalls, everything was out in the open. No borders between urinals. No curtains separating shower heads (though they all had nice baskets, hooks, and nearby benches). A few lockers obviously meant to very temporarily hold a few minimum items. He stowed his clothes and towel in one of these and turned on the water at a shower head at one end of the line, thankful that it was at least hot.


Unfortunately, he wasn’t alone for long. Two other guys came in, and without hesitation or hint of modesty stored their own things and got under showers of their own. One was only a bit taller than Todd, but some kind of furry Aelf. Pointed ears, white fur everywhere with red markings, and clawed hands and feet. The other… if someone only looked once, they might miss the wolf ears and tail and think he was Human. His hair was brown, his skin pale, and his eyes bright blue. He was also both tall and fairly muscular. Todd’s embarrassment was visible in his blush, but neither really stopped chatting.


“You hear about yesterday? Someone over in the 220 block is really out there conquering the ladies already.” The wolf-eared man seemed interested in finding out who the champion was.


The furred Aelf nodded his head as he began to shampoo up, a process notably longer than for the others there. “Rumor has it three women left the area wobbly yesterday. Not sure if it was the same person, though, one of them was a lesbian and another is Erin the Houri. You know about her, Brixton.”


“You’re kidding, Oribel. Erin? Who the heck? Hey, you!” He was looking at Todd. Todd was awkwardly trying to soap up. “What room are you in?”


“Uh… 222B.”


“You know anything about this? Someone nailing three chicks like THAT can’t have been quiet. Was it you?”


Oribel looked away from his friend and towards Todd, who was now shrinking into the corner under the attention. The gaze was an appraising one. “Nah, can’t be. He’s got the equipment for it, sure, but no way someone like him has the moves to pull that off.” He turned off the water and shook out his fur before walking back to his locker. “Seriously, you could probably be cute, but you gotta take care of yourself better. You’re Human, no excuse for not knowing how your Race works.”


Todd, for his part, was still trying to mentally catch up by the time the other two left. Being the subject of that kind of rumor was a new experience for him. Like… people jealous of things he had done? Beat the heck out of being called a creep and liar for three years. He reached up to turn off his water, and suddenly realized something. The sound of water hadn’t stopped. 


“Erin says you sprouted, Tidbit. Come on, we got about five minutes before other people start showing up.” Jem was there. How Todd missed her entering, when she was seven feet of muscle and sex appeal, is probably 50% distraction and 50% obliviousness, but the result was him getting pushed up against a wall, suddenly rock hard, as she leaned over and shoved herself onto his recently-magnified dick.


Let it not be said he was unwilling. Taken by surprise? Certainly. But very willing.


He found himself moving fluidly into position. She was much taller than him, his hands at her hips guiding her to the proper stance to be level with him. The water would cause undue resistance, he blocked both it and soap from getting where they would hurt. He was much larger than last time, he carefully controlled his depth in order to directly attack her most sensitive internals. In the four and a half minutes it took for him to climax, she found three of her own.


Just as before, the power hit her hard. The process was much faster this time, rapidly molding her to a greater and more powerful form. Her grin was a slightly feral thing, as she stood and turned to him, pinning him there. The water running down her body only served to draw the eye ever closer, as she leaned in, placing her hands on the wall behind him. “Good. You did get better, and faster, and I feel amazing…” this last word was drawn out, practically moaned. “How are your levels doing now?”


Reflexively, Todd called up his Status screen. Still Level two, but now registering 52% Progress. At the rate he was going, he’d hit Level three that day. The back of his head started correlating data points and drawing lines of best fit. At the rate he was going, he’d hit THIRTY before he got his Associate’s. He relayed this information, but before she could respond (or even process it properly), they were no longer alone. The morning crowd, both men and women, were coming in to get themselves clean and ready for the day. Sabertooths brushed their teeth as Slimes started showers. Humans nabbed lockers and Sirens gargled saltwater. There was essentially no clothing to be found anywhere, the students here being from the previous year and quite comfortable not wearing it when not needed. Men and women hanging free. Some quite good-looking, Todd’s eyes drawn to taut abs and gravity-defying breasts in profusion.


“Ah, hah, so you see one of the… quirks… of this place. Enjoy, I’m going for breakfast.” Jem walked over to her own locker, wrapped herself up in a towel and a pair of flip flops, and walked out the door on the way back to her room.


This would obviously take some getting used to. Todd was beet-red as he got himself dried and dressed. He could hear other whispered speculation about last night’s events, could feel other appraising stares. Being honest with himself, he wasn’t sure of what to think of them. On the flip side, he knew he was definitely beginning to enjoy the oddities of life with his Class in full swing. At least one of the people now behind him as he left could probably put two and two together, seeing Jem walking out like that with little old Todd being the only other person in the room before the crowds. Who would be the one?


What the heck am I even thinking right now? Freshman Orientation is in less than an hour, I’m here for a degree. Not even to the starting line yet, and I’m getting sidetracked.


As it turned out, he was off by a bit. Four different people in that room managed to do the same math he had, but that set of issues would hold off for a bit. None stopped him as he left.


Breakfast was a MUCH quieter affair than dinner was, the tables still set up but only one occupied (pointing to Orientation). He didn’t see Jem. He didn’t see Erin. He didn’t see Ghata. Heck, nobody at all was trying to get in his pants. It was a nice break, all told. He finished his pancakes. It would not do to be late, so he took a look at his map, sent a quick prayer upstairs, and took off in the direction of where he thought Orientation was going to be.


Back at Suite 222, Ghata and Jem were sitting on the couch, chatting lightly and getting introduced. Though they lived in the same suite of rooms, they had run into each other exactly once, that being just now, when Jem got back to the suite wearing a towel and a smirk just as Ghata opened her door to get ready for the day. The two didn’t have all that much in common, truth be told, but found each other interesting enough that they could make this work.


They did have one thing in common, though. Todd. They realized this around the time they heard the door to their Suite open once more, and a petite Korean woman timidly walked in rolling a suitcase of her own. 


She needs our help, thought Ghata


She’ll be perfect in Todd’s bed, thought Jem.


Both could, thankfully, work towards their goals simultaneously. Ten minutes later, they were all headed for Orientation themselves.


It was a good thing that Todd took off from the Cafeteria early, as it turned out. His map was correct. He… wasn’t. To be fair, it was his first time trying to use a map in a location that wasn’t itself completely clearly marked. He ended up in the building next to his target, and with repetition stemming from its military builders’ origin it was laid out exactly like its brother. Thus, Todd spent thirty minutes poking around a building that was effectively identical in every way, except for being nearly deserted. The confused Bard eventually looked out a window and saw students streaming into the building next door. 


He felt sheepish enough to sprout wool.


He couldn’t get his preferred front-row seat in the rapidly-filling auditorium. Quite the opposite, the only open one close to an aisle was almost at the back. At least there was enough time for him to get out his notebook, paper, and pencil. He would be ready.


“Oh, do you have a spare pencil? Mine broke,” came a chipper voice from behind him.


He grabbed his spare by reflex and turned to take an actual look at the person behind him. It should be noted at this point that one Todd Reed, known as Tidbit, is about 5’6”. The Faun behind him, a rather pretty blonde lady with a lute leaned against her desk, was a solid five inches taller than him (and that’s before you count the horns). As well, the auditorium they were in had rows that elevated as one got further back, so she had another six inches or so of advantage on him.


All this to say, he suddenly found himself face-to-nipple with the largest pair of breasts he had ever met in person. They were high and firm, unrestrained by anything resembling a bra, and of such magnitude that they looked like their shadow would weigh twenty pounds.


Some seconds later, other details got past those mountains to sneak into his brain. The white shirt with enormous cleavage window cut into it, and a name tag that read “Kala”. The lion-like legs. The very attractive face. He realized he had been staring for a moment too long, stammered a bit, and handed over the pencil. Todd was saved by the arrival of a faculty member, a very tall and broad man who looked like a former linebacker, who stepped up to the stage.


As soon as he introduced himself as Patrick Harrison, and mentioned representing the sports programs, Todd tuned him out. He was less likely to make a contribution to a sports team than he was of winning the lottery twice on the same ticket. After being struck by lightning. 


Then again, considering his last 24 hours? Maybe he should have paid more attention. Still, as his eyes slowly strayed across the room, he noticed a couple of familiar faces. Notably, a darkly-tanned and enormous Amazoness and a cute Indian woman, who were chatting with a tiny Asian lady with long, straight black hair. That the two seemed to be getting along was both a relief and a source of utter terror for Todd. 


The next faculty member to step up was a Beastfolk of some kind. An Elk? He introduced himself as Carter, and immediately got into some details about their class life. The school had a fairly relaxed attendance policy, all things considered, along with every accommodation possible. Every class expected exactly two things: learn, and demonstrate that you did so. Use of Class and Race abilities to speed and supplement learning wasn’t just permitted, it was encouraged, and counselors were available to suggest how to do so for those struggling.


The auditorium, full of new students, murmured. For the last couple of years, the tune had been opposite. Stay in harmony. Leave unfair advantages at the door. Now this? 


Hold up. Bardic Knowledge will literally let me absorb information ten times faster than I could before the Change, and that wasn’t exactly slow even then. How much can I do here if I really apply it?


The rest of the hour block contained a few shocks. Everyone was entered into a Base Skills class in their first semester to make sure they had what they needed for life on their own, and what they needed to make sure they could learn. Most General Education classes could be tested out early, too, so that emphasis could be placed on the majors.


Todd… wasn’t quite buying it. Neither were Jem, Ghata, or essentially anyone else in the room. There was always a catch to that kind of generosity. Trying to keep that straight with the wild variety of students here would be insanely difficult, and ultimately lose Yellowstone University money as students got what they needed and left.


It was at this moment that a significant, warm, and comforting weight settled on his head and shoulders. He could feel the movement of breath, a heartbeat. “Do you think they’re serious about all of that?” It was Kala. She had leaned forward to ask the question, and this had predictable results given where her breasts would go. 


Todd definitely felt all of his blood rush directly south. He stammered a bit, as the speakers changed out. “Uh… ah… maybe? There’s gotta be more to it than that. Just too much on the line. Too hard to break traditions. Um. Not that I mind, but are you doing this on purpose?”


She leaned down more, settling the weight of her amazing rack on him even further. “Oh, this? Yes, absolutely. You’re cute, they’re heavy, you’re helping me hold them up, and after spending yesterday as a houseplant from experimenting with temperature spells I wanted you to know I was available. Are you?”


Todd’s zipper had to have been made of mithril to hold together under that strain. His words stuck in his mouth, but he nodded. This had the side effect of motor-boating the mass of amazing flesh he was temporarily holding up with his head.


“Good. First break is coming, and I haven’t in too long. How about we head next door, and you fill me up? Can’t do it here, too many people will be in the bathrooms.”


“As long as you aren’t casting anything experimental on me?”


“Oh, not to worry. I cast this spell all the time.”


Ten minutes later, the auditorium was put on break. Todd was next door in an unoccupied room with the door barricaded faster than he had ever moved in his life, Kala strumming a few notes on her lute as he removed his pants. He looked down to find his penis glowing… and growing.


“Oh, the Chaos has favored me today. I have been empowered for this cast!”


“What do you mean?” Todd watched his growing hardness hit its new, proud length… and keep going. And going.


“I mean that you are going to stuff me with that and shoot enough of your seed into my womb to make me slosh.” She was on her back on the table, legs spread wide, skirt lifted around her waist. “It is ready!”


“Ready” was certainly a word for it. A foot of erect schlong hung from Todd, thick enough to evoke images of soda cans, and his balls churned with new power. Kala was staring at it hungrily, and Todd, ever the gentleman, was as happy to oblige as she was at getting completely stuffed.


And more than that. As he slammed into her repeatedly, her breasts sloshing their way out of the broad cleavage window in her shirt, he found his instincts not having to feed him much info. What she wanted was him, as deep inside of her as he could go, and as much of his seed within her as he could unleash. Her legs came around him, gripping him powerfully, and pulled him in repeatedly. Deeper and harder than he probably would have alone, for fear of hurting her with the enormous equipment she had gifted him.


His balls churned, and he tensed up, ready to shoot deep within her. The Faun only confirmed this, her legs locking around him and holding him deeply inside of her. The moment his cum splashed home, he felt her begin to orgasm, one that didn’t end until his balls were completely drained. Her taut belly was looking slightly rounded from the mass he had pumped into her, as he shakily pulled his pants back on. As it went limp, his dick resumed its prior proportions, the additional Bardic blessings expended. Of course, this is where his own power decided to kick in. She grew. Taller, broader, bustier, more muscular. Her grin even bigger. 


“Well, your Inspiration certainly works differently from mine!” She stood, also shakily, and helped him get himself presentable in time to get back to the auditorium before she would even hear of getting ready for herself. Both found their seats before break was over. Todd definitely noticed that several pairs of eyes were gazing at him, knowingly. At least three he could spot, his suitemates and that girl they were talking to earlier. Kala’s face was a radiant grin. She, at least, had no reservations at all about the time she’d had.


He attempted to pay attention to the information. Where to get his schedule, location of student resources and counselors, medical protocols, and a myriad of other things that could prove useful. He even succeeded, for the most part. Information flowed from his pencil onto his paper, he fed as much as he could up into Bardic Knowledge for correlating later. 


Initial schedules were handed out in enormous lines, moving entirely too slowly. Ghata managed to get next to Todd as they shuffled forward. “Jem talked to me a bit about your situation. You didn’t mention you had a nickname, either.”


“To be fair, you only told me your name at all ten seconds before you left my room last night.”


“Touché. Still, I’m on board to help you with it. I think you made another convert during break, too.” She nodded towards the other line, where the tall and Busty Faun was shuffling forward, one enormous breast threatening to pop out of her now-too-small shirt and at least four guys waiting nearby for it to happen. “How’s your Progress, anyway?”


Without thinking, he pulled up his Status. “Level two, 81% progress. It doesn’t seem too consistent on gains, but makes much bigger jumps the first time I give Inspiration to a new person.” 


“So I need to both come to you often and recruit for you if I want you to level?” It was Jem. How someone her size could sneak up on him was unclear, but she managed it. “Great news for tonight, then. You should hit level three, and then we get to see the real fireworks. Make sure you’re reading up on your choices!”


Despite himself, Todd’s tired manhood twitched. Going from zero all his life to six encounters… minimum… with five different women… minimum… in less than 36 hours was quite a trick. And he had Class Ability support. He was now near the front of the line, though, so there was thought to be put into this. 


Essentially, he could chose to try to focus his build around his Inspiration ability, or aim for either Knowledge or Casting. His Path was in the former. It would help him level, and certainly lead to an amplification of this lifestyle that seemed to have fallen into his enlarged lap. Flip side, given the career he wanted to go into, Knowledge buffs were likely to enrich his life in the future, and make his time in college go much more smoothly when actually pursuing the degree.


It was a bit of a conundrum for the 18-year-old. 


Lunch was quiet. Much to his relief. He got back to his room, his laptop, without running into anyone else. Turned on the computer, and got researching. An hour later, and he was convinced he should have done this MUCH SOONER. Path of Inspiration Bards were not precisely rare, though his particular performance was nearly unheard-of. Thing is, all the Bardic subschools were deep in each others’ ability pools, so there were over twenty things he might see… and of those, most led to other ability chains and dependencies. He looked up as many as he could, committing some favorites to mind, before he heard a knock at his door.


He stood and opened it. On the other side was Ghata, looking tiny, brown, and cute. “Sorry to knock out of nowhere, but you need to know something.”


“Okay, so not what I thought it was going to be. Come in, sit down. I was just doing some research.”


She did so, occupying the chair Todd had just abandoned. “That’s good! But… it’s about our new suite mate.”


He decided he could stay standing. Needed a stretch, anyway, after spending too long hunched over. “Is that who I saw you and Jem hanging out with today?”


“Yes. Um. Not sure how to say it. How much do you know about her?”


“Just what I saw. Petite East Asian woman, looked a bit shy.”


“That’s… true, as far as it goes. Song is a first-generation American, both her parents were from Seoul. What you saw was an alternate form, her real one looks like a white-gold anthropomorphic fox.”


“Kitsune? Heard a lot about them but never met one.”


Ghata looked alarmed. “Don’t call her that! She got really mad when I did. Her Race is called Kumiho, they’re similar but from Korea.”


The word sparked a train of memory in Todd’s brain. Korean creatures of mythology had a lot of unfortunate similarities to each other. Specifically, most of them hungered for Human flesh. “Um. Details, please. I’d rather, as you said, survive this week.”


“Okay. Song is trying to beat her Racial Hunger. Abstaining from eating flesh won’t kill her, but it is like quitting cigarettes according to her. She’s on her second month now, but the process takes a long time.”


“How long are we talking?”


“The first few from the Change just finished recently. A thousand days. She’s a self-enforced vegetarian until then.”


“Wait. So you’re telling me that our new suite mate… Song… is going to want to kill and eat me until halfway through Junior Year?” Todd’s heart rate was going up, now past where it was when he was with Kala earlier.


“It sounds worse when you put it that way.”


“I don’t know any way to make this sound better!”


“That’s what I came here to tell you! Two big things help her fight her… cravings… and you can help with both!”


“I’m listening.”


“Um. Boosting her WIS helps with her willpower to resist urges. She has a small stock of potions for that. The other thing is if her other body demands are kept up with. If you sexually satiate her, you do both. We told her about what you can do, so she…”


There was a timid knock at the door. Ghata looked at it sharply, then hurriedly moved to the window. She opened it, turned into a pigeon, waved with one wing, and flew out.  Todd had to resist the temptation to boo the bird. He answered the door instead. On the other side was the small Korean woman they had been talking about. Short, petite, with waist-length straight black hair and dark eyes. His new suitemate. Song, Ghata had called her? 


Her voice was as timid as her knock. “Um. Hi? Can I come in? I’m in the room next door. Can we… talk?” Her nose was flaring a bit, like she was smelling something intently.


“Sure. I’m Todd. What’s your name?” He stepped back to let her into his room. She sat on the bed, rather than the chair. Interesting.


She shook her head a bit. Centering herself. “Song Min-Su. Call me Song.” She didn’t elaborate. 


“Thank you, Song. You needed to talk about something?” Todd was an odd mix of emotions, given what he knew going in. Fifty percent nervous. Literal fear, for the possibility of needing to defend life and limb against someone fighting an addiction to it. Fifty percent horny, for the ideal outcome of this particular conversation. His penis was a bit confused at the mixed signals, and decided to wait for clarification before taking action.


She took a couple of breaths before answering. To Todd, the seconds felt like hours. “Yes. Um. I’m… dealing with a problem. It isn’t really an issue with the others of the suite, but you’re Human. You smell… good… but the others tell me you have some kind of way to help with that. I am a Kumiho.”


It was his turn to take a breath. “Ghata gave me a very small amount of information about it, but I think I can. I’m a Bard, and my Inspiration grants a boost to your entire Ten.”


Her pupils visibly dilated. “She also told me how you… grant it.” She was sounding much less timid now. Much more aggressive. “That will help, too, if you live up to the hype. This just became the highest-stakes lovemaking you have ever had. Jem says you have instincts of some kind for this, but know this. I like to bite, and being bitten, but don’t do it. If even one drop of your blood lands in my mouth, my ritual will reset and the bloodlust will take me.” Her clothing was being rapidly shed, revealing her slender form underneath.


Todd was similarly getting naked. “Do you like it better in this form, or in your base?” It did not take him very long to get there, now taking a couple of steps forward.


She shook her head. “As my true self, to be honest, but for our first time together I’d much rather be in a form without fangs. We don’t want any accidents happening.” Todd’s penis, which had finally gotten the clear communication it needed and was getting ready, paused halfway there at that particular image.


Todd approached carefully. She was quite willing, and something in the back of his head said she was experienced. It would do to approach in a way that made those accidents less likely. They were body to body, her skinny form feeling warm but frail against his skin, as he nuzzled at her neck. Her breasts, though so small as to be essentially flat, lit up to his senses as being extremely sensitive. Same at her hips. 


Song, for her part, was behaving tightly controlled. Like she was nervous, too, afraid to do anything significant. She let him settle her back onto his bed, on her back, much like his encounter with Kala earlier that day. This time, though, his hands roamed all over her, ready to come up to her wrists if he needed to. He entered her smoothly, finding her wet and willing despite her demeanor. Her hands came down to grab her own thighs, holding herself restrained for him.


He bottomed out before reaching full length, which was definitely a new experience. Slowly and carefully, he made sure to allow her time to get used to him, smoothly pumping in and out of her. He fought his instinct to kiss, to nibble, to suck, settling instead for kneading his hands deep into her muscles, for playing in her most sensitive areas. She began to whimper, and her first orgasm took her the nature of the encounter changed… dramatically.


As she came, she grew. From her petite stature she gained muscle. She gained over a foot of height. She gained breasts, going from nothing to ones larger than her head. She then gained more. White-gold fur spread across her entire body, as her face grew vulpine and her hands grew claws. A powerful yet fluffy tail wrapped around Todd, pulling him in aggressively. Most concerning, her mouth sprouted razor-sharp fangs.


Of course, the claws and fangs happened last, and as they were beginning to sprout her transformations had an entirely predictable effect on Todd. Just as he found he needed to struggle to hold her down, he crested the peak of pleasure and orgasmed into her. Translation: just as she achieved her most dangerous form, his magic took hold of her and pushed it even further. Todd’s abilities had barely enough time to tell him that she was much more sensitive in this form, and enjoyed the feeling of transformation, before he lost control of the situation. She suddenly grew even more, her muscles and breasts and claws and teeth becoming ever more prominent as she orgasmed again under him. 


Suddenly, before he could react, those powerful hands seized him by the forearms and tumbled him to the side. In a blur, she was riding him. He had no ability to escape, she had him pinned. He didn’t even have the mercy of going soft after his orgasm, Improved Performance kept him rock-hard, not even overly sensitized. He at least fit all the way in her, now. Really, as long as her back was arched up and her claws were far enough to the sides? He could let go and enjoy. She obviously knew what she liked, going off repeatedly on top of him as she pounded him into the bed. 


His body worked its way back up in short order. Five or six orgasms later on her side, he came as powerfully as she did, and the feel of it finally seemed to bring her back to her senses. She stopped, looking left and right, then down at him to make sure he was unmarked. “Um. Sorry about that.” Her voice, incongruously, did not change between her forms. “You okay?”


Todd took stock. He was DEFINITELY near-empty on mana, and quite low on stamina, but uninjured. “Yeah, I think so. You never laid a claw on me. Thanks for that, incidentally.” A chime sounded in the back of his head. “Looks like you also pushed me to Level 3 with that, too. Um. After dinner, maybe I can talk to you and the others about what popped up.”


“That sounds… nice. For what it’s worth, this helped me. A lot. I don’t normally go wild like that, but you felt amazing and I just wanted more. Even so, I kept control. I think… with your help, I can do this.”


“That’s good to hear. Now, if I can ask a quick favor?”




“I’m really sore, my legs are falling asleep, and pretty hungry. Can you… get off? Please?”