Chapter 5
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As I turn around I see the pixie's still seem to be engaged in their battle for supremacy I mean they are pulling each other. I guess they'll come and talk to me later on today after they have actually finished with their fight.

"Now what do I need to get for an axe. Any ideas Persi?" I assume the brownie is still hanging out around behind me.

"Lord Rosen, I believe there are axes and other such tools stored in the warehouse at this moment. I don't believe you actually have to find materials for these things at least not yet."

"Well that solves that problem lets go and grab the axe for now then. Uhhh where is it. I really have no clue about how this place is set up at all."

"Here you go." The brownie appears in front of me and places what looks like an axe in my hands.

"Thank you Persi." I begin to walking out of the room again. I guess the brownies might know how to cut trees down in the future. After all I'm going to need more resources from the area within my domain and probably the surrounding area.

I exit the door of the room into the open air environment, the trees seem to have gotten closer to the castle. That is incredibly problematic if they are I mean they are probably alive cause I'm positive that they can't actually grown that much in this period of time. "Uhh are the trees closer than where they were before?"

"No I don't believe so my lord must be just the stress of having to deal with the pixies."

"Oh I'm glad, that you don't think so I was worried they were ents or something that might attack me."

"Hmm no they definitely haven't moved however I wouldn't be surprised if there were ents floating around here but they shouldn't be much of a problem once you get some dryads around here."

"Hmm I guess they will deal with such things if they appear." I walk over towards the forest the axe resting on my shoulder. I can't see any other creature in the forest and I'm glad I didn't have to go and make an axe or anything like that out of the surrounding stones because by golly none of the ones I can see look like they would be in any way useful for that far too rounded.

I place my hand on the first tree I reach. "Of course the blasted tree is rotten." I push my hand into the bark of the tree and the bark seemingly completely gives way breaking up under the soft touch of my hand. "Well guess cutting this one down is pointless I mean can't build anything out of rotten wood."

I look around for the brownie but I guess he prefers being inside the castle so he probably won't show up around here. I wonder why the tree is rotten to the core like this? I walk over to the next one and place my hand on it. Same result as the last. Well this is going to be goddamned annoying.

After a good 10 minutes of looking around for a nice tree I stumble upon the banshee again it seems to have wandered around in the forest through the trees. Could it be what is causing the trees to rot? I mean banshees are related to death but generally that's associated with the screaming that they make right?

The banshee walks towards the tree touches it and the tree seems to sag outwards. I wonder if that's why the trees felt like they were coming closer to the castle. Hmm nah that wouldn't have been noticeable. "Banshee, what are you doing?"

The Banshee stops at my call and floats over towards me it's chains rattling along the ground as it goes. I wonder if it can talk normally. If it's touch that is killing these it would make sense if it can. Then again none of this around this being is making any form of sense.

The Banshee stops in front of me and shakes it's chains around a bit for a few moment and begins looking sad. This is problematic as I really don't speak rattling chains. "Uhh can you speak or do I have to try and understand your rattling of chains, Banshee?"

"My apologies milord I just forgot how to speak." A whispered voice comes out from the Banshee that I can only just hear I'm glad that there aren't any insects or birds around making noises. Wait why aren't there any things around making noise?

"It's fine. Banshee. Uh do you happen to have another name that I can use to differentiate you from any other Banshees which might appear?"

"My name is Frauline von Stephen von Alpina Al Masteria von..."

"That's enough of the name I'll just call you Frauline for now okay?"

"As you say milord."

"Now back to my original question Frauline, what exactly are you doing with the trees?"

"I am looking for a place to stay milord I cannot find a proper one to stay at they appear to be too alive. Sadly."

"Ahh okay maybe you should try not to touch the trees with green leaves for now Frauline I don't think you are going to be finding any homes from them even if they actually are dead and your touch or something appears to be rotting the trees from the inside out slowly and that makes them unusable to get wood from at least in those parts."

"As you wish my lord may I move into the castle for now than?"

"Of course Frauline. There is no reason why you cannot move into the castle. Just be careful with what you touch after all. I must ask before you go anywhere however did you discover anything dangerous in the forest yet?"

"No milord."

"Ah do you wish to know my name Frauline or at least what you may refer to me as?"

"No need milord. I will continue to call you as such I do not wish that you would die from me saying your name or any such thing."

"Understandable Frauline. I shall continue trying to collect some wood for the necessary materials for the continued expansion of the castle than."