Chapter 4 : Unhealthy
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"Damn old man." I hissed while glaring at Ervin.

I wish I could say that out loud. On the other hand, my heart refused to say that. I just kept quiet then glanced at Diana.

She raised her hand and slapped me again in the same place. My ears were ringing this time as I received a slap that was harder than the first.

"Don't look at me with those ugly eyes of yours, Zero!" She shouted hysterically in anger.

Zero? Why is this woman calling me 'Zero'?

[Zero is a nickname used by Ervin to Riley. It meant, useless, empty, stupid, ugly, and various negative expressions directed at Riley.

At first, Ervin only used this nickname until Diana also used it on Riley. Eventually, Zoldhager's servants and knights also called Riley 'Zero'].

I froze as I read the holographic screen in front of me.

“Do as your sister asks, no more trouble.” Ervin picked up his quill and read the document on the table.

I pursed my lips tightly. I held back the pain on my cheek. The pain of being ignored by Ervin hurt more than the pain in my cheek. My eyes were starting to heat up, my head was getting dizzy, my heart was thundering with pain. I wanted to scream and strangle the old man. But my mouth seemed to be locked.

“Alright, Father!” I turned around and walked away without saying goodbye to the man.

My eyes glanced at Diana. She was smiling triumphantly.

“Oh, one more thing!” She cooed again. “Give Lucien to me!”

I sighed. Then I walked back and opened the door of the room. My eyes glanced at Lucien who was standing beside the door.

“You!” I called out to him harshly. “Accompany, that bitch!” I immediately turned my face away and held the door handle.

Sorcha and Lucien looked surprised by my words.

“Bitch? You called me ‘Bitch’?” Diana shouted.

“Riley Gallagher, you brat!” Ervin slammed down his quill. He stood up from his seat and quickly walked over to me.

I looked at him sarcastically. Then pulled the door leaf quickly and closed the door roughly. The sound of the door closing violently filled the mansion. Some of the servants were startled to hear it. Some of them peeked towards Ervin’s room.

“Sorcha! Run!” I pulled Sorcha’s hand and urged her to run away from the room.

I kept running and running. Not caring about the pain in my head and cheeks. For some reason, I really wanted to curse but also wanted to cry.

The world is the same, unfair parents. What a jerk.

I stopped in front of a fountain. My breathing was labored and so was Sorcha’s.

“Gosh, why are you following me too?” I snapped at Lucien who stood tall behind me and Sorcha.

“My job is to supervise, you.” Lucien replied casually.

“Akh, damn it!” I cursed while holding my head. “Whatever you do, leave me alone! Your job is just to watch over me, right? To keep me from messing with Diana?” I peppered him with questions.

“Of course.”

“You’re going to report to the Crown Prince because I called her ‘Bitch’?”


“Good,” I said irritably and walked back.

Whether Grove would punish me or not, I didn’t care. Now I had to do something with Riley’s favorite flower.

‘System show me the way to Riley Gallagher’s greenhouse!’

A holographic screen instantly appeared in front of me. A red line showed the path to a place. I followed the red line.

“Middlemist Red, the noble ladies idolize that flower so much, is that true?” I asked Sorcha while walking towards my destination.

“That’s right, My Lady!”

“Who is the noble lady of the highest rank in the empire who wants that flower so badly?”

“Lady Josefien Foster, daughter of Albion Foster, Duke of Hardenbergh.”

“Can Diana, who is the future crown princess, interfere with Lady Josefien?” I asked again while taking a wide step towards the greenhouse while looking at the map on the holographic screen.

“The Duke of Herdenbergh’s position is under Emperor Darel, My Lady. So, it would be a mistake to oppose the Duke of Hardenbergh’s daughter even if the person in question has the title of a Prince or Princess of the kingdom.”

I grinned. Jack pot. I know what to do. You will be indirectly humiliated by Josefien, My Dear Diana.

Suddenly while walking, my head throbbed. I try to ignore it and keep walking. Two steps ahead the throbbing intensifies. My body staggered.

“My Lady?” Sorcha swiftly bent her body to catch my body. Lucien also seemed to be surprised, I could see from the corner of my eye his body bent over with a surprised face.

I raised my hand. They both stopped in their bowed position. “It’s okay, I’m just a little dizzy!” I said while holding my forehead and wincing. Gosh this really hurts.

“Is it because of Lady Diana’s slap?” Sorcha came closer and put her arm around my shoulder.

I paused, was it that loud that Sorcha could hear the sound of Diana’s slap.

“I don’t know, my head is still dizzy. Maybe it’s because I’m recovering, my body isn’t strong enough to walk for too long!” I replied. And I forced my body to run. Oh my.

“You’d better go back to your room, treat your cheek, and rest!” Lucien’s voice sounded very anxious.

“No, I need to get to the greenhouse right now, middlemist red, I need to save that flower!” I kept walking even though I was staggering.

Damn it, I hate it when I’m weak. Why is it just a fever like this that your body is so weak Riley?

Suddenly my body felt light, my legs weakened, my body fell to my knees. My right hand was on the ground, supporting my falling body. My head really hurt a lot.

Was the effect of Diana’s slap too?

“You can rest in the greenhouse if you wish, Miss?” Merea hovered beside my head.

I glanced at her with a frown.

“There are cottages near the greenhouse.”


“My Lady.” Sorcha’s voice broke my reverie.

Lucien approached me and carried my body. “I told you, you’d better rest in your room!”

I looked at Lucien’s face. The lines of his face really resembled that man. I sighed.

“No, take me to the greenhouse, there are cottages there. I’ll rest there!” I pleaded while dropping my head onto his big shoulder.


“I will prepare the medicine, I retire, My Lady.” Sorcha bowed respectfully and left me with Lucien.

My vision blurred but I could still see Sorcha hurriedly running towards the mansion.

“Sir Lucien?” I called out to Lucien in a very weak voice.

“I will follow your orders. Rest, close your eyes!” Lucien answered my call with a very soft voice.

I felt the movement of Lucien’s body. He was walking very carefully, like he was carrying something fragile.

When he first met me, his aura was very cold. Suddenly a second ago he turned into a warm, caring man. Confusing!

I snorted and closed my eyes. “Hm, I know your job is only to watch over me, not guard me. You are under no obligation to follow my orders, but may I ask you something?”

“Yes, My Lady?”

“While I’m resting, please guard my greenhouse! No one should enter before I allow them to, I beg you!”

“You begged?” Lucien asked. His tone sounded confused.

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“A noble would not plead with his subordinates, My Lady.”

“To hell with it, guard my greenhouse, you understand!” My head is throbbing violently and this man is complaining about the word ‘beg’ coming out of my mouth? What rule is there that a noble should not beg his subordinates?

I felt Lucien’s body stiffen.

Ah, damn. He must have been surprised that I swore. Then I heard his snort. He must be smiling.

“Of course, My Lady. I will look after your greenhouse while you rest!”

“Good boy!” I stroked the man’s jaw and closed my eyes.

A masculine scent wafted into my nose. I sighed. It had been a long time since I felt how big a man’s hands were. How gentle their touch is with their rough hands.

I was too old to imagine a man’s intimate touch. Never mind, I was so sleepy from this comfort.