Chapter 6 : Fighting with Anger
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Honestly, I’m not very good at creating suspenseful fight scenes.

However, I tried to make the fight scene look very natural and it doesn’t seem to match my expectations. I hope you won’t be disappointed with this chapter.

If anyone has any suggestions for the scene, I’d be very, very grateful.

Thank you for understanding. 😁

"I asked you to call Diana's gardener! Why is that so hard for you to do?" I said with bulging eyes and a smirk.

I really couldn't stand his lack of manners anymore.

"I-I have no obligation to follow your orders!" Andre replied. He sounded like he was trying to be calm, but I could feel how fear was starting to undermine his courage.

His voice trembled, his eyes looked the other way, and his sweat in the afternoon sun was shiny.

"Oh, no obligations huh?" I picked up my wooden stick and placed it on my shoulder. I lifted my chin and looked at Andre with red eyes filled with emotion. "You're forcing me to be violent here?"

Andre looked at me with a frown. Then he laughed.

“You?” He laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. He held his stomach and pointed at me.

The knights laughed too. Oh, the fear was gone from his eyes. That’s good. It should be so, a knight should not be afraid of a little bluff.

“Doing violence with that powerless little body?” He blurted out in between his laughter. “Fight with me who is a trained knight? Are you dreaming?” He glared at me.

However, this is an example of someone who lacks sensitivity in life. Getting into trouble with others is not the nature of a knight.

“One thing in life you need to remember, especially since you are a knight who must be a protector for your master.” I raised my wooden staff. “Never underestimate the enemy before you, mate!”

The stick hit Andre directly on the shoulder. The man screamed. I sighed as I put my wooden stick back on my shoulder.

“Just a small blow like that, you’re screaming?” I looked at him with a contemptuous look.

The man held his shoulder and grimaced. Well, it seems my strength was too great when I hit him. Really? With this small and weak body? Never mind, I don’t care.

“Why are you guys just sitting there?” Andre shouted to his friends. “Hurry up and attack her.”

I glanced back and saw the four knights pulling out their swords and pointing them at me?

“Huh?” I couldn’t believe the sight before me. They drew their swords and pointed them at me. “You must be joking me, right?”

I held my forehead and massaged it.

“Stupid knights who have no ethics!” I sighed and chuckled. “Hey, you’re dealing with a weak woman with a wooden stick. Why do you have to use a sword?” I protested the knights’ unfair actions.

“You’ve become a threat, and we have the authority to draw our swords against you!” Andre also drew his sword and pointed it at me.

“Really?” I glanced at Lucien who was also shocked by the scene before him. “Hey!” I called out to the royal knight.

Lucien snapped out of his reverie. “Yes, My Lady?”

“What’s this rotten man saying, right?” I pointed at Andre with my wooden staff.

Andre frowned when he saw my behavior.

“You have the authority to draw your sword if you feel threatened?” I asked as I lifted my staff and placed it on my shoulder.

“That’s right, My Lady. However, to fight you… this is a bit much!” Lucien scratched the back of his neck.

I sighed. Why is this so complicated? “I only asked you to fetch Diana’s gardener and ask him to collect as many middlemist seeds as he wants.” I looked at Andre with a sad look.

I didn’t know what would happen if I lost control.

“I won’t do what you say!” Andre hissed. He formed a stance with the tip of his sword behind him.

I got ready with my wooden stick, holding it with both hands and watching Andre’s movements.

“You have no authority to order me around!”

Typical villain who likes to shout when he’s about to attack the main character. That’s what I saw from Andre’s yelling behavior while pointing his sword at me.

“Well, if that’s what you want!” I grinned. “Let’s dance together, mate!” I moved my body and saw an opening as this arrogant man raised his sword up.

I lowered my body and aimed my wooden stick at his stomach as his hand shot up. I passed through.

Andre hissed as my wooden stick hit him. He looked at me, his jaw tightened, his facial veins bulged, and his teeth chattered. His face, dirty with blood and dirt, looked very scary. Of course he couldn’t intimidate me.

I went back to holding my wooden stick with both hands. Paying attention to the attack that Andre would launch of course.

I wasn’t sure if I would have to deal with a real sword, just using this wooden stick was very risky. However, why is my blood churning. My heart was really enjoying this moment.

Andre ran back to me, I stepped my feet wide and then when he swung his sword from the left. I immediately dropped my body down and swiftly drove my wooden stick into his knee.

He fell when my wooden sword hit his knee.

One of the knights ran up to me while raising his sword and attacked me who immediately swiftly ran with a low body position. I crossed my arms to block both of his hands. Then I hit the first knight in the stomach.

The second knight was about to attack me as well. I dodged to the side and ran toward him while holding his Adam’s apple, my right foot tripped his left foot and pushed him down.

The third knight came at me very quickly. I swiftly grabbed my wooden stick with both hands, then levitated the wooden stick and hit him straight in the stomach.

Then the fourth knight, I paused to see him looking at me with a furrowed brow and a frightened face. His hand that held the sword shivered, my eyes looked at him sharply. Then the sight that should not be shown by a knight made me upset.

“You wet your pants, cowardly knight!” I hit him with the palm of my hand right on his nose until he fell down. His nose was bleeding and he screamed in pain.

I turned around and Andre attacked me again with his sword. I stepped to my left and with one hand I grabbed his neck and pushed him to the ground.

The sword slipped out and I kicked it away from Andre. The man immediately got up and was about to attack me with his bare hands.

I let go of my staff and parried his attack. Getting within range of Andre’s body, my left hand squeezed the man’s wrist while with my right palm I aimed at his chest.

I originally intended to punch him in the solar plexus. However, if I did that, his life could be in danger. So it was a dangerous action.

Well, I knew I was just taking advantage of the opponent’s strength and returning it and paralyzing him. It’s quite an effective martial art for a weak woman like Riley.

It's just that. I didn’t expect this body to be able to do what my brain wanted to convey to all of Riley’s body tissues. Even though I was a stranger to them. A complete stranger. You know, like parasites that shouldn’t be in their host’s body.

I gazed at Andre intently. The man was looking at me while holding his chest.

I turned around quickly as I picked up my staff and deflected the first knight’s attack with my foot. Then with the wooden stick I held in both hands, I hit him right in the waist then moved to the right and left thighs, and stopped at the knees and head. He fell down in front of me.

The second knight also attacked me. I bent low and did the same as I did to the first knight. Since this man was quite tough I kicked him in the stomach with the tip of my shoe.

The third knight did not want to be left behind.

Ah, I’m tired. It seems like this body is reaching its limit. I pointed my wooden stick at his crotch and stopped.

“If you attack me, I will not hesitate to make you impotent, mate!” I said softly with a gasp.

The third knight fell down with a terrified face. I stood among the loser knights who attacked a weak woman.

How could Ervin educate these knights? Your tittle as a warlord is useless, Ervin.

“Go and bring Diana’s gardener here!” I ordered in as calm a voice as possible.

“You can’t just ….”

I kicked Andre in the face until he fell back to the ground.

“I said bring Diana’s gardener here, understand!” I yelled hysterically while stomping on Andre’s stomach.

The man screamed in pain. This uncivilized loser deserved to be stomped on. I was annoyed, angry, and fed up with his stubbornness.

“I asked you nicely and your arrogance makes me sick!” I said. “Why would the old man hire an arrogant warrior like you?” I stomped on his stomach countless times without stopping. Kicked him and stomped on his face, and rubbed the soles of my shoes there like a doormat.

I didn’t care how the people in the place reacted. My anger was already at its peak.

I was sick, being slapped by Diana, and that was twice, with all her might. Ervin’s behavior couldn’t be fair to his two daughters. Now this unruly and arrogant savage knight is frustrating me.

You guys deserve to die.

“Fine, we’ll do as you ask!” The third knight said in a panicked voice.

I stopped and looked at the four knights accompanying Andre.

“Wh-what? You ….” The man was still able to argue.

“Shut up you loser!” This time I kicked him in the nose, knocking him unconscious. “Take this man to a doctor, and do as I ask, damn it!”

Two of the knights approached frantically and held Andre up.

“And no more trouble, I’m sick of your behavior!” I snapped at them as they limped away from me. “You should be ashamed of your parents, your half-assed devotion will destroy the reputation of the Zoldhagy knights, trust me!” I screamed in frustration until it drained the last of my strength.

Damn youngsters, no manners. How annoying.