Chapter 9 : Take a Walk at Midnight
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I opened my eyes and saw Sorcha sleeping with her head on my bed. I held her head and stroked it.

You poor thing, Dear. Her body is as small as mine. How can you endure them treating you like this? You should just leave this residence and find a better noble princess.

I lifted my hand from Sorcha's head as the girl moaned in her sleep. I sighed and smiled. Sleep on, Dear. Have a nice dream.

It was already getting dark apparently, I saw the light of the full moon creeping through the shabby curtains on my bedroom window.

I tried to move my body and took a sitting position.

I looked at these small, thin hands. There is no honor here for you, My Dear Riley.

"Are you feeling better, Miss?" Merea hovered beside my head.

"Hm, does Riley often get humiliated like this?" I frowned as I shook off my blanket and climbed down from the other side of the bed.

"Always." Merea replied with a sigh.

I fell silent. My fever hadn't recovered yet, and my body had been whipped. It's a good thing this body is still strong enough to take the humiliation and torture from the people in this house.

I walked to the window and pulled back the curtains. I saw the full moon that was so very bright. Then my eyes were drawn to the moon's reflection in the lake.

"The lake?"

"Minasrey." Merea also looked at the lake. "Where Miss Riley spends her time alone."

"A place of contemplation?" I walked over to the closet and picked up my warm clothes. This closet only held a few faded-colored clothes.

I couldn't say anything about that. Just having clothes was something to be thankful for.

After putting on my warm clothes, I went back to the bed and picked up my blanket, then wrapped it around Sorcha.

I walked to the door and left the room. There was no sign of Lucien. Where had my warden gone?

“Hm, what do I care.” I said while shrugging my shoulders and pulling the corner of my lips down. Then I walked towards the lake near my room.

“I saw him coming out on a horse. It seems he was about to report today’s events to the Crown Prince.” Merea replied with a chuckle.

“Never mind. I wonder what Grove will do to me after hearing that report. Will I be punished again after calling his fiancée a ‘bitch’?” I laughed at my own words.

“It could be.” They replied fearfully.

I smiled when I saw the little fairy’s expression. “You don’t have to worry, no matter what happens, just face it. I have a plan after experiencing life as Riley Gallagher for just this one day.” I sighed.

I felt the spring breeze coming, the fragrance of the flowers in the mansion’s garden tickling my nose. It was very quiet tonight. I can only hear the roar of the wind, the sound of leaves rustling in the trees, and the sounds of night animals.

Surprisingly, the knights who were supposed to patrol the mansion did not show their noses at all. However, that didn’t stop me from visiting Minasrey Lake, which looked amazing to me.

Exiting the mansion area, my feet stepped through the back garden. 5 minutes later, I saw an iron fence covered in shrubs.

“Fence? There must be a door?” I looked left and right. It was bright enough but I couldn’t see the end of it.

“To the left, Miss! There’s an unlocked exit.”

“Unlocked? How careless! What if an intruder comes in?” I said as I turned to the right and walked following Merea’s direction.

“This area is famous for its awesomeness, many say Minasrey Lake holds dozens of mysteries that have yet to be solved. So, no one dares to approach.”

“However, that girl doesn’t seem to be afraid of that.”

“Well, it’s possible that the distress of the house’s residents overcame her fear.”

I paused. I continued walking and a few minutes later I found a small metal door and sure enough it was just as Merea had said. The door was unlocked.

I pushed it slowly. A creaking sound could be heard as I pushed the door with the shrubbery. My eyes saw the path to the lake, a few minutes would probably get me there.

I passed through the path filled with bushes. This area is completely abandoned.

The sounds of night animals, the ripples of the lake water, and the sound of the breeze making the leaves rub together added to the horror around the lake.

When I was a few steps away from the lake I heard the sound of chanting. Someone’s voice was beautiful and melodious.

A man's voice. At night by the lake? I followed the direction of the voice and saw a handsome man with blond hair sitting on a large rock by the lake.

I watched from afar. Looked at every corner of his body and found that he was a half-fish man.

“Siren.” Merea whispered in my ear. “Be careful! They could devour you with their singing.”

“Oh, of course this area is so scary. There are man-eating creatures apparently.” I cooed as I huffed and smiled widely while looking at the siren.

I walked over to her. It’s not bad if I catch it, and sell it. I could make a fortune if I sold that handsome face to a brothel. Marvelous.

I laughed out loud at my crazy idea.

“Miss, oh my. What’s on your mind? Sirens are dangerous!” Merea screamed in fear as I boldly approached the Siren.

There have been several times when I’ve been on the verge of death. Just when I thought I was going to die, I came back to life, and became someone else. Now I wanted to try my luck.

“Can you transform into a human?” I asked when I was not far from the siren.

He looked at me with a teasing smile. Hey, my body may be 16 years old but my mental aggression won’t be affected by that seductive smile. He thought I’d be tempted by the foul smile I always got in the military forces. Don’t expect it!

“Of course.” He replied while changing his form into a muscular and naked man.

When I saw his crotch. Oh, it was so big and long. I glared in disbelief at the appearance presented by the siren.

Merea screamed in shame. She floated to the back of my head. Ah, what an innocent fairy.

He smiled then jumped down from the boulder and walked over to me.

“You’re so handsome!” I said while holding her face.

He smiled. “I’m sure you’ll be satisfied when I’m inside you, Miss!” He took my hand and kissed it.

“Well, definitely with this ….” I held his crotch. “…I’ll be filthy rich.” I squeezed it tightly.

The sound of screams of pain echoed in the quiet lake. I laughed out loud when I heard his scream. Then my free hand punched the siren’s nose.

“Sleep well, my money!” I smiled at the siren who drooped weakly before me. He looked at me with a gaze filled with hatred. “Wrong opponent, huh?” I smirked.

“Miss, what are you doing?” They looked incredulous as I tried to search the siren’s body in the form of this handsome man.

“I’m looking for the magic object used by this siren, of course if it exists.” I answered carelessly. Hopefully he had a magic item that could hold his human form if I took it. Then I’ll sell it to a magic equipment shop.

I’ll make a lot of money and escape from that cursed house. What a great idea, Riley.

“Nothing, Miss. He won’t change as long as he doesn’t soak in water.” They answered my question.

Gosh, what a pity. It would be very dangerous if I sold this siren to a brothel. I have a lot to learn about the fantasy creatures that exist in this world.

I sighed and sat down beside the siren. My blow wasn’t too strong, I’m sure he’ll wake up in a few minutes. Well, instead of selling his it’s better to make his my conversation partner tonight. I was so bored.

Every now and then I glanced at the siren’s human form. Damn, his crotch makes me uncomfortable.

I covered that body with my sweatshirt. Damn, I’m the one who’s cold now.

I sat down and hugged my knees to keep myself warm. I watched the full moon reflected in the lake water.

After a few minutes of watching the reflection, I suddenly felt hypnotized. My ears caught a voice calling my name. A woman’s voice and Merea’s voice calling my name repeatedly.

After that, I didn’t hear anything else other than feeling my body so very light and my feelings so empty. What’s wrong with me?