Chapter 3 – Late Introduction
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"What's your name?" I asked, followed by a confused look from the girl. I muttered,"Oh, right."

I took a transparent phone from my pocket and showed it to her. She tilted her head baffled, looking at the strange light coming from my transparent phone. I opened an app and did a speaking gesture to the girl, in which she nodded in understanding. 

"Ona… Etihsamemijah?" The girl said with a questioning tone. 

Undetected language. The phone showed a yellow flashing text with question marks all over the transparent screen.

"I-impossible…" I muttered in surprise. The girl looked surprised and curious at the screen changes from the phone. She tried to tap it warily. 

The app I used should've translated all of the language from earth, no matter how isolated. At the very least, it should've detected which language she was speaking, yet even the language app couldn't decipher her words. I continued to urge the girl to speak more phrases, yet even then the app still couldn't understand what languages the girl spoke. 

I sighed in resignation. She seemed confused at my behavior, and kept on tapping the phone, so I simply gave her my transparent phone. The phone was a birthday present from a girl I was close with in middle school. 

"Sayoko," I said, while pointing my finger towards myself. There were more methods to understand languages with technology, but this will do for now. The girl's eyes widened in surprise. I continued, "That's my name, Sayoko."

Her eyes sparkled with stars as she stared at me while repeating back my name, "Sayoko…" she said it flawlessly, and smiled. 

"Hinako," The girl said with a smile as she pointed her finger to herself. This time, I was the one who looked surprised. "Hinako… Sayoko…" I muttered as I repeated her name. 

Hinako smiled at me saying her name. Her naked figure overflowed with the smooth radiance of the sun, fitting with the image of her name. 

Hinako's bright facial features reminded me of someone I held dearly in middle school. We would often hang out together, play games, and go to the library together. In the end, she would leave me behind, and I couldn't follow her. 

"Follow me," I said, as I took Hinako's hand towards somewhere else, leaving the deceased goblins near us behind. It didn't take us long for us to reach the library entrance.

We walked inside the school facility towards the library area, specifically the language space. The library reeked of the smell of paper, while some parts were filled with tablets that had millions of famous book titles and researches. 

Hinako observed the room with kitten eyes as her naked figure stared at the tablets for quite a long time. We entered the language section of the library. It was an important room for students to research different and new kinds of languages and culture and how they were made. 

There were no incentives for students to learn existing languages, however, since a specific and efficient method to learn them existed. 

I searched for a book with an unusual circle pattern as the cover titled 'Automatic Language Translator', a masterpiece technology from the early 2040s that allowed anyone to understand and read any language based on someone's DNA and genes. 

Before long, I found the book I was searching for and opened it. Hinako was standing beside me looking confused with the content of the book, after all, it looked empty.


"There it is!" I found the page I was looking for. I carefully tore the empty paper out from the book. Hinako looked at me with a bewildered expression. She gave me upset eyes as she complained in her language, perhaps she was a bibliophile. I paid her no mind as I put the paper I tore apart to my mouth and chewed it; it tasted like a strange medicine with a blueberry scent. 

Hinako was surprised at my action, she stared at me weirdly as I continued to chew the paper. I gulped the paper with a satisfied expression. It gave me a strange hot feeling that increased the longer I stared at the naked and sweaty Hinako from the running around she just did to escape the goblins.

I slowly crawled up to Hinako with a strange desire. Hinako looked at me defensively, yet I paid her no mind as I swiftly put my tongue towards her neck in a sweeping motion. 

Her sweaty neck tasted salty combined with the paper's blueberry aftertaste. I forcefully licked her sweat and gulped it down quickly. She immediately pushed me away while covering her lips. 

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Hinako asked, her cheek reddened. 

I licked my lips to savor the last bit of remaining sweat from her. The paper from the book was able to use the DNA from Hinako's sweat to make me understand her language, however I didn't expect it to give me an aphrodisiac effect, but it was too late. 

"Good afternoon, Hinako, pleasure to meet you," I greeted the blushing Hinako with a smile.

Hinako was surprised at the sudden words I spoke. Her embarrassed expression suddenly turned into a curiosity and wonder. She smiled as she returned the greeting back, "G-good afternoon, Miss Sayoko, pleasure to meet you too."

I still don't know what to put here... Hm... Nya Attack!