Chapter 18 – The order
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After my conversation with Henry a day had passed, I was currently at my inn having breakfast, this really made me realize that I urgently need to invent spices for food and teach them how to make a softer bread, while I was thinking about this the door was opened followed by the sound of footsteps, as soon as I looked towards the footsteps, I saw Bernard coming towards me, as soon as he approached, he pulled up a chair and sat down facing me.

"Good morning, Ren"

Bernard said with.

"Good morning, Bernard, do you need me for anything?"

Immediately I realized that he was looking for me for two simple reasons, the first and that he is not staying at this inn like me, Bernard apparently has a house in the capital, second and that his face is practically saying that he came here looking for me.

"So, you noticed, smart as usual”

Bernard sighed.

"Your face says a lot”

After my words Bernard's face became a little more serious causing me to straighten up in the chair, at that time I realized that he was looking for me for a serious matter.

"Anyway, today I came for a specific reason, Aria wants to see you, I don't know the details but it looks like something related to the royal family"

As soon as he said that my head started thinking of various reasons why the royal family wants to see me, but the only one that was plausible in my situation was that after seeing what I am capable of they want me to do something for them, but I have no idea what that something would be.

"All right, I will go see her after I finish my breakfast"

Hearing my words Bernard nods and raises his hand causing the little girl to come to our table.

"Can I help you lad?"

"I would like to order my breakfast"

"Sure, I'll be back in a moment"

After saying that the little girl ran towards the kitchen to get Bernard's food, after that Bernard and I chatted about random things and the watches I am trying to create.

"How is the prototype making going?"

"Henry told me it would be ready tomorrow, but it is probably going well, the watch doesn't have such a complicated mechanism to begin with"

After hearing my words, I noticed that Bernard was looking at me as if he was seeing an incomprehensible being in front of him.

"What happened?"

After my question Bernard sighed before answering.

"Geniuses are really monstrous"

"Was that an insult?"

Hearing my answer Bernard gave a smile, I am sure he is finding this situation amusing.

"It was a compliment and of course"

After our little conversation the girl arrived bringing Bernard's breakfast, his breakfast was not very different from mine, to tell you the truth this world has almost no variations in what you eat, and quite normal you eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with the only difference being whether or not you will eat with meat, Bernard started to eat his food and I was really impressed that he was eating it without even blinking.

After we finished eating breakfast, we left the inn and started walking towards the merchant’s guild, my inn is not that far from the guild, in 7 minutes walking you can reach the guild, with this thought in mind, we arrived at the merchant’s guild, as soon as we opened the door, we saw Mirelle at the counter, as soon as she saw us, she opened a smile and waved to us.

"Good morning Mirelle, we came here at Aria's request"

I said as soon as I approached the counter.

"Oh yes, Aria told me that when you arrived, she to let you up, she is in her office"

"Thank you"

As soon as I said that I walked toward the stairs leading to the second floor but noticed that Bernard was not following me.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Aria told me she would talk to you alone, as this time it seems to be something private and best, I stay out of it"

Bernard said walking to the door of the guild.

"I will visit Henry to see how the project is going, see you later"

After those words Bernard walked away leaving only me, Mirelle, and a few other merchants at the entrance who were being attended to by other girls.

"Alright Ren, I will take you to Aria"

Said Mirelle as she walked in front of me, after that I followed Mirelle to the second floor and soon we were in front of Aria's office door.

"Aria, Ren has arrived"

Said Mirelle after knocking twice on the door, after that a voice came from inside.

"You may enter"

After that Mirelle opened the door and gave me room to enter.

"Please Ren"

Without wasting any time, I entered the room and heard it being closed just behind me, Aria was sitting on her chair while looking at me.

"I thank you for coming even though you were called so suddenly"

"You don't have to worry about that Aria, it must be something serious to need to call me so urgently, isn't it?"

As soon as I said that Aria cracked a smile and pointed to the chair that was in front of her desk.

"Have a seat"

As soon as she said it, I sat down in the chair and waited for her to continue the conversation.

"Okay, before we start there is something, I want to ask you"

"All right, go ahead”

"Do you have any knowledge in medicine?"

I was a little surprised by Aria's question, and true I have some knowledge of medicine that I acquired on earth including about making medicines, I don't know if all the plants that existed in my past life exist here but I noticed that a good part of them do, besides, Bernard had told me that the subject was about the royal family, so the only reason I can think of for her to ask me this is that someone in the royal family is sick and they are unable to identify the cause or find a cure, in this case I have no reason to lie, if I can help, I will gladly help, besides, if it is someone from that person's family, I want to help them even a little.

"If it's just the theoretical part, then yes"

As soon as I answered that Aria's eyes sparkled in relief, I guess my hunch was right.

"That's great to hear”

After saying this Aria takes on a serious expression on her face looking at me immediately afterwards.

"Ren, I have a request for you”