15: Your Narrator Gets Help From An Unexpected Source
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Seriously, I just don’t want to die again slash still, what is so difficult to understand about this.

“That is a terrible—“ I start.

“We will do no such thing,” Valeria says.

I blink. So does Magnus.

Valeria so pale now she looks less like Snow White and more like a vampire.

“Only those of noble blood may have an audience with the King, and while there is even the smallest chance this girl speaks the truth, I will not allow you to send Alex.” Her voice thrums with emotions.

Magnus recovers from his surprise.

“You underestimate how much weight the Silverwood name bears in court. We have served the royal family with honor for generations. His Majesty will give our loyalty its due consideration,” he replies to her.

“And if he doesn’t? If he has already cast that history aside? If indeed he ordered the Royal Shadow to conduct this attack? What will happen to our son, trapped in the capital?” Valeria insists. “No, I will not allow it.” 1

As Valeria’s speech goes on, his face flushes redder and redder—and now he’s basically a tomato. I’m not sure if it’s from anger, or embarrassment, or both.

“Let me remind you, dear wife, that you are in no position to allow anything. While I have long given you a voice in the affairs of our lands, remember that it is I alone who holds authority over this Keep, by the privilege of my blood.”

Uh… there’s… a lot to unpack there?

And when exactly did this turn into a marital spat?

I look over at their sons, not really sure if I should be intervening or not. It’s sort of going in my favor, and sort of not.

Alex is back to looking into the distance, lost in thought about… something again. But Luke is already stepping in between his parents.

“Father, Mother, please. Be calm,” he says. He’s so calm that I wonder how often he intercepts this sort of thing. Or maybe being a natural-born mediator is just part of his whole… thing.

“Aurelia has given us much to think about, with great implications for the Keep and our position in Court. Perhaps we ought to speak further about this in private before we come to a decision,” he suggests.

There’s another beat of taut tension between Magnus and Valeria.

Magnus gives in first. He gives a jerky nod, then swivels back to me.

His eyes narrow. “Have her held somewhere secure until a decision is made,” he says.

But—hold on—

When he says ‘somewhere secure,’ he doesn’t mean the dungeons again, does he?

Oh no. Oh no no no. If I go in there and the decision doesn’t come out in my favor, any chance of making a run for it basically goes straight down the drain.

Anyway, I’ve done my time there already!

“There’s no need for that, Father,” Alex says before I can protest. “I’ll stay with her until you have come to a decision.”

I spin my head over to look at him so fast I give myself whiplash.

There’s no way that’s just a kind offer right? Especially since he was all over that suspicion about Aurelia the last time he spoke? What’s he planning?

Magnus’s mouth tightens. “Leaving you with her? And let my son be hoodwinked?”

Alex’s own mouth gets the same stubborn tilt to it. Their resemblance is really quite uncanny.

“I assure you, Father, I am not so easily fooled. But if you will not believe me, then I will station two guards outside my doors.”

Both of Luke’s eyebrows rise.

“You’re not going to insist in being part of the conversation?” He asks.

Alex huffs out a laugh. “You and I both know even if I am, I will have no role in making the decision, Luke. I will be more use watching over Aurelia.”

Valeria looks… oddly moved. I kind of want her previous steely demeanor back, the expression is almost disturbing in counterpoint to her cold beauty. She takes a step forward and cradles Alex’s cheeks her palms. “Oh my son,” she whispers. “You’ve grown so much with just one battle. May there be many more in your future.”2

Magnus snorts, and crosses his arm. But when he speaks, it’s to agree.

“Fine,” he says. “It is settled then. We will find you in your quarters once we have made our decision. Do not disappoint me, Alex. Make sure she never strays from your sight.”

If it were me and my dad said something so backhanded to me, I’d probably have said something so sassy back it would’ve landed me in trouble.

But Alex only nods.

He waits for the other three, with many a lingering glance back, to head towards a corridor to the side I hadn’t noticed before.

When they’re finally truly down the corridor, Alex makes eye contact with me.

He smiles grimly. “You and I need to talk, don’t we?”

Oh my God, so that was his plan.

On second thought, maybe I’d prefer the dungeons to this interrogation after all. Luke believes my story, I’m pretty sure, he won’t let anything too terrible happen. Alex, on the other hand, is way too smart and knows Aurelia way too well for my own good.

Alex grabs hold of my right shoulder before I can take two steps towards the corridor the others have disappeared into.

He pushes me towards the stairs we'd come up from.

Why oh why did I just not wake up before Alex found me in the dungeons? If only I hadn’t liked sleep so much I overslept on a bed of freaking hay, I’d be skipping down the dirt roads right now, free as a bird.



1. Okay, so Alex Prime had mentioned how he was his mother’s favorite. But I hadn’t expected her to be this aggressive about. Seriously, mothers. No matter where you go, they’re always so scary.

2. I do have to point out: That’s not a normal thing to want for your son, is it? Maybe it is for bloodthirsty duchesses of important keeps, but like…I know I just complimented Valeria, but it’s kind of sad that she’s proud of her son for like, being obedient and killing people. I know he’s a second son, but doesn’t she want anything more for him?

I mean, look at my mom. One day she wants me as the country’s top neurosurgeon, the next it’s me as the attorney general—

Sorry. Wanted. My mom wanted that for me is more accurate, probably. And I suppose I failed her.


Ugh, we're done!! And finally we're at the face-to-face with Alex. The next chapter will be a short one, I think, but I'm very excited to write some action and some plot momentum. 

Please look forward to Wednesday!