Eden 02: Chapter 11-12 Sara Noble
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Chapter 11: Sakura


“Save for later. Now for my personal business. Link to my SABA network connection. Look up local Dojos and sort by ratings. Transfer locations to my SABA and make a walking route for me. ” Sara commanded next and watch as the computer did so.


Getting a small meal for lunch Sara made use of public transportation to check out each of the Dojos. Most were decent, but focused on self-defense rather then open combat.

As Sara was leaving the last one on her list she ran into Maki Riko with her dog Kim.


“Miss Noble, A pleasure seeing you, again. ” Mrs. Riko said and looked up at the sign to see where she was leaving from.


“Hey, Mrs. Riko and Kim. ” Sara said kneeling down to greet the dog who started wagging her tail.


“Are you leaving a class? ” Mrs. Riko asked.


“No, looking for a good place to learn more. So far none of the dojos that I have visited are a good fit for me. ” Sara answered.

“I recently heard a report about a young lady who broke a man's wrist just outside a cafe. Then, a little later Elder Knight comes to me asking for a favor. Trouble has a way of finding you Miss Sara Noble. ” Mrs. Riko said stating facts.


“Just a little misunderstanding and someone hired thugs to scare me away. I'm Nereid, so it could be someone who doesn't like a swimmer. ” Sara said referring to the slang term for her people.


“I see. Well, no DNA or fingerprints besides the thugs were found. Since you nor Elder Knight didn't report it. I can't legally charge them with anything. I suspect you're not telling me everything. ” Mrs. Riko said giving Sara a hard look.


“I can handle myself pretty well. ” Sara answered back and getting a slow nod from Mrs. Riko.


“I don't suppose you heard of the Sakura Dojo? ” Mrs. Riko asked.


“No, It wasn't on my list. ” Sara said looking at her SABA if it was defective.


“Officially, it's not open to the public. More of a private Dojo. Lucky for you, close to your workplace. I will introduce you to the owner now. ” Mrs. Riko said and walked on. Sara followed a few seconds later.


A short walk later they arrived at a house. Sara saw it was one of the last houses on the street just before the various cafe and restaurants.


Mrs. Riko knocked on the door. A woman perhaps the same age as Mrs. Riko answered.

“Sakura, My old friend. May, I introduce you to Miss Sara Noble. She has some skill but wishes to improve herself. ” Mrs Riko said and bowed slightly. Sara did the same.


“Well, at least you didn't bring me another stray. Come inside. ” Sakura said harshly and Sara followed the woman inside. Mrs. Riko followed last.


As Sara moved through the house she noticed women and young girls of various ages. Each of them hard at work doing a chore.


As they came to the back yard Sara heard thuds of wooden weapons and grunts of people fighting. Here were the first men she had seen in the household. There were only a few and they wore padded armor.


The backyard had been converted into a Japanese style garden with an arched bridge going over two ponds full with real Koi Fish.


“I hope you know more then the Nereid style of fighting. ” Sakura said and walked out to a sandy area. Sakura stood next to a wooden sword that was stuck into the sandy soil. She gestured for Sara to take a spot on the far side.


“My adopted grandpa taught me a little. ” Sara said and watched as the woman pulled out a wooden sword known as a Bokken from the sand.


Sara thought she was ready, but the Sakura woman was fast. The wooden sword seemed to blur in her hand. Dodging the swings at first then Sara tried to lash out, but she found her fist and foot knocked away.


Then Sara got a face full of sand when Sakura toss some in her face and felt a painful blow to the back of her leg below the knee. She fell to the ground and felt the tip of the wooden sword at her neck.


“you're dead, girl. ” Sakura said and thrust the sword into the ground next to herself.


“The sand was a dirty trick. ” Sara muttered wiping it away and thankful none of it got into her eyes.


By now nearly everyone was watching the little duel.


“You hear that ladies! Miss Noble said I played a dirty trick on her. I did cheat to win and fought unfairly. I freely admit it. Honor is good when you face someone who values it. What happens when you face someone who fights dirty and unfairly in the real world? Ask the dead and the mentally broken for the answer. Pick up the sword and use it on me, Miss Noble. ” Sakura said loudly and made a show by moving her hands about.


Sara did so and charged at the woman hopeful to catch her by surprise. Sakura did the unexpected. She moved in closer and Sara did her best to counter. Sara landed a good blow to Sakura's shoulder then Sara got head-butted by the woman. Sara had lowered her head at the last possible second to avoid a broken nose.


Sara fell back on to her butt and looked up to see Miss Sakura looking dazed, but shaking off her own dizziness.


Before Sara knew it she was being helped to a chair and someone was shining a penlight into her eyes.


“She will be alright, but I don't envy the headache she will have. ” A male voice said and the blurry figure moved away and Sara blinked to get her eyes adjusted. The other man was looking over Sakura who gently pushed him away.


“You know more then just a little bit. ” Sakura said accusing.


Sara nodded and smiled only a little. Sara was having a pain memory flashback of the time she fell from the second floor of the barn. The pain was a close second.


“I haven't seen you use that trick in years. ” Mrs. Riko said to her friend.


“The girl is decent. Farsight better then the abused women and runaways you drop off on my doorstep. ” Sakura answered back.


“Mistress Sakura. ” Sara said addressing the woman with respect.


“None of that, girly. I'm Miss Sakura to you and everyone else. Be here in this yard at six in the morning every Saturday. See yourself, out. ” Miss Sakura said and Sara nodded to show she understood.


Sara left and felt the lump forming on her forehead. In a few hours her headache and lump would go away. Sara was silently blessing the people who made her advance healing possible. Sara wasn't sure if she was going to like or hate Miss Sakura. Sara recalled the days when her grandpa knocked her down during their many morning matches.


She had her fair share of bruises and pulled muscles that never lasted very long.


Sara spent the evening relaxing with Fur-ball by taking him out flying. As they flew toward the sea they bank so the beach was on their right. Then Sara spotted a nice little spot of sandy beach that was a cove. It was cut off from foot traffic by high rocks.


Sara gave the command to land and steered her Leather-Wing toward the spot. As Sara came down she pulled off her helmet wincing a little at the pain, but glad to take in the ocean air.


Looking about Sara saw only three ways someone could get to this spot. Climb down from the rocks, come by boat, and fly down as she did.


The area was covered with seashells, crabs, and birds not unlike the ones from her world and Earth so she had learned in school. The oddity before her were the fang parrots which were unique to Eden. Between the birds calling to each other and waves, it wasn't exactly quiet, but Sara felt relaxed. It was like having her own private beach to enjoy.


While Sara sat in a spot where the waves came up to her body just enough for her liking. Fur-Ball spent his time picking his way among the rocks looking for a tasty sea treat.

Sara watched him from time to time to see he was an expert rock climber and didn't mind getting sprayed with water. Sara bet he found it refreshing from the warm climate.

Sara returned her gaze to the sea and saw distant ships making their way to the Alpha City docks.


Overhead the rare aircraft passed over for the distant Nereid city or elsewhere.

Sara stayed there almost until dark and her stomach growled with hunger.

Whistling to Fur-Ball who looked quite happy with his hunting trip came over to her.

Before being told too he bent down and Sara climbed on to clip herself in.


“Time for home. ” Sara called out then slipped on her helmet.


All to soon they were back at the warehouse. Sara stripped off her gear and checked the basic harness as she removed the saddle seat from Fur-Ball's back.


“Go forage for some more food, if you like. ” Sara said pointing to the lit-up park over the river.


Sara said pulling out a treat and got a surprise when the ugly fang parrot that lived in the opened room came down to land on the saddle which was still sitting on the floor.

Carefully, Sara offered him a treat as well. Eying her the entire time he took it slowly then flew out just as Fur-Ball left.


Sara watched with some amusement as they flew side by side toward the park. That bird is the stuff of nightmares as ugly as he is. Sara thought of the name, Freddy. Perhaps, she got the name from an old horror movie she had watched when she first came to Eden.


“Freddy the Fang-Parrot. ” Sara said smiling to herself then left the open room to make her way to the workroom. In the little corner kitchen area, she prepared herself a little meal wondering how often her father did this.


Fen sat at her feet watching her.


“I better introduce you to my Leather-Wing, Fur-Ball and his little friend. I need to make sure you two will get along. ” Sara said looking down at Fen who cocked his head as a real dog would.


Sara pulled her tablet to her and checked over her schoolwork to make sure she was caught up. Then she linked the tablet to Fen to check out his systems. Then it occurred to Sara she never looked into great detail at Fen's camera eyes. Sure the irises were a wonderful brown color, but beyond basic video recording function, she didn't examine the cameras in detail.


“Nice, you got thermal and night vision. Good zoom and wide lens. Let's see some of your other functions I got as an added bonus. ” Sara said seeing the video of herself being played back as she requested for Fen to test each one.


“your nose has a basic Sniffer device in it. Dangerous gases to possible bombs which can be detected. The microphones you use as ears are good too. You know what is going on in the room next door by sound alone. ” Sara said figuring that why he was always waiting for her when she entered and never in his charging station.


“How is your AI Core running? ” Sara asked and watched as a display came up on the tablet.


“Systems are looking good. Let me double-check your safeguards from electric overload. ” Sara said and looked down to see his safeguards were in place and looked grounded to his frame.


“No nasty taser will have you out of the game. ” Sara said then wondering how long his reboot would be if an EMP went off.


“Okay, I'm done. Time to meet my other animal friends. ” Sara said finishing her meal and putting the plate in the sink to clean later.


It was sometime before Fur-ball returned with his little friend. Freddy flew straight for his little gap in the corner.


“Fur-Ball, Friend. ” Sara said and patted her leg so Fen would come to her.


Curious would have been a good word for her Leather-Wing's interest in her new robot pet. He sniffed at it a few times and moved back to his sleeping spot where he liked to curl up.

Sara settled down on her cot and relaxed to the sound of the river and the heavy breathing from her Leather-Wing. The sounds of the city distant.


Sara awoke early and got herself a good breakfast. School was a bit dull, but she had all of her work ready to be turned in via the school network.


Fen got up and his ears went up. It was a silent signal that someone was coming to the door.

Sara looked at the display on her SABA. Two people coming; Helen and Lisa. By now he knew their footsteps and voices. Listening closely, Sara could just barely hear them speaking to each other as they got closer.


Pretty soon one of them was knocking on the door. They had come in early today.


“Come on in, Helen and Lisa. ” Sara said and watched as Helen then Lisa came inside.

Each of them carrying stuff in cloth bags.


“Check it out. ” Helen said and showed off what appeared to be the skinned fur of a dog at first glance. The coat was beautifully done in an orange-red color with a bit of cream color on the underbelly. There was even a bit of brown mixed in for effect.


“Once the organic metal starts growing. The spider silk will bond to the outer metal. We tested it at my place and the spider silk allows enough sunlight through for the micro solar panels to charge. ” Lisa said showing Sara the little panels that looked like fish scales.


“We got a little time before work. We can get his head first. ” Sara said and working together they started.


Lisa using some various tools for cutting the soft flexible metal then shaping it to what they needed. Helen using a special UV light to bond the fake fur to the organic metal parts. Helen then carefully cut the next section they needed.


Sara was helping out where she could. A beeping noise told Sara they would have to stop and get down for the daily work meeting soon.


“Oh my God, he is even cuter now. ” Helen said standing back to admire her work so far.


“The legs and tail will be tricky. We will let Sara work on the body since that is pretty basic bonding work. It's good practice for her. ” Lisa said finishing up on the neck area.

The other girls left and Sara got ready for another workday.


Sara arrived just in time and got her daily tasks.


“Thanks to Miss Noble, we have seen a slight increase in field repair jobs. That is all. ” Mister Cope said and dismissed everyone to their assigned jobs.


“Wow, high praise coming from him. ” Helen said preparing for a day out to work. Helen's brightly colored Marco Spider already at her side ready to follow her everywhere.


“How did my dad get along with him? ” Sara asked quietly.


“They had more of an understanding rather than a friendship. It looks like a busy week at the very least. ” Helen said and Sara nodded that she understood her meaning.


The next few days passed in a normal routine. Sara got a few contract jobs and even started to meet with some people. Word of her Flight Pack had spread and the safety director from North Tower came to discuss the finer details about it.


Sara happily showed him how hers worked and he asked dozens of questions from the cost to how long it lasts while airborne. He put in an order for a few prototypes for testing. Then he mentioned that it could be months or even a year before she would hear back from him.


By mid-week, only two interesting things happen. Franky had a visitor who turned out to be Erica. Whatever they talked about left him distracted, but hardly hurt his work performance.


For Sara, a toymaker requested a meet and greet with her. Sara took him to her lab. A Mister Resh was from the Modern Toys company. He wanted Sara and Fur-Ball to be part of the latest line of toys. Sara vaguely recalled that he said was from a place called India. No doubt some country back on Earth. He spoke fast, but with such a polite tone Sara found herself at ease with him.

“Of course, we have Tee-Kay and Blood-Wing along with her husband. The profits have gone up since the terrible attack. So most riders have donated their money toward the victim's fund. Riders and their Leather-Wings have become heroes to the younger generation. We want to inspire them as much as possible. ” Mister Resh said making his sale's pitch. His India accent was quite charming.

Sara looked over the contract and projected profit numbers. It wasn't as good as he made it sound. Unlike Tee-Kay she wasn't as famous. Sara doubted her action figure would sell by itself, but maybe Fur-ball's fame could be valuable.


“I get the final say on the finished product and ninety percent of my share of the profits go to the victim's fund. ” Sara said closing her eyes and seeing a little toddler girl crying for a mother who would never hold her again.


“I think, we can agree to that. Are you okay, Miss? ”Mister Resh asked and Sara pulled her hand away from her head. Sara was feeling for a scar that wasn't there, but her short hair was a good reminder.


“Sorry, just tired. Lots to do, I'm sure you understand. ” Sara said smiling then saw the man out after she signed the needed electronic paperwork. On Friday, he returned with a 3D camera and she met up with him at the local park.


Thirty minutes later with Sara doing various poses and he got what he needed. It would be days later before she saw holograms on the latest designs. Sara voted on her favorites. Two weeks later, a package via a drone came in and Sara took great delight in seeing herself in toy form. There were a half of a dozen action figures along with her Leather-wing inside the box. Different sizes and styles she had approved of.


Sara repacked the box and sent it off to her family on Paradise Island. Her younger step-siblings were overjoyed by the toys. Modeled after their big sister and her Leather-wing.


It had been over a month since the attack and three weeks into Sakura's lessons. With the help of her friends Fen was finished and looked as good as the real thing. Sara made a habit of taking him with her everywhere she went.


Fen was useful with field repair work since he was handy for fetching tools. Sara decided to take him to Sakura's house so he could learn more.

Chapter 12: Kensei (Meaning Sword Saint)


On Saturday, Sara had found the front door locked and one of the women guarding it. Before, Sara could even asked to be let in the woman shook her head.


“Miss Sakura said not to be late. ” The woman said and thrust her thumb in the direction of the back yard.


Sara realized it was a test. Lucky for Sara that she had Fen there to help her. First, she made sure he was able to get onto the top of the wall. Then she used his collar handhold as a way up. Fen was able to brace himself using his weight and cat-like claws. Thanks to the fact he didn't need to breathe made it possible for Sara to scramble up over the wall.


She was over it with only a minute to spare. Miss Sakura barely looked at the robot dog as Fen found a good place out of the way to sit.


As normal, Sara was paired off with Miss Sakura herself. Sara was showed various fighting moves and suffered the bruises that came with learning them. Normally, Sara would stay for three hours. Using the last hour to practice the move on her own over and over. The lessons focusing on a form of mixed martial arts that normally ended up wrestling your opponent into a submissive hold.


Miss Sakura watching and making her rounds as the other young women were doing the same.


“Miss Sakura, he is here. ” One of the women said who had chores assigned to her said as she was coming from the house.

“Send him out. Boys, get ready. ” Miss Sakura said calling out to the only pair of men who seem to be around mostly to be punching bags for the women. Sometimes they were medics when needed.


Elder Knight appeared and Brutus was with him. Sara noticed that Mr. Knight seemed very surprised to see her there.


“I was thinking four on one, today. ” Mr. Knight said and all students were dismissed to the sideline.


Sara watched with great interest as Elder Knight was handed a practice sword and Brutus took a position with Miss Sakura to attack. Along with the manly helpers, they formed a loose ring around him.


What followed was fast and amazing.


Mr. Knight disarmed the helpers then hit his own bodyguard in the knee causing him to fall to one side. Then there was a fury of blows as Miss Sakura pressed her attack.


Sara almost missed the part where Miss Sakura's practice sword was knocked from her hands. Then she went for a grip hold, but Mr. Knight seemed to expect it. He had his practice sword across her neck in mere moments after knocking her down. Then the pair smiled and Mr. Knight helped her up.


“Pay attention, class. ” Miss Sakura said and Mr. Knight showed how he disarmed the woman making it look so easy. In real life, it had been a somewhat lucky hit at the right moment.


“Anyone care to try their luck? ” Mr. Knight said and Sara stepped forward.


Mr. Knight smiled and motion for her to take a Bokken.


Sara knew from the start he was going easy on her, but something clicked as they thrust and blocked each other.


“Not bad, Faster. ” Mr. Knight said started to press his attack on her.

Sara dodged and blocked then rolled out of the way of one strike. It was an old trick her grandfather had taught her. Then Sara saw one of the spare wooden swords on the ground.

Sara grabbed it now holding two swords in her hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Miss Sakura was smiling now. It was now two swords versus one.


Elder Knight smirked and went in close to swing. Sara was no longer on the retreat. She parried his strikes then attack back forcing him to block. Now Mr. Knight retreated and their duel took them over the bridge.


Sara made the mistake in overreaching thinking she had him, but he stepped aside grabbing her wrist and flipped her into the water. Along the way she lost one of her swords. As Sara stood up she found his point at her neck.


“Finally, someone else who made me break a sweat. ” Mr. Knight said reached out a hand for her to take. Sara grinned and took the offered hand and got back onto dry land.


“She is a natural sword fighter. I dare say Kensei with more years of practice. Maybe a shorter blade for blocks and a longer one for attacks. ” Miss Sakura said to Mr. Knight.


“I think so as well. I only won because I got inside her guard. I should have seen it sooner with the way she handles a knife. Given time she will be better then me. I never could learn to wield two swords at once. ” Knight said smiling at Sakura.


“Mr. Knight, Who was the other person who makes you break a sweat? ” Sara asked drying off using a towel one of the women brought her.


“My son-in-law. He has become quite skilled over the years. ” Mr. Knight answered and Sara felt pride knowing she was close to being on Jones's level of swordplay. Sara would have a strong hug for her grandpa the next time she saw him for all the years of practice they did together.


“Miss Noble, Come every morning if you wish from now on. It's not often someone discovers their natural talent. We will even try you on other weapons, so you don't get bored. ” Miss Sakura said and gave a hand gesture for a general dismissal for everyone to go.


Sara left and spent the rest of the Saturday day enjoying the city. Then she got a call on her SABA around lunchtime. Looking at the ID she saw it was Franky.


“Hey Franky, what's up? ” Sara asked wondering if he was going to ask her out.


“Can you come to the park just over the river from work just before nine tonight? I will explain everything then. ” Franky asked and Sara still feeling guilty over spying on him agreed to do so.


Sara let the hours slip away and twenty minutes before their meeting she looked over at the park noticing Peace Keepers closing off entrances. Something was going down toward the center in an open space.


Curious to know Sara decided she do a flyover, first. Already dressed in her flight gear she mounted Fur-Ball and they took off.


As Sara got closer she got a warning message on her HUD inside her helmet. Park Closed. Air space for authorized aircraft or personal only.


Then the message disappeared and a landing zone came up for her to use.


Sara followed it and came to the clearing where something was going on. Men and women were moving about setting up gear. There were work lights set up and in the pool of light she saw Erica and Franky. Near to them was a piece of Nereid tech Sara had never seen before.

As she landed she was greeted by Erica.


“I will let Franky explain it. You can send Fur-Ball away. ” Erica said noticing that Fur-Ball looked about with a wary eye. His normal hunting ground for fruit wasn't as vacant as normal.


Sara gave the command to Fur-Ball and followed Erica to where Franky was standing.


“Sara, you made it. You heard about the latest news about portal tech right? ” Franky asked.

Sara nodded and looked over at the machine now powering on.


“Remember how Erica came to see me that one day. We came here to the park after work and I made contact with my family. ” Franky said and Sara began to understand.


“They are opening a portal to Earth? ” Sara asked.


“Yeah, but it only works one way for now. My family can come here as long as the portal is opened. Erica arranged things, so I could get in touch with them with a time and place. We are using the spot where I arrived all those months ago. ” Franky said excitedly now.


“I think, Aunty Erica should be my new title. ” Erica said and Franky nodded then looked at the time on his phone.


Sara could see most of the message that he had open. There was a countdown clock with the message from Franky to his family "to come to the place where I disappeared. "


“Okay, people. We got fifth-teen minutes at the most. Hopefully, they are there waiting. We will focus the lights on the portal when it opens. We know light travels to the other side from past reports. ” Erica said and called someone on her phone. Clearly, she was reporting to someone higher up.


Sara really hope Franky's family would be there. Otherwise, he would need a shoulder to lean on.


Erica gave the hand signal and Sara watched as the two-prong machine was moved into place. It hummed into life and a ripple in the air appeared at ground level. Rising up until it was well above head height.


Then the work lights were focused on that point.


Franky's phone started beeping with missed calls notices then messages.

With shaky fingers, he called the number and Sara heard his voice crack with emotions as he heard the voice on the other end.


“Mom, yeah it's me. Look we don't have a lot of time. Are you all in the place where I said to go? ” Franky said and Sara saw tears pricking his eyes.


“Okay, look for a ripple in the air with light coming from it. Walk through the ripple. Trust me, okay. ” Franky said and looked at the portal.


Sara thought maybe a minute had passed and just when she started to doubt something would happen a woman appeared out of thin air falling to the ground with a phone in her hand. She was dressed for a camping trip with a backpack on her shoulders.

Blinking hard she focused on Franky. He dropped the phone and ran to her as she did the same. They embraced and Sara caught something like “Oh, my baby boy. ” from the woman.


Sara's attention returned to the portal as a man clutching a little girl by the hand came through next. Franky's father was fighting with someone as he appeared with his other hand if trying to push someone away. Then there was an unexpected man after him. Sara saw he wore some type of uniform declaring him as a park ranger.


Erica's partner was on him before the stranger's eyes could adjust fully. He had the park ranger in a hold with his arms behind his back. Another agent stepped forward and removed the Park ranger's sidearm. The man was escorted away to a tent that had been set up nearby.

Franky's father and little sister looked dazed then spotted Franky. They joined in on the family hug.


“Close that damn portal before anyone else shows up. ” Erica commanded and Sara watched as the ripple closed seconds later. Then the machine that was humming died away as it was powered off.


“Mr. and Mrs. Dent. I'm Erica. If you will please follow me. ” Erica said and went to a tent next to the one where the Park Ranger was taken.


Sara stayed behind at first then Erica motion she should come along as well.


Franky's family started asking questions and Erica said everything would be explained.

As Sara came to the tent flap she was held back by Erica. The family was invited to sit at a table with snacks and drinks. Another man wearing a suit was there. He greeted them then told them where they were.


As they asked their questions he calmly answered them and Franky backed up everything his family was being told.


“Hey Sara. Thank you for coming here tonight. you're the kind of emotional support Franky would have really needed if things didn't go right. ” Erica said quietly and Sara nodded.


“What about that Park Ranger guy? ” Sara asked not understanding what a park ranger was. Judging from his outfit she would have guessed some type of PeaceKeeper.


“Hmm, unexpected guest. I didn't see a wedding ring and he looked fairly young. Excuse me, while I check on him. ” Erica said and disappeared into the tent next door.


Sara saw through the flap door it was a break area that had been set up for people working in the park tonight.


After a while, Sara heard her name.


“Sara, come meet my family. This is my little sister, Penny. ” Franky said and Sara turned her attention to the little girl. Perhaps eight years old.


“Like the coin, you told me about. Pretty as a penny. ” Sara said recalling the little talk they had when he got around to explaining what a penny was.


“You look funny. ” Penny said looking at Sara's body then her outfit. Noticing the gills on her neck and then Sara's webbed hands.


“Oh, that is because I can breathe underwater like a mermaid and I have a monster bat that I like to ride. ” Sara said and Penny's look said she didn't believe a word of it.


“Penny, manners. ” Her mother spoke and offered a hand for Sara to shake. Then Sara shook hands with Franky's father who looked a bit shell shocked. He was looking at her like she was an outer space alien from a different world.


Erica returned with two other men holding a small metal briefcase. There were medical symbols on the outer casing.


“Okay, folks. Just a little injection to keep you healthy and we will get you to a hotel room for some rest. ” Erica said cheerfully as the medic techs went to work preparing everything.

Franky had to reassure Penny it was okay and every new person to Eden was given a dose.


“Good thing, we keep this stuff on hand for new arrivals. ” Erica said and motion they should come outside.


Sara was shocked to see most of the people and equipment were gone now. She had her back to the outside world. Sara had been so focused on Franky's family reunion.


“Sara, can I ask you for one last favor tonight? ” Erica asked.


“What is it? ” Sara asked.


“We need to drive the point home they are not on Earth anymore. Call your Leather-Wing in and head on home. ” Erica said and Sara grinned.


She walked out to a good open spot and gave a loud whistle Fur-Ball knew well.

Seconds later, there were screams of fear and surprise as Fur-Ball came to land in front of Sara.


Sara made a show of praising her Leather-Wing and treating him like a beloved pet.

Sara looked back to see Penny looking at her with big wide eyes as she hugged her mother's leg.


“Be a good girl, Penny. I will take you flying sometime. ” Sara called back then put on her helmet. She waved goodbye to the Dent Family then was airborne.


Sara banked her Leather-Wing to look down as the family was led away toward the nearest exit.


When the morning light came they would see the truth for what it was. Sara doubted there was a city like Alpha anywhere on Earth.


It wasn't until Monday that Sara saw Franky again. When Sara got back to the warehouse on her lunch break they talked out back on the dock.


Franky had spent all of Sunday with his family showing them the wonders of the city. Apparently, Franky's disappearing act had gone viral on the internet back on Earth since several students were recording the portal not knowing what it was. In the months after he had vanished right in front of them, Franky had become famous online.


“Are they adjusting, well?” Sara asked remembering what it was like for her as a child.


“Yeah, My mom apparently read every story about ripples in the air and people disappearing. She even found some old videos online of other recorded portals. She wasn't too shocked to hear the truth about Eden. My dad is still a little shocked, but he will recover. As for Penny, she is thrilled about being on a different world. I think she is going to miss her school friends in time. ” Franky explained and Sara nodded.


“What about that Park Ranger Guy? ” Sara asked curious to know.


“Erica said he was recently singled and almost has no family left. She also mentioned he was using his job so he would have a place to stay. Apparently, some Park Rangers get a cabin to live in if its a remote area. The park ranger guy, Dan got to see the city with Erica as his guide. ” Franky answered having to think about what Erica had told him.


“I hope they settle in okay. I was around Penny's age when I came here to Eden. ” Sara said seeing that lunchtime was nearly up.


“Yeah, Erica arranged job interviews and got one of those nice new houses lined up just for my family. She said its best if we move in right away as a family. Here is my new address and if is not any trouble. Can you stop in on Saturday for dinner? ” Franky asked and Sara nodded as she took the piece of paper from him.


Sara went back inside then up to her work lab. She saw Sam in the big open room just outside her lab testing out some repaired drone. She paused only for a few seconds to watch him fly the little drone about. He gave her a friendly wave then went back to work by pushing the little flying drone to its limits.


Sara looked over the latest contract jobs which mostly involved in improving current designs. Sara finished early and took a break at the breakfast table.


“You know Fen, I have been so distracted lately. I need to know who helped my father that day without letting that person know I'm looking into the matter. ” Sara said to the robot dog.


Looking at him at first glance you be tricked into thinking he was a real dog. Only his leg movements gave him away as an android dog.


“It's highly unlikely to be Han. Comes from a well off family and flying drones are not really his thing. There is something up with Luke. He seems like a really sweet guy, but he is hiding something for sure. ” Sara said trying to work out her latest suspects.


Her SABA device beeped and Sara read the message.


“We could follow them. ” Sara said looking at Fen after reading it.


“Didn't work out so good the last time. Maybe, I will just see where each of them goes and leave it at that. ” Sara said checking the time and seeing he would be leaving soon.

Sara decided that it couldn't hurt to know where he went after work every day. She knew their home address by heart.


Sara took Fen with her the days she went out to follow her employees. Han was pretty much a man of routine. Sara watched from a distance and with Fen's help was able to stay back. Every time she followed him he went for a single's bar then home.


Luke proved to be tricky since he lived in the rougher part of the city. Sara had to avoid the creeps and areas where they were fewer people around. Sara learned to blend into the crowd when possible.


Sara nearly blew her cover when two guys came close to her as she waited for Luke to leave his apartment building.


Sara didn't recall exactly what they said, but their vulgar remarks were enough to put Sara on her guard.


“No thanks. ” Sara said pretending to check something on her SABA. In hindsight, Sara knew she screwed up by bringing her SABA along. It did serve double duty as armor for her left arm.


When one of the men took an extra step forward Fen step forward to guard Sara. His mouth opened and his steel teeth were on full display. His retractable claws came out scratching the ground making a nasty sound that made both men turn a little paler.


“Fuck it, the bitch ain't worth the trouble. Let's go. ” One man said to the other and they left.


Sara waited until they were out of sight around the corner.


“you're a good boy, Fen. ” Sara said reaching down to pat him on the head. Realizing it was a bit silly to praise a robot dog and think of him as a male.