Eden 02: Chapter 13-14 Sara Noble
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Chapter 13: Fight Club


Not long after the sun was setting Sara's attention was drawn to the building as Luke came out. He was dressed differently and seem to be flexing as he moved down the street.


Sara walked behind him keeping her eyes locked on his back. When they headed toward the warehouses close to the South River Tunnel. Sara thought he was heading for the one that had robot fighting. Instead, he went further down another one which already had a crowd going inside.


Luke passed by the door guy while others appeared to pay to gain entrance. Sara quickly got into the shortest line which was moving at a good pace.


“Twenty credits, Miss. ” The door guy said when Sara's turn came at the door. Using her SABA she transferred the amount over.


Once inside she was hit with a wave of yelling, jeers, and pounding hands slapping on metal.


Sara expected another robot fighting ring. This time it was person versus person. The fighters wearing shorts and using different types of mixed fighting styles. The larger man won the match looked like he hardly broke a sweat


“Black Tornado for another win. Let's see if our upcoming star Luke the Farm Boy will measure up. ” The announcer screamed out and Sara watched as Luke entered into the ring flexing his arms for a fight.


What followed was brutal in Sara's opinion. Blows rained down on Luke and as he got Black Tornado into a grappling hold. The larger black man broke free and Sara was impressed by Luke's skill with Krav Maga and the use of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Sara only stayed long enough to watch him win the match. The announcer rewarding him with a card full of credits.

His face was bloody and heavily swollen by the time the match came to an end. Luke taking the card with a bow then leaving the fighter's ring.

On a lonely stretch of an empty street, Sara spoke to Fen.


“Looks like Luke's only secret is that he is an underground fighter earning some extra credits. Remind me to get a few pointers from him after I find the guy who helped my father. Maybe, it wasn't even someone inside the warehouse. As far as I know, it could have been an outsider. Maybe, the client sent over to aid him in his work. ” Sara said to Fen trying to work it out.


Fen looked at her as he walked and Sara noticed his ears turned in other directions listening for possible threats.


“Maybe, I should get you a speaker. So our conversations won't be so one-sided. ” Sara said and looked down at her SABA device as it beeped.


“No speaker. Better listener this way. ” Fen messaged her and Sara smiled.

“you're right. If you want to growl as a warning. your jet water pump motor sounds pretty close. Your scratching claws sure did make a good point. ” Sara said wishing she could have told her dad that joke. It was so corny, he would have loved it.


Sara got back to her warehouse with no problems. She went to bed early that night forgetting to put Fen back in the workroom as a guard dog. Instead, he was in stand by mode by her cot as Sara laid down for only a few minutes to rest her eyes.

Something painfully nipped at her finger and Sara jerked awake to the sound of a squawk. Freddy the fang parrot was there by her cot with a bit of blood on his beak. Sara was ready to wave him away when she noticed he wasn't looking at her with fear, but his eyes locked on the open doorway her Leather-Wing used.


Fur-Ball was gone for the moment. No doubt in the park eating his fill. Then Fen jumped up to his feet and Sara knew something was wrong. Sara slipped on her SABA and grabbed her practice Bokken.


Sara heard something and barely got out of the way as a trio of whisper-quiet drones came flying down on her. They were the same type used during the Light Festival attack. She swung down hard on the first one sending it to the floor and there was a blur as Fen caught the second one in his steel teeth tearing into it as they fell out into the darkness.

Fen and the flying drone fell out of sight into the river below. Sara hearing the splash moments later.


Then pain lanced up Sara's leg as the third drone fired mini darts into her exposed skin. Sara fell sideways and watched as the flying drone prepared to fire again aiming for her chest.


Then, just as it fired the shots went wide as Freddy flew at it pecking away at the camera lens.

The bird screeching very loudly the entire time. He fell away as a dart grazed his wing. Then something even larger screamed out a battle cry and Sara smiled as Fur-Ball landed on top of the last drone crushing it inside the room.


Sara looked down then pulled the now empty darts from her skin. The veins in her legs going slightly black. Sara knew the signs of being poisoned from her school medical classes on basic first aid.


Sara used her SABA device to call for medical help as she felt a wave of darkness closing in. The last thing, Sara could clearly recall was picking up the little body of her Fang-Parrot. He was limp, but the ugly little bird was breathing. She held Freddy to her chest.

Sara awoke to a medic standing over her with a few Peace Keepers.


“Miss Noble, can you hear me? you're going to be okay. ” The medic said injecting something into her.


“I'm fine. ” Sara lied feeling very sick, but more clear-headed as the seconds passed.


“I don't think you were poisoned enough to harm you, but we are not taking any chances. This anti-venom should do the trick. ” The medic said to Sara


“What poison and my bird?” Sara asked and the medic smiled if her asking questions was a very good sign.


“Silk Weaver poison. Easy to get if you know the right people. In high doses, it's pretty deadly. Your Fang-Parrot is okay. My partner tended to him the moment we got here. ” The medic said pointed to the spot to her right.


Sara looked over to see a second medic putting her Fang-Parrot into a sturdy looking birdcage. Where the cage came from Sara had no idea. No doubt someone had one in their car for some reason.


“Easy big guy. She is okay. ” One PeaceKeeper said and Sara heard a growl and Fur-Ball came into sight as he loomed over the Peace Keepers


“Fur-ball, down. ” Sara called out as loudly as she could. Thankfully, her Leather-Wing heard her and settled down still looking at the men keeping him away.


Sara was helped onto her cot and she watched as Peacekeepers took pictures, collected bits of the drone, and gathered the empty darts into bags.


Sara was asked to give a statement and she did. She even agreed to let them access the outside security cameras doubtful they would help. The cameras covered the outside pretty good and inside the lower level. The upper floor had none since there was little need.


“That explains the robot dog on the dock then. He hasn't moved since we arrived. We did assume he was a guard dog of some sort. Madam, you weren't the only person attacked tonight. Seems the motive was a robbery in every case. Out of the four attacks, you're the only one who survived. I don't think anyone came inside while you were knocked out. your quick thinking saved the day. ” The Peace Keeper said.


Sara got up slowly and steady herself.


“Help me to the doorway. I need to speak to my robot dog. ” Sara said and with some help, she leaned out slightly to see Fen below waiting. A few Peace Keepers were keeping their distance. She noticed they had EMP guns out and in a low ready position.


“I'm okay, Fen. Stay there. ” Sara said to the now wet robot dog and walked toward the cot again.


“An old Fen model. Looks like you did some serious work on him. I'm the head PeaceKeeper for this section of the city. I go by Tom Higgins by the way. ” PeaceKeeper Higgins said smiling.


Sara nodded and listened as he told a few stories about some past calls he had. Perhaps an hour passed before they were done and Sara was allowed to lay back down.

“We will let your robot pet back inside and we will have Peace Keepers station just outside the warehouse. ” Tom said after Sara was cleared by the medics. Freddy asleep in the cage by her bed.


Sara was laying down as Tom left the room. Fur-Ball came over to her and Sara reached up petting the side of his furry face.


“You did real good. ” Sara said and watched as her Leather-Wing turned away to watch the open doorway. Sara could tell he was standing guard over her.


Sara fell back to restful sleep and was fully recovered by the time her morning alarm went off.


Sara might have passed the whole thing off as a bad dream until she noticed that Fur-Ball still looked on edge.


Sara noticed a new text message from Fen who was waiting by the door.

“Drone for you. Follow. ” Sara read and did so.


A pair of Peace Keepers were out front keeping a watchful eye out for trouble.

Sara and Fen went out back to the dock area. Fen ran ahead and pulled out a drone he must have hidden there.


Sara carefully walked up to it and saw it was the same drone Fen attacked. Sara noticed it had water leaking from it.

Sara picked it up and carried it back inside up to her work lab avoiding the Peace Keepers.


“Looks like you drowned it, pretty good. Standard flying remote type drone with a modified weapon system. Appears to be powered by air pressure. Exactly like your mace weapon system. Thanks to your quickness this one is still fully loaded. ” Sara said looking over the drone as she took it apart.


Fen's metal teeth had pierced the outer shell allowing the water to flow into the vital computer parts. Sara looked and didn't expect to see any maker marks to say where it came from. Everything about it was pretty common or could be made with a good fabricator. No doubt they used the stolen one as reported in the news.


Sara bought up the latest news on her tablet thinking about the other attacks. All the people who were killed worked in the manufacturing business in some way. None of them were high ranking in their jobs. One motive for the killings that was officially released. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time during the robbery.


Sara looked over their job titles. One woman was a medic tech who helped process Silk-Weaver poison for medical reasons. Bottles of Silk-Weaver poison had gone missing at her job place that same night. One guy was a programmer who worked in a small drone factory. The programmers' computer hard drive was gone.


The last guy killed was a security guard at a small arms weapon factory.


“Hmm, Sounds like Deep Water is restocking their supplies. What do you think they were planning to steal from here, Fen? ” Sara said reading the news story and looking at Fen if he could verbally answer the question. Then it occurred to Sara maybe her father's hidden plans was the goal. Sara turned her attention to the main computer.


“Computer, are you connected to any networks? ” Sara asked thinking back to the one time she used her SABA to get an outside connection with this computer.


“No network connection detected or devices installed. ” The female voice responded and Sara knew why they wanted her out of the way. Whoever attacked her, needed access to the room. Sara doubled check and saw the system was independent of the rest of the warehouse. There was no way of hacking into it from the outside. Otherwise, they would have broken into the first level for whatever they needed.


“Computer, list the highest levels of security measures. ” Sara said next and watched as they were displayed.


“Biometric security with full encryption. Voice, heartbeat, and fingerprints. ” Sara ordered and was prompt to log them in.


“There we go, Fen. It will mean a slower boot up for me, but now I'm the only one who can access this data with ease. Maybe, we can get Mister Cope to upgrade the locks on the doors. ” Sara said next looking at a big hologram padlock now being projected.


A beeping alarm told Sara her online school classes were about to begin. Sara just barely paid attention and then updated her family on her well being. She didn't want them to read in the news or discovered through someone else she was one of the ones who been targeted.


“Don't worry, I got friends looking out for me. ” Sara said.


“Be careful, dear. Thank goodness you built Fen. I would send him a treat if he was real. ” Her mother said and Sara smiled at that.


“I had a little help with making him. I got to go. Nearly, work time and it's Friday. ” Sara said and shut down the hologram emitter.


Sara did a quick check on Freddy and discovered he was awake and standing up on his own. Sara refilled the little food tray and water inside the cage.


“When you're strong enough just fly out. ” Sara said leaving the cage door open for him.

He chirped at her as she left the room.


Chapter 14: Lester


As she walked out onto the warehouse floor she was greeted by Joy.


“Mister Cope and Mister Leo would like to have a company meeting, Miss Noble. ” Joy said and Sara followed her out to Mister Cope's office.


Sitting in a chair across from Mister Cope was a handsome young Nereid man. Sara guessed he wasn't much older then herself. He was sharply dressed and like herself had a SABA device on his arm.


“Ah. Have a seat, Miss Noble. Mr. Lester Leo just arrived in the city not long ago. He is standing in for his father. Mr. Knight will be joining us via hologram. We all heard about the attack on you last night. ” Mr. Cope said just as a holographic image of Mister Knight appeared standing just off to the side.


“Please Call me, Lester. Mr. Leo is my father. Dreadful business last night. I heard you were poisoned according to the Peace Keeper's report. How are you feeling? ” Lester asked giving her a warm smile.


“Much better. Thankfully, my Leather-Wing was there. ” Sara answered and noticed Mr. Knight nodded with a little smile.


“Yes, due to the recent attacks a new type of hunter drone has been released early. They are calling them Night Owls. Mr. Knight knows more about these things then I do. ” Mr. Cope said bringing up a hologram image of one. Mr. Knight took over the conversation then.


“They are model after a bird from Earth. Few species exist here in the wild on Eden. Mostly escaped pets bought over from Earth and some bird lovers who released some into the wild in hopes they thrive here. As you can see they partly work as mobile security cameras with full night vision. They are lightly armored and been made to go against attack drones and detect explosives at close range. fixed-wings with mini rotors to hover and change direction. Their talons are Steel-X metal with a good degree of crushing power. ” Mr. Knight said and pointed out each feature.


“Who will be in control of these Night Owls? ” Lester asked.


“There is a newly form division of Peace Keepers called Night Watch. From what I gathered so far from my sources they have been vetted and gone through some serious background checks. Each Night Owl will have a team of three in control of each one. Working as a team their jobs being an operator, communication specialist, and coordinator. ” Mr. Knight answered. Then Mr. Cope started back in.


“So far they have managed to produce enough to patrol around tech companies like ourselves. One will be assigned to watch from the public park area just over the river. We tell you this so you're not alarmed if you just happen to spot it. There will be a public news update in just a few days. Is there any other business?” Mr. Cope asked and from his body language, he was finished.


“That's good to hear. I was thinking we should upgrade our locks as well. I have already taken it upon myself to bio lock my work lab computer. Our trade secrets and our client's drone designs are a bit safer now. ” Sara said getting a nod from Mr. Cope and a smile from Mr. Knight.


“I understand Miss Noble sleeps in the room with an open doorway for her Leather-Wing to come and go. I seem to recall we have a lot of open space up there. I think it would be wise if she slept in a room with locked doors. We should have more rooms built for her. ” Lester said giving her a warm smile.


“We normally use that as the indoor flight room for testing. ” Mr. Cope said.


“I will pay to have a hanger installed in the side yard where Sam works. If we must I insure the smaller hangers will be removed to make it happen. It will be a shorter walk for Sam and a slight increase in work performance. Miss Noble has done so much in increasing our profits so far I feel its a sound investment. ” Lester said.

“I'm in favor of that. ” Mr. Knight said.


“Yes, It would be wise. For her safety” Mr. Cope said next.


“I guess it would be nice to have a proper room of my own. ” Sara said agreeing to the new idea. Sara was already planning to have a vent install in her outer door so she could hear the river beyond it.


“Excellent. I will be in town for a few weeks. My father wants me to see Alpha City and get a feel for handling business. I will be at the Atlantis Hotel. I hear it is a very nice place to stay for Nereids. The hotel restaurant serves the best seafood so they say. ” Leo said looking at Sara.


Sara found herself doing her very best not to blush. It was also the most expensive place since it was built over the only lake in Alpha City. Sara could clearly recall the curved oval shape buildings that blended blue and white colors that reminded her of her home world. Then Sara spoke.


“I better get going, Mr. Cope. Go ahead and upload my daily tasks for the day. ” Sara said and Mr. Cope did so and Sara left the room soon after. Joy must have been assigned to hand out tasks because Sara passed her and nearly everyone was at their work stations.


Franky was absent from his desk along with his drone spider.

Sara decided to take Fen with her as protection and help her in repairs. The few times she met with clients Fen was a big hit. By the time Sara return for her lunch hour, there were new doors being installed. The only doors they hadn't touch were the front lobby ones and her workroom since it's security level was pretty good.

Sara finished the contract jobs with time to spare. She double-checked her work and listed possible improvements.


As Sara closed down the main computer someone was knocking at the door.

Sara answered it with Fen at her side.

“Oh, Lester. ” Sara said stepping out as he was backing away.


“I know its close to quitting time. I was wondering if you could show me some of the sights of the city? ” Lester asked.


“Sure, Fen stay here. ” Sara ordered and they started to passed Franky on the way out.


“Hey Franky, see you Saturday. ” Sara said and caught a funny expression on his face, but she didn't have time to puzzle it out. Lester was already heading for the exit door.

Sara soon found herself looking at a luxury car with a driver. Lester already climbing into the back seat.


Sara joined him seeing it was adapted for doing business while on the move.

“I hear the wall is something to see. ” Lester said and motion for the driver to get going.


“People walk on it all the time. I have been to the Alpha City Museum and some of the educational centers learning more about Earth then Eden. ” Sara said to Lester


“What restaurants would you say are the best? ” Lester asked.


“Well, I don't really eat out much. I went to the local pizza parlor and this little cafe once. ” Sara answered feeling a bit foolish. She was living on a fixed budget until the business did better. It had been cheaper for her to fix her own meals to cut costs.


A beeping sound cut their conversation short and Lester held up two fingers.


“Just a moment. I bet it's my dad calling. ” Lester said and tapped a screen. A man's face appeared and Sara could tell right away this was his father.


“Just checking in. ” The man said.


“Everything going to plan, father. I checked into the hotel and went to the meeting on time. We discussed security upgrades for the most part. I'm about to see more of the city with Miss Sara Noble here. ” Lester said.


“Good to hear, son. You kids treat yourself to a few good meals and have some fun. ” Mr. Leo said glancing at Sara then the screen went black.


“Sorry about that. Ever since mom died in the war. He has been so focused on his work. He expects me to follow in his shoes as the saying goes. ” Lester said with a weak smile.


“No problem. Since my dad was killed, I have been obsessed with the drone business. I spent three weeks building myself a robot dog in my spare time. ” Sara said.


“He is amazingly lifelike. What is his fur made from? ” Lester asked.


“Spider silk, I got it free from a friend. His skin is made of the outer layer of Nereid armor. Making him waterproof and we discovered it bonds with the spider silk. ” Sara said happy to explain a little about her pet project.


Sara made a mental note not to mention his offensive weapons.


“Interesting. We should look into making that part of the upgrades we offer. It could be some money in making robot pets more lifelike. ” Lester said rubbing his chin.


“I think Helen would like that. She did the coloring on the fur. Shall we see the wall first? ” Sara asked and Lester agreed. From there their conversation turned to small talk like how her true Nereid name was Sar-ray. When her parents adopted Eden as their home they took on altered names to fit in better.


Sara showed Lester the wall and together they walked it for some time. Then they spent the evening visiting some of the hot spots people like to go to.


Lester ended the night by showing her the Atlantis Hotel. So much of the building reminded her of her home world. It even had its own water tube section for Nereids to use. There were steam and mist rooms as well for customers to enjoy.


Just before Sara left they went to the roof flower garden which had a beautiful view of the lake all around them. It was there Lester took her hand. Sara pulled away more surprised then offended.


“Sorry, I thought we were connecting. ” Lester said.


“You just surprise me. We only just met today is all. ” Sara explained.


“I get it. I will be in town for a while. Maybe, a dinner date first? ” Lester asked.


“Okay. We can talk some more then. ” Sara said smiling. Lately, her dating life had taken a nosedive and Sara kind of like Lester.


“I better let you get home then. ” Lester said and Sara nodded then left taking the elevator down.


The next morning now being Saturday. Sara got up on washing her clothes at a local laundry mat then making sure the little kitchen area was cleaned. Her Fang-Parrot was recovered and gone from the large cage. She found him sitting up in the corner looking down at her.


“There you are, Freddy. ” Sara said did a kissing sound and watched with shock as he came to her.


Wincing a little as he landed on her bare arm. His claws leaving little scratches on her skin. Carefully, Sara stroked his feathers with her fingers from her free hand. Sara made a mental note to hold out her left arm next time. Her SABA could protect her from getting scratched.

He half-closed his eyes and chirped in pleasure. Then shook himself and flew back to his spot.


“Here are some treats. ” Sara said leaving some on top of the square cage and heard the flapping of a much larger creature.


Fur-Ball coming down for a landing. Sara went over to him and gave him some as well.


“Have a good breakfast? ” Sara asked and looked him over. She spent a little time grooming him then double-checked her gear. The thug's knife she kept went into a leg pocket on her flight suit for easy reach.


“We will go flying this evening to Franky's house. You stay close to the house, okay. ” Sara said not sure how much he understood, but perhaps seeing her checking her flight gear would send the message she planned to go flying later.


Sara went off to Miss Sakura's house for her weekly training. Sara learned a bit about ranged weapons. The bow and arrow being her favorite. She returned to the workroom right after coming back and spotted the dart canister still out.


Sara got to thinking about it and started tweaking it. Fen watching her the entire time. After a while, Sara was finished.


“Okay, Fen cough up your spare mace can. ” Sara commanded and she was very amused the way Fen almost appeared to be a real dog when he started a hacking coughing sound. A few seconds later his tongue stuck out holding the spare mace can.


Sara compared the dart canister and saw they were nearly a perfect match. Carefully, Sara empties then reloaded them.


“Use these only in life-threatening situations when a life is in danger. ” Sara said and stood sideways as Fen swallowed it using his very flexible tongue.


“Aim for this knot in the wood wall. ” Sara said and pointed out the spot she wanted.

Fen ready himself as Sara stood behind him.


“Fire. ” Sara ordered and watched as the dart almost hit inside the knot.


“Try again. ” Sara said and watched as the dart hit the center.


“Fire the last testing dart. ” Sara said seeing it hit inside the knot almost knocking the second dart away.


“That will be a nasty surprise. Better limit it to two darts per person. Three darts if he is a big guy. ” Sara said after thinking it over and remembering how a lot of people were bigger then her.


Then Sara noticed the time.


“I better get ready. Hold down the fort, while I'm away. ” Sara said to Fen as she left the room.


Sara dressed behind her privacy screen and pulled on her flight suit last.

Fur-Ball looking eager to go. Sara climbed on and together they took off.


Their flight took them toward the wall, but to an area being built up with new homes. They were a bit smaller then Miss Sakura's house, but just as nice. From above Sara could see the gaping holes where sewers would be installed. Due to the rainy season on Eden, they had to create three levels below ground level. Already the ground crews had already planted the bio-luminescent trees here for extra light.


As it got a bit darker. The bio-luminescent trees started to glow. A blue and greenish color depending on the tree. As Sara came down for her landing she spotted electric cars that were parked in some of the driveways.


Many of the houses still being built were still under construction.


Sara using the HUD was able to locate Franky's address. The Dent family had taken a house at the end of the street. She did a quick fly over spotting Penny and another girl playing in the back yard. Sara saw she had plenty of space for a landing if they landed between the back yard and a small wooded area. Stone walls marked the property lines from what Sara could tell.


Sara was getting her helmet off after landing when the girls came running from a back gate. Penny hanging back a little. While her darker skin friend having no fear came right up to Fur-Ball.

“Hi, I'm Sefina. What's your Leather-Wing's name? ” Sefina asked.


“I'm Sara and this is Fur-Ball. ” Sara said watched with amazement how her Leather-Wing always took to kids so quickly. Fur-Ball bent low so Sefina could pet him.


“Oh, he is so soft. ” Sefina said not showing any fear.


“Hey Penny, come on over. He won't bite. ” Sara said and watched as Penny slowly got closer.


After some coaxing Sara got Penny to touch Fur-ball's neck.


“Okay, girls. Time to head back. ” Sara said after a little while. Fur-Ball was lying down taking all the attention in stride.

Sara already removed her flight suit and helmet. She stored them in one of the side saddlebags.


“Stay in this area. ” Sara ordered Fur-ball having no idea if he would truly obey her. She figured that he would wander off into the wooded area for a bit.


Slipping her shoes back on she started walking toward the house. The girls ahead of her eager to show her inside.

Mrs. Dent was there at the back door looking a little nervous, but calm enough not to show it too much.


“Oversize spiders, monster-size wolves and monster bats. ” Mrs. Dent muttered to herself as Sara got close.


“Hey, Mrs. Dent. ” Sara said once she got close enough.


“Come on in, Sara. Girls, go wash up for dinner. ” Mrs. Dent said and Sara entered into the house that was still new.


“Franky is downstairs. We have got the basement rooms setup just like his old apartment. ” Mrs. Dent said.


“Erica couldn't make it tonight. Such a generous woman looking after my boy the way she did. Maybe, I should get the kids to call her Aunt Erica. ” Mrs. Dent said as Sara saw dining room table set with plates.

“I know, its a big adjustment. I came here as a child from a different world kind of like Earth and Eden. I don't remember much, but some memories were nice. ” Sara said.


“I understand some people have powers? ” Mrs. Dent asked.


“It's rare among anyone born on Eden. Also, it tends to run in families. I personally met two so far since I have come to Alpha City. A toddler boy who can move things with his mind and his older sister who can mentally talk to animals. ” Sara answered seeing Mrs. Dent perhaps didn't believe everything she had been told so far.


“Incredible. ” Mrs. Dent said next shaking her head.


“You should go to one of the many educational centers to learn more. ” Sara suggested.


“Oh, I have been going there nearly every day. I was a teacher back on Earth. They want me to be a teacher again here. They treat me like I'm an expert on what has been happening in the last twenty years back home. Penny's been going to classes to get her caught up. Franky is already past the college level of his education. He has changed so much. ” Mrs. Dent said and motioned for Sara to take a seat.


By the smell of things, dinner was close to being ready.


“He has a real talent for solving problems. I can see why my father hired him for his skill alone. ” Sara said.

“I wish, I could have met your father. Not many would give a teenage boy with no work history a chance at such a good job. ” Mrs. Dent said.


“Yeah, he had a good heart. ” Sara said feeling some tears pricking at her eyes and wiping them away.


Mrs. Dent pretended not to notice and checked on the food.


“So, Mr. Dent is doing well? ” Sara asked not wanting the silence to go on any longer.


“Oh, yeah. He helped design and build houses back on Earth. Plenty of work here to pay for everything and my consulting fees help out. Franky has been donating his earn credits to buy food and such. ” Mrs. Dent answered and Sara heard footsteps coming from upstairs.


“Hello, Miss Noble. ” Mr. Dent coming into the room and gave his wife a kiss.


“We were talking about the wonders of Eden and adjusting to life here. ” Mrs. Dent said to him.


“Like the man-eating plants, giant birds and such. ” Mr. Dent sounding like a man interested in seeing one in person from a safe distance.


“You mean Devil-Pods and Rippers. Those are beyond the wall and Rippers rarely come close to the wall anymore. I have overheard the Wall Guards talk about how they have thinned out the flock just outside the wall almost down to nothing. I wouldn't worry about animal life here. I flew on my Leather-Wing all the way from Paradise Island with no trouble. Just avoid going alone into the jungle. ” Sara said and Mr. Dent took a seat at the head of the table.


“Paradise Island sounds so nice. What is it like on the island? ” Mrs. Dent asked.


“Farms, forests of fruit trees and a lot of towns. Then there is Utopia City which is okay as a major trading hub with new skyscrapers going up around it. Nothing like Alpha City which is spread out. ” Sara said recalling the family trips they took to the city whenever they needed something unique.


“We are not cut out for country life or living in a busy city. Suburban life is for us. ” Mr. Dent said. Mrs. Dent smile as she silently agreed with her husband.


“Now, that I'm living here. I have no desire to go back to rice farming full time. ” Sara said thought maybe one day in the distant future she might retire to a little farm of her own just to ensure her Leather-wing could be well fed.


Franky arrived into the room and for once he didn't give Sara one of his smiles. The girls were next and sat down next to each other.


Franky sat next to Sara, but she felt like he was sitting a hundred miles away.


“One skill that I will never lose is my cooking. ” Mrs. Dent said and fixed plates full of food then laid them in front of each person.


Sara started to eat like the rest of the family and made attempts at small talk. Franky was oddly quiet and barely said anything as the conversations went around the table.


After dinner, Sara followed him downstairs to talk to him.


“Franky, what is with you? ” Sara asked.


“Nothing. ” Franky answered taking a seat in front of a desktop computer.


“Well, you're in a mood. ” Sara said folding her arms.


“Why did you come here, tonight? ” Franky asked his tone becoming offensive.


“You invited me. Meet your family and all. ” Sara answered.


“You should have canceled. That way, you could have another night with Lester Leo. ” Franky said and Sara started to understand.


“Not it's any of your business, but I been showing him the tourist sights of Alpha City. He took me on a tour of the hotel in trade. I doubt I could ever afford to stay in a place like that.

The hotel kind of reminded me of my home world. The few good bits that I can recall. ” Sara said now her voice rising slightly.


“Well, I thought we had something special growing between us. I was wrong. You can go and be with Lester. ” Franky said and turned up the volume on his computer game he just started.


Sara wanted to scream for his hurtful words. She wanted to tell him she really liked him as a friend. Maybe, something more if he had the courage to ask her out. Instead, she turned and stomped up the steps.


Sara managed a polite goodbye as she passed Mrs. Dent and fast walk through the back yard.

Fur-Ball was right where she had left him. She dressed in her flight suit and shoved her helmet over her head.


“We are going home. ” Sara said through her external speakers. With her anger rising she mounted onto the saddle, but Sara focused on her breathing liked her adopted grandpa taught her.