Eden 02: Chapter 17-18 Sara Noble
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Chapter 17: A New World


Sara found her work going faster and had Duke put together and powered up. His history was more subdued then Fen. There were a few exciting drug busts and such. Beyond that, he was more laid back. Sara discovered his hardware and software could detect threats better. Anything from illegal drugs to bombs and his cameras could scan into containers or walls with limits.


His last handler didn't have much attachment to him judging from the video files left behind. Most of his memory files related to past cases had been wiped, but there was enough to see the Peacekeeper assigned to him didn't care enough to even name him beyond his main function.


“Your new name is Duke instead of Sniffer. Bark twice if you understand. ” Sara said and got the two barks.


“Looks like your ears are working and your voice box is fine. Can you move around? ” Sara asked.


Duke rose up and leaped down from the work table to walk around the room once. He returned to the work table by jumping on it. Lying down so Sara could go on with her work.


“I got your basic functions back online. I got some ideas for some upgrades. There is this weapon system to spray mace, but you need to be more kid-friendly. Can't have the bad guys screaming in pain. I'm thinking of some sleeping gas instead. I'm sure Missy can get some on her own and I will provide her a few empty cans for loading. Let's see, better make you waterproof. No telling, what her kids will get up too with you. Better give you a water jet motor too. ” Sara said making notes and updating the holographic image now on display.

Sara even brought up a family photo of Missy and her family. Thanks to social media on Eden she even had all of their names for Duke to learn.


“I bet you will spend more time playing and lying about then working. Nice retirement for years of service to an ungrateful partner. ” Sara said and watched as Duke did a doggy yawn. No doubt pre-program to make him more lifelike.


“Okay, Fen. You two share info and give our new friend some pointers on how to be a good kid-friendly dog. I got a few other projects to go over. ” Sara said seeing the time and getting busy tending to the other contracts submitted.


Sara worked a little longer than normal and reminded herself she had a dinner date.

Over the next few days, she worked and went on date nights with Lester. Franky got moodier and withdrew from nearly everyone.


Helen and Lisa barely noticed as they helped Sara with her current pet project. Helen perfecting the color of Duke's fake fur while Lisa made sure it was loose enough in areas to make him look real.


Sara contacting Missy about details and upgrades. Missy was more then happy to pay and pretty much agreeing to Sara's opinion on what to do next.


Within a week and a half Duke was pretty much finished. Sara went so far to take him for a few test runs. Sara taking pleasure in seeing him howl, bark, and be ever so gentle with kids.

Sara played fetch making sure to land the stick into the water.


Duke was designed to float when needed and perform beautifully. When the day came to deliver him. Sara flew to Missy's location at a nearby park where her kids like to go.

The moment, Missy got an up-close look at the robot dog known as Duke. Sara saw the woman's eyes get a bit misty.


“He could pass for the real Duke. ” Missy said petting him and Sara watched as her kids crowded in to do the same.


Sara left Duke to them and flew back home.


It was on her way back home when Sara noticed something was going on in the little park close to her warehouse. The ground in a single spot seemed to be distorted if a heat haze settled onto that one spot.


Landing Fur-Ball some distance away. Sara realized that spot was where Franky's family had come through from Earth.


Before Sara thought about calling it in. Vehicles showed up with people in dark blue outfits. Erica and her work partner Peter was among them.


“Alright, people we have a portal to who knows where. Get those shield poles into place. ” Erica said and watched as men set up metal poles with a crystal-like device on top. The poles formed a loose circle.


As the poles powered up the portal shrank then stopped as a Nereid shield contained it.


“Sara, did anything come out? ” Erica asked.


“Nothing, but I only just got here. ” Sara answered.

Erica was checking something from a mini-tablet and talking to others.


“Okay, people spread out and be careful. Record everything and stay in contact. ” Erica said and It wasn't long until PeaceKeepers showed up. Lead PeaceKeeper Higgins arrived to speak to Erica who was in earshot of Sara.


“Shouldn't that random doorway be closed by now? ” Higgins asked looking on in wonder.


“According to our readings its stabilizing now. You remember our little operation here a few weeks back. Our goal was to open a portal to Earth, but this time the doorway has opened to somewhere else without our help. ” Erica explained.


Sara noticed something about the portal along with everyone else. The heat haze changed to show somewhere else. It appeared to be an overgrown park in the middle of a ruined city long abandon. Then in a flash, the portal closed to that other place.


“Tell me, we got that recorded. ” Erica said and got nods from her people. Then she reviewed her mini-tablet.


“Higgins, we got a slight issue. ” Erica said and doubled checked the readings on her mini-tablet.


“What is it? ” Higgins said looking about.


“The portal is still there it's just slightly out of phase with our world. What we just saw was a spike of energy that allowed the doorway to open fully. That doorway could open again in a few weeks or even months. It's our first stable portal in over twenty years. ” Erica said sounding very excited.


By now Eden citizens were arriving noticing the number of PeaceKeepers and others gathering. The PeaceKeepers making sure to keep them back.


Seeing the excitement was over Sara excused herself and took off with Fur-ball. A day later the story broke about the new stable portal. The ruined city that been recorded didn't match anything back on Earth or the Nereid homeworld.


For a while, people came to the park to get a look at the spot. Most left disappointed seeing nothing of course. Sara followed the story for a while and there was even talk about sending people through the portal to start a new colony there. They wanted to send drones through first to be sure of everyone's safety.


The small temporary building structure was made to watch the portal in case it opened again. It soon became a regular sight by the general public. Sara didn't envy the people put in charge to stay there on duty to wait. If Erica was right, it could be months before the doorway would open again.


As time went on Sara had more personal things to keep her busy. Her relationship with Lester turned serious as they spent more time fooling around. Finally, on a Friday night, she accepted his invite back to his penthouse suite and they made love after weeks of dating.


“You know, I only got a week left. ” Lester said afterward as they rested in his penthouse bed recovering their strength.


“You will be back soon? ” Sara asked remembering the talks they had when he had to go.


“Yeah, a few weeks from now. ” Lester answered


“I can't wait. ” Sara said and he moved his hand between her legs to stroke her until she felt pleasure again.


After a quick shower and putting on one of her new nice outfits. Lester had purchased them for her as a gift. She left to get some sleep at the warehouse.


Saturday morning was the one day she never missed going to Miss Sakura's place. Weeks of intense practice and dueling put Sara nearly on the same level as her most experienced students. Sara put most of it down to having an awesome grandpa who had trained her nearly every morning of her life.


Days passed and it became well known that Lester Leo had left the city. Sara stayed in touch with him online and a few live holographic chats.


Chapter 18: betrayed


Another Saturday came and Sara returned to her warehouse in the late evening to find Joy absent from her front desk area.


Sara wasn't worried since she spotted a Night Owl watching the front of the building.

As Sara passed the outer room and walked into the inner part she sensed something was wrong.


The lights went out seconds later and before Sara's eyes could adjust to the evening light coming through the high windows. She spotted two greenish eyes coming at her.

Sara lashed out only to feel her hand hit something like a wing then pain exploded as something sharped stabbed her in the eye. Claws were in her hair and more pecking came trying to blind her other eye.


Sara reached up with both hands and grabbing the bird drone then smashed it down to the floor with everything she had left to fight with. Sara used her right hand to hold her now damaged eye. Then there was new pain in her chest as something struck her and Sara's free hand pulled a dart from her skin.


The world darkened around her and Sara heard a voice she knew. Sara fell to her hands and knees then finally to her side.


“That wasn't very nice, Miss Noble. Poor Poe. ” Sam said as the lights came back on and he was taking off some smart ware glasses as he smiled down at her.


Sara slowly returned to awaken state and she knew it had to be hours later. The windows were dark with the night sky and as her eye focused she saw Franky. He was bound tightly to his computer chair and gagged. His face badly beaten and discolored with bruises.


“Little Miss sunshine is coming back around. Sorry about your eye. We have got you all bandaged up and even injected you a bit of painkiller to dull the worse of it. ” Sam said and Sara noticed other people were there. All of them were Nereids.


Sara could feel a gag in her own mouth.

They were armed with sidearms and they were moving what look like three oil drums. Each drum was strapped with a dolly. Sara saw each drum had a LED display on top with wires going into the drum.


Looking around she noticed that the large pool wasn't empty. Sitting in the water was a Nereid mini-submarine. As she watched another mini Nereid sub surfaced. Sara knew the pool and the tunnel to the river was deep enough for those subs to move about unseen by human eyes. The second sub settled into place. Then part of the back part opened upward.


“The man behind it all. ” Sam crowed and Sara watched as Lester then his father walked up a ramp from the sub. Mr. Leo dressed in a business suit.


Lester looking shameful he was there. Mr. Leo quickly taking the lead to stand in front of Sara. The friendly face she saw once over a video screen wasn't there. He was stern-looking and he had very cold eyes now.


“The girl wasn't to be harmed. ” Mr. Leo said looking at Sam.


“Hey, this young lady is a firecracker, unlike her father. The thugs you hired to scare her off were in bad shape afterward. Also, that damn Elder Knight guy showed up. ” Sam said and Mr. Leo motioned for his son to remove Sara's gag.


Lester did it trying to be gentle.


“You fucking bastard. It was you who killed my father. He was your friend. ” Sara said looking at Sam. The way that he had attacked her left little doubt in her mind he piloted some of the drones from that night.


“Well, I had some help. The man with the credits and my little spy on the inside. ” Sam said with a smirk. Sam tapped on his smartwatch. Joy came around from behind Sara.

Something was wrong with her. Her movements were jerky and unnatural from her normal walk. Sara got the strong impression of a puppet on strings.


“Thanks to a bit of Nereid technology. Little Joy here has been our unwilling spy. Look at her trying to fight it now your life is in direct danger. All this time, she has been feeding us video files and data back to us. ” Sam said pulling open Joy's shirt top to reveal something inside the android's body right between the fake breasts. Through the translucent skin, Sara could just see it. It was round with wires snaking even deeper into Joy's body. As Sara watched they moved slightly.


Sara was reminded of a parasite as she looked at it.

“Have a seat, Joy. ” Sam ordered and Sara watched the android obey sitting with her legs crossed on the floor.


“What about the girl's Leather-Wing?” Mr. Leo asked.


“Sleeping like a baby upstairs. Took three darts to settle him down. ” Sam answered.


“You did well. ” Mr. Leo said and snapped his fingers. Two Nereids from the new mini-sub came out with a small briefcase. One held it while the second guy opened it up. The second Nereid man stepped back and Sara saw bank cards with little doubt in her mind they would be loaded with credits.

Sam walked over and lifted one card out to look it over. Then he placed it back in the case.

Mr. Leo nodded and Sara watched with horror as the first Nereid dropped the case then grabbed Sam's arm. The second Nereid gripped Sam's other arm then all three went into the water.


There was a splash and Sam cussing then all Sara could hear was the water lapping.


“Remember, son. Tie up loose ends as the people of Eden say. ” Mr. Leo said and it was a long few minutes before the two Nereids came out of the water without Sam.


“Now, Miss Noble. I have one little task for you. your father did a little job for me. I think you know what I'm talking about? ” Mr. Leo asked.


Sara only looked at him at first then slowly answered. Maybe, if she just stalled for time. There was a chance she could be saved by someone or escape. The only flaw she saw so far was Franky would be in serious danger if she fled without him.


“Kraken. ” Sara answered quietly.


“Yes, your father built two of them for us. Would you like to see, why I had him build it? ” Mr. Leo said appearing to enjoy himself.


Sara watched as he used his own SABA device and from the sub's cargo hold Sara saw the Kraken drone come out. It's flight motors whirling away.


Sara's eye went wide with shock and she felt her mouth go dry. Wrapped firmly in its metal tentacles what had to be a Wendigo. It looked like someone had crossed a large ugly human with a Gorilla. Sara saw it was much bigger then the man she knew as Brutus. One metal tentacle was wedged in the creature's mouth. Sara saw facial scars that looked fresh.


The Wendigo growled through his metal gag and hate-filled eyes looked at them. Sara wasn't sure, but those eyes seemed to focus on Mr. Leo more then the others. There was a smell about the creature which stank of rotting meat.


“Nasty looking brute. We sent the pair of Krakens in together and this beast tore the first one apart. Lucky for us, the second one captured him. ” Mr. Leo said walking up to the creature and taking a small knife from inside his business suit.


Sara watched as he cut the creature's cheek.


“Stop that. ” Sara pleaded and Mr. Leo did then turned to her with a smile.


“I'm just making a little point. I need your help, Miss Noble. Otherwise, I might have to order someone to cut your friend's throat here. I understand there is a little love triangle going on. Nothing like a jealous wannabe boyfriend to stir things up. ” Mr. Leo said and walked over to pat Franky on the shoulder. Sara saw Franky's eye flash with hate as he looked at Mr. Leo.


“So, your son was part of your sick plan? ” Sara asked and watched as Lester turned away so as not to make any eye contact.


“Yes, he made a useful distraction, didn't he. Right next door to this place in the empty warehouse is where we produce the very same drones that killed your father and so many others. Now, we couldn't have you swimming all the time in the river so close to our little hideout. Then there was the fact, I need your father's data on the Kraken. My people have been a bit slow in figuring out how he built it so well. Not to mention the software to make it run so smoothly. I did try to scare you off then sent in a thief to take the information. All drones related attacks on you were Sam's doing. ” Mr. Leo said and Sara could tell he respected that part of her.

“My son failed to inform me you had a guard dog. Sadly, we come to this point and my final plan must go forward. Take her upstairs and get the information we need. Use an EMP grenade before you fully enter into the workroom. ” Mr. Leo said and waved for his men.


“Father, won't that destroy the computer? ” Lester asked speaking for the first time.


“The active circuits will be fried, but the info drives are shielded, son. Miss, Noble will pull them out and have one of the men checked them. Don't let her pretty face distract you. There will always be another pretty girl, son. ” Mr. Leo answered his son and he cupped Sara's chin.


Sara found herself being lifted up and her restraints removed. She was then forced to put her arms in front of her and the restraints went back on.


Lester and his father's goons escorted Sara toward the stairs. Two goons went ahead and another pair followed behind as they all took the stairs.


“What is your father planning to do with the Krakens? ” Sara asked quietly seeing Lester still wouldn't make direct eye contact.


“Think about it, Sara. How did he attack the people at the Light Festival? Imagine, hundreds of Kraken drones dropping Wendigos and Drac-Kos on Paradise Island or inside the walls of Alpha City. The people of Eden would suffer heavy losses. ” Lester answered.


“Nereids will die as well. My family is on Paradise Island. ” Sara said trying to appeal to his good side. It was clear to her that he didn't want to be part of this.


“Well, innocents die in wars. My mother for one. ” Lester said harshly then looked at her briefly.


“Like my dad, did. ” Sara said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.


They arrived at the first landing of the stairs just in front of her workroom door.


“Look, you don't have to use the EMP grenade. I will just order Fen to power down for five minutes. ” Sara said in a normal voice looking at Lester.


“Your little fake pet has caused enough problems. Open the door just a crack. ” Lester ordered Sara and motion for the man holding the EMP grenade to be ready.


Sara did so by unlocking it first then opening it just enough for the goon to toss the EMP grenade inside.


There was the sound of the EMP grenade hitting the floor and a loud humming pulse then nothing.


Sara was forced inside first and the goons had their laser pistols out for use. Fen was lying on his side looking very dead.


One Nereid went over to him and kicked him. Then nodded and put away his laser pistol.

The other goons did the same.


“Let's get this over with. ” Lester said and waited by the now open door.


Sara under careful watch lifted the computer panel away and pulled out all the info drives. She made sure to pull out the hidden one first so it was on the bottom of the stack. She saw no reason to make it easy for them.


“That's all of them. ” Sara said and was pulled away from the opening as a goon checked inside. He nodded and another Nereid who was outside the room came in to start checking the data using a portable computer.


It didn't take him long to find the info drive he needed. Lester put it into the side pocket of his cargo shorts.


Sara was escorted back down the stairs then place back in the same chair. The restraints moved behind her back once more. Then an extra set of restraints were attached to ensure Sara couldn't walk. She noticed that Franky had them as well.


“I think our lovesick friend deserves to have his gag removed. We have sealed the exits. Once these are armed they can't be turned off. Poor Franky will be blamed for the bombing, of course. The quiet guy who was so insanely jealous of Sara's love life that he blew her up. ” Mr. Leo said happily as he took the info drive from his son.


“Lester, you're better then this. ” Sara said.


Lester didn't look at her but stayed focused on his father.


“I will get this to the main ship and start transmitting the data. I trust you can clean up here. Time for you to step up and become the man that I know you are. I'm taking the first sub back. I'm tired of smelling that beast. ” Mr. Leo said looking at the Wendigo as he walked away.


The sub was gone in mere moments once they were inside.


Most of the goons left with Mr. Leo and only a few stayed behind. Sara noticed that they each went to a bomb to wait for orders. Sara was trying to think of something. For some reason, her mind was going back to her Flight Pack. Her father had made the Flight Pack around the same time he was working on the Krakens.


“Armed the bombs and set the timers. ” Lester ordered.


“Not everyone is going to believe that I bombed this place. ” Franky said perhaps trying to buy some time.


“Oh, really. You arrived here an hour before Sara. Outside cameras and even the Night Owl just outside this building saw you. Perhaps Sam will be found drowned in the pool, but you two will be blown to bits. You have played the jealous moody rival so well these past few weeks. ” Lester said to Franky and a look of guilt crossed over Franky's face.


“ICARUS!. ” Sara shouted realizing something at last. Hopefully, she was right about her father's way of thinking.


Lester turned confused toward her then followed her line of eyesight. All attention was focused on the Wendigo now as it snarling growl changed.


Sara looked on with fear as the Kraken drone released the monster. The armed Nereids pulled their weapons and started shooting laser bolts at it. Lester made a run for the last sub.

Sara watched as the first goon was pounded into the ground into a nasty mess of bone and flesh. Lester was next to be attacked. The Wendigo ran for him and knocked him into a wall. Then, the creature rounded on the last pair of goons. Their shots sometimes going wild but hitting the creature every few shots. Enraged by the pain and perhaps days of torture it charged them.


Sara could feel the floor shaking as it charged at the goons moving just like a gorilla. The monster was on them in no time ripping their heads off.


“DAEDALUS!” Sara shouted and watched as the Kraken drone came back to life.


“Capture the Wendigo! ” Sara yelled and watched as the metal tentacles went to work, but the Wendigo was fighting the tentacles now the goons were dead.


Then the Wendigo jerked several times. Sara saw several somethings flew through the air faster then she could follow with her eyes. Slowly, the Wendigo's movements slowed and the Kraken had it firmly it's grip once more.


Fen came out from the shadows circling the now sleeping Wendigo looking for any signs it was still a threat.


“Fen, free us. ” Sara ordered and Fen did so cutting through the restraints with his razor-sharp claws. Sara happily took the new cuts and the pain.


Franky was next to be freed.


“Sara. ” A rasping gurgled voice said and she followed the sound to where Lester was. There was a lot of coughing and Sara ran over to him.


His chest looked partly crushed and he was coughing up even more blood.


“Oh, Lester. ” Sara said feeling pity for him. She knelt down to his level and took his hand.


“For...forgive me. I love...” Lester said and coughed one final time.


“Yes, I forgive you. I love you too. ” Sara said touching his face and watched as the light in his eyes died. She wasn't sure he heard her, but Sara thought he did. There was a little smile on his face as he went. His grip went limp and fell away.


“Sara, we have got to go. These bombs are going to go off soon. ” Franky said standing near one to read the display.


“We can't leave. My Leather-Wing is upstairs asleep. ” Sara said getting up then running back over to Franky.


“The mini-sub. We can put the bombs back on the sub and send it out to sea. Nereid subs have autopilots. ” Franky said quickly and Sara marveled at his quick thinking.


“We can use the Spider drones to help us move the bombs as well. ” Sara said improving on his plan and they went to work.


Sara noticed that Joy hadn't moved the entire time. That device inside of her chest still had full control over her. Sara wondered if she was transmitting video feedback to the main ship via the company's network.


“Okay, I have set the autopilot. We got one minute to get clear of the sub. Put that monster back on board. According to this map on the display, it will be almost clear of the tunnel to the sea when these bombs go off. ” Franky said from the control panel of the sub.


Thankfully, it was a simple design even a child could figure out. Sara blessed the easy to use Nereid technology.


“No, It may be a monster, but he or she didn't ask to be part of this. Besides Fen dosed it with enough poison to keep it knocked out for hours. ” Sara said seeing Fen went back to watching the creature.


“Fine. ” Franky said and pushed the button to start the sub's engine.


They got clear with time to spare and they watched as the sub sank then took off. Franky wasted no time in heading for the exit door close to the docks. While he busted a way out. Sara took a moment to send off an alert to the PeaceKeeper's hotline using her SABA.


“There is a mini-sub with bombs on board. It's heading for the sea tunnel in the South River. ” Sara said the moment she heard a voice then had repeat herself.


“My name is Sara Noble. Mr. Leo is part of Deep Water. There is a ship out to sea. Another mini-sub is in the water perhaps already docked with the main ship. ” Sara said as she came outside onto the docks.


They couldn't see the mini-sub in the water, but moments later they spotted a Night Owl flying over the water. The onboard lights were lit up and shining a light down onto the water's surface. Clearly, it was following something in the water now.


Perhaps a full minute later they heard sirens. Franky went back inside and they went up the stairs to the landing pad on the roof.


Sara followed him answering questions over her SABA and then hanging up once she was convinced they were clearing the area near the South river tunnel where the water fed back out into the sea.


There were cars with flashing red and blue lights pulling up to the warehouse now. In the far distance, Sara and Franky could see more moving into the area. PeaceKeeper drones were circling the area and Sara could just barely hear them broadcasting orders.


Sara could make out the tunnel as the Night Owl was just a pinprick of light.


Sara reached out and held Franky's hand. There was a flash of light from the tunnel then a pressure wave could be felt. They closed their eyes and bent down. Franky using his body to shield Sara.


Afterward. In the morning's light, Sara saw for herself that most of the tunnel was gone on a TV screen.


Thankfully, no one was killed in the blast and those injured had recovered quickly. Sara and Franky had been questioned for hours while their own injuries were treated. Mr. Leo had escaped, but the world knew he was part of Deep Water now.


Thanks to Joy's memory bank the authorities had everything they needed. Sam's apartment had more evidence he played a major role in the first attack.


Two weeks later, Joy was repaired and every line of her programming was looked over. Sara didn't trust her fully until she would have a look personally. So, she restricted the android to the front lobby area only with limited network access.


As for the Wendigo, There were plenty of remote islands on the far side of Eden where the creature could live out his life in peace under careful watch. The Nereid government promising to share its research once the island was rigged up with game trail cameras.


“That is one ugly parrot. ” Franky said as he watched Sara feed the little winged horror another treat. Freddy the Fang Parrot was perched on Sara's shoulder. Franky was leaning against the wall next to Fur-ball.


“Hey, he saved my life once. Not to mention the news people have learned not to fly their camera drones too close to this open room. ” Sara said and used her hand to rub her eye patch again. Sara was already tired of hearing pirate jokes made at her expense.


“You should stop that. The doctors said one more week. ” Franky said and put his hand on his new sword at his hip. They just came from the ceremony where they were given their new titles. His new medal tucked under his shirt.


“It itches. Besides, I can make out shapes now out of that eye. Franky, Protector of Eden. ” Sara said and looked at her own sword now strapped to Fur-Ball's saddle.


“Do you think it's wise in your condition to fly home to Paradise Island? ” Franky asked.


“You know my reasons. I need some time to myself. I will be back in a week maybe two. I have already logged my flight path in days ago. Besides, you will be too busy setting up our new warehouse next door. We have Flight Packs to make and such. ” Sara said.


“It was pretty awesome meeting Tee-Kay, Milo Jones, and Elder Knight in person. I guess the council members were okay. ” Franky said and started petting Fur-Ball.


“Wait till you meet their kids. I will take you up there sometime. ” Sara said and lifting Freddy off her shoulder then tossing him up. He flew back to his gap in the wall where he slept.


“I been meaning to ask, What is Icarus? ” Franky asked.


“My father was into Greek Mythology. Daedalus was a pretty smart guy and he had a son named Icarus. I think my father saw himself as Daedalus in some ways. When he made my Flight Pack he used their names as the command words. I figured, he used the same command words on the Kraken since they were built around the same time. ” Sara explained.


“Hey, you were pretty smart as well. Knowing Fen could hear you just outside your work lab. Smart robot dog to power himself down before the EMP hit him. ” Franky said and Sara drew closer to him. They kissed and Sara gently pushed herself away.


“It wasn't your fault. Lester made a choice. ” Franky said. He could see that Lester's death was affecting Sara still.


“I know. He wasn't like his father, but I understand why he picked family over me. I should get going. ” Sara said and put on her flight helmet.


Sara waved to him after climbing onto Fur-Ball's saddle. She was airborne and over the city in no time.


Sara was followed by a few news drones, but once she was out to sea they fell back.