Chapter 99: Angry Wang Jingyu
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"In the hotel lobby, several female receptionists looked at Wang Jingyu, who was carrying Liu Erlong and Xiao Wu into the hotel, with strange expressions and asked tentatively,

"Sir, who are these two to you? Why are you carrying this young lady on your shoulders?"

The latter smiled helplessly at the female receptionists. 

"I'm carrying my wife, and this little girl is my younger sister. My wife is so naughty that she insisted on running to a tavern in the city to drink. 

Then, she was unconscious from drinking, and I carried her out of the tavern. I'm really tired. 

Hey, don't talk; I will cry if I talk too much."

Those receptionists looked at Xiao Wu questioningly, trying to see if he was telling the truth or not. 

After all, carrying an unconscious woman and a little girl to the love hotel sounded suspicious, no matter how one looked at it.

But Xiao Wu also had a helpless expression.

 "Hey, brother, I told you a long time ago that although this woman is beautiful, she is out of shape all day long. 

How nice is Miss Wu from the village next door? 

Aside from being beautiful, people know how to obey the rules. 

She doesn't go to the tavern every day; such a woman is suitable to be a wife; she isn't like sister-in-law."

Hearing Xiao Wu's boastful words, both Wang Jingyu and Liu Erlong, who was on his shoulders, couldn't help but twitch their mouths. 

This girl didn't seem to be an ordinary girl, and Wang Jingyu almost couldn't hold back her words. 

It also caused Liu Erlong to go berserk. 

Why is she not suitable to be a wife? Obviously, she can be very gentle, okay?

Feeling Liu Erlong's restless movement, Wang Jingyu raised his hand, patted her buttocks in warning, and sighed. "Hey, there's no way; who made your brother blindly fall in love with your sister-in-law? If it weren't for that, I'm afraid I would have already had a bed with your sister, Xiao Wu."

"Ahem..." Xiao Wu was almost choked by Wang Jingyu's sharp counterattack, and her face flushed slightly. "Brother, you are really stinky and shameless; are you sure that the little sister next door will marry you? Don't forget that she is not only better-looking than her sister-in-law but also more obedient.

Are you sure she doesn't have high eyesight?"

"Who knows, maybe?" Wang Jingyu nodded noncommittally, showing a meaningful smile.


Although Liu Erlong was hit by the Dragon Soul Curse, and now she was not much better than a puppet, her whole body was weak, so she didn't struggle too much. 

But not struggling didn't mean she was unconscious; Xiao Wu and Wang Jingyu actually choreographed her together. 

It's going too far to cast her as a villain who spends her days in pubs. 

It's okay to arrange for her, but Wang Jingyu is so brazen as to joke with a six-year-old girl. 

Something is wrong with these two guys! Something is wrong!

"Hey, hello, sir, do you still want to stay in the hotel? If so, please hurry up." The female receptionist at the hotel, who really couldn't stand it, interrupted the conversation between Xiao Wu and Wang Jingyu in a hurry and asked him.

Wang Jingyu hurriedly took out the identity certificate of the spirit master, handed it to the receptionist at the front desk of the hotel, and took out some golden spirit coins from the storage space. "Yes, definitely, two rooms; let my wife and my sister have a room, and I have a room alone. 

My wife fell unconscious after drinking, and I am a big man who can't take care of others, so I can only let my sister take care of her."

After the room was opened, Wang Jingyu and Xiao Wu walked toward their respective rooms with their room cards. 

But his keen hearing allowed him to pick up the whispers of the hotel receptionists.

"That man is really not a good thing."

 "To leave his wife to his sister to take care of, he went to live in a quiet room."

 "That's right, even though he looks so reliable and handsome, I didn't expect him to be such a bad man."

"No wonder his wife went to the tavern to get drunk; didn't he ask for it?"

 "Let me just say, when looking for a husband, you can't find someone who is too handsome, especially this kind of handsome one that makes people drool. 

At most, you can only play for fun, and you must never marry; otherwise, you will have to stay alone in the vacant room."

Wang Jingyu's face darkened immediately.

Why are these female receptionists so gossipy? 

When did he provoke them? It seemed that Liu Erlong had also heard the discussion of the female receptionists, and her delicate body trembled; she was obviously very happy.

Obviously, feeling that the fire wasn't hot enough, Liu Erlong pretended to be a drunken widow, playing drunken madness. "Wang, the man with surname Wang! You say every day that this lady is not a good woman because I went to the tavern to get drunk and hook up with a handsome guy!"


"But isn't it because of your incompetence that, after being married to you for more than ten years, I am still living in an empty house for more than ten years? 

This miss is also a woman, and I have reached the age of a wolf and a tiger. 

You are so useless. I am lonely. I am empty..ughh."

Her words directly aroused gossip among the female receptionists in the hotel. 

"No wonder he doesn't want such a beautiful wife but wants to live in a room by himself." 

"So it's his fault?"

 "Hey, with such a husband, this woman's life is really hard."

"Let me just say, if you are looking for a husband, you need to find someone with a strong body." 

"A handsome guy like this who is white and clean like a sissy can only be seen from a distance, not played with."

Hearing that the group of female receptionists in the hotel were talking more fiercely, Liu Erlong laughed so happily.

 The dark-faced Wang Jingyu watched Xiao Wu enter her room calmly but did not bring Liu Erlong in. Instead, he carried her into his room and put her on the bed.

The latter looked around the room in astonishment, but there was no sign of Xiao Wu at all. 

All she saw was Wang Jingyu smacking his lips with a smirk, and his eyes were full of hungry wolf-like light. 

Liu Erlong quickly retreated to the corner of the bed and looked at Wang Jingyu with vigilant eyes.

"Didn't you say that Xiao Wu and I share a room? Where is Xiao Wu? Where is Xiao Wu? Get out!" 

"Wife, since you said that you have been married to me for more than ten years but only lived in an empty house for all these years..I felt a bit useless.

Especially when those ladies at the front desks are all fighting for you; as your husband, how can I not take a step, so I can only serve you in person; otherwise, how can I be a good husband?" 

Wang Jingyu rubbed his hands; his eyes became more and more bright like a hungry wolf, winking at Liu Erlong.

'This woman, how dare she?'

Not to mention she has always been against him since he met her, first, the moment they met, she attacked him; then she was always calling him a bastard; and now this: He didn't remember having any grudges against her. 

Does she think he is a pushover? 

Even though he is tolerant toward women, especially beautiful women, that doesn't mean he doesn't get angry.

Not to mention, she was making fun of his ability as a man, 'Go and ask Dong'er how strong I am.' Oh, you don't have to ask her; I'll just tell you myself.'

Liu Erlong was so frightened by Wang Jingyu's appearance that she quickly wrapped herself in a quilt lest someone pounce on him.

"No, don't; you go out quickly before Xiao Wu comes back! Otherwise, I will call someone!"

 "No way? Wouldn't it be good for your husband to serve you? 

This husband wants to prove that I'm not just a bag of straws on an embroidered pillow. 

Besides, we are husband and wife; it is only natural for us to do things in bed. 

Even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you."

"No, no, I was wrong. I was wrong." Liu Erlong turned pale with fright; she knew it from the diary. 

Wang Jingyu had sex with Dong'er for three days continuously, and in the end, she couldn't stand more, so she drove him out. 

If she gave her perfect body to him now and he kept going at it for three days, it would be even more impossible for her to bear it.