intermission (18)
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Intermission 1

          Mayor was awake and mostly fine when he heard some noise come from the opening of the cave. The dragon had gone out of the cave after he had woke up and hadn’t come back in a couple minutes.

          He feared that his son would try and get to him. And his fears proved to be only half true as he heard people come down from the entrance. Rowdy voices echoed off the walls of the cave.

          Then he saw his son and many people he didn’t recognize walk into the cave. The majority of them were just rowdy men, though, one was a rather tall man and the other was a small girl. Her white and red eyes made Mayor do a double take.

          It was the girl from his dream. They soon spotted Mayor and the pile of treasure that resided within the cave. After letting mayor out of the cave Drake explained the whole thing.

          Like how he had met Lilith. How she gathered these men under her banner. How they killed the dragon. so on and so forth. He was understandably mad at his son for even thinking about taking on the dragon.

          That’s when Lilith stepped in and explained that he came here was because of how much he loved his father. That’s when Mayor noticed that she was undead.

          “you’re undead,” he spoke, fear filling his thoughts.

          After she had saved him he was of course grateful, but also afraid of what she would ask of him. Lilith thought for a minute but eventually spoke up:

          “Yes, I am undead. Although, I have signed a pact with a god as to get rid of all the unwelcome stigma that comes with it,” she said, “but the god I signed a pact with and I are not from this world. we are of a different world.”

          “So that means that you know nothing of this place? Of the history of the cruelty of the undead and the fate of the ones that tried to bargain with the gods?” he asked.

          “That is correct,” she responded.

          He took a minute to think this over. As he was thinking the others had gone over to the pile of treasure and started taking things from it. the first to do so were the Thralls, then Drake and Carrion shrugged and dug into the pile as well. Mayor looked at his son, the man smiling as though he had forgotten how to.

          “that son of mine is a handful. He takes after me in my youthful years,” he told Lilith.

          “I’m sure he does,” she responded.