Chapter 20: A Fairy through Time and Space
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It's early in the morning and I'm freshly bathed and dressed in my Spiritwalker outfit, ready to visit my Clan for a few days. A well earned rest, if you ask me.

During breakfast father asked me to visit our Priestess who they apparently don't let out much. I wonder where she even sleeps. It seems she had requested that I read a certain text, one that she was unable to decipher. I can only blame myself for that, boasting that I can perfectly understand Buggos and Furlings, but not my own mother. Oh...please...just forget that last part, she probably really is a psychic.

Anyway, I'm walking down into the lower level of the Palace in the best of moods. My tummy is fueled to maximum capacity, the weather looks promising and I get to skip tutoring sessions for a bit longer. Suffice to say that I'm in holiday-mode and this time I really feel I deserved the break. 

Knock Knock. I knock on the door to the Hall of Worship and wait for the Priestess to let me in.

"Ah Sasami, eh, sorry, I meant Princess."

"No no no, don't even go there, or do you want me to call you Priestess all the time?" Her name is Oreal, and I don't really fancy titles at all.

"Eh.....but I am?"

Yep, as I feared, they don't let her out much. Her sense of humor is......lacking. "<sigh>. Nevermind. Tell me, Oreal, do you even sleep here?"

"Huh? Why...would you ask that? I sleep in the bedroom next door of course."

"Oohhh....of course. Don't you miss the sunlight? I mean, the weather is absolutely great today!"

"Sasami, it's my job, my destiny to be a Priestess."

"Eh...okay..nevermind." I'm not going to win this argument. But I do feel sorry for her even if she seems happy. Who knows, perhaps her bedroom has huge windows for all I know. Better not to keep asking, or I'll end up with another apology to mother.

I shrug and say "You asked for me? What can I possibly do for you?"

"Please, don't be so modest. You're a Princess, the Spiritwalker and now a goddess as well!"

"Yeah....I knew you were going to say that. But I'm mostly just Sasami....nothing more, nothing less."

"I see, I will remember that."

Okay, she really doesn't get it. Fine, I give up. "You want me to bless you? Heal your tongue for drinking too hot tea? Fortune telling? Read your mind? Because I still don't know why I'm here." I know father told me to help her translate something, but so far she seems incapable of asking me that.

"Huh? Oh? Ooooh! Of course, please follow me."

I follow her to the desk where those big candles are still burning. Might be new ones, but I'm not going to ask or I'll still be here tonight. On the desk lies that very large book again, the one she read that prophecy from. You know, the one that mentioned the Spiritwalker? Yes, that one.

I stand next to her and watch her flip through the pages. I don't even know how she can read in here, it's darker than last time. Time for a skill. Let's see if that works. "I call my skill Pixie frenzy but ask the pixies to only light the place so I can read properly please."

Oreal looked at me as if I had just said something very inappropriate. But her expression changed immediately when a dozen multicolored orbs of light, like fireflies, started flying through the room. They are definitely little spirits, because they are giggling non-stop like kids who are excited to play outside again after a rainy day. 

They lit up the place splendidly, so I thanked them. "Thank you Pixies, you are most helpful. Happy to have you around without a fight this time."  They suddenly buzz around me and Oreal, giggling even louder. I think they really appreciated that, not only being used as a tool to fight Goblins. Well, it never hurts to be polite.

Oreal smiles at the pretty lights dancing around me and then focuses on a certain page. "Here, here it is, Sasami. It's a page written by one of my predecessors, the first Priestess named Jasmin. See, her signature at the bottom? It's the same as on the previous page, but it's the only page I cannot read. And knowing that you seem to have some kind of translation blessing....I was hoping you could try and read it. It might prove important."

"Oh...okay.....let's see." I move closer to the book and Oreal steps back to let me have a try. And sure enough, it's written in plain English, no strange translation skills are required. But then again, was it really written in plain English, or do I really have a translator skill that.....nevermind. "Yes, it's written in plain English."

"Eng....lish? The language of Earth?"

"Well, yes, one language of Earth. At least it appears to be English. Do you want me to read it out loud?"

She nodded vigorously. "Yes, please do!"

"Alright. Let's see......mmmm....yes yes.....okay.  Good. Now I'll start. 

From a future time and place, far away, 
the Spiritwalker reading this spell I shall now call,
let our souls connect today
may your help protect peace, 
arrive here and now in our prayer hall,
to make hostilities cease,
so shall it be!"


"No! Sasami!  That...." 

But I couldn't hear the rest of her sentence as all kinds of blinding bright white lights started dancing around me, startling the pixies who just panicked and vanished into nothingness. And not even a second later....FLASH.....I was gone once more.

After blinking a few times, I realize that I'm still in the Hall of Worship....but things are different. For starters, there's sunlight coming into the room from where Oreal pointed that her bedroom was located. Okay, that makes sense.

But the statue is gone in the room and so is Oreal. Instead I see a very, very confused looking person looking my way. Her mouth was agape until she recovered.

"Eh....who are you?" I asked.

"I am the first Priestess of this Palace, Jasmin. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. And who might you be?" 

She looked at my clothes in a way that made me feel very uncomfortable. This lady is wearing similar robes as Oreal, so definitely a Priestess. Did they swap places? Wait....did she say Jasmin?

"Hi Jasmin, I'm Sasami. Eh...sorry to ask, but what's going on?"

"Your is different. Less formal, is that normal for your time?"

"Well, no....I guess I'm the exception. I'm not really a big fan of etiquette and such. But please tell me....did you just swap places with Oreal?"

"Oreal? I'm afraid you are mistaken. You arrived here, in my time. Did you perhaps read one of the spells stored in this sanctuary out loud?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did! A few moments ago. Oreal, eh...our Priestess, asked me to read a text because she couldn't read it. But I could read it without any problems. So....what's going on?"

"Look, Sasami was your name? Right. I finished writing this spell only a few moments before you appeared before me. I called for the Spiritwalker.....and as soon as I finished writing my signature at the appeared. Please tell me....are you the Spiritwalker?"

"Yes, I am. At least, someone wrote a prophecy about me and all details seemed to match perfectly."

"So I'll write a prophecy about you? Amazing."

" do you know that you.....whatever. This is giving me a headache. Did I really travel back in time?"

"Indeed. That is precisely what has happened to you. I can't believe it, see for yourself.... I just finished that spell, the ink is not even dry yet!" She pointed at a scroll lying on the desk, next to a very thin book.

"Yeah.....but that book is so....thin? It was this big when I left." I made her understand just how thick that thing had gotten in the many years people added pages to it.

"You are not jesting?"

"Jes...ting? Ah, I understand. But no. That wasn't a joke."

"Amazing. And that spell actually worked?"

"Yeah....that's a pretty powerful spell then. I didn't know spells were a thing in this world? I know of skills and classes, but spells are new to me."

"How odd. For me it is the exact opposite. I know spells, but none of the things you spoke of. Please, where are my manners? Would you please join me? The King and Queen will be most pleased to meet the Spiritwalker."

"Yeah....about that. I was about to go on a holiday.....having fought Goblins and evil and such. Can we do this another time? I really want to go home now."

"Ha ha seem quite serious? I must apologize that you have appeared here at an inconvenient time. But, if I may be so bold, we really need your help, Spiritwalker."

Jasmin is really polite, I can't just ignore her. "<sigh> Okay, okay. But drop the Spiritwalker title, alright? No more titles. I'm just Sasami."

"As you wish. Then call me Jasmin."

"Alright, that's much better already. Nice to meet you, Jasmin."

"Amazing how direct your language is. It's rather refreshing, as is your style of clothing. Anyhow, the feeling is mutual. Now would you please follow me?"

"What's wrong with my clothes? I'm a Wild Fairy and was about to visit my Clan."

"Ohhh! The extraordinary facts keep unraveling!" She really seems surprised about my "revelation." Time for some tea....

"Yes, whatever. Please, lead the way."


I followed Jasmin to the first floor where things looked pretty newly built actually. The stairs were probably still trees only yesterday. No paint or wax coatings on them, just like they installed it yesterday and haven't finished the job yet.

The decorations are also different inside the Palace. Paintings are not so much about flowers, but portraits of important looking people, better not ask about those. An armor, a real medieval armor complete with helmet and sword proudly stands guard in a corner. I wouldn't be surprised if it looks pretty new too.

One thing that I really like though, is the abundance of fresh flowers everywhere. Potted plants, hanging flowers...they're everywhere. It surely gives the place a warm feeling.


"And it's just in here," Jasmin said. 

Knock knock. 

She knocks on what appears to be the door leading to the Tearoom.

"Enter!" A loud male voice commands. Definitely not my father's voice.

I follow Jasmin inside and have a feeling of deja vu. Again I have to meet royals and introduce myself and once more inside the same room.

"Ooohhhhh!! Who is she?" An incredibly well endowed lady just asked, if you know what I mean. She's wearing a beautiful yet relatively simple summer dress. Not like mother's extravagant fancy dresses at all. I like this style much more, to be honest. My money is on her being the Queen.

Next to her sits the King, or so I presume. A man in dark brown leather pants, green jacket? No idea what kind of material that's made from. I'll let you know if I find sheep in these lands. And I meant the animals, not the people, but I digress. He looks well dressed, the clothing really suits him without showing off.

Both stand up and stare at me, but mostly at what I'm wearing. I guess they are experiencing the same culture shock as I am.

"Your majesties, this is Sasami, the Spiritwalker. She answered my spell, the one who asked for her help in our matters. She arrived from a time far into the future." Jasmin said.

So far all Fairies, staff included, appear to be Cat-kin, like my family. How odd. I would also expect to see Wolf-kin, Kitsune-kin, well, many more.

"I see. Well done, Priestess. Spiritwalker, it is an honor to meet you. A very rare gift indeed, to be allowed to meet you in my lifetime. I am King Twig, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He actually bows to me.

"And I'm Queen Solara. A pleasure indeed." Her smile is genuine and she too bows to me.

Okay, I guess it's my turn now. These people seem to prefer formality above all else, so let's play along a bit. I bowed deeply to them for a moment, then said "your majesties, the honor is all mine. I am Sasami, the Spiritwalker and a Princess, adopted by the Royal Family as their own. But please simply call me Sasami."

" are a Princess? By the gods, Twig, she's family!" The Queen walks over to me and hugs me. 

Okay, she's nice. 

"But....Sasami. Do your parents.....look like you?" She looks at my ears and tail as if she had never seen such things before.

"Huh? Oh no no no, I'm a Kitsune-kin Fairy. My parents and my younger sister are exactly like you in appearance."

"A Kitsune-kin you said? How fitting for our current troubles. Please, do sit down." The King politely asked.

Both sit down on fancy wooden chairs with cushions, and I already miss the sofa.  They point at a similar chair for me to sit on. I sit down, making sure to look lady-like even though my clothes don't really look like a dress. Etiquette....I already hate it.

When I looked around to find the Priestess.....she had already vanished.

"Our Priestess has already left us, you must have missed that. It is not appropriate for her to join us when we are entertaining a guest." The King said.

"Oh, I see. I understand that protocol." I nodded politely.

"Your clothes, all women that in the future?"  The Queen asked.

"No, your majesty. As already mentioned, I am adopted into the Royal Family. I am a Wild Fairy at heart and was planning to visit my Clan in the forest. But no, I still have difficulties wearing dresses. A dress such as yours would be very respectful in my time." It's not a lie, I just don't really like corsets.

"Oh, that is a relief. So those are more....suited for traveling?" She asked.

"Yes, your majesty, that is exactly their purpose. I also carry a knife on my belt, so please do not be alarmed." I pointed at my knife.

"I see. Kind of you to share that fact. Weapons are not allowed inside the Palace. Only guards may carry weapons. But I think we can make an exception, you being the Spiritwalker and all." The King replied.

"Thank you, I appreciate that."

"Sasami, may we ask how the Royal our children are doing in the future? Are they happy?" The Queen asked.

"They are. I'm sorry for not having studied history yet, or I would be able to tell you more about the future. But perhaps that's for the best."

"Indeed, that might be for the best. And the Palace? Is it still standing in this exact location?" The King asked.

"Yes it is. It's a bit bigger than the current one, but I see the similarities. Trust me, it's still standing proudly after so many years."

"So many years....amazing. Anyway, we need your help, Sasami. But before we can tell you about our predicament, we need to know if you truly are the Spiritwalker. Many have claimed to be the one, but so far you seem to be the only one who fits the description. Would you perhaps consider showing us some kind of proof? It would mean very much to us. We promise not to inconvenience you for too long." He kindly asked for proof, well....but what kind of proof would be suitable?

"Eh..sure. But how? Ah! Why don't you just check my stats?"

"Your...stats? I'm afraid I do not recognize that word. Would you please elaborate?" The King looks confused, but also curious.

"Of course. I honestly can't believe you don't know of this. But first a polite warning. You might see something hovering before your eyes that might startle you. If it you, just wave your hand and it will disappear. But it's completely harmless, I promise. So just look at me and say status."

They do exactly that and say things like "Ohhhh! What kind of sorcery is this? I...I can see your're only 16?"

"Ha ha ha, yes, your majesty. Please, read all of it, there are no secrets."

"Mmmm......what? You have 11 blessings? really are a Princess. And....a GODDESS?????" The Queen exclaimed.

They wave the screens away and kneel before me. Great, here we go again. "Please, your majesties, do not kneel before me."

"But, but..." 

"No. I really do not deserve that kind of honor. Really, I only became a goddess very recently. It's still new to me, so for the time being I'm just Sasami, alright?"

They glance at each other and then sit down again.

"I can't believe it. We are truly blessed. Not only a Spiritwalker, but also a Princess and goddess has answered or appeals for help." The King has difficulties comprehending the situation.

"Yes, would you please tell me more about that?" I mean, I can't go home, so I might as well try to help.

"Of course. Please, do follow me outside for a moment. We will have tea once we return."

I followed him outside into the gardens and all of this looks a bit more spacious than I remember. And instead of Kitsune neatly walking about the place, I mostly see huge carriages passing by, pulled by their versions of horses. But there are plenty of walking Kitsunes too. And Fairies are buzzing all over the place between the carriages and Kitsune. It's like Times Square, New York at rush hour....but with carriages and with streets and shops looking a bit more...filthy. Nah, I prefer my time.

"Do you see the issue?" The King asks.

"'s a complete mess. Oh...sorry for that."

"No no, you are direct.....but very correct. The Kitsune have ordered us to leave their city....because what you see."

"Huh? I don't understand. It's just rush hour, isn't it?"

"Rush? Well, yes. Everyone is always in a rush and that's part of the problem. Us Fairies are considered impolite by our neighbors, the Kitsune. They can't stand having us around anymore. And whatever we have proposed....they seem ready to evict us, Royalty or not. It could be any day now. That's why we stopped finishing the Palace."

I look back at the Palace, and yes, parts seem to be missing. The section where the kitchen is supposed to be, is also missing.

" seems that our Palace is still standing in your time, so you must have been successful. Or will be successful, know what I mean. Please, would you consider speaking to their King?"

I quickly look at my stats and see that all is available as it should be. Hopefully my skills actually work here, in the past. I'm not looking forward to discussions with the deities...even though I technically am one of them now.  "Sure, I'll try. Is that still the way to the streets?" 

"Eh....yes it is. But....dear, please tell her." He looked at his wife who nodded vigorously.

"Sasami...please, you cannot leave dressed like that! You're.... a woman!"

"Eh.....okay? But this is my official Spiritwalker outfit?"

"No no no, please dear. You just can't. At least wear one of my dresses."

Eh...I'm not sure if they will even fit me? "Really? I have to wear those again? But no corset, please." 

"Alright, that is a fair compromise. But those shoes, dear. You are a Princess, how can your parents permit you to walk in those flat shoes? At least wear proper shoes, dear."

"Well....perhaps now is a good time to let you know that I would die walking around in those."

She looks at her husband, then at me. "Why die?"

"Because I can't possibly walk in them! I tried, believe me! It's life threatening for me!"

She looks at me and then starts laughing really loud. "I can see why they adopted have our family's sense of humor. Anyhow, the faster you cooperate, the faster you might be able to return home."

I look up into the sky and beg for mercy....but nobody seems to agree with me, making me feel pretty lonely.

"Alright, I'll try, mother. Oops!" I put my right hand in front of my mouth to show I'm really sorry.

"Ha ha ha, don't worry, dear. I'd love to be a mother, but alas we have to be patient."

"Oh.....I'm sorry."

"Don't be, honey. The fact that you told us the Palace is still here and the Royal Family is alive and well, tells us all we need to know. One day we will have day."

"Mmmm, so it is!" I had to agree with that logic.


After dressing into one of her summer dresses, I look like one of them. The dress surprisingly fits well, but it's a bit too tall, nearly hiding my heeled shoes underneath. No point in wearing them in the first place, right?

It seems one of the ladies in the Palace staff allowed me to wear her I'm already feeling guilty about damaging them. I mean, they are pretty, but won't be like that for much longer. I'm sure of that. 

Fifteen minutes later I find myself on the city's streets, watching for an opening to merge into the traffic on this highway. Did there live so many more citizens here in the past? 

First I walk along the Palace's fence, trying to get moving on these heels and somehow I think I got the hang of it. It's no longer a challenge like climbing mount Everest, but more like......learning how to ride a bicycle....but more difficult. Perhaps the gods in this era have mercy with me after all.

I look up at the sky and send a loud prayer in my thoughts, one that they HAVE to hear. "Deities of the era, please help me walk on these heels. The shoes aren't even mine. Oh, and thanks so far. But something tells me I still need your help. But thanks already for helping me get used to these dangerous shoes."

I could swear I heard a giggle, but I'm not sure. So far so good.

Alright, time to change into a Kitsune. FLASH.

And people look at me but just ignore me. They must have seen the flash but probably think they were mistaken. Good, very good.

"Excuse me, sir?" I ask an elderly looking Kitsune.

"Yes, m'lady?"

Wow, a perfect gentleman. 

"Would you please point me in the right direction? I seem to have difficulties finding the Royal Palace."

"Oh, the Palace? It's very straightforward, really. Just follow this road and at the end, turn left. You cannot miss it, it's a rather sizable building."

"I see. Ohhh....waaaaaah!" I lost my balance already. Sasami and high heeled shoes....not a good combination. 

But the gentleman managed to keep me from falling by grabbing my right shoulder.

"Are you alright, m'lady?"

"Oh, thank heavens you stopped me from falling. Yes, thank you very much, sir. I'll manage from here."

"My pleasure. I have always wondered how women could walk on those."

"Indeed, Fair day, sir."

"And a fair day to you, m'lady." He smiled, nodded and continued his walk.

I guess I'm getting the hang of their language, even though it's rather tiresome.

But wow, these people are so nice. They don't seem to have much time, but when you talk to them, they are polite and make complete sentences. Usually you only get a "It's over there."  Or even  "that way." Times surely have changed, haven't they?


I walk through the streets, trying to take in all the sounds and smells of times long gone. Except, this time is very real. I guess Melody should have been here, it might have helped her understand her history lessons a bit better. Or at least make them more interesting to listen to.

Occasionally I stop and see what stores have to offer in their windows. And yes, they seem to have invented glass already. A bakery shows mostly unimpressive rolls of bread, but also beautifully decorated cakes.

Tell me what you want, while the streets make a medieval impression, the daily life of these people seems very familiar to the ways of more modern fairies.

Ah, a clothing boutique, displaying extravagantly decorated dresses with ribbons and tiny sparkly stones. I bet my mother would love to wear such a fancy dress. Definitely custom made, all by hand. But then again, the time period I just left isn't all that different. Whatever, let's just enjoy the sightseeing.

Wait... what the heck? I see a strange reflection in a's one of the three moons. But this green moon is more like the isn't shattered at all! The other two are right there as well! So whatever happened to it, must happen in the next one hundred or so years.


Mmmmm....whatever, let's continue. But the very first step I take results in me falling down, only barely managing to use my hands to soften the landing, but ultimately failing miserably. These damned shoes of course just had to get stuck in the gap between two stones. Well, on the bright side, my loaned shoes are a bit dirty but undamaged, so that's a big plus. But both my legs have small cuts and scrapes, it hurts, but doesn't look too serious. Then again....these streets aren't that clean... 

"Okay, that does it. No more high heels for Sasami, you SO are going back to your owner." There, I needed to vent that. I take off these damned shoes and decide to keep them in my hands so I can return them, walking barefoot instead. I'm going to bring them back right now, and then I'm going back home for good!

Only then I realized that not even a single person was laughing at my mishap. Whenever I fell in public on Earth, there was ALWAYS someone laughing, but why don't they now?


The moment I check my surroundings, I see everyone staring and pointing at the morning sky. Some are covering their mouths in an effort to hide their bewilderment. Then I hear someone say "ohhh!!! By the is the sign of the Reckoning! We will all perish!"

And when I followed their gazes....I saw something that nobody ever wants to see....something dreadful. I can't believe my own eyes, but right now a large asteroid is heading for the green moon, moving closer and closer. Even through the light of day, we can see the cosmic event unfolding before our very eyes.

"Aaaaahhhh! Goddess! Have mercy!!!" People are shouting to their deities hoping for help from above.....but nothing changes.

Then it finally impacts the moon with full force. First partially merging with the moon, then sending out an enormous wave of glowing super heated rock back into space. You would imagine being able to hear such a disaster, but it happened in total and utter silence.

When I see large portions of the debris moving to this world, to Tallara.....I really start to feel worried. Are we really going to die?

This is it....the impact that happened somewhere in my distant past...the one that partially shattered the green moon. It happened right here, right now! My god, what should I do? What can I do? This is what FEMA calls an Extinction Level Event! do something!

While still holding my shoes in my right hand, I raise my left arm and spread my fingers, pointing towards the debris. Then I shout "Shield!"  I don't have the time to read through my skill list, trying to find something that might help. But now that I'm a goddess.....just demanding it to happen....might actually work.

And thank heavens, a bright blue transparent glow quickly fills the entire sky. Little silvery dots are moving around in it like snakes in water. I couldn't see it from down here, but later I heard that it enveloped the entire planet, providing cover against the incoming debris.

And only ten or so seconds later we can see debris heading for the atmosphere....and when the fragments hit the shield......they bounce right back into space, mostly heading back to the moon. Some rocks are entering the moon's gravitational pull and start becoming natural satellites.....taking a very familiar form. Every passing second the now partially shattered moon starts to increasingly resemble the moon I recognize from my own time period. After a few more minutes the shield slowly disappears and danger seems to have passed. 


When I stop looking at the moon, I suddenly see people around me pointing at me, and one after the other they start kneeling before me, but nobody speaks a single word. They don't even dare look at me. I have to rectify the situation...again.

"Everyone....rise. Do not be afraid....your deities have protected you." I shout as loud as I can while smiling at everyone.

"Are you a goddess?" One brave lady asks me very carefully.

"Yes, I am. My name is Sasami. Everyone! Please stop kneeling before me. I am not worthy of such an honor. Please, the world is not coming to an end. Trust me, life will continue, even with a shattered moon." I look up at the moon, and there are no indications that anything is heading this way anymore.

"Just look at it, all of you! It may be damaged, but it's not going to harm anyone. I promise, your children will call it pretty one day!"

People are standing up, feeling a bit more relieved after learning they weren't about to die. "People, Kitsune, Fairies, everyone....celebrate! You are alive! You have witnessed a very rare cosmic event, go tell your family, your neighbors! The gods are pleased, this is their proof that they truly care for you!"

That somehow seems to bring back a few smiles on their faces and indeed some just ran away, but most felt the need to follow me. Where? Back to Ebisawa Palace of course....because I can't and won't go to the Kitsune King anymore. I'm sorry, but somehow, after all the recent events and now this again.... I feel like the universe is using me for amusement....and that ends right here, right now. I just go home!

But I have to admit....playing a goddess and actually helping these people was quite nice. I just don't know where my pep talk originated from, but I guess I shouldn't complain. Someone up there must have helped me.

Oh...I hope I didn't cross the line a moment ago...I I even supposed to intervene in this time period?'s too late for days as a goddess might already be numbered. Ahhh!! Stay positive, Sasami!


Crowds are following me all the way back to the Fairy Palace where two guards are standing at attention, both carrying spears. What is it with these people and spears? Sure it looks dangerous, but as a weapon.....nah...I would use swords or something similar, but that's not really my concern.

"Halt! Who goes there?" It seems the standard greeting these guards learn in their training days. But I have to admit, shouting such words at a giant Kitsune while being a small Fairy.....they sure have guts.




I'm back to being my normal Fairy self and decide not to worry about the crowd anymore, they'll leave eventually. Luckily my clothes and shoes automagically changed size again too.

"Guards! Let her pass!"  I hear the familiar voice of the King.

The guards immediately step to the side and let me pass. I'm still bleeding on my legs and am carrying the shoes in my right hand.

"By the gods, Sasami! Did....did you just.....protect us?" The Queen asked, she hurried over to me when she heard her husband command the guards.

"Oh....well...yeah....but the credit goes to your deities. I only asked for protection." 

"Quickly, inside! Those injuries! How even?" The Queen asks while wildly gesturing to her staff to do something about my legs.

"You really don't know? It's those damned shoes, that's what happened. They got stuck!" Sorry, I had to vent that while briefly holding the shoes right before her nose.

"My my, what language you use, Sasami. It's considered rude to speak like that, even more so for women." The Queen puts her hand on her mouth. C'mon, it's not THAT bad, is it?

"Alright, alright, I apologize. But a woman has every right to curse like men do, don't ever forget that."

The Queen's mouth is agape....yes, I seem to have that effect on people lately.

I see the King taking a few steps back, then composing himself. "But how can you get injured as a goddess?" He's either curious, or helping me switch topics...whatever his reason....I like it.


We finally arrived in the Tearoom and I sat down, only now feeling my legs sting. They're probably going to be infected unless I clean them urgently. And my soles...ugh.....they're blacker than black. Those streets are disgusting!

But let's stay calm, these people are used to......etiquette. I guess I have to be more kind to my mother if she was raised in the same fashion, but still allows me to be myself...most of the time.

"Now you see, your majesties....that I'm just a Fairy like the both of you. I wasn't even a Princess until recently. And let's not even begin talking about becoming a goddess. I don't really understand what that exactly means yet."

"Mmmm......I might be out of line, but if you can protect us from the moon falling down, then why not try to heal yourself?" The King suggested, very, very carefully.

I facepalmed. Of COURSE I could try that. 

"Divine healing!" I said the magic words and I saw my legs glow for a second, then the wounds slowly vanished. Even my feet are a-okay again. All nice and clean. 

"Yep.....that was one heck.....I mean.....what a splendid idea. I truly admire your logic. Thank you for suggesting that." I gave him a big smile and a thumbs-up.

He shows a smug smile for a moment, appreciating the compliment. But his wife slapped his arm....bringing him back to reality. "Sorry, dear."

"You two are amazing. Really. I don't know if I can bless people, or am even allowed to. So let me try this.... If the deities of this world will allow it....may you two be blessed with children, with health and peace. May you inspire Fairies everywhere to spread happiness wherever they go."

Both of them glowed pretty brightly for at least five seconds.

"What.....what happened?" The Queen asked, but I couldn't reply.




And there she is....the supreme goddess herself, Oraura in her Kitsune form. Luckily she's as tall as we are.

"Hello Sasami, great to see you." She winked at me.

"Eh...yes, likewise, supreme goddess." I stand up and bow deeply to her, the King and Queen do the same, probably expecting me to show them how to deal with her.

"Your majesties, this is the supreme goddess. Supreme goddess....please let me introduce the King and Queen of Ebisawa Palace." I guess I have learned well from my mother, haven't I?

"Greetings to you all. Sasami...I'm here to take you back home. You have now fulfilled your most important duties as the Spiritwalker. And you saved the world as your first act as a goddess. Don't worry, not a bad start for a goddess, you did great. But for's time for you to relax. You have earned it."

"But....I thought...I already was allowed to go on a holiday?" I really don't understand.

"Sure you were, but you read those lines in the book, bringing you here, didn't you?"

"Oh....yeah.. I guess that's true. It just felt a bit....too coincidental. You know, one event after the other?"

"Ha ha ha. True, but that's what being a goddess is all about. You still have much to learn. Like walking on those shoes." She points at the shoes next to my chair.

"Oh....I guess I will have to, right?"

"Ha ha ha."  All three of them just laughed at me like that. Time to focus on someone else, don't you think?

"Eh...supreme goddess? If I may ask.....what just happened a few moments ago? Why did we glow?" The Queen asked very respectfully.

"Why? Because goddess Sasami over there just blessed you two! Oh, and expect a considerate expansion to your family soon." She winked at the Queen. 

" mean it?" The Queen looks at her husband for a moment. He seems as surprised as she is.

"Of course! Sasami is a genuine goddess, she blessed the both of you. And no, was not wrong of you. But please reserve the blessings for good this one."

"Yes ma'am!" I saluted, making her giggle, but the King and Queen looked pretty confused at me.

"Oh, one more thing before we go. I need to return the dress and these wretched....I mean...most gorgeous shoes to their owners. Without the scratches please." I hope Oraura understands my request.

"Alright.....let me help you with that. Shoes clean and repaired, dress be it." She snapped her fingers and in a FLASH....I was back into my Spiritwalker outfit, wearing my own wonderful shoes.  

"Wow, much better, thanks!" I then turned back to the Queen. "No offense, but this is better for me."

She walked over to me and gave me a big hug. "Sasami, wonderful Sasami. You have helped us so much. We shall not forget you, nor what you did for us. And thank you too, supreme goddess. Thank you for guiding her....somehow I feel like you are her mom too." She gave the goddess a wonderful motherly smile.

"That.....that's a very nice thing to say. Thank you!" The supreme goddess said.

"Any last words before we leave, Sasami?"

"Eh.....YES! Sorry, I totally forgot! While walking to the Kitsune Palace, I found the solution to your misunderstandings with the Kitsune."

"You...have?" The King asked with total bewilderment clearly audible in his voice.

"Yes! Well....first you must understand that this is not just about being impolite. While I was in Kitsune form, I saw Fairies fly all over the place without respecting the Kitsune, myself included. They just flew wherever they pleased, be it in front of their faces or even landing on people's shoulders."

"I'm a bit ashamed to admit that, but it seems very plausible. But what can we do about that? It's just how we are? We love to fly!" The King scratches his ears the exact moment I do.

"And there's nothing wrong with that. You just have to order Fairies everywhere to fly above the heads of the Kitsune, never in front of them. Landing on them is a big no-no too." I crossed my arms.

"Oh?'s so simple that it may actually work. Good, I can live with that. But what about the marketplace? We Fairies aren't allowed to trade there. Any thoughts on that as well?" 

"Of course. This will also be simple. Kitsune have food meant shops everywhere, right?"

I saw him nod, so I continued. "You should negotiate a corner of the market for exclusive Fairy use. Have Fairies set up their own shops there. They will just head there and not bother any Kitsune in that way.

However, if you can find Kitsune who might be willing to sell to Fairies, just ask them to put a sign on their shops. They could provide smaller quantities to us. If they don't want to see any Fairies, then no sign...simple."

He scratches his furry ears again and replies. "It's again very simple. I can't even believe we had an argument about something as insignificant as this. We will discuss the matter with their King soon, I promise."

"Excellent!" I gave him another thumbs-up.

"Now are you ready, Sasami?" Oraura sounds a bit impatient, so I have to hurry.

"Almost. Thank you for your hospitality. I will remember you and tell your great great grandchildren about you. Goodbye, my friends."




And suddenly I find myself back in the Hall of Worship. Everything is back the way I remember it, including the statue and the many burning candles in the semi-dark room.

"Hello Sasami, how was it?" A smiling Priestess said.

I gave her a quick hug and then replied "something tells me you already know."

"Yes, yes, I do. There's another page that wasn't there before. I know you helped protect our world when a part of the moon was hit by something."

"It was an asteroid. Basically a big rock in space."

"Oh...interesting. Anyway, Jasmin, the first Priestess, wrote that you held your left hand into the sky while your right hand held shoes. I still don't understand that part." She looked pretty confused.

"And I won't explain that part. Maybe sometime....but not for a while. What else have you learned?"

"Oh.....alright. Sure, at that moment you demanded a shield to be formed and it happened, thus protecting us. She also wrote about you solving the issues they had back then with the Kitsune."

"Well...I only told them what I learned here, nothing special."

"But it was special, Sasami. It has formed a bond of friendship and trust between Fairies and Kitsune which has lasted to this very day." She looks pretty serious now.

"Okay...I think I need some fresh air."

"No, wait! At least allow me to tell you this. I'm so excited!"

"Okaaay. If you must." I'm not really sure I want to know.

"Good! Ah, right the King and Queen added a little note to that page, thanking goddess Sasami for blessing them. And....look here." She points at the bottom of the page.

"Alright....then can I go?"


I walk over to the book and look at where she's pointing. I see the image of a little hand. It reminds me of a fun activity in school, long, long time ago. You had to spray a thin layer of paint on your hand. Then, when you took away your hand, you could see your handprint on the paper. This is exactly the same thing!

"This here, Sasami...this is the handprint of their first child. They called her Sasami, to honor a close friend."

Okay...this touched my very soul.....and a few tears left my eyes.

"Are you alright, Sasami?"

"<sniff> yes...they were really nice people. The King and Queen...and Jasmin too. Really kind people."

"Amazing...having met them. I'm a bit jealous. Well, at least now we know how they knew the Spiritwalker would have 11 Blessings. You taught them about status didn't you?"

"Eh....I might have...yes?" I'm trying to look very innocent right now...trying to slowly move backwards towards the exit.

"Just that fact alone has changed our history considerably. Fairies were credited to be the first race to have discovered the menu of the gods."

" stop it, okay? I just visited them, drank some tea and happened to save the world, so what?"

"By the can you be so casual? Good, if you wish to leave I can understand that. But please, first take a closer look at the statue. Then go wherever you wish to go."

I walk over to the statue, and seem to have missed a few details last time I was here. "'ve got to be kidding me. A statue...of ME?" 

"Yes, holding your shoes and pointing at the sky. They made it so it would remind them of you everytime they prayed in this very room, to send their prayers and best wishes to you."

I'm now really starting to cry and run into the room behind this one. Last time I was here, hundreds of years ago, there was light flooding into this room. I open the door and indeed, light now floods this room once more like it did so long ago.

Even while crying and stuttering, I shout to Oreal "as a goddess I <sniff> ask you to keep this door open from now on. I don't care if that's your bedroom. This Hall of Worship was flooded with light back then....and it shall be from now on. Get rid of the darkness and let in the light! Those are my orders."

Then I just barged into her bedroom and ran up the stairs where I forcefully opened the door to the gardens, startling a few Buggos. But they'll be fine. At least now I know where this room is located. 


My eyes open wide when I see a swing on the other end of this garden. I fly there with top speed, almost crash landing in front of it. A swing! Finally! The best ever invention to help one relax!  The perfect thing for me right now! Mom really made it happen and had someone craft a swing here! I sit on it and inhale and exhale many times to help myself calm down. 


"By the gods, Sasami! How many times did I tell you no flying! Wait, are you crying?" Mother ran over to me.

I didn't reply, so she just hugged me and let me cry. "You poor thing. You look exhausted. Welcome home, honey."

"<sniff>,  thank you mother. It's good to be home."

" calling this place home...means a lot to me."

"But it is...home. Mother?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I met our ancestors today. The first King and Queen of this Palace."

"Yes.....Priestess Oreal informed us about a new text she found. How about you tell us more about that while enjoying some tea? Or are you famished?"

"Yeah.....I'm pretty hungry, but it can wait. I want to see father and Melody first. And then....bathe.....a really long hot bath."

"Ha ha ha.....very well. I'll ask Celeste to take care of it."

"Thanks mom."

"You're welcome, little one. Oh, don't slouch, dear."

"Ugh....really? Alright, yes mother. I have learned that those lessons you want me to take, might be useful after all."

"Oh? How mature of you to admit that. But don't worry, dear. You have all the time in the world to learn about them. But not now. Just take it easy and visit those Clan friends of yours. They must be longing to see you too."

"Oh, right, I was supposed to go there this morning, wasn't I?"

"No, you were supposed to go there yesterday morning, then you vanished."

"Oh? That's odd....I left....yesterday.....and arrived today? But from my perspective only four or five hours have passed, nothing more."

I suddenly feel very sleepy, and her shoulders are also suddenly feeling very warm and comfy. Perhaps I should have a nap first? Yeah....let's go to my bedroom first.

"Mmmm....perhaps the gods have shown mercy on you?" Mother suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday was our annual meeting with the Kitsune Royal Family. That's why we suggested you leave us in the morning. But when you vanished, we were worried you might be in danger, until just an hour later the Priestess received a message from the goddess that you were fine and would soon be returned to us. Anyway, you missed experiencing the importance of etiquette from nearby. Sasami? Awwww."

She gently let her fingers flow through my hair, but I didn't register any of this, as I was fast asleep...against mother's shoulder.

"It seems the gods didn't want you to rest until now. But now you can. Rest my daughter, you've earned it."



When I wake up I notice that I'm lying in bed, but also that it's now in the middle of the night. I walk to the balcony doors and quietly open them, sliding the curtains aside. A calm breeze enters the room and makes the curtains move just a bit. Mmm....the fresh air smells amazing.

I must have been fast asleep, not noticing being brought here. Heck, I'm even in my nightie...didn't even notice them changing me into that....

I take a few deep breaths and enjoy the midnight air. It's still on the warm side, but calm and peaceful. The stars are twinkling, just like they did back on Earth. Oh, and there is that green moon again....with its shattered surface. It looks so peaceful now. I take a few moments to just listen to the crickets chirping in the gardens.

I walk back inside and notice something lying on my desk. Right, my necklace with the secret key to my beauty case. Better wear the necklace tomorrow morning. Oh, what's that?

A small plate with something edible it seems, covered by a light cloth. It's...cake? Don't mind if I do! I was starving, but this is just what the doctor ordered!

A letter is placed next to it, and I read it in the moonlight, while munching on the cake.

"Dear Sasami, glad you're back. Hope you liked the cake, I know you were hungry, your mother told me. As requested...look forward to a long and relaxing hot bath in the morning. Oh, let me tell you this too...she has ordered new shoes for you....high heels. Please don't kill the messenger, because I'll be there to help you. Sweet dreams. Celeste."

Awww....she's too kind. And I'll beat those shoes, even if it's the last thing I'll do! Well, it already almost was the last thing I ever did, considering the many times I fell down wearing them.

On the bright side, the cake was yummy, and I'm off to bed again. Tomorrow....tomorrow I'm finally going back to my Clan. And now that I can teleport....I can visit them anytime I want. 

Oops, I'm such an idiot! I should have checked my skills and tried teleporting to the Kitsune Palace! Did I hear a giggle in my mind? Nah....must be my sleepy imagination. Good night everyone.